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GOP Probe Into Planned Parenthood Funding Comes Up Empty


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I don't see how the situations are comparable.

And again, my point in even commenting was regarding the language used in the debate, which may be considered offensive by some (myself included). Otherwise, generally, I don't venture into the abortion threads... minds are already made up, no point in even discussing it.

I think both of the extreme sides are trying to spin this story into something it isn't. The PP supporters are trying to make this into a " they want to ban abortions ! " debate, and the other side may very well want to ban abortions, but that's not what this is about.

It's about the selling of baby parts, and the profiteering off that sale, as well as the treatment of small humans.

No, it's more about endless repetition of that lie.

Raptor's specialty.

Only there's no lie.

His other speciality-- delusion.

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Planned Parenthood reverses policy of taking money for fetal tissue 'donations'

Beleaguered abortion provider Planned Parenthood announced Tuesday it would no longer accept money from researchers for aborted baby parts, citing a desire to defang “an anti-abortion political agenda” in the wake of a series of undercover videos that appear to show the organization profited from fetal organ sales.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards revealed the policy shift in a letter to Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health. Planned Parenthood has maintained it only recoups its own expenses for harvesting and donating fetal tissue, the actual sale of which is barred by federal law.

“In order to completely debunk the disingenuous argument that our opponents have been using – and to reveal the true political purpose of these attacks – our Federation has decided, going forward, that any Planned Parenthood health center that is involved in donating tissue after an abortion for medical research will…accept no reimbursement for its reasonable expenses,” Richards wrote.

While it is legal for clinics to be reimbursed for any expenses incurred during the donation process, a series of undercover videos produced by an anti-abortion activist group have suggested that Planned Parenthood may actually profit from the sale of body parts, which would be illegal.


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Lol I like how you did that.

While it is legal for universities to give scholarships and stipends to athletes to reimburse the cost of attendance, a series of undercover videos produced by an anti-Auburn group have suggested that Auburn University may actually be paying players for being student athletes, which would be illegal. The rest of the sentence has zero importance on the statement.

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I don't see how the situations are comparable.

And again, my point in even commenting was regarding the language used in the debate, which may be considered offensive by some (myself included). Otherwise, generally, I don't venture into the abortion threads... minds are already made up, no point in even discussing it.

I think both of the extreme sides are trying to spin this story into something it isn't. The PP supporters are trying to make this into a " they want to ban abortions ! " debate, and the other side may very well want to ban abortions, but that's not what this is about.

It's about the selling of baby parts, and the profiteering off that sale, as well as the treatment of small humans.

No, it's more about endless repetition of that lie.

Raptor's specialty.

Only there's no lie.

Once again, you have proof? You should contact Rep. Chaffetz immediately.

Wow, that is two investigations you have concluded this week!

Has Trey Gowdy gotten back to you yet? I am still waiting for him to publicly thank you.

We don't need no stickin' investigation. We've got Raptor.

That is unfair. I am sure Raptor has proof. There is no way he would risk his credibility with anything less than irrefutable evidence.

Raptor don't need no stinkin' evidence.

Rapter just KNOWS!

It appears as though I was wrong.

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Lol I like how you did that.

While it is legal for universities to give scholarships and stipends to athletes to reimburse the cost of attendance, a series of undercover videos produced by an anti-Auburn group have suggested that Auburn University may actually be paying players for being student athletes, which would be illegal. The rest of the sentence has zero importance on the statement.

It's the focus of the issue , genius. TexasTiger called me " delusional " for my comments on PP's profiteering on selling of baby parts. It's a legitimate and serious matter which needs addressing.

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Lol I like how you did that.

While it is legal for universities to give scholarships and stipends to athletes to reimburse the cost of attendance, a series of undercover videos produced by an anti-Auburn group have suggested that Auburn University may actually be paying players for being student athletes, which would be illegal. The rest of the sentence has zero importance on the statement.

It's the focus of the issue , genius. TexasTiger called me " delusional " for my comments on PP's profiteering on selling of baby parts. It's a legitimate and serious matter which needs addressing.

As is the rest of the statement. That an anti-abortion group has SUGGESTED that PP may actually be profiting.

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The video does more than " suggest ". You dismiss their claim because they're anti abortion. I don't .

And as for the headline...

Planned Parenthood reverses policy of taking money for fetal tissue 'donations.

Do you think that I mischaracterized that as well ? Is P.P. NOT reversing its policy ? Clarify that one, if you can.

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The video does more than " suggest ". You dismiss their claim because they're anti abortion. I don't .

And as for the headline...

Planned Parenthood reverses policy of taking money for fetal tissue 'donations.

Do you think that I mischaracterized that as well ? Is P.P. NOT reversing its policy ? Clarify that one, if you can.

Accepting money for the donation is perfectly legal if the charges are to cover their expenses. Do I need to post the law again?

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The video does more than " suggest ". You dismiss their claim because they're anti abortion. I don't .

And as for the headline...

Planned Parenthood reverses policy of taking money for fetal tissue 'donations.

Do you think that I mischaracterized that as well ? Is P.P. NOT reversing its policy ? Clarify that one, if you can.

I don't dismiss their claim cause they are anti-abortion. I just don't wholesale buy into them cause it is from a group that just suddenly popped out of nowhere with an obvious agenda. Just like I don't buy wholesale into the GPS Fusion review of those same videos based on some of their past agendas. I have a brother in law that works in the industry, so pretty much he is the only person atm I would 100% trust on the authenticity of those videos.

I've never denied or claimed that they don't receive reimbursement to cover their costs. Hospitals can receive nearly 16x that amount for human tissue. Which is legal btw.

For the profiting:

Planned Parenthood says its fetal tissue programs currently take place in only two states -- California and Washington — at about a half-dozen of the 700 health centers run by the organization nationwide.


If it is so profitable and it is all about the money then why do they only do this at 6 clinics?

Planned Parenthood's executive vice president, Dawn Laguens, said the Washington state affiliate already had a policy of accepting no reimbursement for its costs, and the California affiliate will now follow the same policy.


Then it appears that well, they actually were not taking donations or reimbursement at the Washington clinics anyway. So that isn't profiting. So this also means they are taking reimbursement at less than 6 of the clinics that are involved in tissue sampling.

Maybe they aren't profiting because as one expert in the field says:

Sawyer, July 20: In reality, $30-100 probably constitutes a loss for [Planned Parenthood]. The costs associated with collection, processing, storage, and inventory and records management for specimens are very high. Most hospitals will provide tissue blocks from surgical procedures (ones no longer needed for clinical purposes, and without identity) for research, and cost recover for their time and effort in the range of $100-500 per case/block. In the realm of tissues for research $30-100 is completely reasonable and normal fee.


Planned Parenthood reverses policy of taking money for fetal tissue 'donations. Statement in it's entirety and factual.

Planned Parenthood may actually profit from the sale of body parts, which would be illegal. Fraction of a statement with the first half stating legal operations and that this portion was only a suggestion by some groups, not a factual statement.

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Congressional probe is looking at the videos which have been banned, as well as other unedited videos, to determine if there was any illegal activity.

I guess we'll find out soon enough.

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The video does more than " suggest ". You dismiss their claim because they're anti abortion. I don't .

And as for the headline...

Planned Parenthood reverses policy of taking money for fetal tissue 'donations.

Do you think that I mischaracterized that as well ? Is P.P. NOT reversing its policy ? Clarify that one, if you can.

Accepting money for the donation is perfectly legal if the charges are to cover their expenses. Do I need to post the law again?

I have no real issue with PP as an organization (funding is another issue outside the real argument). BUT can we apply the priciniple of being perfectly legal to all situations? I will accept perfectly legal if that statement can be implemented in all situations. As long as I don't break the law I should be good right?

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The video does more than " suggest ". You dismiss their claim because they're anti abortion. I don't .

And as for the headline...

Planned Parenthood reverses policy of taking money for fetal tissue 'donations.

Do you think that I mischaracterized that as well ? Is P.P. NOT reversing its policy ? Clarify that one, if you can.

Accepting money for the donation is perfectly legal if the charges are to cover their expenses. Do I need to post the law again?

I have no real issue with PP as an organization (funding is another issue outside the real argument). BUT can we apply the priciniple of being perfectly legal to all situations? I will accept perfectly legal if that statement can be implemented in all situations. As long as I don't break the law I should be good right?

Sorry, but I don't follow your point.

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Given some of these facts, http://qz.com/521067/the-truth-about-how-women-get-abortions-in-america/, I have to wonder how real the issue CMP has raised is.

CMP strikes me as a somewhat radical group who would do anything to further their cause which, IMO, is as much, or more, based in politics as morality.

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Given some of these facts, http://qz.com/521067...ons-in-america/, I have to wonder how real the issue CMP has raised is.

CMP strikes me as a somewhat radical group who would do anything to further their cause which, IMO, is as much, or more, based in politics as morality.

Could be.


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