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Gonna eat the Crow Dish I cooked up for myself.


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My husband actually called the AD back then and told them that if they hired Petrino, we were cancelling our season tickets. I am happy with Gus. I think it is dangerous to put him up on a pedestal and worship him like the turds worship theirs. Just show him respect and trust he'll do the right thing for our boys and our university.


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I preferred Petrino if only slightly for the experience edge and results he brought to the table as a skipper. Logically, I figured it would never happen because of the negative PR he would have brought to the university. In my opinion, that hire would have wreaked of desperation in light of the circumstances surrounding his Arkansas dismissal, which at the time had only been out of the oven for about 5 minutes.

To the thread topic specifically, wipe the dust off your shoulder...it's water under the bridge. The only dishes being served now are tantalizing touchdowns... this season they come in 15 flavors.

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Petrino vs. Malzahn crow ... maybe. Malzahn vs. Bielema? Don't beat yourself up ...

Yeah, if Auburn had hired Petrino, then anybody in his camp would have had to eat a lot of crow. I would not have stuck around to find out, personally. I could not support a football program that would hire that guy.

Then you are obviously a fairweather fan.

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Petrino vs. Malzahn crow ... maybe. Malzahn vs. Bielema? Don't beat yourself up ...

Yeah, if Auburn had hired Petrino, then anybody in his camp would have had to eat a lot of crow. I would not have stuck around to find out, personally. I could not support a football program that would hire that guy.

Then you are obviously a fairweather fan.

Not obviously. I would have done the same thing, and I've been bleeding orange and blue through good times and bad for 30 years. There's a large difference between withholding financial support because of substantive character issues and abandoning fandom of a program because things are not going well. Don't be so fast to cast stones at people.

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Petrino vs. Malzahn crow ... maybe. Malzahn vs. Bielema? Don't beat yourself up ...

Yeah, if Auburn had hired Petrino, then anybody in his camp would have had to eat a lot of crow. I would not have stuck around to find out, personally. I could not support a football program that would hire that guy.

Then you are obviously a fairweather fan.

Not obviously. I would have done the same thing, and I've been bleeding orange and blue through good times and bad for 30 years. There's a large difference between withholding financial support because of substantive character issues and abandoning fandom of a program because things are not going well. Don't be so fast to cast stones at people.

I'll stand by what I said. He indicated he wouldn't have stuck around/ couldn't support AU had they hired Petrino. If you would abandon your team because you don't like the hire, that's fairweather to me. I don't care how long you've been around. True love doesn't waver, lol.

Now if you simply withdraw financial support, that might be different. Depends on the circumstances. JMO.

It isn't a crazy stretch to say Petrino could have been extremely successful here. I was for hiring him. I didn't know if Gus was ready. I am glad we got Gus instead to say the least.

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Petrino is an excellent coach. He has proven that. I was completely against his hiring. We just didn't need that. I knew that Auburn could win without hiring that snake. Once the committee was announced I had faith that they would be able to come to a good decision. All of those men are men of high intellect and integrity.

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I wanted Peterson from Boise State. So far, a huge disappointment for Washington. I really liked Paul Johnson at GT. Gus was on my radar. He has proven himself a thousand times over. Gus will be at Auburn when nicky hangs up his dentures, and departs turdville.

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I wasn't a "we have to hire petrino" guy. I wasn't opposed to hiring him either. Initially I was disappointed we hired Gus, but it didn't last long. I just didn't know enough about Gus. Now I do.

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I think a lot of Auburn fans were pulling for Petrino but I didn't think we should have even talked to the guy. He's shown his past and whether he changed or not, I didn't want our program to be the experiment. He is a good offensive mind but he brought too much baggage for Auburn especially with our perception because of the Cam scandal. To be honest, I wanted a bigger name or a hot young coach to help recruit, fire up our program after the worst year ever. When the media and local media started leaking that we had interviewed Kirby Smart, I thought it was perfect. Take from our rival and get a good young coach, but in the end I think Gus was the perfect person to get us started right away. It just goes to show what the right staff and head coach really mean to a program. We had talent, but yet people were just expecting a bowl at best. Granted we won close ones, but WOW now we are a top ten program again and back to where we belong. With the quarterback and offensive future we have recruited, things still look pretty good.

I'll wait until after the year to eat my crow.

*charring it on the grill*

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I actually canceled my subscription with AUC because of all the Petrino fans over there saying if we hired Gus we were just losers. I wanted Gus even before we fired Chizic , because I knew who was really responsible for 2010. I also knew he could beat saben. He would have beat him in 2009 if Chizik had been smart enough to sit back and shut up. WDE

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I actually canceled my subscription with AUC because of all the Petrino fans over there saying if we hired Gus we were just losers. I wanted Gus even before we fired Chizic , because I knew who was really responsible for 2010. I also knew he could beat saben. He would have beat him in 2009 if Chizik had been smart enough to sit back and shut up. WDE

Please don't get me started on Chizik….I never wanted that guy from the beginning and no I wasn't at the airport. I think he handled the Cam situation with class and was able to get the team to focus but in the end…well you know. That's all I'm going to say on that.

I definitely understand canceling the subscription….that spread "like a virus in the jungle!"

But in the end we have to keep the momentum going, schedule is tough but I think the guys are up to the challenge. WDE!

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My skepticism at first came from I really didnt know who was all to blame for the fall out and with Dyer leaving and coming with him ,when I heard the hire I was thinking man I wanted to go in a completely different direction and start over.I actually was a Charlie strong guy BC I thought he would be good for recruiting but thats why I'm not an AD of a program thank the Lord.And we all know now most of the blame goes to Chizick more than anything. But its not that real surprising him having success so soon with the team all being recruited to fit his style 2 yrs before.Now making it all the way to the title that was a surprise for sure but I knew the offense was going to be tons better and then landing Nick just took it over the top.

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Me? I wanted Gus from the start. I was afraid pigs would hire him first.

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Petrino vs. Malzahn crow ... maybe. Malzahn vs. Bielema? Don't beat yourself up ...

Yeah, if Auburn had hired Petrino, then anybody in his camp would have had to eat a lot of crow. I would not have stuck around to find out, personally. I could not support a football program that would hire that guy.

Then you are obviously a fairweather fan.

Not obviously. I would have done the same thing, and I've been bleeding orange and blue through good times and bad for 30 years. There's a large difference between withholding financial support because of substantive character issues and abandoning fandom of a program because things are not going well. Don't be so fast to cast stones at people.

I'll stand by what I said. He indicated he wouldn't have stuck around/ couldn't support AU had they hired Petrino. If you would abandon your team because you don't like the hire, that's fairweather to me. I don't care how long you've been around. True love doesn't waver, lol.

Now if you simply withdraw financial support, that might be different. Depends on the circumstances. JMO.

It isn't a crazy stretch to say Petrino could have been extremely successful here. I was for hiring him. I didn't know if Gus was ready. I am glad we got Gus instead to say the least.

Jump to conclusions much? Obviously Petrino could have won games here. Doesn't change the fact that hiring him would have indicated that our athletic department placed very little value on integrity or moral decency. Feel free to love that all you want. If me choosing not to would have necessarily made me a fairweather fan, then I'm not sure what your "true love" would make you. But I certainly wouldn't go blindly casting aspersions on you based strictly on that and without never having met you first.

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Petrino vs. Malzahn crow ... maybe. Malzahn vs. Bielema? Don't beat yourself up ...

Yeah, if Auburn had hired Petrino, then anybody in his camp would have had to eat a lot of crow. I would not have stuck around to find out, personally. I could not support a football program that would hire that guy.

Then you are obviously a fairweather fan.

Not obviously. I would have done the same thing, and I've been bleeding orange and blue through good times and bad for 30 years. There's a large difference between withholding financial support because of substantive character issues and abandoning fandom of a program because things are not going well. Don't be so fast to cast stones at people.

I'll stand by what I said. He indicated he wouldn't have stuck around/ couldn't support AU had they hired Petrino. If you would abandon your team because you don't like the hire, that's fairweather to me. I don't care how long you've been around. True love doesn't waver, lol.

Now if you simply withdraw financial support, that might be different. Depends on the circumstances. JMO.

It isn't a crazy stretch to say Petrino could have been extremely successful here. I was for hiring him. I didn't know if Gus was ready. I am glad we got Gus instead to say the least.

Jump to conclusions much? Obviously Petrino could have won games here. Doesn't change the fact that hiring him would have indicated that our athletic department placed very little value on integrity or moral decency. Feel free to love that all you want. If me choosing not to would have necessarily made me a fairweather fan, then I'm not sure what your "true love" would make you. But I certainly wouldn't go blindly casting aspersions on you based strictly on that and without never having met you first.

Whatever. The "true love" was a joke, hence the lol. To treat it like a serious statement in your rebuttal is weak stuff. Now, go look for another reason to "not stick around", or don't.

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The petulant children have become a hydra around here. I add one to my ignore prefs, two more sprout up out of nowhere. Oh well.

War Damn Gus Malzahn!

Well, if you would ignore the entire school, ignoring a few users is no big deal. :) I've been here for 12 years now and have never once used the ignore button. There's just something wimpy about it to me.

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I was scared he would keep the whole staff together and nothing would change. When he cleaned house, I was very happy about the hire.

This was the first sign of several that we were on the verge of big things- for me at least.

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My list from back then:

1) Jimbo Fisher

2) Charlie Strong

3) Gus Malzahn

4) Anybody but Petrino

I'm delighted with Gus, but don't think my other choices were bad either.

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