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Nick Marshall cited (confirmed)


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The problem here is not the legal issue or the punishment issue. The problem is that more than any other player the QB has to have the trust of the team and the coaches in his decision making ability. The question is "can Nick earn back that trust by the Arky game". I believe Gus has full trust in JJ and so does the team. The ball is now in Nick's court. If he can't win back the trust then JJ is next up. WDE

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Now that we know he was alone in the car the next question is was he smoking it while he was driving? If so that is much more serious. Can a officer smell it if it isn't burning?

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I say no media days. Too much chance of a reporter getting up under his skin and then we have made a bad situation worse. Send another player and he can deflect any questions about NM not being there away.

I agree...NM is not the most articulate guy to begin with and representing AU in my old-fashioned opinion is a BIG DEAL...and an honor.

Even for a citation, he still should forfeit that honor to someone else on the team. No point in having the media focus all their questions and attention on Nick during the briefings....leave him home and send another Senior to represent the school and the team.

The media may ask them about the effect on the team but for the three representing the team...the standard party line is..."I'm sorry it happened but as for Nick, that's up to the coach to decide and I'm not going to offer an opinion"

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I'm sure I'm a group of one but Auburn gave NM his second chance. He had the world by the tail and the trust of Gus and the team. He blew it. I hope Gus puts him on a bus back to Blinn.

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I'm sure I'm a group of one but Auburn gave NM his second chance. He had the world by the tail and the trusted Gus and the team. He blew it. I hope Gus puts him on a bus back to Bline, Texas.

I hope you're in a group of one wanting to send him back to somewhere he's never been.

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I don't know how much marijuana impairs your driving ability but I know first hand how several dozen beers will impair you. So i guess I'm grateful it wasn't an open 3 quarters empty Schlitz Malt Liquor tall boy found in the car. But it is illegal.

So with Marshall being a senior and starting qb and with this following on the hills of Kal Bessent, Jason Smith, and Mincy I would like to see Gus step on Marshall's a$$. This marijuana thing is turning into a Public Relations fiasco. So no media days. It should be an honor to represent Auburn at such an event. And let him watch the Arkansas game from the sidelines.

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IMO, these are the type situations that can make or break a coaches career. I hate it happened. But with that said, I have full confidence in Gus to make the right decision. My prediction: Nick does not go to Media Days. The entire team will pay with consequences to help encourage them to 'police' each other. Obviously Nick, Mincy and anybody else will endure more consequences, be it running the stadium steps until they puke or sitting out playing time.

Long term successful coaches have endured these type situations by making good choices and I expect Gus to do exactly that. If he chooses to handle it internally with no loss of playing time, I'm cool with that. If he decides kicking him completely off the team, I'm cool with that too. Or obviously anywhere in between those two (which is what I expect.) Like everyone else I want to win long term and if Nick sits for a while and we lose a game or two because of it, so be it. Plus, I have a lot of confidence in JJ.


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I say no media days. Too much chance of a reporter getting up under his skin and then we have made a bad situation worse. Send another player and he can deflect any questions about NM not being there away.

I agree...NM is not the most articulate guy to begin with and representing AU in my old-fashioned opinion is a BIG DEAL...and an honor.

Even for a citation, he still should forfeit that honor to someone else on the team. No point in having the media focus all their questions and attention on Nick during the briefings....leave him home and send another Senior to represent the school and the team.

The media may ask them about the effect on the team but for the three representing the team...the standard party line is..."I'm sorry it happened but as for Nick, that's up to the coach to decide and I'm not going to offer an opinion"

Yeah Nick Marshall sounds like Lincoln Perry. He does not talk like Steppenfetchit, Lincoln Perry's character in some ole Shirley Temple and Will rogers movies, but he does sould like the actor. It would be beneficial to him if he took a public speaking class while at Auburn. They have a good speech curriculum.

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TexasTiger.....Ok my bad. I meant Blinn College. But maybe Gus will send him to you since you are so liberal in matters like this.

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Guest jojo1515

Could be a blessing in disguise.... say NM sits out a game. That means JJ gets a full game against an SEC team, which he will probably win. The next week is a terrible team. Go ahead and play NM for one half and then JJ for a half. K state wont know what to prepare for while we end up with a backup thats already proven better than most SEC starters just in case NM gets hurt. Could be worse!

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Apparently the conventional means of punishment aren't working. Some players are obviously wiling to take the chance an are cancer to the team. Kick off a star and I bet that gets more attention. JMHO.

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golly... only three more weeks to keep these guys out of trouble. Guys need something to focus on during the summer. Thought they might all be taking classes this summer in Auburn. Maybe he is, I don't know, but not sure why he was in Georgia during the week. I was hoping Marshall was going to focus on his throwing abilities during the off-season. I didn't realize weed helped with that.

Sure this will make Bret Bielima happy. Hope JJ is ready to start. And whoever says it's a blessing for KSU not to see our starter... please. You want as much game-time as possible leading up to big games, especially on the road.

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Now that we know he was alone in the car the next question is was he smoking it while he was driving? If so that is much more serious. Can a officer smell it if it isn't burning?

Yes, it can be smelled without it burning. Again, professional experience-if it was in the passenger visor and the cop approached that side of the car (which many do in order to stay out of traffic), te smell has a higher probability to hit him right in the face as he leaned in.

However, I think the fact he was pulled over for a window tint violation tells me all I need to know about the officer. He was fishing by pulling a car over and hoping it was a big one. Happens a lot, unfortunately.

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Regardless of AU's "official" policy on drugs, CGM has a duty to the team, the university, the alumni, and the fans. He has to abide by the policy's word or do more, just not less. He can and will do what is best for the team. If it means sitting nm and/or jm for one or more games then that is his call and I respect it. If neither sits then that is CGM's call but I would be surprised. I hope he leans toward being a strict disciplinarian and gets his message across that he runs the show his way regardless of "who" you are. With all that is and has happened, can't these kids just lay off of this stuff and THINK before they do anything. Hell, fall camp and the start of the season is only just a few weeks away,

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TexasTiger.....Ok my bad. I meant Blinn College. But maybe Gus will send him to you since you are so liberal in matters like this.

Nic Marshall did not attend Blinn Junior College. Cameron Newton did

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Apparently the conventional means of punishment aren't working. Some players are obviously wiling to take the chance an are cancer to the team. Kick off a star and I bet that gets more attention. JMHO.

I tend to agree with you on this. What a statement and what a shocker. Other players would obviously take notice and AU would receive unreal positive press. Plus all the mamas of future recruits would have to take notice as well. Very unlikely to happen but again, I trust Gus.
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Dumb decision , poor judgment not in keeping with a senior QB-- that said, I'm not aware of any other discipline issues at Auburn or JC. On the whole, he has appeared focused and coachable. I'm pretty confident Gus will get his attention. If not, JJ or even Sean will step up and seize the opportunity.

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Ok after looking at this and the Mincy situation I am now compelled to offer my 2 cents worth. I would normally consider myself to be very stern on situations that involve drugs but I will tell you two stories that give pause to these events and allow them to play out. When I was in my late teens early twenties would regularly drive through a somewhat exclusive neighborhood on my way to a slightly less exclusive neighborhood to visit friends. One afternoon I was pulled over in the neighborhood and asked to step out of the car while they "searched it". The pulled out a two foot long metal pipe that I kept between the door and the seat and threatened to arrest me for a concealed weapon. In the end they allowed me to go on my way after having me place the pipe in the trunk. At the time, my family knew a Major in the Highway patrol of the state. We contacted him and asked for advice he said unfortunately LE's were getting aggressive in enforcement and it was just the way things were. Complaining would probably only get me targeted. This was 30 years ago. I promptly went out and bought a four D cell mag light to keep between my seat and car door. Many years before I met my wife my would be sister in law bought a used car. After many months of driving it she was cleaning her car and she reached down between the back seats and pulled out an old prescription bottle that was full of marijuana. She freaked out thinking that at anytime during the many months of driving the car she could of been pulled over and searched and arrested for having what she didn't know she had. Now with this in mind imagine that your teenage son or daughter borrows your car and someone in the back forgets their stash in you back seat and you get pulled over. Which makes me wonder who had access to NM's vehicle? A family member, maybe a friend? NM need not be present for this to get in his car.

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My first post, after lingering here for years, I personally don't see any problem with the weed aspect, many of us, have divulged in said participation once upon a time.

I am however, severally disappointed, in his lack of judgement. Tinted windows, your asking to be pulled over. No different than a busted head light, or expired tag. Use your brain, I know you have one.

At some point, our coaching staff is going to have to set an example of someone, or they will lose control. There is a huge difference between 2nd chances and free reign, which is what it had turned into with our previous coach.

At the very least, if i had my wish, I would make him appear at SEC MEDIA DAYS and face the wrath of questions. I would also make him set out at least three games. Is this what I want, no, but at some point you say enough is enough, as it seems our team is full of gree.

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Welcome to bigtime college football. If you want to be a championship contender, this is the kind of crap you have to weed through sometimes.

(Pun intended. ;D/> )

That's putting it "blunt"ly. :)/>

Sometimes, you just gotta "roll" with the punches.

If I had a dimebag for every time I have heard that one.. ;D
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Gus is in a tough position because Nick is the Senior starting QB as well as THE team leader so he has to consider many different aspects of the program. He can't just ignore this and he wouldn't. After considering this overnight and basing it on the 8 gram story being reported, I have these thoughts.

1. The AD's punishment guidelines should and will be followed. If this is a first offense it states no lost playing time is "required", more testing and counseling.

2. Remove Nick from media days. It is an honor to represent AU and losing that would be part of his punishment. There is also no reason for AU to suffer more than it already will that day by trotting out Nick in that environment. I agree with some of those that say Nick should answer questions but if that is the case he can have his own presser back at AU after SEC media days.

3. Behind closed doors Nick should apologize to the team. Nick should also meet with all the Seniors in a separate meeting. Let them decide what they want to do. Say whatever they like, put him in a bull ring if they want, it's up to them.

4. Gus will add any additional punishment he wants and I am sure he will. Something along these lines is probably warranted.

* Some running and puking.

* Not playing him for part or all of the Arky game.

* Let Nick know in no uncertain terms, again, how much the team and he has at stake. Make sure he understands that another screw up means he is gone.

So some listening, talking, puking and sitting may be in order. I think that is fair and should take care of it. To say Nick screwed up is an understatement but Gus, the team, AU and Nick can get past this and move on. Just like Gus, I am disappointed and I support whatever Gus decides to do.

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As an Auburn fan who wants to win games, I don't want him suspended.... But I will be disappointed if he isn't for ATLEAST the opener. Was what he did really that bad in the grand scheme of things?? No. But this kid has baggage. He's been kicked off of one team already for something much worse than a weed citation. Stealing from a teammate. He's already been given a second chance. Gus took a chance on him and gave him an oppurtunity to resume his career in the SEC. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. He has to sit.

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