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Nick Marshall cited (confirmed)


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As regular readers know, I'm pretty intolerant on drug and alcohol issues. In this case, I bet if the trooper who stopped him felt he/she had any possible chance of making a charge stick, it would have been more than just "citing". I guess that stuff is public record but sounds like someone was eager to get the news out. Anyway...considering the tenuous charge, it seems to me that missing the Media Day would send the message about "image"...... which for a Heisman candidate and team leader is a big deal.

As for penalty, unless some things have happened that we don't know about, some trips up and down stadium steps and maybe first half of Arky would do the trick.

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1 is a data point. 2 is a line. 3 is a trend. It has to stop here. This WILL affect everything CGM tries to do as will market the program as family. Coach need to forgive but not pardon just as a father does. Heavy consequences to make a statement to the other players and recruits is required and quickly.

I totally agree.

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Suspend him for the Arkansas game.

And lulz at the people who say it was less than an oz so no big deal. Do y'all know how much an oz of weed is? It's a Ziploc sandwich bag stuffed full. About $400-500 worth...so saying it's less than that really isn't saying a whole lot. Even 1 gram is a decent little "chunk" of weed.

And I'm not some uptight "tee-totaler" by ANY stretch of the imagination, but dude needs to learn a lesson at some point. He's already been kicked out of UGA and he was supposed to be a leader for us this year. Step your game up, Nick.

found only residue found only residue found only residue found only residue found only residue found only residue found only residue

found only residue found only residue found only residue found only residue found only residue found only residue found only residue

That's actually only a legal sticking point. It has nothing to do with the real issue....NM used extremely poor judgement and put his team and his coaches in a bad position. He embarrassed AU after getting a second chance. He put everything at risk for 2014. It is especially stupid after Mincy's troubles.

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As regular readers know, I'm pretty intolerant on drug and alcohol issues. In this case, I bet if the trooper who stopped him felt he/she had any possible chance of making a charge stick, it would have been more than just "citing". I guess that stuff is public record but sounds like someone was eager to get the news out. Anyway...considering the tenuous charge, it seems to me that missing the Media Day would send the message about "image"...... which for a Heisman candidate and team leader is a big deal.

As for penalty, unless some things have happened that we don't know about, some trips up and down stadium steps and maybe first half of Arky would do the trick.

I couldn't disagree more. I believe CGM should make him go to media days and weather the storm, and based on how he handles that, then look at "punishment". We have all screwed up. It's not always about the mistakes you make, but how you handle the repercussions, and hiding him from the media will not help him down the road in life.

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Serious question...I haven't smoked pot in years so I don't keep up with the law. Since when can you get caught with enough weed to roll a few joints and not get arrested? Isn't 8-10 grams still a decent amount of bud?

I wasn't aware that they hand out tickets you can pay at the courthouse for illegal drugs??

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I don't get to smoke weed any more b/c I am in the Army. I am getting out in November, and depending upon where I go to work, and where I end up living, I may or may not smoke some again. Let me also confess, that when I was in college at Auburn, I was busted smoking weed while driving my car with a couple buddies. I was a moron of the highest order...except for the order reserved for a preseason Heisman candidate quarterback that has already been kicked out of one school for misconduct (stealing from teammates) back when he was only good enough to play cornerback, only to miracle his way into a second chance, and a beautiful run to a national championship game behind one of the greatest rushing offenses in modern history who gets busted for smoking weed in his car. For those of y'all that don't realize...less than an ounce isn't the same as trace amounts. I wish they were giving out tickets for that back in the day. I agree it should be legal. I am passionate about that....but at the end of the day...its not. Nick should have been smarter. I would hand the reigns to JJ, and make an example out of Nick for the good of the program. He would be my change of pace QB, and that would start w/ the K State game. If JJ is getting it done, I wouldn't even make a change. Love ya Nick, but you let us down, and r

ight now I can't trust you to lead the team.

Very well said , he let his teammates , his coach and the Auburn University family down.

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Welcome to bigtime college football. If you want to be a championship contender, this is the kind of crap you have to weed through sometimes.

(Pun intended. ;D/> )

That's putting it "blunt"ly. :)

Sometimes, you just gotta "roll" with the punches.

Obviously this joint has gone to pot.

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One question here that concerns me is Gus wasted no time to comment on Nick's plight, but has yet to acknowledge Mincy's at all. Wonder why ? WDE

Timing. He was on vacation on Mincy's a.nd it didn't get as much press. This is the weekend before media days and involves your star qb who is supposed to be at the event. NM's is a much bigger story.

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One question here that concerns me is Gus wasted no time to comment on Nick's plight, but has yet to acknowledge Mincy's at all. Wonder why ? WDE

Timing. He was on vacation on Mincy's a.nd it didn't get as much press. This is the weekend before media days and involves your star qb who is supposed to be at the event. NM's is a much bigger story.

Mincy's case is less clear. The resolution to a citation seems routine.

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One question here that concerns me is Gus wasted no time to comment on Nick's plight, but has yet to acknowledge Mincy's at all. Wonder why ? WDE

Timing. He was on vacation on Mincy's a.nd it didn't get as much press. This is the weekend before media days and involves your star qb who is supposed to be at the event. NM's is a much bigger story.

Mincy's case is less clear. The resolution to a citation seems routine.

True, but he was in a bad situation any way you look at it and he could have commented.

With media days starting monday he is commenting on this quickly whether he wants to or not.

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One question here that concerns me is Gus wasted no time to comment on Nick's plight, but has yet to acknowledge Mincy's at all. Wonder why ? WDE

Timing. He was on vacation on Mincy's a.nd it didn't get as much press. This is the weekend before media days and involves your star qb who is supposed to be at the event. NM's is a much bigger story.

Mincy's case is less clear. The resolution to a citation seems routine.

True, but he was in a bad situation any way you look at it and he could have commented.

With media days starting monday he is commenting on this quickly whether he wants to or not.

Yep. Getting it out if the way.

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While this incident is embarrassing to all Auburn family, it needs to be put into perspective, less than an ounce is not a felony. It will be treated like a traffic ticket, pay the fine and move on. The coaching staff will apply AU's drug policy and move on from there. To me it is not the end of the world and who cares how fans of other schools react. They don't live in glass houses nor do they have squeaky clean student athletes. We need to take care of ourselves and to hell with everyone else. JMO

Well said!!
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One question here that concerns me is Gus wasted no time to comment on Nick's plight, but has yet to acknowledge Mincy's at all. Wonder why ? WDE

Timing. He was on vacation on Mincy's a.nd it didn't get as much press. This is the weekend before media days and involves your star qb who is supposed to be at the event. NM's is a much bigger story.

This. Comments to the media come from media people asking questions. With Gus on vacation, there were no media types around to ask him anything, and he probably wasn't answering his phone.

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This was a huge mistake on Marshall's part. Had a chance to be one of a long list of outstanding stars at AU and blows it over some weed.

Not saying this ruins his career or his season per se, but it does hurt his public persona and definitely hurts the team.

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I understand everyone's positions and they are all valid.

If it was poor decision making, then that's just dumb after the Mincy thing. If it's residual stuff, I think it is time for the coaches to bring someone in to show everyone how to detail clean their cars.

I can speak from professional experience how much stuff can accumulate in a car and how long it will stay there, and how little amount there needs to be for a drug dog to show interest in it.

I would hate to be in CGMs shoes. I agree, though, take Nick to media day and see how he owns up to it.

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I say no media days. Too much chance of a reporter getting up under his skin and then we have made a bad situation worse. Send another player and he can deflect any questions about NM not being there away.

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It will be interesting how media days plays out. Other than that give him a slap on the wrist, maybe suspend him for the first half of the Arkansas game. He wasn't even arrested. Just stay on top of him as far as drug testing.

With Mincy's arrest though and now this. If we have another hiccup though we are going to look really bad.

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