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Nick Marshall cited (confirmed)


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Third chances are exceedingly rare. I have been given my share of third chances. But, there have been times that I did not get one and it always stung like a $OB. God has a hand in it so.... we will see how it all plays out. It will be for the good of Nick Marshall, no matter what happens next, maybe not for the good of Auburn football. C'mon Nick, it's not the end of the world just the end of your Heisman.

End of his Heisman campaign for a pot citation? LOL. The voting is so far off that it's stupid to even consider it a topic of conversation.

Our last Heisman winner got off on rape charge that he basically pleaded the 5th to.

I think Marshall faces an uphill battle to win the Heisman, but not because of this--especially since this happened before the season begins. If Marshall plays solid, shows he has improved greatly in the passing game, and puts up good stats through the prime time Thursday night match up with K State, then I think he will be a legit contender.

I agree on some of your points. But that's neither here, nor there for the topic at hand.

But for the sake of conversation, being an early Heisman contender will do nothing but help him. IMO. A lot more eyes will be on him early in the season, and he's a playmaker, if he keeps it up and improved as much as they say he did in the offseason, he will be good in the eyes of the voters. No matter his offseason slip up.

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Perhaps one glorious day, I will be fortunate enough to bear witness to a naturally occurring plant once again being legal in this nation. I shall celebrate in earnest.

Meanwhile, in the bassackward bizarro world reality we currently exist, you still receive fines and shackles for it. C'mon Nick. You're better than this.

Mushrooms occur naturally too....should people be allowed to trip on shrooms and drive down the road hallucinating? Your argument is short sighted. Claiming this world is the "bazarro" one obviously doesnt factor in the one where all naturally occuring plants are legal to ingest.. There is a reason most of the world has outlawed these things as well. ...

It appears some of my sarcasm Usain Bolt-ed you.

A few apples and oranges here, in the fact that there are at least 23 states that have decriminalized MJ in some capacity, meanwhile I don't know of the first one that has loosened the laws on 'shrooms. On a lesser note, the respective hallucinogenic agent in each have very different side effects on the body.

Trying not to stray too far from the subject matter, let's just stick to Mary Jane--pun intended. Mushrooms are nowhere near as popular as MJ in relation to recreation drugs categorized as Schedule I. Safety for the concern of its citizens had very little if anything at all to do with the government outlawing Mary in the U.S. She put up a fight, but ultimately fell victim to ducats and Big Industry--like everything else in this country...and that was nearly a century ago..

As the U.S. emerged to be THE global financial power, I wouldn't be surprised if corporations and the government 'encouraged' other countries to outlaw the plant if they wanted to continue to trade and engage in business relations.

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Welcome to bigtime college football. If you want to be a championship contender, this is the kind of crap you have to weed through sometimes.

(Pun intended. ;D/> )

That's putting it "blunt"ly. :)

Sometimes, you just gotta "roll" with the punches.

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Perhaps one glorious day, I will be fortunate enough to bear witness to a naturally occurring plant once again being legal in this nation. I shall celebrate in earnest.

Meanwhile, in the bassackward bizarro world reality we currently exist, you still receive fines and shackles for it. C'mon Nick. You're better than this.

hallucinogenic mushrooms are naturally occurring, but I don't want you ingesting and driving . Jus sayin'. ;)/>

I can play too:

Alcohol causes more driving related deaths a year than any other drug available. I guarantee a large portion here have gotten behind the wheel after more than "a couple".

I'm not condemning, just pointing that naturally occurring doesn't equate to harmless.

Absolutely not. Ingesting a handful of berries from a holly bush as if they were peanuts will keep you rushing to a long prayer session with the porcelain gods. Any drug--prescription or recreational, all have side effects that vary from one individual to the other.

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Auburn has a WRITTEN drug policy that specifies no loss of playing for a first violation. If this is a first offense, then neither Marshall nor Mincy should lose playing time. However, if either have failed a test previously we would not know. If these are second offenses, they will lose half a seasons. No one should receive punishment that is not called for in the written policy.

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I am disappointed for us, the fans, for the coaches, and for the team. This does not help team chemistry. It takes quite a while for a QB to gel the way Nick seemed to during our spring game. If Nick has to sit, I think things will be somewhat out of sync. JJ and Nick are very different QB's.

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Honestly, I'm not real encouraged by our "leaders" on this team. Looks like these couple of guys don't give a crap how they represent AU. Mincy represents AU at D.A.R.E. Then gets busted, Marshall is scheduled to represent AU at Media days and gets busted before the event........ I'm shaking my head wondering WTF is going on with these guys?

When you are dealing with 85 18-22 year old kids these things do happen unfortunately. (Oh, the stories I could tell about kids I have dealt with in my ministry)

But I agree with you keesler, I do expect more from our team leaders.

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... Auburn made front page of ESPN tonight. Must have been a slow day for LeBron, Tiger Woods, and Bama.

And officially NOW I believe in the conspiracy.

No conspiracy. The heisman candidate star QB of a national title contender is busted for weed. Doesn't matter what school.

That may be true, but u can bet espn got a "sexually excited rise"to find out it was AU!
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I don't get to smoke weed any more b/c I am in the Army. I am getting out in November, and depending upon where I go to work, and where I end up living, I may or may not smoke some again. Let me also confess, that when I was in college at Auburn, I was busted smoking weed while driving my car with a couple buddies. I was a moron of the highest order...except for the order reserved for a preseason Heisman candidate quarterback that has already been kicked out of one school for misconduct (stealing from teammates) back when he was only good enough to play cornerback, only to miracle his way into a second chance, and a beautiful run to a national championship game behind one of the greatest rushing offenses in modern history who gets busted for smoking weed in his car. For those of y'all that don't realize...less than an ounce isn't the same as trace amounts. I wish they were giving out tickets for that back in the day. I agree it should be legal. I am passionate about that....but at the end of the day...its not. Nick should have been smarter. I would hand the reigns to JJ, and make an example out of Nick for the good of the program. He would be my change of pace QB, and that would start w/ the K State game. If JJ is getting it done, I wouldn't even make a change. Love ya Nick, but you let us down, and right now I can't trust you to lead the team.

This. Exactly this.

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... Auburn made front page of ESPN tonight. Must have been a slow day for LeBron, Tiger Woods, and Bama.

And officially NOW I believe in the conspiracy.

No conspiracy. The heisman candidate star QB of a national title contender is busted for weed. Doesn't matter what school.

That may be true, but u can bet espn got a "sexually excited rise"to find out it was AU!

Probably true also, but the best way to stay out of ESPN's gun sights is to obey the law and stay out of trouble. ....but we seem to have trouble doing that for very long.

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Auburn has a WRITTEN drug policy that specifies no loss of playing for a first violation. If this is a first offense, then neither Marshall nor Mincy should lose playing time. However, if either have failed a test previously we would not know. If these are second offenses, they will lose half a seasons. No one should receive punishment that is not called for in the written policy.

You are spot-on, but many of the "make an example here" people are choosing to ignore the fact that a written policy exists and will be followed to the letter.

This whole thing is nothing but a tempest in a teapot. He was cited, not arrested. If you don't sit him for a traffic ticket, you don't sit him for this.

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Auburn has a WRITTEN drug policy that specifies no loss of playing for a first violation. If this is a first offense, then neither Marshall nor Mincy should lose playing time. However, if either have failed a test previously we would not know. If these are second offenses, they will lose half a seasons. No one should receive punishment that is not called for in the written policy.

There are extenuating circumstances at play here. If the first drug offense was the first actual offense, of any kind, then make the guy run stadiums and move on. If the first drug offense is now the second violation after a huge first strike(albeit at a different school) then a different,more severe, punishment is in order.

All of this to say, I don't think Gus will bench him at all. I think he should but I just don't see it happening.

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Auburn has a WRITTEN drug policy that specifies no loss of playing for a first violation. If this is a first offense, then neither Marshall nor Mincy should lose playing time. However, if either have failed a test previously we would not know. If these are second offenses, they will lose half a seasons. No one should receive punishment that is not called for in the written policy.

You are spot-on, but many of the "make an example here" people are choosing to ignore the fact that a written policy exists and will be followed to the letter.

This whole thing is nothing but a tempest in a teapot. He was cited, not arrested. If you don't sit him for a traffic ticket, you don't sit him for this.

Spot on
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The Auburn policy states that a first offense is treated like a first failed drug test, that loss of playing time is not mandated, that the player receives weekly drug tests and counseling.

That said, CGM can impose additional punishment, if he chooses to. It would not surprise me to see CGM sit Marshall for a game or more. With the Mincy situation looming, CGM may feel like he needs to send a message to the rest of the team that he has high expectations, both on and off the field.

And if he makes that decision, I will support him. I'm all for legalization of pot. But things like this damage the team as well as the individual. If a player is going to toke up, do it indoors, in a non-volatile situation, eliminating the possibility of negative ramifications.

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1 is a data point. 2 is a line. 3 is a trend. It has to stop here. This WILL affect everything CGM tries to do as will market the program as family. Coach need to forgive but not pardon just as a father does. Heavy consequences to make a statement to the other players and recruits is required and quickly.

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Suspend him for the Arkansas game.

And lulz at the people who say it was less than an oz so no big deal. Do y'all know how much an oz of weed is? It's a Ziploc sandwich bag stuffed full. About $400-500 worth...so saying it's less than that really isn't saying a whole lot. Even 1 gram is a decent little "chunk" of weed.

And I'm not some uptight "tee-totaler" by ANY stretch of the imagination, but dude needs to learn a lesson at some point. He's already been kicked out of UGA and he was supposed to be a leader for us this year. Step your game up, Nick.

found only residue found only residue found only residue found only residue found only residue found only residue found only residue

found only residue found only residue found only residue found only residue found only residue found only residue found only residue

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Residue STILL exposes a HUGE character and judgement issue. After sleeping on it...sit him for two games

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Guest jojo1515

Perhaps one glorious day, I will be fortunate enough to bear witness to a naturally occurring plant once again being legal in this nation. I shall celebrate in earnest.

Meanwhile, in the bassackward bizarro world reality we currently exist, you still receive fines and shackles for it. C'mon Nick. You're better than this.

Mushrooms occur naturally too....should people be allowed to trip on shrooms and drive down the road hallucinating? Your argument is short sighted. Claiming this world is the "bazarro" one obviously doesnt factor in the one where all naturally occuring plants are legal to ingest.. There is a reason most of the world has outlawed these things as well. ...

It appears some of my sarcasm Usain Bolt-ed you.

A few apples and oranges here, in the fact that there are at least 23 states that have decriminalized MJ in some capacity, meanwhile I don't know of the first one that has loosened the laws on 'shrooms. On a lesser note, the respective hallucinogenic agent in each have very different side effects on the body.

Trying not to stray too far from the subject matter, let's just stick to Mary Jane--pun intended. Mushrooms are nowhere near as popular as MJ in relation to recreation drugs categorized as Schedule I. Safety for the concern of its citizens had very little if anything at all to do with the government outlawing Mary in the U.S. She put up a fight, but ultimately fell victim to ducats and Big Industry--like everything else in this country...and that was nearly a century ago..

As the U.S. emerged to be THE global financial power, I wouldn't be surprised if corporations and the government 'encouraged' other countries to outlaw the plant if they wanted to continue to trade and engage in business relations.

Ok, I'll let it go after this one :)

Mary J is one of the easiest things to lace with other drugs and it not be easily traceable. Were it legal, the amount of hard drugs added to weed would skyrocket, therefore creating a whole new class of druggies. With it being legal, people so stoned they can barely stand up feel confident to drive without the worry of cops (definitely a safety factor here...if you dont believe me, go get some really good weed). Claiming we are the reason the whole world outlawed weed is just asinine. We outlawed alcohol for a while...did the rest of the world follow suit?

I agree that weed in and of itself isnt terrible, but all the unintended consequences of legalizing would likely push it back to being illegal very quickly. Also, while stoners arent swerving and killing people all over the place, try coming around a blind corner at 50 mph in the dark only to find a stoner has stopped in the middle of the road to watch a leaf fall...You end up swerving off the road and flipping your car killing yourself while the stoner drives away. I know for a fact that this happens. There is definitely a safety factor. Until there is an impairment test for mary j, it belongs as illegal. If they come up with a test similar to alcohol, I'm all for it. Until then, smoke it at your house.

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He's not sitting for two games.

He's lost trust with CGM. He'll have to work like crazy to earn that back. But my guess is that he misses a half against Arky.

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Perhaps one glorious day, I will be fortunate enough to bear witness to a naturally occurring plant once again being legal in this nation. I shall celebrate in earnest.

Meanwhile, in the bassackward bizarro world reality we currently exist, you still receive fines and shackles for it. C'mon Nick. You're better than this.

hallucinogenic mushrooms are naturally occurring, but I don't want you ingesting and driving . Jus sayin'. ;)/>

I can play too:

Alcohol causes more driving related deaths a year than any other drug available. I guarantee a large portion here have gotten behind the wheel after more than "a couple".

They shouldn't. Drugs are bad, naturally occurring or not. Over indulgence of Alcohol is bad.
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Welcome to bigtime college football. If you want to be a championship contender, this is the kind of crap you have to weed through sometimes.

(Pun intended. ;D/> )

That's putting it "blunt"ly. :)/>

Sometimes, you just gotta "roll" with the punches.

Maybe Nick needs some mentoring? A really good bud to keep him out of trouble.

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I say sit him for the Arky game. I do not do drugs or alcohol period but I understand that many people do and many good people I know do it and I do not think it is nearly as bad as alcohol. Statistically many more people die each year from alcohol related deaths, but that to me is not the point. The point is it IS illegal and on top of that it makes himself, and by extention, the coaches,the players, the university and fans look bad. The other point is that he is suppose to be a leader on this team. Now our leader has Gus in a bind. If Gus does not do anything then we look bad and if he does then there is the risk of losing. I could care less what he does a home but he should not be putting us in a bad light.

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Auburn has a WRITTEN drug policy that specifies no loss of playing for a first violation. If this is a first offense, then neither Marshall nor Mincy should lose playing time. However, if either have failed a test previously we would not know. If these are second offenses, they will lose half a seasons. No one should receive punishment that is not called for in the written policy.

You are spot-on, but many of the "make an example here" people are choosing to ignore the fact that a written policy exists and will be followed to the letter.

This whole thing is nothing but a tempest in a teapot. He was cited, not arrested. If you don't sit him for a traffic ticket, you don't sit him for this.

Plus as I stated earlier 8 or 9 grams is about 14 joints worth of pot. Just a citation for 14 joints?? Doesn't make sense! Bad cop, maybe??
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