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Nick Marshall cited (confirmed)


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I will say this, I think this is probably the best thing for Nick right now. Here you have a kid who came into a program and basically had his way on the football field because of his talents. Lead this program to the NC game and is entering this season as the leading heisman candidate. That can give a young man the big head(ie. Michael Dyer).. ... With that being said, I feel this humbles Nick back down. Causes him to focus more on himself and the team. Makes him thankful to have another opportunity to play big boy ball again..... I dont know what type of punishment Gus will hand down but as an Auburn fans I will back him. The silver lining in this cloud will be a more focus hungry and determined Nick(he strickes me as a kid who deals better with adversity than being in the lime light - Cam Newton). I predict a major year for this young man..... we've all done stupid thing....

Fame and the lime light can be a hard thing to deal with.

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The Police Chief who gave Auburn Quarterback Nick Marshall a citation for having marijuana and tinted windows says he gave Marshall advice before leaving the traffic stop.

Marshall was driving a purple Dodge Charger. He was stopped for having illegal tinted windows.

Officers smelled marijuana in the car and searched for it. Marshall was not arrested, but was given two citations totally $1,000. The Reynolds police chief says he had a stern talk with Marshall.

"I explained to Nick that I was really disappointed in him. I told him that there are a million kids that look up to him. He is a role model whether he wants to be or not. I was disappointed that we have athletes out there doing that. I explained to him that we are not going to treat him any differently. I was disappointed in him. I hope he learns from his mistake and this puts him on the right path," said Chief Lonnie Holder.

Chief holder says Marshall was very somber in his reply.

"He was very regretful. He was very respectful. He was very apologetic. He seemed like he was disappointed in himself. He did get a little teary eyed as we had the conversation. I think sometimes what those kids need, they need somebody to talk to them and say, hey, you made a mistake, don't let it happen anymore," said Chief Holder.

Marshall is currently scheduled to be at SEC media days in Hoover on Monday. Auburn could replace him with another player if they want to. LSU did the same thing with quarterback Jordan Jefferson a few years ago.

Marshall has not yet paid his citations. He will not have to go to court if he pays the money. Chief Holder admitted that young athletes like Marshall are held to a higher standard, but, he says his officers have to treat them like any other person who breaks the law.

It's probably astonishing**, the percentage of driver's doing something illegal. Without knowing I'd venture to guess even the most repeating poster here is just as guilty. Whether it's failing to yield, not giving a turn signal, speeding (even if 2-3 mph), getting home after a couple drinks, reading a texting (it's texting), using of an inappropriate phone, not using seat belts, not wearing glasses (if required), running a red-light, running a now past yellow stoplight ( esp. if from Hoover or live in 280 corridor), driving without your license, without proof of insurance, for following too closely, a failure to observe construction warnings, not moving over for emergency personnel, improper child seat, improper passing over a solid yellow line, simple reckless driving, and yes .... having an overly tinted window.

NM was given a citation... not arrested... some here are way more guilty.

Yes - he was partaking of a banned substance, and yes he's a role model, but that's GUS's job to handle and not yours (or mine). The holier than thou only makes his job harder. Excuse me, but this is not pointed to anyone in particular, just an observation of how soon we forget the imperfections everyone else see's.

(** It's just a shame to see it's not just with the Bammer fans of this world)

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I am astonished at the people that want to do more than the written policy calls for. Every player on the team know the policy. They know exactly what is supposed to happen to Marshall. University policy cuts both ways and should be binding on Gus too. You want to send a message? When kind of message does it send if they tell you one thing and do something else? That they can not be trusted? Ignore their "policies" because they are meaningless? That will go over well..

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I am astonished at the people that want to do more than the written policy calls for. Every player on the team know the policy. They know exactly what is supposed to happen to Marshall. University policy cuts both ways and should be binding on Gus too. You want to send a message? When kind of message does it send if they tell you one thing and do something else? That they can not be trusted? Ignore their "policies" because they are meaningless? That will go over well..

Extenuating circumstances

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I got a big problem with the windows.LOL Mine are illegal to. I think most window tint is illegal.

Here in Georgia, the legal window tint is a 32% visibility. I've gotten a ticket before for window tint. Mine were 15% visibility. It cost more than a speeding ticket.

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I have been stopped for window tint by the GSP as a another driver passed me in a blind area going at least 25 miles over the limit, I could not believe the ticket- $150. Yeah they think your hiding something. I don't think it helps that my vehicle has an Auburn tag and various other AU decals.

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poor judgement, disappointed yes, but the policy is in place for situations like this. This is not extenuating circumstances. He wasn't even arrested. Now, if he screws up again, then the policy will ban him for 50% of the games. Nick either learns and keeps things straight for the rest of his time here, or he screws up and he misses time. If there needs to be some additional in house punishment that's fine and will probably happen, but as the policy reads there does not need to be any missed game time. If those holier than though think that he should miss game time, then the problem is not Nick, his citation, of the coaches ... it's the university's policy at this time.

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What a waste.

I think it's too early to say anything was a waste. I'm sure Nick is rethinking his life as we speak.

And, yes, I know he already had an opportunity to do that. Living life isn't so simple.

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I am astonished at the people that want to do more than the written policy calls for. Every player on the team know the policy. They know exactly what is supposed to happen to Marshall. University policy cuts both ways and should be binding on Gus too. You want to send a message? When kind of message does it send if they tell you one thing and do something else? That they can not be trusted? Ignore their "policies" because they are meaningless? That will go over well..

Apparently the written policy isn't enough deterrant.

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Lets hope our coaching will have Jeremy is ready to step up and take over.

I'm confident JJ is ready. I also hope it won't be necessary for him to take over. Maybe that's just me. Nick strikes me as a good kid.

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Quote:"Good luck Nick and thanks for 2013....some people seem to have forgotten about that."

Nick is the most exciting QB we've had since D. Craig. I'm looking forward to seeing him take every meaningful snap throughout the 2014 season. This citation will blow away just as will his citation for tinted windows. Where's the outrage over those windows anyway???

Actually, if you look back, there has been some. It's the same outrage being exhibited regarding the marijuana- poor decision making.

I am more outraged that that's what the cop pulled him over for. It's a horsepoop reason, just like pulling someone over for having a tag light out. It's just fishing for something bigger. You guys know me, I'm pretty liberal- but that steps over even my left-leaning line.

I don't know about Georgia, but Alabama allows pre-textual traffic stops. Meaning, that it's reasonable to use a valid traffic stop to look for/investigate more serious crime (the pre-text can't be based on cultural factors). This standard has been upheld through all of the courts. The mistake was made by Nick Marshall, not the police. That being said, I hope Nick is given another chance by coach Malzahn and I hope he makes the best of it.

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tinted windows have to be a certain % in different cities IIRC.. if they are too dark, you can be pulled over. A lot of times the police use that as an excuse to fish for something more. it sucks,, but the law is the law. Just like with tag lights

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tinted windows have to be a certain % in different cities IIRC.. if they are too dark, you can be pulled over. A lot of times the police use that as an excuse to fish for something more. it sucks,, but the law is the law. Just like with tag lights

Lots of serious criminals have been apprehended as a result of routine traffic stops. Not necessarily intelligent criminals, but serious ones. ;)

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tinted windows have to be a certain % in different cities IIRC.. if they are too dark, you can be pulled over. A lot of times the police use that as an excuse to fish for something more. it sucks,, but the law is the law. Just like with tag lights

Lots of serious criminals have been apprehended as a result of routine traffic stops. Not necessarily intelligent criminals, but serious ones. ;)/>

85% of cleared felonies come via traffic stop. Side note, cities with more stringent traffic enforcement have lower crime rates so says the FBI ucr.

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I got a big problem with the windows.LOL Mine are illegal to. I think most window tint is illegal.

Here in Georgia, the legal window tint is a 32% visibility. I've gotten a ticket before for window tint. Mine were 15% visibility. It cost more than a speeding ticket.

Nick's fine for the window tint is $100. Your speeding ticket was less than that?

The fine for the weed is $1000. For those comparing this to Winston's $30 citation for stealing crab legs, I would suggest that those who make the laws (granted, in different jurisdictions) think there's a significant difference.

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I got a big problem with the windows.LOL Mine are illegal to. I think most window tint is illegal.

Here in Georgia, the legal window tint is a 32% visibility. I've gotten a ticket before for window tint. Mine were 15% visibility. It cost more than a speeding ticket.

Nick's fine for the window tint is $100. Your speeding ticket was less than that?

The fine for the weed is $1000. For those comparing this to Winston's $30 citation for stealing crab legs, I would suggest that those who make the laws (granted, in different jurisdictions) think there's a significant difference.

My fine for tint was $165.

Another ticket fine for speeding was $115.

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I got a big problem with the windows.LOL Mine are illegal to. I think most window tint is illegal.

Here in Georgia, the legal window tint is a 32% visibility. I've gotten a ticket before for window tint. Mine were 15% visibility. It cost more than a speeding ticket.

Nick's fine for the window tint is $100. Your speeding ticket was less than that?

The fine for the weed is $1000. For those comparing this to Winston's $30 citation for stealing crab legs, I would suggest that those who make the laws (granted, in different jurisdictions) think there's a significant difference.

Dark windows are worse than theft? I think I'd rather hire the guy with the slightly darker windows.

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Not sure how reputable the source is on the 7 or so grams is, but I'm highly skeptical of that figure, if he was only cited. A few years back I was driving through south Georgia with some buddies through an area not too dissimilar from Reynolds. The car ahead of us in the caravan got pulled over for "coasting" down a hill. The officer smelled weed in the car, and told them he was going to search the car. At that point my buddy (the passenger) just copted to it and gave the officer what was left, as well as claimed it. It was enough for about a joint. He was immediately arrested and we spent the rest of the day figuring out how to get $700 together to bail him out.

The point of all of this is to say that if there would have been more than "trace amounts", then he would have almost certainly been arrested. Bail bond and court costs generate a lot more revenue than a citation.

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poor judgement, disappointed yes, but the policy is in place for situations like this. This is not extenuating circumstances. He wasn't even arrested. Now, if he screws up again, then the policy will ban him for 50% of the games. Nick either learns and keeps things straight for the rest of his time here, or he screws up and he misses time. If there needs to be some additional in house punishment that's fine and will probably happen, but as the policy reads there does not need to be any missed game time. If those holier than though think that he should miss game time, then the problem is not Nick, his citation, of the coaches ... it's the university's policy at this time.

The extenuating circumstance is that he is at AU on a second chance. He was already kicked out of an SEC school for theft.

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And just because I think he should be punished more than a little extra conditioning doesn't mean that I'm "holier than thou". It means I think he should be held accountable for his actions.

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And just because I think he should be punished more than a little extra conditioning doesn't mean that I'm "holier than thou". It means I think he should be held accountable for his actions.

I tend to agree. I think like many others here that the weed itself isn't a big deal, but the negative image that the university get from headlines like this is something he should be held accountable for.

So if I were Gus, I'd still send Nick to the SEC media days. Let him be the one who answers the questions that will be asked about it. Let him be the one who has to tell reporters that he's put it behind him and the team has too. Let it be adressed and then die there. I tend to think that sends the strongest message to the players and to the media. To me at least, it says that we're not going to turn our back on our players for something like this, but we're not going to clean up their mess for them either.

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And just because I think he should be punished more than a little extra conditioning doesn't mean that I'm "holier than thou". It means I think he should be held accountable for his actions.

I tend to agree. I think like many others here that the weed itself isn't a big deal, but the negative image that the university get from headlines like this is something he should be held accountable for.

So if I were Gus, I'd still send Nick to the SEC media days. Let him be the one who answers the questions that will be asked about it. Let him be the one who has to tell reporters that he's put it behind him and the team has too. Let it be adressed and then die there. I tend to think that sends the strongest message to the players and to the media. To me at least, it says that we're not going to turn our back on our players for something like this, but we're not going to clean up their mess for them either.

I agree. I think Nick would consider attending under these circumstances as more of a punishment than an award. Let Nick take the heat instead of Gus. And like you said, I think that is the best chance of ending it.

I'd also sit him out for the Ark. game as a more "tangible" punishment.

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