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Nick Marshall cited (confirmed)


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I just don't really understand why everyone is blowing this way out of proportion other than our top returning starter was "cited" for pot, and this is coming from someone that has never even tried a drug. People are acting like Nick is Jimmy Johns who distributed Cocaine when he was at UA with all the kick him off the team, bench him, "JJ is the better QB anyway" etc. One he was not arrested, two, drug test him. If he passes a drug test then just run the heck out of him and be done with it. Punishment is in order but not along the lines of kicking him off the team or a lengthy suspension. I think Gus will make the right decision, but whatever decision he makes I will stand firmly behind him, the above is just my opinion, he's the one getting paid the big bucks to run a D1 program, not me lol

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I just don't really understand why everyone is blowing this way out of proportion other than our top returning starter was "cited" for pot, and this is coming from someone that has never even tried a drug. People are acting like Nick is Jimmy Johns who distributed Cocaine when he was at UA with all the kick him off the team, bench him, "JJ is the better QB anyway" etc. One he was not arrested, two, drug test him. If he passes a drug test then just run the heck out of him and be done with it. Punishment is in order but not along the lines of kicking him off the team or a lengthy suspension. I think Gus will make the right decision, but whatever decision he makes I will stand firmly behind him, the above is just my opinion, he's the one getting paid the big bucks to run a D1 program, not me lol

The reason why everyone is up in arms is because we literally had pretty much this same conversation a week ago. It's difficult to see young men with a seeming lack of ablity to learn lessons, especially when the lessons are just so gosh-darned recent.

I don't understand why people don't understand that we're not having a conversation about marijuana. What we are having is a great big facepalm moment. And, just like last week, or any of the other times before - it's only a moment, and in a few weeks we will be having conversations about countdown to football.

This is a message board. A forum. I am baffled by people who are baffled by people offering their opinions.

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I trust that Gus will get the facts and follow the written school policy without a doubt. However, that still does not change the fact that another AU athlete was cited in public "supposedly" having done something embarrassing to AU. If guilty, he deserves to suffer the punishment per the written policy. In the bigger picture though, do we (the AU football team) have another systemic problem that needs to be crushed immediately or are these guys just a few of the dumb and stupid. If someone wants to do this..keep it private. Hurt only yourself and not someone else. Just my 2 cents worth.

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There is a problem in this thread right now. Some people are basing their opinion on the residue story, some are basing it on the 8 grams story. So before everybody gets all wound up, this is the latest I have found and it purports to have quotes.

Ledger- Enquirer

updated 6 hours ago

(from the article)

"Upon approaching the vehicle, the officer detected an odor of marijuana," Holder said, noting Marshall was the only person in the vehicle. "At that time, a consent to search the vehicle was requested and granted."

Asked where the marijuana was located, Marshall informed the officer it was above his visor.

"At that time we located the marijuana and we detained him for just a little while for his safety and ours," Holder said. "He was given two citations, one for window tint violation and another for possession of marijuana of less than an ounce."


So Nick told them where it was? Good for him. That's owning up to it. Helps his situation If you ask me

Yes, the smart thing to do was not to make things worse. So I would agree, the fact that he fully cooperated does help his situation. My understanding is that Nick also drove right back to Auburn and he was the one that told Gus.
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I think Gus will not say one way or the other about the starting QB for Arky game. I would not then be surprised to see JJ start.

I along with the many on here hate the damage done to AU's good name by this stupid act done by the individual who was supposed to be our team leader and good example. I trust Gus to do what is best for the team and AU.

If we had players beating their girlfriends, getting DUIs, fighting with people around bars, stealing, etc, then I would worry about Auburn's good name. This is just a stupid thing he did.

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I just don't really understand why everyone is blowing this way out of proportion other than our top returning starter was "cited" for pot, and this is coming from someone that has never even tried a drug. People are acting like Nick is Jimmy Johns who distributed Cocaine when he was at UA with all the kick him off the team, bench him, "JJ is the better QB anyway" etc. One he was not arrested, two, drug test him. If he passes a drug test then just run the heck out of him and be done with it. Punishment is in order but not along the lines of kicking him off the team or a lengthy suspension. I think Gus will make the right decision, but whatever decision he makes I will stand firmly behind him, the above is just my opinion, he's the one getting paid the big bucks to run a D1 program, not me lol

The reason why everyone is up in arms is because we literally had pretty much this same conversation a week ago. It's difficult to see young men with a seeming lack of ablity to learn lessons, especially when the lessons are just so gosh-darned recent.

I don't understand why people don't understand that we're not having a conversation about marijuana. What we are having is a great big facepalm moment. And, just like last week, or any of the other times before - it's only a moment, and in a few weeks we will be having conversations about countdown to football.

This is a message board. A forum. I am baffled by people who are baffled by people offering their opinions.

No I am baffled at people who act like the sky is falling every time something negative happens instead of letting it play out. I have no problem with people having an opinion, but as I listed above, some people take it to extremes. Also, in todays society many people view pot as "normal" and to be caught with such a little amount is not a big deal to most people, especially with as popular as it on college campuses. I saw an article where Jimbo kicked a guy off FSU for being 'arrested' for Marijuana, but they said he could've been pulled over for a DUI with an open container and still be on the team. Thats just screwed up logic

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There is a problem in this thread right now. Some people are basing their opinion on the residue story, some are basing it on the 8 grams story. So before everybody gets all wound up, this is the latest I have found and it purports to have quotes.

Ledger- Enquirer

updated 6 hours ago

(from the article)

"Upon approaching the vehicle, the officer detected an odor of marijuana," Holder said, noting Marshall was the only person in the vehicle. "At that time, a consent to search the vehicle was requested and granted."

Asked where the marijuana was located, Marshall informed the officer it was above his visor.

"At that time we located the marijuana and we detained him for just a little while for his safety and ours," Holder said. "He was given two citations, one for window tint violation and another for possession of marijuana of less than an ounce."


So Nick told them where it was? Good for him. That's owning up to it. Helps his situation If you ask me

Yes, the smart thing to do was not to make things worse. So I would agree, the fact that he fully cooperated does help his situation. My understanding is that Nick also drove right back to Auburn and he was the one that told Gus.

I was actually watching one of those campus cop shows last night and they stopped a kid for a traffic violation. They smelled marijuana and asked the kid driving if he had any drugs in the car telling him if he would cooperate it would be a lot better for him. He admitted to having some. They collected the marijuana gave him tickets and released him.

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There is a problem in this thread right now. Some people are basing their opinion on the residue story, some are basing it on the 8 grams story. So before everybody gets all wound up, this is the latest I have found and it purports to have quotes.

Ledger- Enquirer

updated 6 hours ago

(from the article)

"Upon approaching the vehicle, the officer detected an odor of marijuana," Holder said, noting Marshall was the only person in the vehicle. "At that time, a consent to search the vehicle was requested and granted."

Asked where the marijuana was located, Marshall informed the officer it was above his visor.

"At that time we located the marijuana and we detained him for just a little while for his safety and ours," Holder said. "He was given two citations, one for window tint violation and another for possession of marijuana of less than an ounce."


So Nick told them where it was? Good for him. That's owning up to it. Helps his situation If you ask me

Yes, the smart thing to do was not to make things worse. So I would agree, the fact that he fully cooperated does help his situation. My understanding is that Nick also drove right back to Auburn and he was the one that told Gus.

Good for Nick. Bet we won't hear that part of the story from AL media

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Ricky Parks @RickyParks46

Auburn is under a zero tolerance rule right? Haha let's really see. Cause that's what I was told

I guess there won't be any more rumors about Ricky Rerejoining the team.

I don't think Parks should've been kicked out and I REALLY don't think Marshall should be kicked out

I don't think Ricky is wrong in any way, those people on twitter are mainly salty because he pointed out Malzahn would have a fault not removing Marshall

+ the #43 cover photo

Based on what? I didn't know you were there when everything went down with Parks and were privy to THE WHOLE STORY regarding his dismissal. I didn't realize you knew exactly what he did that lead to his dismissal. Nobody else here does. Oh, wait, neither do you. Just an opinion with zero information on the situation.

So that'll be THREE STARTERS missing vs. Arkansas? Dang. Well, at least Beluga won't have any excuses.

I didn't know punishment had been announced for anybody? Do we have another insider? DOUBT IT. There's been absolutely NOTHING mentioned anywhere in any way shape or form from anybody (especially those at Auburn that actually matter) that any starters will be missing vs. Arkansas. We can GUESS that Lawson won't be back in time from the injury but even that hasn't been confirmed by anybody.

No idea who/what Beluga is....

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Ricky Parks @RickyParks46

Auburn is under a zero tolerance rule right? Haha let's really see. Cause that's what I was told

I guess there won't be any more rumors about Ricky Rerejoining the team.

I don't think Parks should've been kicked out and I REALLY don't think Marshall should be kicked out

I don't think Ricky is wrong in any way, those people on twitter are mainly salty because he pointed out Malzahn would have a fault not removing Marshall

+ the #43 cover photo

Ricky is wrong because he and others on the team were not under the same rules...because of Ricky's past action that got him booted once already. HE was back on a zero tolerance basis, not everyone.

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Welcome to bigtime college football. If you want to be a championship contender, this is the kind of crap you have to weed through sometimes.

(Pun intended. ;D/> )

That's putting it "blunt"ly. :)

Sometimes, you just gotta "roll" with the punches.

I think the cop was hoping to smoke him out like a roach. He's no bud to AU.

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Welcome to bigtime college football. If you want to be a championship contender, this is the kind of crap you have to weed through sometimes.

(Pun intended. ;D/> )

That's putting it "blunt"ly. :)

Sometimes, you just gotta "roll" with the punches.

I think the cop was hoping to smoke him out like a roach. He's no bud to AU.

I've seen Marshall stand in the pocket and take heavy hits occasionally.

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Auburn has a WRITTEN drug policy that specifies no loss of playing for a first violation. If this is a first offense, then neither Marshall nor Mincy should lose playing time. However, if either have failed a test previously we would not know. If these are second offenses, they will lose half a seasons. No one should receive punishment that is not called for in the written policy.

You are spot-on, but many of the "make an example here" people are choosing to ignore the fact that a written policy exists and will be followed to the letter.

This whole thing is nothing but a tempest in a teapot. He was cited, not arrested. If you don't sit him for a traffic ticket, you don't sit him for this.

Plus as I stated earlier 8 or 9 grams is about 14 joints worth of pot. Just a citation for 14 joints?? Doesn't make sense! Bad cop, maybe??

Dang. You're pretty stingy with your hemp.

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Welcome to bigtime college football. If you want to be a championship contender, this is the kind of crap you have to weed through sometimes.

(Pun intended. ;D/> )

That's putting it "blunt"ly. :)/>

Sometimes, you just gotta "roll" with the punches.

If I had a dimebag for every time I have heard that one.. ;D

Weegle! I am shocked. :o Your reputation just took a hit with me.

Shocked? I don't know why. Dude is a chronic offender.

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I'll say this, though. Heisman candidate, representative of the university, or not- Nick's 2nd biggest mistake (1st being drawing attention to himself with tinted windows) was consenting to the search. Its possible none of this happens if he asserts his Constitutional rights- which don't evaporate by virtue of his lofty status.

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Didn't go all the way back, but appears Marshall was very respectful in the situation

The Police Chief who gave Auburn Quarterback Nick Marshall a citation for having marijuana and tinted windows says he gave Marshall advice before leaving the traffic stop.

Marshall was driving a purple Dodge Charger. He was stopped for having illegal tinted windows.

Officers smelled marijuana in the car and searched for it. Marshall was not arrested, but was given two citations totally $1,000. The Reynolds police chief says he had a stern talk with Marshall.

“I explained to Nick that I was really disappointed in him. I told him that there are a million kids that look up to him. He is a role model whether he wants to be or not. I was disappointed that we have athletes out there doing that. I explained to him that we are not going to treat him any differently. I was disappointed in him. I hope he learns from his mistake and this puts him on the right path,” said Chief Lonnie Holder.

Chief holder says Marshall was very somber in his reply.

“He was very regretful. He was very respectful. He was very apologetic. He seemed like he was disappointed in himself. He did get a little teary eyed as we had the conversation. I think sometimes what those kids need, they need somebody to talk to them and say, hey, you made a mistake, don't let it happen anymore,” said Chief Holder.

Marshall is currently scheduled to be at SEC media days in Hoover on Monday. Auburn could replace him with another player if they want to. LSU did the same thing with quarterback Jordan Jefferson a few years ago.

Marshall has not yet paid his citations. He will not have to go to court if he pays the money. Chief Holder admitted that young athletes like Marshall are held to a higher standard, but, he says his officers have to treat them like any other person who breaks the law.


I read somewhere and can't remember where. 1st offense is warning and councling and weekly testing. 2nd is half the season. 3rd is removal from the team.

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Didn't go all the way back, but appears Marshall was very respectful in the situation

The Police Chief who gave Auburn Quarterback Nick Marshall a citation for having marijuana and tinted windows says he gave Marshall advice before leaving the traffic stop.

Marshall was driving a purple Dodge Charger. He was stopped for having illegal tinted windows.

Officers smelled marijuana in the car and searched for it. Marshall was not arrested, but was given two citations totally $1,000. The Reynolds police chief says he had a stern talk with Marshall.

“I explained to Nick that I was really disappointed in him. I told him that there are a million kids that look up to him. He is a role model whether he wants to be or not. I was disappointed that we have athletes out there doing that. I explained to him that we are not going to treat him any differently. I was disappointed in him. I hope he learns from his mistake and this puts him on the right path,” said Chief Lonnie Holder.

Chief holder says Marshall was very somber in his reply.

“He was very regretful. He was very respectful. He was very apologetic. He seemed like he was disappointed in himself. He did get a little teary eyed as we had the conversation. I think sometimes what those kids need, they need somebody to talk to them and say, hey, you made a mistake, don't let it happen anymore,” said Chief Holder.

Marshall is currently scheduled to be at SEC media days in Hoover on Monday. Auburn could replace him with another player if they want to. LSU did the same thing with quarterback Jordan Jefferson a few years ago.

Marshall has not yet paid his citations. He will not have to go to court if he pays the money. Chief Holder admitted that young athletes like Marshall are held to a higher standard, but, he says his officers have to treat them like any other person who breaks the law.


I read somewhere and can't remember where. 1st offense is warning and councling and weekly testing. 2nd is half the season. 3rd is removal from the team.

If this is accurate, and I have no reason to believe it isn't, sounds like Marshall got a fair shake. One thing I can say about Marshall, he makes his mistakes but atleast he owns up to them and doesn't make excuses for what he did wrong. Same thing happened when he was at UGA. It never should have happened but I respect him for being honest.

If Nick didn't let the officer search the car things may have turned out worse for him when the officer already had probable cause for a search since he smelled weed. I wish the best for Nick. He doesnt strike me as some arrogant punk that thinks somebody owes him something. Thats what I gather from his interviews, what people that know him say about him, and my own experience seeing him outside of campus interacting with friends.

Good luck Nick and thanks for 2013....some people seem to have forgotten about that.

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Quote:"Good luck Nick and thanks for 2013....some people seem to have forgotten about that."

Nick is the most exciting QB we've had since D. Craig. I'm looking forward to seeing him take every meaningful snap throughout the 2014 season. This citation will blow away just as will his citation for tinted windows. Where's the outrage over those windows anyway???

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I got a big problem with the windows.LOL Mine are illegal to. I think most window tint is illegal.

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Quote:"Good luck Nick and thanks for 2013....some people seem to have forgotten about that."

Nick is the most exciting QB we've had since D. Craig. I'm looking forward to seeing him take every meaningful snap throughout the 2014 season. This citation will blow away just as will his citation for tinted windows. Where's the outrage over those windows anyway???

Actually, if you look back, there has been some. It's the same outrage being exhibited regarding the marijuana- poor decision making.

I am more outraged that that's what the cop pulled him over for. It's a horsepoop reason, just like pulling someone over for having a tag light out. It's just fishing for something bigger. You guys know me, I'm pretty liberal- but that steps over even my left-leaning line.

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Guest jojo1515

Quote:"Good luck Nick and thanks for 2013....some people seem to have forgotten about that."

Nick is the most exciting QB we've had since D. Craig. I'm looking forward to seeing him take every meaningful snap throughout the 2014 season. This citation will blow away just as will his citation for tinted windows. Where's the outrage over those windows anyway???

Wasnt aware that D Craig and Marshall were more exciting than Cam Newton....

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