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Connect all these DISGRACED POLITICIANS using ONE WORD...

DKW 86

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Oh I agree. Corruption is on both sides and in spades. It was just a pet peeve of mine in reading about Nagin that they were obviously leaving the party out. But corruption does indeed run both ways.

I just hate it when there is an obvious bias, EITHER WAY.

Nagin was a Republican who switched parties to run as a Democrat in a Democratic city:


Not that his party means anything , but those whining about this today will find something just as petty and lacking in meaning to whine about tomorrow-- right David? ;)/>

I think what he is saying is: when the story broke there was/is not one word or piece of ink stating Nagin is a Democrat. If this were a Republican the main stream press would have GOP, Republican or something similar in the story headline and in the first sentence of the article.

Also if he were a Republican, the entire trail would have been front page news for days and/or weeks.

I'm trying to find on utube where Nagin claimed he was never, ever a Republican. True or not, I don't know but Nagin did state this when he was running for re-election after Katrina, when the super intelligent people of New Orleans re-elected him.

The ongoing whine about how you think he would have been treated if he'd been Republican. How was Blagojevich treated?

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Blago the man was destroyed.

Blago the Democrat, not so much...

Your Republican persecution fantasy.

Google these two words:

blagojevich democrat

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There is no honor in either party. Both are corrupt, both parties couldn't care less about the citizenry, both parties are morally bankrupt, caring only about getting the other side back for the mythical wrongs that they inflict on each other. It's mostly about which pile of crap do you want to associate yourself with?

In which case, you still end up covered in crap regardless of your choice.

Exactly my friend.

Do you think the political divide serves to maintain the status quo? Imagine if the population was united in seeking effective and efficient government rather than being caught up in the political theatre.

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There is no honor in either party. Both are corrupt, both parties couldn't care less about the citizenry, both parties are morally bankrupt, caring only about getting the other side back for the mythical wrongs that they inflict on each other. It's mostly about which pile of crap do you want to associate yourself with?

In which case, you still end up covered in crap regardless of your choice.

Exactly my friend.

Do you think the political divide serves to maintain the status quo? Imagine if the population was united in seeking effective and efficient government rather than being caught up in the political theatre.

Utopia? Like that will happen.
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There is no honor in either party. Both are corrupt, both parties couldn't care less about the citizenry, both parties are morally bankrupt, caring only about getting the other side back for the mythical wrongs that they inflict on each other. It's mostly about which pile of crap do you want to associate yourself with?

In which case, you still end up covered in crap regardless of your choice.

Exactly my friend.

Do you think the political divide serves to maintain the status quo? Imagine if the population was united in seeking effective and efficient government rather than being caught up in the political theatre.

Efficient government? What are you smoking? That's the most obvious oxymoron I've ever seen. In case you missed it, the federal govt is running a debt in excess of $17 trillion dollars are you're pontificating about efficient govt? Look, the divisions are deeper and wider now than they have ever been. I do believe Obama has had a hand in that. I understand that you believe it is uninformed to hold him accountable for anything but if the electorate isn't going to hold its public servants accountable how are you proposing to make govt efficient?

The political theater is being driven by Obama. He insults Congress repeatedly then acts surprised when they don't do what he wants them to do. He constantly talks about "moving the ball forward" with his pen and his phone but every time a tough situation arises that requires leadership from the Executive Branch its always those mean ole republican's who prevent him from getting any results. The guy is way out of his depth and that is a fact that even democrats are beginning to concede. I realize, however, that is a point you will never concede...just sayin.

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There is no honor in either party. Both are corrupt, both parties couldn't care less about the citizenry, both parties are morally bankrupt, caring only about getting the other side back for the mythical wrongs that they inflict on each other. It's mostly about which pile of crap do you want to associate yourself with?

In which case, you still end up covered in crap regardless of your choice.

Exactly my friend.

Do you think the political divide serves to maintain the status quo? Imagine if the population was united in seeking effective and efficient government rather than being caught up in the political theatre.

Utopia? Like that will happen.

Wonder if this would actually give any answers:


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Just for fun, I did google "Blagojevich & Democrat" got 247,000 hits.


As I typed the words, I got an "auto-fill" for "Blagojevich & Democrat OR REPUBLICAN"

Clicked on it...What do you know: 2.46M HITS, OR 10X THE NUMBER OF HITS FOR "BLAGOJEVICH & DEMOCRAT"



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Blago the man was destroyed.

Blago the Democrat, not so much...

Your Republican persecution fantasy.

Google these two words:

blagojevich democrat

Persecution exists for conservatives but go ahead and keep your head in the sand.

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Just for fun, I did google "Blagojevich & Democrat" got 247,000 hits.


As I typed the words, I got an "auto-fill" for "Blagojevich & Democrat OR REPUBLICAN"

Clicked on it...What do you know: 2.46M HITS, OR 10X THE NUMBER OF HITS FOR "BLAGOJEVICH & DEMOCRAT"



Look beyond the number of hits if you believe the msm avoided his party:

The imprisonment of Blagojevich, a Democrat, ...


Blagojevich, a Democrat,...


Blagojevich, a Democrat,...


Mr. Blagojevich, a Democratl...


The twice-elected Democrat...


Those are pretty much the MSM publications y'all most love to hate.

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It's a conspiricy. Thats all you get from barry and his croonies conspiricys and skandells. If wes gone save this country wes gone have to kill the libtards.

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It's a conspiricy. Thats all you get from barry and his croonies conspiricys and skandells. If wes gone save this country wes gone have to kill the libtards.

The movement afoot right now is not to save the country but to remake it. Its impossible, however, to remake something unless and until it is broken. It pretty funny how you try your best to ridicule those who see whats happening but cant see what is happening right under your own nose. You'd much rather play the forum genius and use condescension to prop yourself up than to admit to the possibility that there are forces in play that go well beyond the WH who want the country remade..

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So number of hits is meaningless?

This time yes. But next time when they want them, not so meaningless.
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So number of hits is meaningless?

I take the time to point out the msm did exactly what you claim they didn't and you still just want to deflect. I'm done wasting time with you today. Have a great weekend.

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No, i am pointing out that the MSM covered it very lightly.

You are trying to say I said they did not cover it at all.

You are arguing with yourself here.

Think Mr Maher was talking to or at you...

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No, i am pointing out that the MSM covered it very lightly.

You are trying to say I said they did not cover it at all.

You are arguing with yourself here.

Think Mr Maher was talking to or at you...

Right, we get it. The mainstream (meaning not wacko) media industry is lined up against Republicans and coordinated their coverage to ignore that "Blogo" was a Democrat. :rolleyes:

Well, I suppose if you compare that to the international hoax of AGW, you would think that's feasible. <_<

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No, i am pointing out that the MSM covered it very lightly.

You are trying to say I said they did not cover it at all.

You are arguing with yourself here.

Think Mr Maher was talking to or at you...

Right, we get it. The mainstream (meaning not wacko) media industry is lined up against Republicans and coordinated their coverage to ignore that "Blogo" was a Democrat. :rolleyes:

Well, I suppose if you compare that to the international hoax of AGW, you would think that's feasible. <_<

homer, you were sssooo close to getting it right...lol
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No, i am pointing out that the MSM covered it very lightly.

You are trying to say I said they did not cover it at all.

You are arguing with yourself here.

Think Mr Maher was talking to or at you...

Right, we get it. The mainstream (meaning not wacko) media industry is lined up against Republicans and coordinated their coverage to ignore that "Blogo" was a Democrat. :rolleyes:

Well, I suppose if you compare that to the international hoax of AGW, you would think that's feasible. <_<

You refer to the MSM as the not wacko media while I refer to the MSM as the ones covering for and carrying the water for a failed Presidency that is so far underwater it is unbelievable. If Obama was a republican the blood letting would have been devastating. Take notice for one second how the sharks voraciously circled the Chris Christie bridge scandal and that wasn't even a national story, yet, it was beaten to death for weeks on end by the MSM...the "non-wackos" as you prefer to believe. What a freakin joke.

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No, i am pointing out that the MSM covered it very lightly.

You are trying to say I said they did not cover it at all.

You are arguing with yourself here.

Think Mr Maher was talking to or at you...

Right, we get it. The mainstream (meaning not wacko) media industry is lined up against Republicans and coordinated their coverage to ignore that "Blogo" was a Democrat. :rolleyes:

Well, I suppose if you compare that to the international hoax of AGW, you would think that's feasible. <_<

You refer to the MSM as the not wacko media while I refer to the MSM as the ones covering for and carrying the water for a failed Presidency that is so far underwater it is unbelievable. If Obama was a republican the blood letting would have been devastating. Take notice for one second how the sharks voraciously circled the Chris Christie bridge scandal and that wasn't even a national story, yet, it was beaten to death for weeks on end by the MSM...the "non-wackos" as you prefer to believe. What a freakin joke.

Right. Just like the mainstream media ignored Monica Lewinsky?

And ignored Bush's justification for invading Iraq...oh wait, they really did ignore that.

A sure sign of a losing political philosophy is to blame the press.

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No, i am pointing out that the MSM covered it very lightly.

You are trying to say I said they did not cover it at all.

You are arguing with yourself here.

Think Mr Maher was talking to or at you...

Right, we get it. The mainstream (meaning not wacko) media industry is lined up against Republicans and coordinated their coverage to ignore that "Blogo" was a Democrat. :rolleyes:

Well, I suppose if you compare that to the international hoax of AGW, you would think that's feasible. <_<

You refer to the MSM as the not wacko media while I refer to the MSM as the ones covering for and carrying the water for a failed Presidency that is so far underwater it is unbelievable. If Obama was a republican the blood letting would have been devastating. Take notice for one second how the sharks voraciously circled the Chris Christie bridge scandal and that wasn't even a national story, yet, it was beaten to death for weeks on end by the MSM...the "non-wackos" as you prefer to believe. What a freakin joke.

Right. Just like the mainstream media ignored Monica Lewinsky?

And ignored Bush's justification for invading Iraq...oh wait, they really did ignore that.

A sure sign of a losing political philosophy is to blame the press.

Who is blaming the press for anything? I just watch and learn. It is truly amazing that you left wingers honestly believe that the MSM isn't covering for Obama...UNREAL!

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