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Connect all these DISGRACED POLITICIANS using ONE WORD...

DKW 86

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Oh I agree. Corruption is on both sides and in spades. It was just a pet peeve of mine in reading about Nagin that they were obviously leaving the party out. But corruption does indeed run both ways.

I just hate it when there is an obvious bias, EITHER WAY.

I watch most American news for entertainment value. I listen to religious/conservative talk radio for the same reason. When I actually want real and unbiased information, I often find it easier to look at foreign news sources. Personally, I do not see a prevalent bias, per se. If reading liberal bias news, one can expect liberal politicians' follies to be downplayed, while they are harped on incessantly in conservative bias news. When reading conservative bias news, one can expect conservative politicians' follies to be downplayed.

It is rather similar to the chorus that must make everything out into an attack on Obama or his administration. The exact same thing took place during Bush's presidency, it just came from different people. Issues are no longer relevant, it is instead all about ideological warfare, dressed up around issues. Finding an actual solution is not the goal, making the other guys wrong is.

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Congressman Rick Renzi from Arizona

Federal District Judge Samuel Kent from Texas

Congressman Bob Ney from Ohio

Congressman Duke Cunningham from California

Congressman Wes Cooley from Oregon

Congressman Buz Lukens from Ohio

All Republicans. It's a poor point to make as the door quite clearly swings both ways. If anything, we can safely infer that both parties have established a pattern of corruption. Before the partisan responses arrive, keep in mind that I am not a Democrat.

Neither am I. However, that is part of the stupidity.

Iffen you aint with us then yous got to be agin us.

The parties are becoming more like cults, the rhetoric like indoctrination.

Strange that both of you missed the point of the original post. Which is that reporting of those politicians their party affiliation was either not mentioned or mentioned and then quickly moved in. But when it's a Republican being reported on, party affiliation is prominent and prolonged. Oh and BTW I'm not a Republican.

Right, who would have known they were all Dimocraps.

That there lame screen media done covers up for the libtards.

I was wrong in my first post when I said "strange", it's not strange, I expected the bigotry from you.
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I agree with the posts about corruption in both parties. We need term limits in Washington DC and Montgomery.

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I agree with the posts about corruption in both parties. We need term limits in Washington DC and Montgomery.

Hence my answer of America.

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Term limits could make things even worse. All it would do is increase turnover.

It doesn't address the root causes of corruption which are built-in to our system of campaign financing and post-political-office job pay-offs. It's a self-perpetuating system and the SCOTUS just accelerated it. We need to be going in the opposite direction.

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My point is, whether it is MSNBC or FOX news, if you feed at the trough of ignorance and regurgitate it here, you're not exactly a deep thinker.

So you honestly believe that FOX and MSNBC are just alike except they espouse different ideology? LOL I love how you set yourself up as THE final arbiter of what is acceptable to think about this admin and what is not. I find it particularly amusing that you pretend to"know' exactly what people here think. All of your posts are based on extremely arrogant and self righteous assumptions, the vast majority, of which, are nothing but reflections of your own biases.

Have at it.

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My point is, whether it is MSNBC or FOX news, if you feed at the trough of ignorance and regurgitate it here, you're not exactly a deep thinker.

So you honestly believe that FOX and MSNBC are just alike except they espouse different ideology? LOL I love how you set yourself up as THE final arbiter of what is acceptable to think about this admin and what is not. I find it particularly amusing that you pretend to"know' exactly what people here think. All of your posts are based on extremely arrogant and self righteous assumptions, the vast majority, of which, are nothing but reflections of your own biases.

Have at it.

Fox is far more purposeful. Ailes has been planning it for years:


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That's because the ' impartial' media hasn't been so for DECADES.

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My point is, whether it is MSNBC or FOX news, if you feed at the trough of ignorance and regurgitate it here, you're not exactly a deep thinker.

So you honestly believe that FOX and MSNBC are just alike except they espouse different ideology? LOL I love how you set yourself up as THE final arbiter of what is acceptable to think about this admin and what is not. I find it particularly amusing that you pretend to"know' exactly what people here think. All of your posts are based on extremely arrogant and self righteous assumptions, the vast majority, of which, are nothing but reflections of your own biases.

Have at it.

Blue, you need to take a pill. That was not a personal attack. It made perfect sense.

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Both parties have their skeletons. The nation is in both of their closets.

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Oh I agree. Corruption is on both sides and in spades. It was just a pet peeve of mine in reading about Nagin that they were obviously leaving the party out. But corruption does indeed run both ways.

I just hate it when there is an obvious bias, EITHER WAY.

Nagin was a Republican who switched parties to run as a Democrat in a Democratic city:


Not that his party means anything , but those whining about this today will find something just as petty and lacking in meaning to whine about tomorrow-- right David? ;)

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Nagin was a Republican who switched parties to run as a Democrat in a Democratic city:


Not that his party means anything , but those whining about this today will find something just as petty and lacking in meaning to whine about tomorrow-- right David? ;)

He said in an interview that he was never a Republican.

Political affiliation[edit]

Several news sources, including BBC News and numerous blogs and editorials,[16][17][18] have stated that Nagin was a registered Republican for most of his adult life, and a George W. Bush supporter, but switched to the Democrat Party shortly before seeking office. In 2004, he endorsed John Kerry for president.[12][19] In a January 13, 2006 interview on the Tavis Smiley Show, Nagin himself denied these rumors, stating that he "never was a Republican" and that he has been a "life-long Democrat",[20]


And news sources retracted their stories and articles that originally said that he switched parties.


Correction to This Article

An Oct. 26 article that featured an interview with New Orleans Mayor C. Ray Nagin incorrectly stated that he had switched his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat. He has never been a Republican.

A Shrinking New Orleans

By Ceci Connolly and Manuel Roig-Franzia

Washington Post Staff Writers

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

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Nagin was a Republican who switched parties to run as a Democrat in a Democratic city:


Not that his party means anything , but those whining about this today will find something just as petty and lacking in meaning to whine about tomorrow-- right David? ;)/>

He said in an interview that he was never a Republican.

Political affiliation[edit]

Several news sources, including BBC News and numerous blogs and editorials,[16][17][18] have stated that Nagin was a registered Republican for most of his adult life, and a George W. Bush supporter, but switched to the Democrat Party shortly before seeking office. In 2004, he endorsed John Kerry for president.[12][19] In a January 13, 2006 interview on the Tavis Smiley Show, Nagin himself denied these rumors, stating that he "never was a Republican" and that he has been a "life-long Democrat",[20]


And news sources retracted their stories and articles that originally said that he switched parties.


Correction to This Article

An Oct. 26 article that featured an interview with New Orleans Mayor C. Ray Nagin incorrectly stated that he had switched his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat. He has never been a Republican.

A Shrinking New Orleans

By Ceci Connolly and Manuel Roig-Franzia

Washington Post Staff Writers

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

So he claimed later when running as a Democrat, and after campaigning for Bobby Jindal. In the 2000 election cycle, before he ran, he only contributed to Republicans, including Bush:


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Wow a politician convicted of wide ranging graft and bribery has conflicting "facts" in the public record about himself. Is he Elizabeth Warren's brother? Are they related to Joe Biden?

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I just thought everyone had read or heard of the "Never a Republican" statement.

It really doesnt matter here. Both parties are really just different arms of the same party, The Party of Money & Greed

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There is no honor in either party. Both are corrupt, both parties couldn't care less about the citizenry, both parties are morally bankrupt, caring only about getting the other side back for the mythical wrongs that they inflict on each other. It's mostly about which pile of crap do you want to associate yourself with?

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There is no honor in either party. Both are corrupt, both parties couldn't care less about the citizenry, both parties are morally bankrupt, caring only about getting the other side back for the mythical wrongs that they inflict on each other. It's mostly about which pile of crap do you want to associate yourself with?

In which case, you still end up covered in crap regardless of your choice.

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There is no honor in either party. Both are corrupt, both parties couldn't care less about the citizenry, both parties are morally bankrupt, caring only about getting the other side back for the mythical wrongs that they inflict on each other. It's mostly about which pile of crap do you want to associate yourself with?

In which case, you still end up covered in crap regardless of your choice.

Exactly my friend.
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Oh I agree. Corruption is on both sides and in spades. It was just a pet peeve of mine in reading about Nagin that they were obviously leaving the party out. But corruption does indeed run both ways.

I just hate it when there is an obvious bias, EITHER WAY.

Nagin was a Republican who switched parties to run as a Democrat in a Democratic city:


Not that his party means anything , but those whining about this today will find something just as petty and lacking in meaning to whine about tomorrow-- right David? ;)

I think what he is saying is: when the story broke there was/is not one word or piece of ink stating Nagin is a Democrat. If this were a Republican the main stream press would have GOP, Republican or something similar in the story headline and in the first sentence of the article.

Also if he were a Republican, the entire trail would have been front page news for days and/or weeks.

I'm trying to find on utube where Nagin claimed he was never, ever a Republican. True or not, I don't know but Nagin did state this when he was running for re-election after Katrina, when the super intelligent people of New Orleans re-elected him.

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There is no honor in either party. Both are corrupt, both parties couldn't care less about the citizenry, both parties are morally bankrupt, caring only about getting the other side back for the mythical wrongs that they inflict on each other. It's mostly about which pile of crap do you want to associate yourself with?

In which case, you still end up covered in crap regardless of your choice.

Exactly my friend.

That's why I have remained convinced for my entire adult life that the ultimate answer does not lie with either of our current parties, but they are also so well entrenched that it is virtually impossible to bypass them. By the time someone rises to the top of either party, they are so infected by the short term thinking that is endemic of both parties that it no longer really matters who is elected. In other words, I do not think things would be very different had Romney or McCain won.

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I agree. Congress is the biggest problem. The president is a puppet. We need to get these 40 year squatters out of congress, and get some new blood in there.

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I agree. Congress is the biggest problem. The president is a puppet. We need to get these 40 year squatters out of congress, and get some new blood in there.

Therein lies another problem: from where will the new blood come? From all I see, the new guard would be little more than proteges of the old guard.

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