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Bird, I hope today is the day James gets to go home. Take care. We continue to think about you all and pray for you.

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Bird, I hope today is the day James gets to go home. Take care. We continue to think about you all and pray for you.

AMEN!! :au:

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we are scheduled to leave today, but he began running a low grade fever throughout the night, which concerns me a bit...Rounds begin in a little bit, so I'll know more then.

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we are scheduled to leave today, but he began running a low grade fever throughout the night, which concerns me a bit...Rounds begin in a little bit, so I'll know more then.

Thanks for the update. Sorry to hear about the fever. Really hope that's nothing and y'all get to go home today.

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Me too, I'm exhausted. Not only has James been in the hospital, but I've been trying to close on a house from the hospital room, and coaches report Monday for work. Not exactly the restful vacation I was hoping for. Your prayers for strength have not gone unanswered.

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getting ready to go...found out he is one of 25 in the US with his exact conditions.

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getting ready to go...found out he is one of 25 in the US with his exact conditions.

Glad he is getting to go home. Speaking from experience, it is MUCH nicer to be at home to recover than in a hospital (especially from a food standpoint)

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Made fajitas tonight and nothing has ever tasted better. Again, to all of you that took the time to say a prayer or think fondly for my family. Thank you

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Glad yall are finally back in the comfort of your own home. I hope you and your family have a relaxing and rest-filled night and I know I speak for all when I say your son will continue to be in our prayers.

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His condition sounds a lot like what Alexis Romanov had.

I'm glad he's home now and feeling better. Your family will be in my prayers.

it is as far as both have/had hemophilia b. James, however is complicated even more due to the inhibitors.

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Praise God! Nothing like being home! Never know how much you love home cooking and your own bed till you've been away for a while! Glad to hear this today

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we are at my parents and are going to our palce in a few hours. We can't wait for our own beds, its been over 2 weeks.

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