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he is tentatively scheduled for surgery in the morning to replace his port. His last culture was negative and he is feeling better.

Great news!

Double That!!
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he is tentatively scheduled for surgery in the morning to replace his port. His last culture was negative and he is feeling better.

Keep declaring healing in Jesus' name over him my friend!
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surgery took longer than anticipated due to scar tissue, but he did well. They ended up going through his internal jugular rather than his subclavian, so his neck is sore where they cut into it.. His hip has also flared up again and is hurting pretty good right now. We will be here at least through Wednesday, longer if his hip doesn't improve significantly

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surgery took longer than anticipated due to scar tissue, but he did well. His hip has flared up again and is hurting pretty good right now. We will be here at least through Wednesday, longer if his hip doesn't improve significantly

Sorry to hear about complications. Get well, soon, James!

Thanks for the updates, bird. We're all just anxious to hear because we care.

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Sorry to hear about complications. Get well, soon, James!

Thanks for the updates, bird. We're all just anxious to hear because we care.

And it means a lot and I can't express how much your prayers have lifted spirits.

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Bird, have they determined why his hip is so sore? I don't know much about hemophilia, or the different types, but I know they give the patient "factor" that helps their blood to clot. My brother has the opposite. He has a condition (which I think was similar to Pat Dye's) where his blood is too thick. He produces too many red blood cells. Because of the thickness of his blood, he has experienced some real pain in some of his joints. Just wondering if the factor they give James can cause similar conditions. Bless him. I hate for the little guy to be in pain. Continued prayers for healing.

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Bird, have they determined why his hip is so sore? I don't know much about hemophilia, or the different types, but I know they give the patient "factor" that helps their blood to clot. My brother has the opposite. He has a condition (which I think was similar to Pat Dye's) where his blood is too thick. He produces too many red blood cells. Because of the thickness of his blood, he has experienced some real pain in some of his joints. Just wondering if the factor they give James can cause similar conditions. Bless him. I hate for the little guy to be in pain. Continued prayers for healing.

There are two main types of hemophilia, A & B. A deals with your external clotting pathway and B involves your internal clotting pathway. Hem A is missing Factor 8 and Hem B is missing Factor 9. James is Severe B, so he is missing factor 9 in the intrinsic clotting cascade. Normally they would just give factor 9 to replace missing factor and the cascade would continue. However James has inhibitors, which is basically his body's immune response to factor 9. It recognizes it as foreign and tries like hell to get rid of it. Therefore we have to skip steps 9 and 8 and infuse him with activated 7.

One of the main afflictions that people with B have are what they call spontaneous bleeds. They happen most commonly into joints and cause great pain and eventually, if enough bleeds occur into a joint, loss of use from that joint. He had one of those bleeds into his left hip joint. That is why we brought him in last Monday. They removed about 20 cc's of blood from his hip socket, but more remained. We think that the bleeding has stopped(it should after all the factor he has been given), but it is very easy to damage that clot and have a re-bleed. Right now he is on bed rest(which is hard for an 8yr old) while the body reabsorbs the remaining blood. He has lost some range of motion, but the PT believe he will regain that quickly. So, a short answer made long,The pain is mostly due to the swelling of the joint from the blood as well as the arthrosclerosis that occurs with each bleed.

The pic below shows the two clotting pathways. James is missing the FIX bubble in the pic


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I'm praying BB for James, you, and all your family. Father just grant one touch even the hem of Your garment.

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Bird, thanks for the explanation, I'm sorry if you felt you needed to do that and didn't really want to. I'm one of those people that likes to understand specifics, it helps me, but I feel like I was nosy! I now know how difficult this is for your little guy and it breaks my heart for him and you guys. I also admire the heck out of him!!! To hear you talk of his great spunk and his Auburn spirit makes me smile. Get better soon, little buddy!

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Bird, thanks for the explanation, I'm sorry if you felt you needed to do that and didn't really want to. I'm one of those people that likes to understand specifics, it helps me, but I feel like I was nosy! I now know how difficult this is for your little guy and it breaks my heart for him and you guys. I also admire the heck out of him!!! To hear you talk of his great spunk and his Auburn spirit makes me smile. Get better soon, little buddy!

No need for apologies. I, like you, like understanding specifics.

I truly appreciate all the prayers for my family this past week form all of you, my friends.

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Bird, I want to apologize for being so late in reading your post. Just know that prayers have been lifted for James as well as for your family. I know first hand how hard it is on the family when a child is in pain. My family is praying for your family.

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Thanx for the update bird, I'm sorry but it just Breaks my heart when kids go thru surgery. We just all have to pray and let our GOD do his miracles, still praying.

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