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Prayers needed!


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Hmmm...doctor's are confused? Must be Bama grads. :Sing: Did you tell him you had the Auburn Family praying for James? We have him covered up! God is good, very good indeed!

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The surgeon was a TAMU grad...my dad and I had fun at his expense about last year's game.

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Give him a hug for us. God is so very good indeed!

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Bird, first and foremost It's inspiring to read this, I can just see you in the hospital waiting room on your phone asking the Auburn family to get on their collective knees. That visual is powerful and inspiring.

Furthermore, I love this thread, makes me crack up. Cool how that works some times

Good news! Hopefully the next few days will bring more. Fingers crossed for him!

I know the back story, but that is the funniest. I bet the doctors hadn't even considered the power of the old crossed fingers ;)

I hope you know that while my own experience won't allow me to agree, I respect your position Auctoritas.

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I'm just now reading this post. I too have joined my prayers in with other like-minded Christians and ask for my Heavenly Father to intervene on James' behalf and show that He alone is the source of real healing. May His indescribable peace and great peace fill the hearts of your family and love ones.

How proud I am to have a praying family like the AUFamily. May God bless you all as you seek to closeness your walk with Him.

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they thought he might be discharged tomorrow, but the nurse just told me that his port culture has started growing a staph infection. Now there are many types of staffs, so they can either type it for a specific antibiotic of continue to treat it with vancomyacin. I haven't yet talked to the Drs since i received this info, so really we're still in the dark. Either way you continued prayers are still greatly appreciated.

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they thought he might be discharged tomorrow, but the nurse just told me that his port culture has started growing a staph infection. Now there are many types of staffs, so they can either type it for a specific antibiotic of continue to treat it with vancomyacin. I haven't yet talked to the Drs since i received this info, so really we're still in the dark. Either way you continued prayers are still greatly appreciated.

Dang it! They need to figure this out and get James well. The fact that he said "Johnny who?" to the aTm doctors is a good sign, though. War Eagle!

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Update: We were told this morning that we'd, at minimum, be here till Monday.

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Not fun, but at least you know James will be in watched carefully, so you don't have to worry about something going on that you are unaware of. Continued prayers for our little Auburn buddy! War Eagle, James!

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We put him on the prayer list at church. All I knew was James but God knows who he is! Also, praying that he doesn't have the MRSA staph infection that I had. They had a heck of a time getting that out of me. They tried vancomyacin on me and it not only did not work but it almost shutdown my kidneys. They finally got it under control with Zyvox.

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Update: The doctors are considering a surgery for port removal and another for a new port placement. He's in good spirits though. Thank you all

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