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Prayers needed!


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Update: first culture came back NEGATIVE! Praise God! We will be here at least another 5 days while they culture blood from his port. Keep praying, a Port infection would be worse. That said, first hurdle has been cleared.

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Update: first culture came back NEGATIVE! Praise God! We will be here at least another 5 days while they culture blood from his port. Keep praying, a Port infection would be worse. That said, first hurdle has been cleared.

Good news! Hopefully the next few days will bring more. Fingers crossed for him!

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Update: first culture came back NEGATIVE! Praise God! We will be here at least another 5 days while they culture blood from his port. Keep praying, a Port infection would be worse. That said, first hurdle has been cleared.

Fantastic to hear! We'll keep the prayers rolling, and best of luck to you, James and everyone involved

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They removed 15-20cc of blood from his hip socket. That has seemed to help some with his pain level. They are going to let the remaining blood reabsorb on its own.

Thank you all

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Prayers sent. Keep us updated

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I actually did not read all the post before I sent mine. None-the-less I am glad to hear about our child. I hope this is the beginning of more good news.

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We are still Praying for James. Hopefully the Doctors can find the source of the fever and it is not a port infection. BB, let me know if I can do anything to help you guys.

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Prayers for son, family and doctors. Had severe hip problem when I was 5 and was very lucky with outcome; especially since this was 1954 before the good medical drs and equipment available. Keeping the young man in our prayers.

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update: The doctors are confused to why and how he is doing so well. He has really rebounded and the doctor's are very optomistic. Prayer works. Thank you so very much.

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