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The best you got when challenged is "essentially"? Pretty sad. So, when did I call you a baby? And you can attack and push back with the best but you can't take it in return.

You jumped into a conversation I was having with others. Do your own reading. You apparently have the time.

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And of course you never do that do you?

I jumped in in this case because you made a broad accusation about "you guys" and I simply asked who "you guys' are??"

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And of course you never do that do you?

I jumped in in this case because you made a broad accusation about "you guys" and I simply asked who "you guys' are??"

Sure, but it usually doesn't confuse me.

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To homersapien -

Which one of the following is not currently happening or am I misinformed on:

Morning after pill $40. No one is being forced to do anything except the liberals who have done and continue to try their hardest to force the 50% of us who are actually paying taxes to pay for: WIC, Food Stamps, breakfast, lunch, dinnner or take home snacks in our public schools, welfare, Obama phone, health care through Medicaid, public housing, utility assistance, job training, college tuition through pell grants, child care, and now......

The libs want us paying for their abortion or abortion drugs! That is what is being forced upon us!!

Why is it OK to force liberals to do something but not conservatives?

When did I say it's OK to force liberals to do something?

OK, I'll make it red and bold.

Yes, the liberals forcing us to do what I listed above. Believe me there is more. Free public schools, in some/most states or cities free public transportation, free dental, free meal training (I have volunteered in this one) teaches them to shop and cook, good healthy food on a small budget. If you consider $500 per month in food stamps a small budget.

My point: When and where does it end? Some members of congress are proposing we give cars to those outside of the public trans system. Am I wrong to say this 4th and 5th generation welfare that keeps growing (in numbers and programs) has to end some-where, some-time?

Only 3.75% of welfare recipients are multi-generational. So it is a concern but it hardly defines the system:

"When people talk about "welfare," they most often have in mind AFDC – Aid to Families with Dependent Children. That's the aidto the able-bodied women with children who don't work. And what doesthat aid costs us? Last year the Federal government spent $15 billionon AFDC. And this money went to less than 5 million mothers with 10million children. Only 8 percent of these mothers are teenagers, only1 percent of them under 18. Forty-eight percent are between 20 and 29, while 45 percent are over the age of 30. Most of the women on welfare are there because of divorce or separation, and half of them get off in the first year, three-quarters by the second year. Manyof these women will fall back onto welfare within two years of leavingit, but 50 percent of all AFDC recipients leave welfare permanentlyin less than 4 years. Only 15 percent stay on welfare continuouslyfor five years or longer..."

"– only 15 percent of AFDC recipients remain on welfare continuously more than five years,and of those who do, only 20-25 percent of their daughters become dependent on AFDC – but still, there is enough dependency to prompt our concern and response. And perhaps many of the mothers onthe AFDC rolls are not deserving to be there. This question of the deserving poor typically generates a routine and unilluminating though rancorous public debate"


So with our nation now approaching 4 Trillion in the red, and our Public Schools taking cut after cut, (to include Labor Union Teachers) our Military taking cut after cut, Police dept, Fire dept, US Gov Civil Service, US Postal Service, The National Park Service all taking cuts, which of the following would you cut or eliminate:

WIC, Food Stamps, breakfast, lunch, dinnner or take home snacks in our public schools, welfare, Obama phone, health care through Medicaid, public housing, HUD housing, utility assistance, job training, college tuition through pell grants, free child care, free public transportation, free meal planning classes, free child care classes, meals on wheels, and the list goes on and on.

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A guy like me? You don't even know me.

I know you as well as you know me. You make it personal and then complain about it. Typical.

Never made it personal. Message board personal, but not personal. Stop being such a baby.

You essentially call me an idiot and when I essentially say I could not care less what you think of me, you call me a baby. You love to attack, but whine very easy at any kind of push back.

Pot meet kettle.
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A guy like me? You don't even know me.

I know you as well as you know me. You make it personal and then complain about it. Typical.

Never made it personal. Message board personal, but not personal. Stop being such a baby.

You essentially call me an idiot and when I essentially say I could not care less what you think of me, you call me a baby. You love to attack, but whine very easy at any kind of push back.

Pot meet kettle.

Hi Kettle!

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To homersapien -

Which one of the following is not currently happening or am I misinformed on:

Morning after pill $40. No one is being forced to do anything except the liberals who have done and continue to try their hardest to force the 50% of us who are actually paying taxes to pay for: WIC, Food Stamps, breakfast, lunch, dinnner or take home snacks in our public schools, welfare, Obama phone, health care through Medicaid, public housing, utility assistance, job training, college tuition through pell grants, child care, and now......

The libs want us paying for their abortion or abortion drugs! That is what is being forced upon us!!

Why is it OK to force liberals to do something but not conservatives?

When did I say it's OK to force liberals to do something?

OK, I'll make it red and bold.

Yes, the liberals forcing us to do what I listed above. Believe me there is more. Free public schools, in some/most states or cities free public transportation, free dental, free meal training (I have volunteered in this one) teaches them to shop and cook, good healthy food on a small budget. If you consider $500 per month in food stamps a small budget.

My point: When and where does it end? Some members of congress are proposing we give cars to those outside of the public trans system. Am I wrong to say this 4th and 5th generation welfare that keeps growing (in numbers and programs) has to end some-where, some-time?

Only 3.75% of welfare recipients are multi-generational. So it is a concern but it hardly defines the system:

"When people talk about "welfare," they most often have in mind AFDC – Aid to Families with Dependent Children. That's the aidto the able-bodied women with children who don't work. And what doesthat aid costs us? Last year the Federal government spent $15 billionon AFDC. And this money went to less than 5 million mothers with 10million children. Only 8 percent of these mothers are teenagers, only1 percent of them under 18. Forty-eight percent are between 20 and 29, while 45 percent are over the age of 30. Most of the women on welfare are there because of divorce or separation, and half of them get off in the first year, three-quarters by the second year. Manyof these women will fall back onto welfare within two years of leavingit, but 50 percent of all AFDC recipients leave welfare permanentlyin less than 4 years. Only 15 percent stay on welfare continuouslyfor five years or longer..."

"– only 15 percent of AFDC recipients remain on welfare continuously more than five years,and of those who do, only 20-25 percent of their daughters become dependent on AFDC – but still, there is enough dependency to prompt our concern and response. And perhaps many of the mothers onthe AFDC rolls are not deserving to be there. This question of the deserving poor typically generates a routine and unilluminating though rancorous public debate"


So with our nation now approaching 4 Trillion in the red, and our Public Schools taking cut after cut, (to include Labor Union Teachers) our Military taking cut after cut, Police dept, Fire dept, US Gov Civil Service, US Postal Service, The National Park Service all taking cuts, which of the following would you cut or eliminate:

WIC, Food Stamps, breakfast, lunch, dinnner or take home snacks in our public schools, welfare, Obama phone, health care through Medicaid, public housing, HUD housing, utility assistance, job training, college tuition through pell grants, free child care, free public transportation, free meal planning classes, free child care classes, meals on wheels, and the list goes on and on.

You have to blame the corporations also when it comes to issues with social services also. To use Obama phone for example.


Even right here in Auburn there is fraud regarding government based health care programs:


Look at Walmart for example, they completely benefit and take advantage of government programs for profit (I worked a summer at one also, so saw alot of their bs). They want their employees on SNAP, cause they are one of the largest benefactors of SNAP spenders. Walmart, Fast food industries, they want people on those programs and exploit.


And I agree there are a ton of people that get away with fraud on the personnel level also.

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Corporate America has latched on to the federal government becoming big benefactors of government programs, either directly or indirectly. They like the money from SNAP and other such things. They also have become big fans of Obamacare. They can afford this while their competitors cannot. They advance without having to be innovative with customer service, making better products or other such things that they used to do. Cronyism is alive and well.

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Heck, the potus did not even have to let us know he is a muslim.............

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Heck, the potus did not even have to let us know he is a muslim.............

dam write buddy. you tell it like it is. hell, he aint even American. hes watch you call a commie keynan sociolist moslem libtard dimocrap.

There you are PT. You and the other simpletons have something to be angry about.

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A guy like me? You don't even know me.

I know you as well as you know me. You make it personal and then complain about it. Typical.

Never made it personal. Message board personal, but not personal. Stop being such a baby.

You essentially call me an idiot and when I essentially say I could not care less what you think of me, you call me a baby. You love to attack, but whine very easy at any kind of push back.

Pot meet kettle.

I think that's the point. :rolleyes:

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Heck, the potus did not even have to let us know he is a muslim.............

dam write buddy. you tell it like it is. hell, he aint even American. hes watch you call a commie keynan sociolist moslem libtard dimocrap.

There you are PT. You and the other simpletons have something to be angry about.

Simpletons? Is that your term for everyday frustrated Americans? Can you explain the blinders to these frustrations? Is it plain and simple homerism? (did I just make up a word?)
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Heck, the potus did not even have to let us know he is a muslim.............

dam write buddy. you tell it like it is. hell, he aint even American. hes watch you call a commie keynan sociolist moslem libtard dimocrap.

There you are PT. You and the other simpletons have something to be angry about.

Simpletons? Is that your term for everyday frustrated Americans? Can you explain the blinders to these frustrations? Is it plain and simple homerism? (did I just make up a word?)

No, I think it's his term for people still perpetuating the stupid "Obama's a closet Muslim" nonsense.

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I see ICHY doesn't even know who he is responding to but yet calls someone else a simpleton.

Can't help but laugh at the irony.

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Uh oh WT, you just stepped in a pile of do-do. Here comes TexasTiger, homo, ICHY, Ben, etc ;D

Sorry if you were confused PT. I should have used multiquote. Have to go the extra mile for the simpletons.

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Heck, the potus did not even have to let us know he is a muslim.............

dam write buddy. you tell it like it is. hell, he aint even American. hes watch you call a commie keynan sociolist moslem libtard dimocrap.

There you are PT. You and the other simpletons have something to be angry about.

Simpletons? Is that your term for everyday frustrated Americans? Can you explain the blinders to these frustrations? Is it plain and simple homerism? (did I just make up a word?)

No, I think it's his term for people still perpetuating the stupid "Obama's a closet Muslim" nonsense.

I really have no idea what Obama's religious convictions are or if he even has any. He's actually the first POTUS I can ever recall who never darkened the doors of a christian church while he was in office. Before you make a big deal out of that I could not care less if he goes to church or not but based on sitting in Reverend Wrights pews for 20 years and claiming to not remember the incendiary rhetoric of its pastor who is famous for saying "G--damn America" I doubt it matters if he goes to church or not.

Lastly, Obama has stated on many occasions that he was educated in Muslim schools and I have no problem with him being proud of it. That said, his approval rating among Muslims is pretty good too. So, it is what it is.


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Heck, the potus did not even have to let us know he is a muslim.............

dam write buddy. you tell it like it is. hell, he aint even American. hes watch you call a commie keynan sociolist moslem libtard dimocrap.

There you are PT. You and the other simpletons have something to be angry about.

Simpletons? Is that your term for everyday frustrated Americans? Can you explain the blinders to these frustrations? Is it plain and simple homerism? (did I just make up a word?)

No, I think it's his term for people still perpetuating the stupid "Obama's a closet Muslim" nonsense.

I really have no idea what Obama's religious convictions are or if he even has any. He's actually the first POTUS I can ever recall who never darkened the doors of a christian church while he was in office. Before you make a big deal out of that I could not care less if he goes to church or not but based on sitting in Reverend Wrights pews for 20 years and claiming to not remember the incendiary rhetoric of its pastor who is famous for saying "G--damn America" I doubt it matters if he goes to church or not.

Lastly, Obama has stated on many occasions that he was educated in Muslim schools and I have no problem with him being proud of it. That said, his approval rating among Muslims is pretty good too. So, it is what it is.


You are really hung up on the rhetoric Pastor Wright used in that sermon aren't you? You do realize he is a Marine don't you?

He was making a point about the moral hypocrisy the country has engaged in and there's not a damn thing wrong with the way he did it. It's no different that a fire and brimstone Preacher screaming you - or this country for that matter - is hell bound unless we get our s*** together. Maybe you ought to post the entire sermon.

This is just like the "you didn't build that" or "what does it matter" statements taken out of context. It's intellectually insulting to pick out a few words and apply them literally out of context.

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Heck, the potus did not even have to let us know he is a muslim.............

dam write buddy. you tell it like it is. hell, he aint even American. hes watch you call a commie keynan sociolist moslem libtard dimocrap.

There you are PT. You and the other simpletons have something to be angry about.

Simpletons? Is that your term for everyday frustrated Americans? Can you explain the blinders to these frustrations? Is it plain and simple homerism? (did I just make up a word?)

No, I think it's his term for people still perpetuating the stupid "Obama's a closet Muslim" nonsense.

I really have no idea what Obama's religious convictions are or if he even has any. He's actually the first POTUS I can ever recall who never darkened the doors of a christian church while he was in office. Before you make a big deal out of that I could not care less if he goes to church or not but based on sitting in Reverend Wrights pews for 20 years and claiming to not remember the incendiary rhetoric of its pastor who is famous for saying "G--damn America" I doubt it matters if he goes to church or not.

Lastly, Obama has stated on many occasions that he was educated in Muslim schools and I have no problem with him being proud of it. That said, his approval rating among Muslims is pretty good too. So, it is what it is.


You are really hung up on the rhetoric Pastor Wright used in that sermon aren't you? You do realize he is a Marine don't you?

He was making a point about the moral hypocrisy the country has engaged in and there's not a damn thing wrong with the way he did it. It's no different that a fire and brimstone Preacher screaming you - or this country for that matter - is hell bound unless we get our s*** together. Maybe you ought to post the entire sermon.

This is just like the "you didn't build that" or "what does it matter" statements taken out of context. It's intellectually insulting to pick out a few words and apply them literally out of context.

I DGAS about the right Reverend Wright. BTW, I heard most of the sermon and am quite aware of the context of the quote but am not surprised you'd defend it calling me intellectually dishonest for mentioning it. You Tex and ichy are masters at trying to demonize the messenger.

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Heck, the potus did not even have to let us know he is a muslim.............

dam write buddy. you tell it like it is. hell, he aint even American. hes watch you call a commie keynan sociolist moslem libtard dimocrap.

There you are PT. You and the other simpletons have something to be angry about.

Simpletons? Is that your term for everyday frustrated Americans? Can you explain the blinders to these frustrations? Is it plain and simple homerism? (did I just make up a word?)

No, I think it's his term for people still perpetuating the stupid "Obama's a closet Muslim" nonsense.

I really have no idea what Obama's religious convictions are or if he even has any. He's actually the first POTUS I can ever recall who never darkened the doors of a christian church while he was in office. Before you make a big deal out of that I could not care less if he goes to church or not but based on sitting in Reverend Wrights pews for 20 years and claiming to not remember the incendiary rhetoric of its pastor who is famous for saying "G--damn America" I doubt it matters if he goes to church or not.

Lastly, Obama has stated on many occasions that he was educated in Muslim schools and I have no problem with him being proud of it. That said, his approval rating among Muslims is pretty good too. So, it is what it is.


You are really hung up on the rhetoric Pastor Wright used in that sermon aren't you? You do realize he is a Marine don't you?

He was making a point about the moral hypocrisy the country has engaged in and there's not a damn thing wrong with the way he did it. It's no different that a fire and brimstone Preacher screaming you - or this country for that matter - is hell bound unless we get our s*** together. Maybe you ought to post the entire sermon.

This is just like the "you didn't build that" or "what does it matter" statements taken out of context. It's intellectually insulting to pick out a few words and apply them literally out of context.

I DGAS about the right Reverend Wright. BTW, I heard most of the sermon and am quite aware of the context of the quote but am not surprised you'd defend it calling me intellectually dishonest for mentioning it. You Tex and ichy are masters at trying to demonize the messenger.

What was the context?

And don't flatter yourself. You are not a messenger. You are someone who takes statements out of context and spins them into a lie.

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Heck, the potus did not even have to let us know he is a muslim.............

dam write buddy. you tell it like it is. hell, he aint even American. hes watch you call a commie keynan sociolist moslem libtard dimocrap.

There you are PT. You and the other simpletons have something to be angry about.

Simpletons? Is that your term for everyday frustrated Americans? Can you explain the blinders to these frustrations? Is it plain and simple homerism? (did I just make up a word?)

No, I think it's his term for people still perpetuating the stupid "Obama's a closet Muslim" nonsense.

I really have no idea what Obama's religious convictions are or if he even has any. He's actually the first POTUS I can ever recall who never darkened the doors of a christian church while he was in office. Before you make a big deal out of that I could not care less if he goes to church or not but based on sitting in Reverend Wrights pews for 20 years and claiming to not remember the incendiary rhetoric of its pastor who is famous for saying "G--damn America" I doubt it matters if he goes to church or not.

Lastly, Obama has stated on many occasions that he was educated in Muslim schools and I have no problem with him being proud of it. That said, his approval rating among Muslims is pretty good too. So, it is what it is.


You are really hung up on the rhetoric Pastor Wright used in that sermon aren't you? You do realize he is a Marine don't you?

He was making a point about the moral hypocrisy the country has engaged in and there's not a damn thing wrong with the way he did it. It's no different that a fire and brimstone Preacher screaming you - or this country for that matter - is hell bound unless we get our s*** together. Maybe you ought to post the entire sermon.

This is just like the "you didn't build that" or "what does it matter" statements taken out of context. It's intellectually insulting to pick out a few words and apply them literally out of context.

I DGAS about the right Reverend Wright. BTW, I heard most of the sermon and am quite aware of the context of the quote but am not surprised you'd defend it calling me intellectually dishonest for mentioning it. You Tex and ichy are masters at trying to demonize the messenger.

What was the context?

And don't flatter yourself. You are not a messenger. You are someone who takes statements out of context and spins them into a lie.

Well coming from the master of self flattery that's rich. The context was Luke 19 Chapters 37 to 44. I simply do not agree with his assumptions which is my right unless, of course, you're categorically denying me of it. :jossun:

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Heck, the potus did not even have to let us know he is a muslim.............

dam write buddy. you tell it like it is. hell, he aint even American. hes watch you call a commie keynan sociolist moslem libtard dimocrap.

There you are PT. You and the other simpletons have something to be angry about.

Simpletons? Is that your term for everyday frustrated Americans? Can you explain the blinders to these frustrations? Is it plain and simple homerism? (did I just make up a word?)

No, I think it's his term for people still perpetuating the stupid "Obama's a closet Muslim" nonsense.

I really have no idea what Obama's religious convictions are or if he even has any. He's actually the first POTUS I can ever recall who never darkened the doors of a christian church while he was in office. Before you make a big deal out of that I could not care less if he goes to church or not but based on sitting in Reverend Wrights pews for 20 years and claiming to not remember the incendiary rhetoric of its pastor who is famous for saying "G--damn America" I doubt it matters if he goes to church or not.

Lastly, Obama has stated on many occasions that he was educated in Muslim schools and I have no problem with him being proud of it. That said, his approval rating among Muslims is pretty good too. So, it is what it is.


Except for these times:


Obama attends Easter services at personally important ...

Obama attends church in Washington for eighth time ...

44 - Obama family attends church services at Metropolitan ...

I seriously could do this all night. If we're going to criticize, could we at least bother to see if what we're saying is true?

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Heck, the potus did not even have to let us know he is a muslim.............

dam write buddy. you tell it like it is. hell, he aint even American. hes watch you call a commie keynan sociolist moslem libtard dimocrap.

There you are PT. You and the other simpletons have something to be angry about.

Simpletons? Is that your term for everyday frustrated Americans? Can you explain the blinders to these frustrations? Is it plain and simple homerism? (did I just make up a word?)

No, I think it's his term for people still perpetuating the stupid "Obama's a closet Muslim" nonsense.

I really have no idea what Obama's religious convictions are or if he even has any. He's actually the first POTUS I can ever recall who never darkened the doors of a christian church while he was in office. Before you make a big deal out of that I could not care less if he goes to church or not but based on sitting in Reverend Wrights pews for 20 years and claiming to not remember the incendiary rhetoric of its pastor who is famous for saying "G--damn America" I doubt it matters if he goes to church or not.

Lastly, Obama has stated on many occasions that he was educated in Muslim schools and I have no problem with him being proud of it. That said, his approval rating among Muslims is pretty good too. So, it is what it is.


You couldn't get facts right if your life depended on it.

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