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Should Doctors Have to Provide Their Beliefs to Patients

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1. Hobby Lobby's Health Insurance plan offers "The Pill" and 15 other forms of birth control. As I stated before, the media refuses to report this!

2. Supreme court ruled Hobby Lobby and other companies do not have to pay for the abortion or abortion pill if they chose not to. I mean this is America after all.

3. If Hobby Lobby employees or any other employees cannot take the personal responsibility to avoid a unwanted pregnancy and they have no moral problems with killing children in their womb, while making $15 per hour and above, they may purchase a $40 "Morning After Pill" on their own, to abort the baby.

4. You, other liberals, and the mainstream media understand this common sense decision perfectly but it does not fit into your liberal agenda so you all are lashing out!

5. Finally if an employee of any company is not happy with their insurance plan, they can openly seek employment elsewhere. Why? Again, this is America after all!

My insurance doesn't pay for my chiropractor visits. So I pay out of pocket. Maybe I should ask the Supreme Court to force them to pay my chiropractor bills?

I must say it is tough to reason with the unreasonable and talk sense to the senseless, but I tried.

You're arrogant and stupid. Recognizing this, I won't try to reason with you.

Good job mod with the name calling.

You think you get to call folks who disagree with you "senseless" and not get called on it? Grow up, hypocrite.

You are always such a polite gentlemen, thanks so much.

You're a true Prince.

Again to try and lighten the mood: My Mom thinks so. :)
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To homersapien -

Which one of the following is not currently happening or am I misinformed on:

Morning after pill $40. No one is being forced to do anything except the liberals who have done and continue to try their hardest to force the 50% of us who are actually paying taxes to pay for: WIC, Food Stamps, breakfast, lunch, dinnner or take home snacks in our public schools, welfare, Obama phone, health care through Medicaid, public housing, utility assistance, job training, college tuition through pell grants, child care, and now......

The libs want us paying for their abortion or abortion drugs! That is what is being forced upon us!!

Why is it OK to force liberals to do something but not conservatives?

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To homersapien -

Which one of the following is not currently happening or am I misinformed on:

Morning after pill $40. No one is being forced to do anything except the liberals who have done and continue to try their hardest to force the 50% of us who are actually paying taxes to pay for: WIC, Food Stamps, breakfast, lunch, dinnner or take home snacks in our public schools, welfare, Obama phone, health care through Medicaid, public housing, utility assistance, job training, college tuition through pell grants, child care, and now......

The libs want us paying for their abortion or abortion drugs! That is what is being forced upon us!!

Why is it OK to force liberals to do something but not conservatives?

When did I say it's OK to force liberals to do something?
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To homersapien -

Which one of the following is not currently happening or am I misinformed on:

Morning after pill $40. No one is being forced to do anything except the liberals who have done and continue to try their hardest to force the 50% of us who are actually paying taxes to pay for: WIC, Food Stamps, breakfast, lunch, dinnner or take home snacks in our public schools, welfare, Obama phone, health care through Medicaid, public housing, utility assistance, job training, college tuition through pell grants, child care, and now......

The libs want us paying for their abortion or abortion drugs! That is what is being forced upon us!!

Why is it OK to force liberals to do something but not conservatives?

When did I say it's OK to force liberals to do something?

OK, I'll make it red and bold.

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To homersapien -

Which one of the following is not currently happening or am I misinformed on:

Morning after pill $40. No one is being forced to do anything except the liberals who have done and continue to try their hardest to force the 50% of us who are actually paying taxes to pay for: WIC, Food Stamps, breakfast, lunch, dinnner or take home snacks in our public schools, welfare, Obama phone, health care through Medicaid, public housing, utility assistance, job training, college tuition through pell grants, child care, and now......

The libs want us paying for their abortion or abortion drugs! That is what is being forced upon us!!

Why is it OK to force liberals to do something but not conservatives?

When did I say it's OK to force liberals to do something?

OK, I'll make it red and bold.

Yes, the liberals forcing us to do what I listed above. Believe me there is more. Free public schools, in some/most states or cities free public transportation, free dental, free meal training (I have volunteered in this one) teaches them to shop and cook, good healthy food on a small budget. If you consider $500 per month in food stamps a small budget.

My point: When and where does it end? Some members of congress are proposing we give cars to those outside of the public trans system. Am I wrong to say this 4th and 5th generation welfare that keeps growing (in numbers and programs) has to end some-where, some-time?

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1. Hobby Lobby's Health Insurance plan offers "The Pill" and 15 other forms of birth control. As I stated before, the media refuses to report this!

2. Supreme court ruled Hobby Lobby and other companies do not have to pay for the abortion or abortion pill if they chose not to. I mean this is America after all.

3. If Hobby Lobby employees or any other employees cannot take the personal responsibility to avoid a unwanted pregnancy and they have no moral problems with killing children in their womb, while making $15 per hour and above, they may purchase a $40 "Morning After Pill" on their own, to abort the baby.

4. You, other liberals, and the mainstream media understand this common sense decision perfectly but it does not fit into your liberal agenda so you all are lashing out!

5. Finally if an employee of any company is not happy with their insurance plan, they can openly seek employment elsewhere. Why? Again, this is America after all!

My insurance doesn't pay for my chiropractor visits. So I pay out of pocket. Maybe I should ask the Supreme Court to force them to pay my chiropractor bills?

I must say it is tough to reason with the unreasonable and talk sense to the senseless, but I tried.

1) Actually, majority of the articles I have read do state that. They do not refuse to report that.

2 & 3) You still have not waded into the pool of rape, which is where my support of those drugs lie.

4) Not a liberal, I'm a centralist/moderate/independent, however you want to term it. You are the one that keeps referring to me as I am not, you are the one that keeps calling me senseless cause I will not bend to your view (that's not very American) and choose to view a larger picture than just HL is a Christian Organization with kittens and puppies and only wishes to promote rainbows and has impeccable standards. Despite their dealings and support of organizations that go against their said argument they felt a need to take to the supreme court. Please... tell me exactly what my agenda is and why I have such great interest in this.

5) It is America, which means I have a right to have an opinion and voice said opinion, and maybe I disagree with the concept that a employee should have to find insurance at another location because a retail corporation was considered a religious being and allowed out of a mandated governmental standard of care affecting said insurance at that place of work.

You should ask the Supreme Court, especially since as federal employees they are covered. In fact Medicare, parts of Medicaid, and Tristar (since veterans, active duty can get it) actually cover chiropractic treatment according to the American Chiropractic Association. In fact those crazy liberals with the Affordable Care Act actually believe that alternative methods of medicine should be considered (you know, not just fashionable but real medicine) and covered and were very beneficial to Chiropractors as it brought reimbursements in line with other treatments.

And I thought you were done with me. Yet here you came back again to try and stereotype me into something I am not and tell me how I should think... despite this being American... and how seneless I am for having an opinion differing from yours... despite this being America.

#1 Links from any and all major media outlets covering this story??

# 2 & 3 What part of $40 do you not understand? So Hobby Lobby and every other company should pay for all employee abortions just in case one of them gets rapped? Is that your stance? Is that the best you have? No wonder the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby.

# 4 Supreme Court agrees with the Christian Company you for what ever reason hate so much. Is it Christians in general or just Hobby Lobby?

#5 Tri-Care does not cover Chiropractic procedures for military retirees, as I am sure all insurance companies do no cover any and everything, so we just have to pay for some things out of pocket.

In an effort to lighten the mode: Some of us even have to pay for our kids school lunch, if you can believe such a thing. :) (Humor intended, I promise)

1) The early ones did, the newest ones are focusing on the ruling I will agree. The news channels keep mentioning it though. But I don't think the message of what they will pay for is hidden, it's been out there for months.

2&3) No, I'm talking about an exception if a woman gets raped and only in that incident. So HL would not pay for it at any other time.

4) I actually go to Church just about every Sunday. I despise arts and crafts though.. no. My issues with the ruling resolve around standards of care and issues of public health that may or may not result from this. Those can be blood transfusions and vaccinations for example, which going into medical administration I'm sure you can come up with a number of nightmare scenarios involving religion and a ER for example. Hopefully they wont be a concern. Lets just say I do dislike as my mother would call them, the one hour Christians. HL and its business dealings come across to me that way in this incident.

Comes across like Wal-Mart and McDonalds to me. Both those companies toss alot of money into the conservative side and what it stands for ( against ebt for example as you mentioned), Yet they turn around and have programs developed to get their employee's into those systems cause they, especially Walmart, get them to turn around and benefit from the EBT/SNAP, or whatever its called now. That whole we are against it, but we will profit off it attitude.

5) Double checking my facts there it appears only 60 military bases for active duty, and 36 for veterans(considered them retiree). The first spot I read just mentioned the two categories, did not give the limitations on facilities.

I think your kid should get free lunch also, just based on the awful nutritional content of most school lunches nobody should have to pay for that stuff!

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To homersapien -

Which one of the following is not currently happening or am I misinformed on:

Morning after pill $40. No one is being forced to do anything except the liberals who have done and continue to try their hardest to force the 50% of us who are actually paying taxes to pay for: WIC, Food Stamps, breakfast, lunch, dinnner or take home snacks in our public schools, welfare, Obama phone, health care through Medicaid, public housing, utility assistance, job training, college tuition through pell grants, child care, and now......

The libs want us paying for their abortion or abortion drugs! That is what is being forced upon us!!

Why is it OK to force liberals to do something but not conservatives?

When did I say it's OK to force liberals to do something?

OK, I'll make it red and bold.

Yes, the liberals forcing us to do what I listed above. Believe me there is more. Free public schools, in some/most states or cities free public transportation, free dental, free meal training (I have volunteered in this one) teaches them to shop and cook, good healthy food on a small budget. If you consider $500 per month in food stamps a small budget.

My point: When and where does it end? Some members of congress are proposing we give cars to those outside of the public trans system. Am I wrong to say this 4th and 5th generation welfare that keeps growing (in numbers and programs) has to end some-where, some-time?

Well, I certainly don't see how making (any) kind of birth control more difficult to obtain is going to help.

And since we are talking about religion, what does yours say about compassion for and helping the poor? Seems like you tea baggers can be terribly selective with your moral outrage.

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Right. The good thing about a hospital though is that most drugs administered in an ER setting are covered as part of the visit. If they are not covered you would get a bill for it later. That would allow you to go through an appeals process then. If it were covered by HL in cases of rape that might actually be a rider on the hospital policy. That would solve the problem all around actually. If in order to get one of the morning after drugs you had to go to the hospital that would seem to solve the matter of HLs conscience. No one is going to go to the hospital and claim rape just to get a pill, or I would hope a person wouldn't. It might also mean a higher rate of prosecution for rapists. A lot of women won't even report rape due to the fear of being victimized by the court system, which unfortunately is a very real fear. I think a lot of men get away with rape simply because women don't want to report it. All of this is completely hypothetical of course. I don't think anyone has actually seen a copy of HL's insurance policy.

Kass, you and I are 100% on the same page here in all of this.

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1. Hobby Lobby's Health Insurance plan offers "The Pill" and 15 other forms of birth control. As I stated before, the media refuses to report this!

2. Supreme court ruled Hobby Lobby and other companies do not have to pay for the abortion or abortion pill if they chose not to. I mean this is America after all.

3. If Hobby Lobby employees or any other employees cannot take the personal responsibility to avoid a unwanted pregnancy and they have no moral problems with killing children in their womb, while making $15 per hour and above, they may purchase a $40 "Morning After Pill" on their own, to abort the baby.

4. You, other liberals, and the mainstream media understand this common sense decision perfectly but it does not fit into your liberal agenda so you all are lashing out!

5. Finally if an employee of any company is not happy with their insurance plan, they can openly seek employment elsewhere. Why? Again, this is America after all!

My insurance doesn't pay for my chiropractor visits. So I pay out of pocket. Maybe I should ask the Supreme Court to force them to pay my chiropractor bills?

I must say it is tough to reason with the unreasonable and talk sense to the senseless, but I tried.

1) Actually, majority of the articles I have read do state that. They do not refuse to report that.

2 & 3) You still have not waded into the pool of rape, which is where my support of those drugs lie.

4) Not a liberal, I'm a centralist/moderate/independent, however you want to term it. You are the one that keeps referring to me as I am not, you are the one that keeps calling me senseless cause I will not bend to your view (that's not very American) and choose to view a larger picture than just HL is a Christian Organization with kittens and puppies and only wishes to promote rainbows and has impeccable standards. Despite their dealings and support of organizations that go against their said argument they felt a need to take to the supreme court. Please... tell me exactly what my agenda is and why I have such great interest in this.

5) It is America, which means I have a right to have an opinion and voice said opinion, and maybe I disagree with the concept that a employee should have to find insurance at another location because a retail corporation was considered a religious being and allowed out of a mandated governmental standard of care affecting said insurance at that place of work.

You should ask the Supreme Court, especially since as federal employees they are covered. In fact Medicare, parts of Medicaid, and Tristar (since veterans, active duty can get it) actually cover chiropractic treatment according to the American Chiropractic Association. In fact those crazy liberals with the Affordable Care Act actually believe that alternative methods of medicine should be considered (you know, not just fashionable but real medicine) and covered and were very beneficial to Chiropractors as it brought reimbursements in line with other treatments.

And I thought you were done with me. Yet here you came back again to try and stereotype me into something I am not and tell me how I should think... despite this being American... and how seneless I am for having an opinion differing from yours... despite this being America.

#1 Links from any and all major media outlets covering this story??

# 2 & 3 What part of $40 do you not understand? So Hobby Lobby and every other company should pay for all employee abortions just in case one of them gets rapped? Is that your stance? Is that the best you have? No wonder the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby.

# 4 Supreme Court agrees with the Christian Company you for what ever reason hate so much. Is it Christians in general or just Hobby Lobby?

#5 Tri-Care does not cover Chiropractic procedures for military retirees, as I am sure all insurance companies do no cover any and everything, so we just have to pay for some things out of pocket.

In an effort to lighten the mode: Some of us even have to pay for our kids school lunch, if you can believe such a thing. :) (Humor intended, I promise)

1) The early ones did, the newest ones are focusing on the ruling I will agree. The news channels keep mentioning it though. But I don't think the message of what they will pay for is hidden, it's been out there for months.

2&3) No, I'm talking about an exception if a woman gets raped and only in that incident. So HL would not pay for it at any other time.

4) I actually go to Church just about every Sunday. I despise arts and crafts though.. no. My issues with the ruling resolve around standards of care and issues of public health that may or may not result from this. Those can be blood transfusions and vaccinations for example, which going into medical administration I'm sure you can come up with a number of nightmare scenarios involving religion and a ER for example. Hopefully they wont be a concern. Lets just say I do dislike as my mother would call them, the one hour Christians. HL and its business dealings come across to me that way in this incident.

Comes across like Wal-Mart and McDonalds to me. Both those companies toss alot of money into the conservative side and what it stands for ( against ebt for example as you mentioned), Yet they turn around and have programs developed to get their employee's into those systems cause they, especially Walmart, get them to turn around and benefit from the EBT/SNAP, or whatever its called now. That whole we are against it, but we will profit off it attitude.

5) Double checking my facts there it appears only 60 military bases for active duty, and 36 for veterans(considered them retiree). The first spot I read just mentioned the two categories, did not give the limitations on facilities.

I think your kid should get free lunch also, just based on the awful nutritional content of most school lunches nobody should have to pay for that stuff!

Tri-Care Prime will cover for Active Duty but not retirees. To be honest I really don't have a problem with them not covering it. Before my spouse was covered under my insurance she paid $40 per month for her birth control pills under her insurance co-pay. She (spouse) just doesn't understand what the big deal is? If you want it, pay the $40 and press on. We are just both that type.

Yes, we pack our Daughter's lunch. She nursed, then I made the baked chicken and sweet potatoes, plus veggie baby food etc... My Daughter has been sick a total of 5 days in her life. It is all diet and sleep plus the good Lord's graces.

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To homersapien -

Which one of the following is not currently happening or am I misinformed on:

Morning after pill $40. No one is being forced to do anything except the liberals who have done and continue to try their hardest to force the 50% of us who are actually paying taxes to pay for: WIC, Food Stamps, breakfast, lunch, dinnner or take home snacks in our public schools, welfare, Obama phone, health care through Medicaid, public housing, utility assistance, job training, college tuition through pell grants, child care, and now......

The libs want us paying for their abortion or abortion drugs! That is what is being forced upon us!!

Why is it OK to force liberals to do something but not conservatives?

When did I say it's OK to force liberals to do something?

OK, I'll make it red and bold.

Yes, the liberals forcing us to do what I listed above. Believe me there is more. Free public schools, in some/most states or cities free public transportation, free dental, free meal training (I have volunteered in this one) teaches them to shop and cook, good healthy food on a small budget. If you consider $500 per month in food stamps a small budget.

My point: When and where does it end? Some members of congress are proposing we give cars to those outside of the public trans system. Am I wrong to say this 4th and 5th generation welfare that keeps growing (in numbers and programs) has to end some-where, some-time?

Well, I certainly don't see how making (any) kind of birth control more difficult to obtain is going to help.

And since we are talking about religion, what does yours say about compassion for and helping the poor? Seems like you tea baggers can be terribly selective with your moral outrage.

They (Hobby Lobby) offer 16 types of Birth control including "The Pill" what is hard to obtain? They just don't want to pay for abortions and to be honest, I can't blame them.

Helping the poor and needy: We are up to 4th and 5th generation welfare precipitants. It isn't working. If it was, I would be all for it. It is keeping people poor and co-dependent, not self sufficient. My wife and I give aprox 20% of our income (probably should be more) and aprox 20 hours per week, (between the two of us) to help the poor, elderly and needy.

I promise you as i sit here and type, the welfare system is hurting far more than it is helping! The politicians know this but they want/need the votes, so it continues!

I really don't consider myself a religious person but I am a follower of Jesus!! He was/is awesome!!

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To homersapien -

Which one of the following is not currently happening or am I misinformed on:

Morning after pill $40. No one is being forced to do anything except the liberals who have done and continue to try their hardest to force the 50% of us who are actually paying taxes to pay for: WIC, Food Stamps, breakfast, lunch, dinnner or take home snacks in our public schools, welfare, Obama phone, health care through Medicaid, public housing, utility assistance, job training, college tuition through pell grants, child care, and now......

The libs want us paying for their abortion or abortion drugs! That is what is being forced upon us!!

Why is it OK to force liberals to do something but not conservatives?

When did I say it's OK to force liberals to do something?

OK, I'll make it red and bold.

Yes, the liberals forcing us to do what I listed above. Believe me there is more. Free public schools, in some/most states or cities free public transportation, free dental, free meal training (I have volunteered in this one) teaches them to shop and cook, good healthy food on a small budget. If you consider $500 per month in food stamps a small budget.

My point: When and where does it end? Some members of congress are proposing we give cars to those outside of the public trans system. Am I wrong to say this 4th and 5th generation welfare that keeps growing (in numbers and programs) has to end some-where, some-time?

I'm in on the meal training, will get to that in second. The food amount is based off family size if I recall, I played with the website once to see what I get on a college budget and it was only $250 at the time for just me. The food training, cause here is what I would do with EBT, I'd make the types of food very restricted. No junk food, no soda's, none of that. Structure like the WIC program which is for certain grains, milks, fruits, and vegetables. Course you would have to allow meat also.

Then I would hope that the resulting diet would have a positive impact on their health and lower their use of medicaid and abuse of emergency rooms as their primary care which results in a ton of cost shifting. This in turn would hopefully lower the health care spending.

I don't believe in doing away with the system, but it severely needs to be changed and the issues of fraud need to be addressed. Cause it ticks me off also when I see someone in front of me drop down $150 dollars in junk food on the tax payer, then they start ripping out the 100 dollar bills for a new Xbox One of PS4.

Though if cars are in the picture now, well then I'm dropping out of school, finding me a HL girl that thinks all her BC privileges are gone and using a condom with holes in it.

Ha, just used the evaluation method and it said i qualify for 15 to 25 dollars a month. Anyone wanna just hook me up with Momma' G's once a week?

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1. Hobby Lobby's Health Insurance plan offers "The Pill" and 15 other forms of birth control. As I stated before, the media refuses to report this!

2. Supreme court ruled Hobby Lobby and other companies do not have to pay for the abortion or abortion pill if they chose not to. I mean this is America after all.

3. If Hobby Lobby employees or any other employees cannot take the personal responsibility to avoid a unwanted pregnancy and they have no moral problems with killing children in their womb, while making $15 per hour and above, they may purchase a $40 "Morning After Pill" on their own, to abort the baby.

4. You, other liberals, and the mainstream media understand this common sense decision perfectly but it does not fit into your liberal agenda so you all are lashing out!

5. Finally if an employee of any company is not happy with their insurance plan, they can openly seek employment elsewhere. Why? Again, this is America after all!

My insurance doesn't pay for my chiropractor visits. So I pay out of pocket. Maybe I should ask the Supreme Court to force them to pay my chiropractor bills?

I must say it is tough to reason with the unreasonable and talk sense to the senseless, but I tried.

1) Actually, majority of the articles I have read do state that. They do not refuse to report that.

2 & 3) You still have not waded into the pool of rape, which is where my support of those drugs lie.

4) Not a liberal, I'm a centralist/moderate/independent, however you want to term it. You are the one that keeps referring to me as I am not, you are the one that keeps calling me senseless cause I will not bend to your view (that's not very American) and choose to view a larger picture than just HL is a Christian Organization with kittens and puppies and only wishes to promote rainbows and has impeccable standards. Despite their dealings and support of organizations that go against their said argument they felt a need to take to the supreme court. Please... tell me exactly what my agenda is and why I have such great interest in this.

5) It is America, which means I have a right to have an opinion and voice said opinion, and maybe I disagree with the concept that a employee should have to find insurance at another location because a retail corporation was considered a religious being and allowed out of a mandated governmental standard of care affecting said insurance at that place of work.

You should ask the Supreme Court, especially since as federal employees they are covered. In fact Medicare, parts of Medicaid, and Tristar (since veterans, active duty can get it) actually cover chiropractic treatment according to the American Chiropractic Association. In fact those crazy liberals with the Affordable Care Act actually believe that alternative methods of medicine should be considered (you know, not just fashionable but real medicine) and covered and were very beneficial to Chiropractors as it brought reimbursements in line with other treatments.

And I thought you were done with me. Yet here you came back again to try and stereotype me into something I am not and tell me how I should think... despite this being American... and how seneless I am for having an opinion differing from yours... despite this being America.

#1 Links from any and all major media outlets covering this story??

# 2 & 3 What part of $40 do you not understand? So Hobby Lobby and every other company should pay for all employee abortions just in case one of them gets rapped? Is that your stance? Is that the best you have? No wonder the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby.

# 4 Supreme Court agrees with the Christian Company you for what ever reason hate so much. Is it Christians in general or just Hobby Lobby?

#5 Tri-Care does not cover Chiropractic procedures for military retirees, as I am sure all insurance companies do no cover any and everything, so we just have to pay for some things out of pocket.

In an effort to lighten the mode: Some of us even have to pay for our kids school lunch, if you can believe such a thing. :) (Humor intended, I promise)

1) The early ones did, the newest ones are focusing on the ruling I will agree. The news channels keep mentioning it though. But I don't think the message of what they will pay for is hidden, it's been out there for months.

2&3) No, I'm talking about an exception if a woman gets raped and only in that incident. So HL would not pay for it at any other time.

4) I actually go to Church just about every Sunday. I despise arts and crafts though.. no. My issues with the ruling resolve around standards of care and issues of public health that may or may not result from this. Those can be blood transfusions and vaccinations for example, which going into medical administration I'm sure you can come up with a number of nightmare scenarios involving religion and a ER for example. Hopefully they wont be a concern. Lets just say I do dislike as my mother would call them, the one hour Christians. HL and its business dealings come across to me that way in this incident.

Comes across like Wal-Mart and McDonalds to me. Both those companies toss alot of money into the conservative side and what it stands for ( against ebt for example as you mentioned), Yet they turn around and have programs developed to get their employee's into those systems cause they, especially Walmart, get them to turn around and benefit from the EBT/SNAP, or whatever its called now. That whole we are against it, but we will profit off it attitude.

5) Double checking my facts there it appears only 60 military bases for active duty, and 36 for veterans(considered them retiree). The first spot I read just mentioned the two categories, did not give the limitations on facilities.

I think your kid should get free lunch also, just based on the awful nutritional content of most school lunches nobody should have to pay for that stuff!

Tri-Care Prime will cover for Active Duty but not retirees. To be honest I really don't have a problem with them not covering it. Before my spouse was covered under my insurance she paid $40 per month for her birth control pills under her insurance co-pay. She (spouse) just doesn't understand what the big deal is? If you want it, pay the $40 and press on. We are just both that type.

Yes, we pack our Daughter's lunch. She nursed, then I made the baked chicken and sweet potatoes, plus veggie baby food etc... My Daughter has been sick a total of 5 days in her life. It is all diet and sleep plus the good Lord's graces.

Oh, Vets transfer off of Tri Care don't they.

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To homersapien -

Which one of the following is not currently happening or am I misinformed on:

Morning after pill $40. No one is being forced to do anything except the liberals who have done and continue to try their hardest to force the 50% of us who are actually paying taxes to pay for: WIC, Food Stamps, breakfast, lunch, dinnner or take home snacks in our public schools, welfare, Obama phone, health care through Medicaid, public housing, utility assistance, job training, college tuition through pell grants, child care, and now......

The libs want us paying for their abortion or abortion drugs! That is what is being forced upon us!!

Why is it OK to force liberals to do something but not conservatives?

When did I say it's OK to force liberals to do something?

OK, I'll make it red and bold.

Yes, the liberals forcing us to do what I listed above. Believe me there is more. Free public schools, in some/most states or cities free public transportation, free dental, free meal training (I have volunteered in this one) teaches them to shop and cook, good healthy food on a small budget. If you consider $500 per month in food stamps a small budget.

My point: When and where does it end? Some members of congress are proposing we give cars to those outside of the public trans system. Am I wrong to say this 4th and 5th generation welfare that keeps growing (in numbers and programs) has to end some-where, some-time?

Only 3.75% of welfare recipients are multi-generational. So it is a concern but it hardly defines the system:

"When people talk about "welfare," they most often have in mind AFDC – Aid to Families with Dependent Children. That's the aidto the able-bodied women with children who don't work. And what doesthat aid costs us? Last year the Federal government spent $15 billionon AFDC. And this money went to less than 5 million mothers with 10million children. Only 8 percent of these mothers are teenagers, only1 percent of them under 18. Forty-eight percent are between 20 and 29, while 45 percent are over the age of 30. Most of the women on welfare are there because of divorce or separation, and half of them get off in the first year, three-quarters by the second year. Manyof these women will fall back onto welfare within two years of leavingit, but 50 percent of all AFDC recipients leave welfare permanentlyin less than 4 years. Only 15 percent stay on welfare continuouslyfor five years or longer..."

"– only 15 percent of AFDC recipients remain on welfare continuously more than five years,and of those who do, only 20-25 percent of their daughters become dependent on AFDC – but still, there is enough dependency to prompt our concern and response. And perhaps many of the mothers onthe AFDC rolls are not deserving to be there. This question of the deserving poor typically generates a routine and unilluminating though rancorous public debate"


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1. Hobby Lobby's Health Insurance plan offers "The Pill" and 15 other forms of birth control. As I stated before, the media refuses to report this!

2. Supreme court ruled Hobby Lobby and other companies do not have to pay for the abortion or abortion pill if they chose not to. I mean this is America after all.

3. If Hobby Lobby employees or any other employees cannot take the personal responsibility to avoid a unwanted pregnancy and they have no moral problems with killing children in their womb, while making $15 per hour and above, they may purchase a $40 "Morning After Pill" on their own, to abort the baby.

4. You, other liberals, and the mainstream media understand this common sense decision perfectly but it does not fit into your liberal agenda so you all are lashing out!

5. Finally if an employee of any company is not happy with their insurance plan, they can openly seek employment elsewhere. Why? Again, this is America after all!

My insurance doesn't pay for my chiropractor visits. So I pay out of pocket. Maybe I should ask the Supreme Court to force them to pay my chiropractor bills?

I must say it is tough to reason with the unreasonable and talk sense to the senseless, but I tried.

You're arrogant and stupid. Recognizing this, I won't try to reason with you.

Typical liberal idiocy. This is why you have no credibility in this forum.
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1. Hobby Lobby's Health Insurance plan offers "The Pill" and 15 other forms of birth control. As I stated before, the media refuses to report this!

2. Supreme court ruled Hobby Lobby and other companies do not have to pay for the abortion or abortion pill if they chose not to. I mean this is America after all.

3. If Hobby Lobby employees or any other employees cannot take the personal responsibility to avoid a unwanted pregnancy and they have no moral problems with killing children in their womb, while making $15 per hour and above, they may purchase a $40 "Morning After Pill" on their own, to abort the baby.

4. You, other liberals, and the mainstream media understand this common sense decision perfectly but it does not fit into your liberal agenda so you all are lashing out!

5. Finally if an employee of any company is not happy with their insurance plan, they can openly seek employment elsewhere. Why? Again, this is America after all!

My insurance doesn't pay for my chiropractor visits. So I pay out of pocket. Maybe I should ask the Supreme Court to force them to pay my chiropractor bills?

I must say it is tough to reason with the unreasonable and talk sense to the senseless, but I tried.

You're arrogant and stupid. Recognizing this, I won't try to reason with you.

Typical liberal idiocy. This is why you have no credibility in this forum.

There are some circles one does not wish to be admired. I never want a guy like you thinking I really understand things.

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Trying to get this whole thread back on topic, the original premise can be found right in the thread title "Should Doctors Have to Provide Their Beliefs to Patients".

My immediate response is no with a caveat. It's not fair to ask a private citizen to reveal his/her religious beliefs if that person chooses not to. HOWEVER, as a doctor, he/she should not be able to refuse treatments based on those beliefs. That is effectively infringing one's own belief system on someone else. As a doctor, your only job is to provide the best care that you can possibly provide. If you already know that you will not provide certain treatments or medications, you must make that abundantly clear before exams begin or progress to a point of no return.

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Pretty bad when a mod gets into nasty name calling. JMHO.

You guys think being a mod means they can't respond when referred to as senseless or idiotic? You guys throw out broad insults all day-- apparently it's what you live for. When you guys insult me, I don't play the mod card. When I respond, you guys whine I'm a mod. If I start abusing that position by using a heavy hand when we disagree, then you may have a complaint-- otherwise you're just whining.

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A guy like me? You don't even know me.

I know you as well as you know me. You make it personal and then complain about it. Typical.

Never made it personal. Message board personal, but not personal. Stop being such a baby.
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I worked as a co-manger and store manager for Hobby Lobby. I walked out on December 23rd 2009 after being told(by district manager) I would have to keep my associates until the truck was worked and displays for Valentines Day set up on Christmas Eve. I knew this would take at minimum until 10 PM on Christmas Eve. Told him he could do it. Dropped keys on desk and walked. That is only the tip of the iceberg of their hypocrisy.

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A guy like me? You don't even know me.

I know you as well as you know me. You make it personal and then complain about it. Typical.

Never made it personal. Message board personal, but not personal. Stop being such a baby.

You essentially call me an idiot and when I essentially say I could not care less what you think of me, you call me a baby. You love to attack, but whine very easy at any kind of push back.

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The best you got when challenged is "essentially"? Pretty sad. So, when did I call you a baby? And you can attack and push back with the best but you can't take it in return.

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