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Should Doctors Have to Provide Their Beliefs to Patients

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As to this article: http://www.newrepubl...by-lobby-ob-gyn

Funny, Plan B says on its FAQ

How does Plan B One-Step work?

Plan B One-Step; is one tablet with levonorgestrel, a hormone that has been used in many birth control pills for several decades. Plan B One-Step; contains a higher dose of levonorgestrel than birth control pills, but works in a similar way to prevent pregnancy. It works mainly by stopping the release of an egg from the ovary. It is possible that Plan B One-Step; may also work by preventing fertilization of an egg (the uniting of sperm with the egg) or by preventing attachment (implantation) to the uterus (womb).


As for Ella:

Dr. Rich Poupard of the Life Training Institute (who doesn’t think that Plan B likely acts as an abortifacient) says that &”ella is basically RU-486.”; He explains that both drugs act to block implantation, and, if implantation does occur, they act to prevent progesterone from adhering to the uterine lining, thereby denying the embryo the nutrients it needs to survive.


Copper IUD's can be used as emergency contraception but its website also says :Paragard; works by preventing sperm from reaching and fertilizing the egg, and possibly by preventing the egg from attaching in the uterus. And because it’s 100% hormone free and doesn’t interfere with your natural cycle, you should still get your period. Bleeding or spotting might increase at first, but should decrease after 2-3 months.


As for Mirena they aren't even really sure how it works according to the manufacturers website:

Mirena prevents pregnancy, most likely in several ways:

Thickens cervical mucus to prevent sperm from entering your uterus

Inhibits sperm from reaching or fertilizing your egg

Thins the lining of your uterus

Mirena may stop the release of your egg from your ovary, but this is not the way it works in most cases. While there’s no single explanation for how Mirena works, most likely, the above actions work together to prevent pregnancy for up to 5 years.


Your Ella link is bad. But it supports the Plan B doesn't cause abortions argument itself in your quote.

The Plan B comments, said several times the science isn't there, as I said the Pope even allows it for rape victims if the person is not already pregnant, and Catholics aren't even suppose to use withdraw method . Possibly and may do not equal causation. Also from your Plan B link:

There is no medical evidence that Plan B One-Step® would harm a developing baby. Plan B One-Step® will not harm an existing pregnancy. If you have any concerns, please be sure to talk to your healthcare professional.

I never messed with the other two.

Anyway right back where I said we were... no hard science to definitively support what these drugs do in regards to implantation. All possible, may, cept this individual believes Ella does work that way. You look at enough you will find some that support the idea that ALL birth control pills have the potential to block implantation.

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The argument by the OBGYN was that Plan B doesn't stop the egg from implanting. Thats what I was refuting. The bottom line is that HL and many on this board believes that a fertilzed egg is a life. The fertilized egg has grown for 4 days by the time its reached the uterus so by the reasoning that its a life its a 4 day old life. Ella link is corrected.

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1. Hobby Lobby's Health Insurance plan offers "The Pill" and 15 other forms of birth control. As I stated before, the media refuses to report this!

2. Supreme court ruled Hobby Lobby and other companies do not have to pay for the abortion or abortion pill if they chose not to. I mean this is America after all.

3. If Hobby Lobby employees or any other employees cannot take the personal responsibility to avoid a unwanted pregnancy and they have no moral problems with killing children in their womb, while making $15 per hour and above, they may purchase a $40 "Morning After Pill" on their own, to abort the baby.

4. You, other liberals, and the mainstream media understand this common sense decision perfectly but it does not fit into your liberal agenda so you all are lashing out!

5. Finally if an employee of any company is not happy with their insurance plan, they can openly seek employment elsewhere. Why? Again, this is America after all!

My insurance doesn't pay for my chiropractor visits. So I pay out of pocket. Maybe I should ask the Supreme Court to force them to pay my chiropractor bills?

I must say it is tough to reason with the unreasonable and talk sense to the senseless, but I tried.

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The simple solution is for doctors to up front state what procedures / medications they will not use.

If a doctor fails to perform a procedure or provide medications he did not opt out of providing, the patients can file complaints against him with the state medical board.

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The argument by the OBGYN was that Plan B doesn't stop the egg from implanting. Thats what I was refuting. The bottom line is that HL and many on this board believes that a fertilzed egg is a life. The fertilized egg has grown for 4 days by the time its reached the uterus so by the reasoning that its a life its a 4 day old life. Ella link is corrected.

You are absolutely right. So many of the articles about this have been pushing the implantation line due to the relation of the drug that the stance of just a fertilized egg has gotten lost in many. I reviewed after you comment above. That is why I was standing on implantation. Thank you for the correction.

Regardless of that timeline, the Pope still allows these drugs used in case of a rape to prevent forced pregnancy for the mental/physical well being of the mother (if not already pregnant). A faith that has much stricter birth control regulation than HL. As stated earlier in this topic, I would support HL case if they provided the exception that insurance would cover the drug in the case of a rape. Like the Catholic view.

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It could probably be done. Most insurance plans offer a sort of appeals process. I once worked for a company that didn't cover birth control at all. I could apply for a special exemption since it was used for non BC purposes and was for a medical condition. It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a week to get these exemptions approved. It depends on the company and what they have in place to handle the process. Oh as an interesting side note did you know that once upon a time PEEHIP didn't cover BC except for medical conditions? I was shocked when I found that out.

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1. Hobby Lobby's Health Insurance plan offers "The Pill" and 15 other forms of birth control. As I stated before, the media refuses to report this!

2. Supreme court ruled Hobby Lobby and other companies do not have to pay for the abortion or abortion pill if they chose not to. I mean this is America after all.

3. If Hobby Lobby employees or any other employees cannot take the personal responsibility to avoid a unwanted pregnancy and they have no moral problems with killing children in their womb, while making $15 per hour and above, they may purchase a $40 "Morning After Pill" on their own, to abort the baby.

4. You, other liberals, and the mainstream media understand this common sense decision perfectly but it does not fit into your liberal agenda so you all are lashing out!

5. Finally if an employee of any company is not happy with their insurance plan, they can openly seek employment elsewhere. Why? Again, this is America after all!

My insurance doesn't pay for my chiropractor visits. So I pay out of pocket. Maybe I should ask the Supreme Court to force them to pay my chiropractor bills?

I must say it is tough to reason with the unreasonable and talk sense to the senseless, but I tried.

You're arrogant and stupid. Recognizing this, I won't try to reason with you.

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1. Hobby Lobby's Health Insurance plan offers "The Pill" and 15 other forms of birth control. As I stated before, the media refuses to report this!

2. Supreme court ruled Hobby Lobby and other companies do not have to pay for the abortion or abortion pill if they chose not to. I mean this is America after all.

3. If Hobby Lobby employees or any other employees cannot take the personal responsibility to avoid a unwanted pregnancy and they have no moral problems with killing children in their womb, while making $15 per hour and above, they may purchase a $40 "Morning After Pill" on their own, to abort the baby.

4. You, other liberals, and the mainstream media understand this common sense decision perfectly but it does not fit into your liberal agenda so you all are lashing out!

5. Finally if an employee of any company is not happy with their insurance plan, they can openly seek employment elsewhere. Why? Again, this is America after all!

My insurance doesn't pay for my chiropractor visits. So I pay out of pocket. Maybe I should ask the Supreme Court to force them to pay my chiropractor bills?

I must say it is tough to reason with the unreasonable and talk sense to the senseless, but I tried.

You're arrogant and stupid. Recognizing this, I won't try.

OMG! The irony.
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1. Hobby Lobby's Health Insurance plan offers "The Pill" and 15 other forms of birth control. As I stated before, the media refuses to report this!

2. Supreme court ruled Hobby Lobby and other companies do not have to pay for the abortion or abortion pill if they chose not to. I mean this is America after all.

3. If Hobby Lobby employees or any other employees cannot take the personal responsibility to avoid a unwanted pregnancy and they have no moral problems with killing children in their womb, while making $15 per hour and above, they may purchase a $40 "Morning After Pill" on their own, to abort the baby.

4. You, other liberals, and the mainstream media understand this common sense decision perfectly but it does not fit into your liberal agenda so you all are lashing out!

5. Finally if an employee of any company is not happy with their insurance plan, they can openly seek employment elsewhere. Why? Again, this is America after all!

My insurance doesn't pay for my chiropractor visits. So I pay out of pocket. Maybe I should ask the Supreme Court to force them to pay my chiropractor bills?

I must say it is tough to reason with the unreasonable and talk sense to the senseless, but I tried.

You're arrogant and stupid. Recognizing this, I won't try.

OMG! The irony.

Just what I thought when I read his post! ;)

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1. Hobby Lobby's Health Insurance plan offers "The Pill" and 15 other forms of birth control. As I stated before, the media refuses to report this!

2. Supreme court ruled Hobby Lobby and other companies do not have to pay for the abortion or abortion pill if they chose not to. I mean this is America after all.

3. If Hobby Lobby employees or any other employees cannot take the personal responsibility to avoid a unwanted pregnancy and they have no moral problems with killing children in their womb, while making $15 per hour and above, they may purchase a $40 "Morning After Pill" on their own, to abort the baby.

4. You, other liberals, and the mainstream media understand this common sense decision perfectly but it does not fit into your liberal agenda so you all are lashing out!

5. Finally if an employee of any company is not happy with their insurance plan, they can openly seek employment elsewhere. Why? Again, this is America after all!

My insurance doesn't pay for my chiropractor visits. So I pay out of pocket. Maybe I should ask the Supreme Court to force them to pay my chiropractor bills?

I must say it is tough to reason with the unreasonable and talk sense to the senseless, but I tried.

1) Actually, majority of the articles I have read do state that. They do not refuse to report that.

2 & 3) You still have not waded into the pool of rape, which is where my support of those drugs lie.

4) Not a liberal, I'm a centralist/moderate/independent, however you want to term it. You are the one that keeps referring to me as I am not, you are the one that keeps calling me senseless cause I will not bend to your view (that's not very American) and choose to view a larger picture than just HL is a Christian Organization with kittens and puppies and only wishes to promote rainbows and has impeccable standards. Despite their dealings and support of organizations that go against their said argument they felt a need to take to the supreme court. Please... tell me exactly what my agenda is and why I have such great interest in this.

5) It is America, which means I have a right to have an opinion and voice said opinion, and maybe I disagree with the concept that a employee should have to find insurance at another location because a retail corporation was considered a religious being and allowed out of a mandated governmental standard of care affecting said insurance at that place of work.

You should ask the Supreme Court, especially since as federal employees they are covered. In fact Medicare, parts of Medicaid, and Tristar (since veterans, active duty can get it) actually cover chiropractic treatment according to the American Chiropractic Association. In fact those crazy liberals with the Affordable Care Act actually believe that alternative methods of medicine should be considered (you know, not just fashionable but real medicine) and covered and were very beneficial to Chiropractors as it brought reimbursements in line with other treatments.

And I thought you were done with me. Yet here you came back again to try and stereotype me into something I am not and tell me how I should think... despite this being American... and how seneless I am for having an opinion differing from yours... despite this being America.

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For those arguing the SCOTUS vs. HL decision, let me share a little ditty from another forum. The SCOTUS heard your argument already plus hundreds more that rise to an intelligence level you can't fathom. Stop trying. You are wrong and you lost! Get over it and move on.

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It could probably be done. Most insurance plans offer a sort of appeals process. I once worked for a company that didn't cover birth control at all. I could apply for a special exemption since it was used for non BC purposes and was for a medical condition. It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a week to get these exemptions approved. It depends on the company and what they have in place to handle the process. Oh as an interesting side note did you know that once upon a time PEEHIP didn't cover BC except for medical conditions? I was shocked when I found that out.

Wow can't believe that didn't cover for medical conditions.

The appealing and timeline would be my fear. The last thing I would want to do is put a victim through a appeal process right there in the ER, and the application of those drugs are very time constrained. Both in effectiveness and in traveling of sperm to egg. Well, guess that comes down to studies again on the effectiveness, but general consensus seems the faster the better.

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For those arguing the SCOTUS vs. HL decision, let me share a little ditty from another forum. The SCOTUS heard your argument already plus hundreds more that rise to an intelligence level you can't fathom. Stop trying. You are wrong and you lost! Get over it and move on.

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there. :)
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1. Hobby Lobby's Health Insurance plan offers "The Pill" and 15 other forms of birth control. As I stated before, the media refuses to report this!

2. Supreme court ruled Hobby Lobby and other companies do not have to pay for the abortion or abortion pill if they chose not to. I mean this is America after all.

3. If Hobby Lobby employees or any other employees cannot take the personal responsibility to avoid a unwanted pregnancy and they have no moral problems with killing children in their womb, while making $15 per hour and above, they may purchase a $40 "Morning After Pill" on their own, to abort the baby.

4. You, other liberals, and the mainstream media understand this common sense decision perfectly but it does not fit into your liberal agenda so you all are lashing out!

5. Finally if an employee of any company is not happy with their insurance plan, they can openly seek employment elsewhere. Why? Again, this is America after all!

My insurance doesn't pay for my chiropractor visits. So I pay out of pocket. Maybe I should ask the Supreme Court to force them to pay my chiropractor bills?

I must say it is tough to reason with the unreasonable and talk sense to the senseless, but I tried.

You're arrogant and stupid. Recognizing this, I won't try to reason with you.

Good job mod with the name calling.
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AUFAN78........you nailed it. Think everyone gets it?

I think those with a reasonable level of intelligence certainly will.
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1. Hobby Lobby's Health Insurance plan offers "The Pill" and 15 other forms of birth control. As I stated before, the media refuses to report this!

2. Supreme court ruled Hobby Lobby and other companies do not have to pay for the abortion or abortion pill if they chose not to. I mean this is America after all.

3. If Hobby Lobby employees or any other employees cannot take the personal responsibility to avoid a unwanted pregnancy and they have no moral problems with killing children in their womb, while making $15 per hour and above, they may purchase a $40 "Morning After Pill" on their own, to abort the baby.

4. You, other liberals, and the mainstream media understand this common sense decision perfectly but it does not fit into your liberal agenda so you all are lashing out!

5. Finally if an employee of any company is not happy with their insurance plan, they can openly seek employment elsewhere. Why? Again, this is America after all!

My insurance doesn't pay for my chiropractor visits. So I pay out of pocket. Maybe I should ask the Supreme Court to force them to pay my chiropractor bills?

I must say it is tough to reason with the unreasonable and talk sense to the senseless, but I tried.

You're arrogant and stupid. Recognizing this, I won't try to reason with you.

Good job mod with the name calling.

You think you get to call folks who disagree with you "senseless" and not get called on it? Grow up, hypocrite.

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1. Hobby Lobby's Health Insurance plan offers "The Pill" and 15 other forms of birth control. As I stated before, the media refuses to report this!

2. Supreme court ruled Hobby Lobby and other companies do not have to pay for the abortion or abortion pill if they chose not to. I mean this is America after all.

3. If Hobby Lobby employees or any other employees cannot take the personal responsibility to avoid a unwanted pregnancy and they have no moral problems with killing children in their womb, while making $15 per hour and above, they may purchase a $40 "Morning After Pill" on their own, to abort the baby.

4. You, other liberals, and the mainstream media understand this common sense decision perfectly but it does not fit into your liberal agenda so you all are lashing out!

5. Finally if an employee of any company is not happy with their insurance plan, they can openly seek employment elsewhere. Why? Again, this is America after all!

My insurance doesn't pay for my chiropractor visits. So I pay out of pocket. Maybe I should ask the Supreme Court to force them to pay my chiropractor bills?

I must say it is tough to reason with the unreasonable and talk sense to the senseless, but I tried.

1) Actually, majority of the articles I have read do state that. They do not refuse to report that.

2 & 3) You still have not waded into the pool of rape, which is where my support of those drugs lie.

4) Not a liberal, I'm a centralist/moderate/independent, however you want to term it. You are the one that keeps referring to me as I am not, you are the one that keeps calling me senseless cause I will not bend to your view (that's not very American) and choose to view a larger picture than just HL is a Christian Organization with kittens and puppies and only wishes to promote rainbows and has impeccable standards. Despite their dealings and support of organizations that go against their said argument they felt a need to take to the supreme court. Please... tell me exactly what my agenda is and why I have such great interest in this.

5) It is America, which means I have a right to have an opinion and voice said opinion, and maybe I disagree with the concept that a employee should have to find insurance at another location because a retail corporation was considered a religious being and allowed out of a mandated governmental standard of care affecting said insurance at that place of work.

You should ask the Supreme Court, especially since as federal employees they are covered. In fact Medicare, parts of Medicaid, and Tristar (since veterans, active duty can get it) actually cover chiropractic treatment according to the American Chiropractic Association. In fact those crazy liberals with the Affordable Care Act actually believe that alternative methods of medicine should be considered (you know, not just fashionable but real medicine) and covered and were very beneficial to Chiropractors as it brought reimbursements in line with other treatments.

And I thought you were done with me. Yet here you came back again to try and stereotype me into something I am not and tell me how I should think... despite this being American... and how seneless I am for having an opinion differing from yours... despite this being America.

#1 Links from any and all major media outlets covering this story??

# 2 & 3 What part of $40 do you not understand? So Hobby Lobby and every other company should pay for all employee abortions just in case one of them gets rapped? Is that your stance? Is that the best you have? No wonder the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby.

# 4 Supreme Court agrees with the Christian Company you for what ever reason hate so much. Is it Christians in general or just Hobby Lobby?

#5 Tri-Care does not cover Chiropractic procedures for military retirees, as I am sure all insurance companies do no cover any and everything, so we just have to pay for some things out of pocket.

In an effort to lighten the mode: Some of us even have to pay for our kids school lunch, if you can believe such a thing. :) (Humor intended, I promise)

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1. Hobby Lobby's Health Insurance plan offers "The Pill" and 15 other forms of birth control. As I stated before, the media refuses to report this!

2. Supreme court ruled Hobby Lobby and other companies do not have to pay for the abortion or abortion pill if they chose not to. I mean this is America after all.

3. If Hobby Lobby employees or any other employees cannot take the personal responsibility to avoid a unwanted pregnancy and they have no moral problems with killing children in their womb, while making $15 per hour and above, they may purchase a $40 "Morning After Pill" on their own, to abort the baby.

4. You, other liberals, and the mainstream media understand this common sense decision perfectly but it does not fit into your liberal agenda so you all are lashing out!

5. Finally if an employee of any company is not happy with their insurance plan, they can openly seek employment elsewhere. Why? Again, this is America after all!

My insurance doesn't pay for my chiropractor visits. So I pay out of pocket. Maybe I should ask the Supreme Court to force them to pay my chiropractor bills?

I must say it is tough to reason with the unreasonable and talk sense to the senseless, but I tried.

You're arrogant and stupid. Recognizing this, I won't try to reason with you.

Good job mod with the name calling.

You think you get to call folks who disagree with you "senseless" and not get called on it? Grow up, hypocrite.

You are always such a polite gentlemen, thanks so much.
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A liberal summary:

Chinese child labor laws or the lack there of: Really bad

So US companies that buy from China: Really bad

Those same Children aborted, and killed in the womb: (or outside the womb in the case of partial birth procedures) Oh, nothing wrong with that at all and the workers company should pay for it!

Centralist View.

Lack of labor laws involving children: Bad

US companies moving, outsourcing, producing in China instead of the US: Bad

Overlooking everything you say is wrong for profit, and in hobby lobby's care we are talking trifecta (child labor, forced abortion, funding to drug companies, etc): Bad

Refusing coverage to keep women from potentially carrying children through forced intercourse: Bad

And if you read and follow my views before categorizing me you would see where I have said that the majority of my argument is denying coverage of Plan B and Ella in rape victims, something even the Pope himself allows in the Catholic organizations (You know where pulling out isn't even allowed). I also want the sure fire proof that Ella and B cause abortions, which noone has scientifically proven they do, I have also stated that I would prefer that unwanted pregnancies were carried to term and the babies then given up for adoption versus abortion.

This article demonstrates science is still arguing the fact and is written by a OB/GYN:


I got issues I will run Liberal on, and I got ones I will run Conservative on, and I got a bunch that will be made up of a compromise between the two.

Morning after pill $40. No one is being forced to do anything except the liberals who have done and continue to try their hardest to force the 50% of us who are actually paying taxes to pay for: WIC, Food Stamps, breakfast, lunch, dinnner or take home snacks in our public schools, welfare, Obama phone, health care through Medicaid, public housing, utility assistance, job training, college tuition through pell grants, child care, and now......

The libs want us paying for their abortion or abortion drugs! That is what is being forced upon us!!

Nice rant. Sounds like a Tea Partyer:

In our book, "The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism," my co-authorTheda Skocpol and I examine this remarkable grass-roots engagement. We interviewed tea party members across the country, visited their meetings and their homes and attended their protests. In the end, we found that tea partyers combine laudable and effective political engagement with high levels of misinformation and troubling intolerance of their political opponents. The result is an amalgam that recalls both America's greatest civic traditions and a darker history of fear and exclusion.

"....Tea party groups we spoke to combined a generous, tolerant interaction within the group with an almost total lack of empathy for fellow Americans outside the tea party circle."

..."Though they work hard to accommodate diverse views on social issues, tea partyers freely demonize fellow Americans in different age groups and life circumstances. We heard cruel stereotypes about Muslim Americans, immigrants and young people."

"There is nothing wrong with spirited political debate. Vigorous and often impolite disagreement has always been a part of American political life. We should welcome the political tussle because it helps ensure the vibrancy of American democracy. Recent months suggest that the tea party energy may have, in turn, helped rejuvenate and refocus political activism on the left.

"But tea party engagement in the democratic process includes a level of misinformation and out-group intolerance that is surely worrisome."


"The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism" by Theda Skocpol and Vanessa Williamson

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Posted Today, 09:06 PM

snapback.pngKassc22, on Today, 08:37 PM, said:

It could probably be done. Most insurance plans offer a sort of appeals process. I once worked for a company that didn't cover birth control at all. I could apply for a special exemption since it was used for non BC purposes and was for a medical condition. It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to a week to get these exemptions approved. It depends on the company and what they have in place to handle the process. Oh as an interesting side note did you know that once upon a time PEEHIP didn't cover BC except for medical conditions? I was shocked when I found that out.Wow can't believe that didn't cover for medical conditions.

The appealing and timeline would be my fear. The last thing I would want to do is put a victim through a appeal process right there in the ER, and the application of those drugs are very time constrained. Both in effectiveness and in traveling of sperm to egg. Well, guess that comes down to studies again on the effectiveness, but general consensus seems the faster the better.

Right. The good thing about a hospital though is that most drugs administered in an ER setting are covered as part of the visit. If they are not covered you would get a bill for it later. That would allow you to go through an appeals process then. If it were covered by HL in cases of rape that might actually be a rider on the hospital policy. That would solve the problem all around actually. If in order to get one of the morning after drugs you had to go to the hospital that would seem to solve the matter of HLs conscience. No one is going to go to the hospital and claim rape just to get a pill, or I would hope a person wouldn't. It might also mean a higher rate of prosecution for rapists. A lot of women won't even report rape due to the fear of being victimized by the court system, which unfortunately is a very real fear. I think a lot of men get away with rape simply because women don't want to report it. All of this is completely hypothetical of course. I don't think anyone has actually seen a copy of HL's insurance policy.

(I keep trying to quote but I think this board dislikes me. I can't get most of the features to work :dunno:

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To homersapien -

Which one of the following is not currently happening or am I misinformed on:

Morning after pill $40. No one is being forced to do anything except the liberals who have done and continue to try their hardest to force the 50% of us who are actually paying taxes to pay for: WIC, Food Stamps, breakfast, lunch, dinnner or take home snacks in our public schools, welfare, Obama phone, health care through Medicaid, public housing, utility assistance, job training, college tuition through pell grants, child care, and now......

The libs want us paying for their abortion or abortion drugs! That is what is being forced upon us!!

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For those arguing the SCOTUS vs. HL decision, let me share a little ditty from another forum. The SCOTUS heard your argument already plus hundreds more that rise to an intelligence level you can't fathom. Stop trying. You are wrong and you lost! Get over it and move on.

..."an intelligence level you can't fathom"? :-\

Speak for yourself. <_<

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1. Hobby Lobby's Health Insurance plan offers "The Pill" and 15 other forms of birth control. As I stated before, the media refuses to report this!

2. Supreme court ruled Hobby Lobby and other companies do not have to pay for the abortion or abortion pill if they chose not to. I mean this is America after all.

3. If Hobby Lobby employees or any other employees cannot take the personal responsibility to avoid a unwanted pregnancy and they have no moral problems with killing children in their womb, while making $15 per hour and above, they may purchase a $40 "Morning After Pill" on their own, to abort the baby.

4. You, other liberals, and the mainstream media understand this common sense decision perfectly but it does not fit into your liberal agenda so you all are lashing out!

5. Finally if an employee of any company is not happy with their insurance plan, they can openly seek employment elsewhere. Why? Again, this is America after all!

My insurance doesn't pay for my chiropractor visits. So I pay out of pocket. Maybe I should ask the Supreme Court to force them to pay my chiropractor bills?

I must say it is tough to reason with the unreasonable and talk sense to the senseless, but I tried.

You're arrogant and stupid. Recognizing this, I won't try to reason with you.

Good job mod with the name calling.

You think you get to call folks who disagree with you "senseless" and not get called on it? Grow up, hypocrite.

You are always such a polite gentlemen, thanks so much.

You're a true Prince.

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For those arguing the SCOTUS vs. HL decision, let me share a little ditty from another forum. The SCOTUS heard your argument already plus hundreds more that rise to an intelligence level you can't fathom. Stop trying. You are wrong and you lost! Get over it and move on.

..."an intelligence level you can't fathom"? :-\

Speak for yourself. <_<

Ha! I knew you'd like that Homey. ;D
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