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Per operations normal the Liberal, Mainstream Media refuse to cover the following:

How do employees who work for closely held companies like Hobby Lobby get birth control?

Women who work for Hobby Lobby can still get birth-control pills. The company didn’t object to that, or 15 other types of contraceptives — just the morning after pills and the IUDs because they believe they work after conception and trigger abortions.


In other words: Hobby Lobby and other firms/businesses are still providing 16 different forms of Birth Control including "The Pill" They just don't want to pay for abortions, who could blame them?

By the way....The morning after pill, without insurance, cost around $40. I believe a condom cost around $1? So if the condom fails, spend $40 and have your abortion triggered.

If the basic facts were reported (without the liberal, distorted truth, bias) there would be allot less controversy!!

Ya but the whole stand on abortions seems kind of silly when you invest in corporations that actually research and produce these drugs, and your products that you sell are mostly made and come from a country that actually is known for forced abortions by the government.

We won't support them for employee's regardless of their health, but by God we won't let their purpose stop us from lining our pockets though.

Hobby Lobby let's their employees choose what Mutual Funds they want their 401k going to. Yes, some of the funds support certain kind of abortion. Would you rather Hobby Lobby say: You can't choose this fund or that fund because of abortion??

This just further shows how open Hobby Lobby is and how bias the media that cover them are!!

Possibly. However, you did not address China. Perhaps, morality takes a backseat to economic interests?


Who is Hugh?

The accountant


Hugh, Hobby Lobby's accountant that keeps the books on all the Chinese stuff.

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Next thing you know a company may say they support the biblical definition of marriage (Bill Clinton's definition as well) http://www.frc.org/papers/doma-101

This freedom should be taken from them at all costs!! I mean if they don't agree with the liberal agenda, be gone with them!!

Ya, your gonna be barking up the wrong tree with me going the marriage route. Biblical Marriage the United States is a joke at the moment. What with the divorce rates, the affairs, the open marriages that are common regardless of whether your are conservative or liberal.

If members of the same sex want to get married I have absolutely no dog in that fight, with the exception of I think the whole sanctity of marriage argument is a joke due to where we are in society.

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Hobby Lobby imports billions of dollars of products from China. Don't take my word for it. Walk into its stores and turn its items over and you'll clearly see: "Made In China."

Now there are those that have mentioned this specific hypocrisy before, but I would like to go further. Let's look at how China, its government, and specifically its treatment of its people is completely contrary not only to the very issues that Hobby Lobby claims to have issues with, but that the Bible clearly speaks out against as well.

We all know that China is a communist nation, and doesn't allow its people to have the freedom to worship freely. According to a new annual report from ChinaAid (a Texas based organization that monitors religious freedom), persecution of Chinese Christians not only continues, but increased this past year. There were 134 cases of persecution reported; many people fear retaliation if they make claims of their abuse.

And although the one child policy was technically lifted, abandonment and selective killing of female babies continues. Forced abortion, although technically frowned upon by the government, is still a regular practice in China. Is the disruption of creation of life only relevant as a Christian when it's an American life?

And what about the factories those people work at in China, those factories that make the products Hobby Lobby buys and then sells. The people of China who work in factories are exposed to a variety of dangerous working conditions. They are victims of unfair calculations of work time and low wages. Their employers often fail to pay for insurance or pay for injuries that are work related.


Is that the best you have, really?? So you can't be opposed to the murdering of the unborn and still buy products for profit from China?

In the article did they mention the 16 forms of Birth Control Hobby Lobby provides? Did they mention their employees making $15 per hour, while their competitors (who also shop China) are paying minimum wage? Did they mention the millions Hobby Lobby give to various charities? The Health Care they provide, the retirement plans they offer?

Of course not! Hobby Lobby doesn't want to pay for abortion so we will dig and claw to make them appear as bad as possible.

My point: No matter what side you are on; the media will not be fair and balanced. They have an agenda and they "report to support" that agenda!

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Tex4Auburn..,.,.You are certainly entitled to your opinion but I disagree. I strongly believe marriage should be between a man and a woman and I don't consider my belief to be a joke.

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A liberal summary:

Chinese child labor laws or the lack there of: Really bad

So US companies that buy from China: Really bad

Those same Children aborted, and killed in the womb: (or outside the womb in the case of partial birth procedures) Oh, nothing wrong with that at all and the workers company should pay for it!

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Off topic, but I thought I'd share this just to lighten the mood a bit. ;)/>


:laugh:/> :laugh:/>

(Be prepared for an onslaught of posts explaining the differences between Islam and Christianity. ;)/> )

No just the stupidity of lefties and their intolerance of anyone with an opinion different from the PC Nazis.
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Off topic, but I thought I'd share this just to lighten the mood a bit. ;)/>


:laugh:/> :laugh:/>

(Be prepared for an onslaught of posts explaining the differences between Islam and Christianity. ;)/> )

No just the stupidity of lefties and their intolerance of anyone with an opinion different from the PC Nazis.

Well, that was totally random! :rolleyes:

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Tex4Auburn..,.,.You are certainly entitled to your opinion but I disagree. I strongly believe marriage should be between a man and a woman and I don't consider my belief to be a joke.

Nor am I calling biblical marriage a joke.

What I am saying is a joke is those that use the sanctity of marriage argument for use against same sex marriage and then turn around and are divorcing their spouse for someone 20 years younger, or are having an affair. That unfortunately is the norm regardless of political failings these days. Heck look at the new show they are about to put on USA network Satisfaction... couple married for 18 years and get lost in their lives. Instead of communication the wife hires a escort for sex outside the marriage, the husband catches her and instead of communicating with her he takes the opportunity to become a escort himself to figure out. Then it's being labeled a post modern love story that looks at marriage at the midway point. That is where we are in society and marriage today unfortunately.

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A liberal summary:

Chinese child labor laws or the lack there of: Really bad

So US companies that buy from China: Really bad

Those same Children aborted, and killed in the womb: (or outside the womb in the case of partial birth procedures) Oh, nothing wrong with that at all and the workers company should pay for it!

That's absurd.

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A liberal summary:

Chinese child labor laws or the lack there of: Really bad

So US companies that buy from China: Really bad

Those same Children aborted, and killed in the womb: (or outside the womb in the case of partial birth procedures) Oh, nothing wrong with that at all and the workers company should pay for it!

That's absurd.

I agree, it sure is!
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Hobby Lobby imports billions of dollars of products from China. Don't take my word for it. Walk into its stores and turn its items over and you'll clearly see: "Made In China."

Now there are those that have mentioned this specific hypocrisy before, but I would like to go further. Let's look at how China, its government, and specifically its treatment of its people is completely contrary not only to the very issues that Hobby Lobby claims to have issues with, but that the Bible clearly speaks out against as well.

We all know that China is a communist nation, and doesn't allow its people to have the freedom to worship freely. According to a new annual report from ChinaAid (a Texas based organization that monitors religious freedom), persecution of Chinese Christians not only continues, but increased this past year. There were 134 cases of persecution reported; many people fear retaliation if they make claims of their abuse.

And although the one child policy was technically lifted, abandonment and selective killing of female babies continues. Forced abortion, although technically frowned upon by the government, is still a regular practice in China. Is the disruption of creation of life only relevant as a Christian when it's an American life?

And what about the factories those people work at in China, those factories that make the products Hobby Lobby buys and then sells. The people of China who work in factories are exposed to a variety of dangerous working conditions. They are victims of unfair calculations of work time and low wages. Their employers often fail to pay for insurance or pay for injuries that are work related.


Is that the best you have, really?? So you can't be opposed to the murdering of the unborn and still buy products for profit from China?

In the article did they mention the 16 forms of Birth Control Hobby Lobby provides? Did they mention their employees making $15 per hour, while their competitors (who also shop China) are paying minimum wage? Did they mention the millions Hobby Lobby give to various charities? The Health Care they provide, the retirement plans they offer?

Of course not! Hobby Lobby doesn't want to pay for abortion so we will dig and claw to make them appear as bad as possible.

My point: No matter what side you are on; the media will not be fair and balanced. They have an agenda and they "report to support" that agenda!

Al Capone gave money to families for fuel/clothing during Chicago winters and was very big on providing food for the poor in soup kitchens. Wanna talk about all the other great things he did for the poor of Chicago? Cause he actually did alot. Despite all that the man was a cold blooded murderer who's ideology was based off profit.

As I said. If your gonna grandstand and take it to the supreme court then stick to your guns across the board.

And the article was about it's hypocrisy, said so in the title. Adding all you would like to see in the article would only strengthen that article.

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Off topic, but I thought I'd share this just to lighten the mood a bit. ;)/>


:laugh:/> :laugh:/>

(Be prepared for an onslaught of posts explaining the differences between Islam and Christianity. ;)/> )

No just the stupidity of lefties and their intolerance of anyone with an opinion different from the PC Nazis.

Well, that was totally random! :rolleyes:

Naw it wherent. Libtards is all stupid and intollerint. They dont respect no bodys opinion if aint theres.

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A liberal summary:

Chinese child labor laws or the lack there of: Really bad

So US companies that buy from China: Really bad

Those same Children aborted, and killed in the womb: (or outside the womb in the case of partial birth procedures) Oh, nothing wrong with that at all and the workers company should pay for it!

Can you really define all liberals this way?

You do see the inherent hypocrisy in HL's practices?

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Off topic, but I thought I'd share this just to lighten the mood a bit. ;)/>


:laugh:/> :laugh:/>

(Be prepared for an onslaught of posts explaining the differences between Islam and Christianity. ;)/> )

No just the stupidity of lefties and their intolerance of anyone with an opinion different from the PC Nazis.

Well, that was totally random! :rolleyes:/>

Then you aren't keeping up. That or you agree with the vile way lefties have responded to the young lady in the picture. Ben do you agree with the way the left has attacked, ridiculed and slandered that young lady? Is that why you posted the picture?
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Off topic, but I thought I'd share this just to lighten the mood a bit. ;)/>


:laugh:/> :laugh:/>

(Be prepared for an onslaught of posts explaining the differences between Islam and Christianity. ;)/> )

No just the stupidity of lefties and their intolerance of anyone with an opinion different from the PC Nazis.

Well, that was totally random! :rolleyes:/>

Then you aren't keeping up. That or you agree with the vile way lefties have responded to the young lady in the picture. Ben do you agree with the way the left has attacked, ridiculed and slandered that young lady? Is that why you posted the picture?

Which young lady are you talking about?

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A liberal summary:

Chinese child labor laws or the lack there of: Really bad

So US companies that buy from China: Really bad

Those same Children aborted, and killed in the womb: (or outside the womb in the case of partial birth procedures) Oh, nothing wrong with that at all and the workers company should pay for it!

That's absurd.

I agree, it sure is!

Then why in the world did you post it? :dunno:

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A liberal summary:

Chinese child labor laws or the lack there of: Really bad

So US companies that buy from China: Really bad

Those same Children aborted, and killed in the womb: (or outside the womb in the case of partial birth procedures) Oh, nothing wrong with that at all and the workers company should pay for it!

Centralist View.

Lack of labor laws involving children: Bad

US companies moving, outsourcing, producing in China instead of the US: Bad

Overlooking everything you say is wrong for profit, and in hobby lobby's care we are talking trifecta (child labor, forced abortion, funding to drug companies, etc): Bad

Refusing coverage to keep women from potentially carrying children through forced intercourse: Bad

And if you read and follow my views before categorizing me you would see where I have said that the majority of my argument is denying coverage of Plan B and Ella in rape victims, something even the Pope himself allows in the Catholic organizations (You know where pulling out isn't even allowed). I also want the sure fire proof that Ella and B cause abortions, which noone has scientifically proven they do, I have also stated that I would prefer that unwanted pregnancies were carried to term and the babies then given up for adoption versus abortion.

This article demonstrates science is still arguing the fact and is written by a OB/GYN:


I got issues I will run Liberal on, and I got ones I will run Conservative on, and I got a bunch that will be made up of a compromise between the two.

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A liberal summary:

Chinese child labor laws or the lack there of: Really bad

So US companies that buy from China: Really bad

Those same Children aborted, and killed in the womb: (or outside the womb in the case of partial birth procedures) Oh, nothing wrong with that at all and the workers company should pay for it!

Centralist View.

Lack of labor laws involving children: Bad

US companies moving, outsourcing, producing in China instead of the US: Bad

Overlooking everything you say is wrong for profit, and in hobby lobby's care we are talking trifecta (child labor, forced abortion, funding to drug companies, etc): Bad

Refusing coverage to keep women from potentially carrying children through forced intercourse: Bad

And if you read and follow my views before categorizing me you would see where I have said that the majority of my argument is denying coverage of Plan B and Ella in rape victims, something even the Pope himself allows in the Catholic organizations (You know where pulling out isn't even allowed). I also want the sure fire proof that Ella and B cause abortions, which noone has scientifically proven they do, I have also stated that I would prefer that unwanted pregnancies were carried to term and the babies then given up for adoption versus abortion.

This article demonstrates science is still arguing the fact and is written by a OB/GYN:


I got issues I will run Liberal on, and I got ones I will run Conservative on, and I got a bunch that will be made up of a compromise between the two.

Morning after pill $40. No one is being forced to do anything except the liberals who have done and continue to try their hardest to force the 50% of us who are actually paying taxes to pay for: WIC, Food Stamps, breakfast, lunch, dinnner or take home snacks in our public schools, welfare, Obama phone, health care through Medicaid, public housing, utility assistance, job training, college tuition through pell grants, child care, and now......

The libs want us paying for their abortion or abortion drugs! That is what is being forced upon us!!

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A liberal summary:

Chinese child labor laws or the lack there of: Really bad

So US companies that buy from China: Really bad

Those same Children aborted, and killed in the womb: (or outside the womb in the case of partial birth procedures) Oh, nothing wrong with that at all and the workers company should pay for it!

Centralist View.

Lack of labor laws involving children: Bad

US companies moving, outsourcing, producing in China instead of the US: Bad

Overlooking everything you say is wrong for profit, and in hobby lobby's care we are talking trifecta (child labor, forced abortion, funding to drug companies, etc): Bad

Refusing coverage to keep women from potentially carrying children through forced intercourse: Bad

And if you read and follow my views before categorizing me you would see where I have said that the majority of my argument is denying coverage of Plan B and Ella in rape victims, something even the Pope himself allows in the Catholic organizations (You know where pulling out isn't even allowed). I also want the sure fire proof that Ella and B cause abortions, which noone has scientifically proven they do, I have also stated that I would prefer that unwanted pregnancies were carried to term and the babies then given up for adoption versus abortion.

This article demonstrates science is still arguing the fact and is written by a OB/GYN:


I got issues I will run Liberal on, and I got ones I will run Conservative on, and I got a bunch that will be made up of a compromise between the two.

Morning after pill $40. No one is being forced to do anything except the liberals who have done and continue to try their hardest to force the 50% of us who are actually paying taxes to pay for: WIC, Food Stamps, breakfast, lunch, dinnner or take home snacks in our public schools, welfare, Obama phone, health care through Medicaid, public housing, utility assistance, job training, college tuition through pell grants, child care, and now......

The libs want us paying for their abortion or abortion drugs! That is what is being forced upon us!!

All of our money has gone to the poor? All social programs are bad? How about war? Is that a worthwhile socialistic endeavor?

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A liberal summary:

Chinese child labor laws or the lack there of: Really bad

So US companies that buy from China: Really bad

Those same Children aborted, and killed in the womb: (or outside the womb in the case of partial birth procedures) Oh, nothing wrong with that at all and the workers company should pay for it!

Centralist View.

Lack of labor laws involving children: Bad

US companies moving, outsourcing, producing in China instead of the US: Bad

Overlooking everything you say is wrong for profit, and in hobby lobby's care we are talking trifecta (child labor, forced abortion, funding to drug companies, etc): Bad

Refusing coverage to keep women from potentially carrying children through forced intercourse: Bad

And if you read and follow my views before categorizing me you would see where I have said that the majority of my argument is denying coverage of Plan B and Ella in rape victims, something even the Pope himself allows in the Catholic organizations (You know where pulling out isn't even allowed). I also want the sure fire proof that Ella and B cause abortions, which noone has scientifically proven they do, I have also stated that I would prefer that unwanted pregnancies were carried to term and the babies then given up for adoption versus abortion.

This article demonstrates science is still arguing the fact and is written by a OB/GYN:


I got issues I will run Liberal on, and I got ones I will run Conservative on, and I got a bunch that will be made up of a compromise between the two.

A very important word for those truly want freedom and democracy.

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As to this article: http://www.newrepubl...by-lobby-ob-gyn

Funny, Plan B says on its FAQ

How does Plan B One-Step work?

Plan B One-Step; is one tablet with levonorgestrel, a hormone that has been used in many birth control pills for several decades. Plan B One-Step; contains a higher dose of levonorgestrel than birth control pills, but works in a similar way to prevent pregnancy. It works mainly by stopping the release of an egg from the ovary. It is possible that Plan B One-Step; may also work by preventing fertilization of an egg (the uniting of sperm with the egg) or by preventing attachment (implantation) to the uterus (womb).


As for Ella:

Dr. Rich Poupard of the Life Training Institute (who doesn’t think that Plan B likely acts as an abortifacient) says that &”ella is basically RU-486.”; He explains that both drugs act to block implantation, and, if implantation does occur, they act to prevent progesterone from adhering to the uterine lining, thereby denying the embryo the nutrients it needs to survive.


Copper IUD's can be used as emergency contraception but its website also says :Paragard; works by preventing sperm from reaching and fertilizing the egg, and possibly by preventing the egg from attaching in the uterus. And because it’s 100% hormone free and doesn’t interfere with your natural cycle, you should still get your period. Bleeding or spotting might increase at first, but should decrease after 2-3 months.


As for Mirena they aren't even really sure how it works according to the manufacturers website:

Mirena prevents pregnancy, most likely in several ways:

Thickens cervical mucus to prevent sperm from entering your uterus

Inhibits sperm from reaching or fertilizing your egg

Thins the lining of your uterus

Mirena may stop the release of your egg from your ovary, but this is not the way it works in most cases. While there’s no single explanation for how Mirena works, most likely, the above actions work together to prevent pregnancy for up to 5 years.


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A liberal summary:

Chinese child labor laws or the lack there of: Really bad

So US companies that buy from China: Really bad

Those same Children aborted, and killed in the womb: (or outside the womb in the case of partial birth procedures) Oh, nothing wrong with that at all and the workers company should pay for it!

Centralist View.

Lack of labor laws involving children: Bad

US companies moving, outsourcing, producing in China instead of the US: Bad

Overlooking everything you say is wrong for profit, and in hobby lobby's care we are talking trifecta (child labor, forced abortion, funding to drug companies, etc): Bad

Refusing coverage to keep women from potentially carrying children through forced intercourse: Bad

And if you read and follow my views before categorizing me you would see where I have said that the majority of my argument is denying coverage of Plan B and Ella in rape victims, something even the Pope himself allows in the Catholic organizations (You know where pulling out isn't even allowed). I also want the sure fire proof that Ella and B cause abortions, which noone has scientifically proven they do, I have also stated that I would prefer that unwanted pregnancies were carried to term and the babies then given up for adoption versus abortion.

This article demonstrates science is still arguing the fact and is written by a OB/GYN:


I got issues I will run Liberal on, and I got ones I will run Conservative on, and I got a bunch that will be made up of a compromise between the two.

Morning after pill $40. No one is being forced to do anything except the liberals who have done and continue to try their hardest to force the 50% of us who are actually paying taxes to pay for: WIC, Food Stamps, breakfast, lunch, dinnner or take home snacks in our public schools, welfare, Obama phone, health care through Medicaid, public housing, utility assistance, job training, college tuition through pell grants, child care, and now......

The libs want us paying for their abortion or abortion drugs! That is what is being forced upon us!!

All of our money has gone to the poor? All social programs are bad? How about war? Is that a worthwhile socialistic endeavor?

Putting words in my mouth? The so called wealthy (I assume this is the 50% who are actually working or living off their years of investments) are accused of being greedy and selfish. Who is it that is really greedy? How many Social Programs do we need? When will the handouts be enough? The greedy are the ones that never get enough of government or company handouts and the rich that will not give to the poor. In other words we all have some greed in us, I'll side with the ones that are actually working and giving back!!

Back to the original argument... why should any company that is already providing 16 forms of birth control be required by law to pay for an abortion? Why doesn't the media cover the whole story i.e. the NY Times Article that says Hobby Lobby is a liberal's dream?

The answer to the above questions is because no matter how good Hobby Lobby or any other Christian company is, if they don't agree with all the liberal policy's and talking points, they will be vilified in the press even if it takes half truths or even lying!

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A liberal summary:

Chinese child labor laws or the lack there of: Really bad

So US companies that buy from China: Really bad

Those same Children aborted, and killed in the womb: (or outside the womb in the case of partial birth procedures) Oh, nothing wrong with that at all and the workers company should pay for it!

Centralist View.

Lack of labor laws involving children: Bad

US companies moving, outsourcing, producing in China instead of the US: Bad

Overlooking everything you say is wrong for profit, and in hobby lobby's care we are talking trifecta (child labor, forced abortion, funding to drug companies, etc): Bad

Refusing coverage to keep women from potentially carrying children through forced intercourse: Bad

And if you read and follow my views before categorizing me you would see where I have said that the majority of my argument is denying coverage of Plan B and Ella in rape victims, something even the Pope himself allows in the Catholic organizations (You know where pulling out isn't even allowed). I also want the sure fire proof that Ella and B cause abortions, which noone has scientifically proven they do, I have also stated that I would prefer that unwanted pregnancies were carried to term and the babies then given up for adoption versus abortion.

This article demonstrates science is still arguing the fact and is written by a OB/GYN:


I got issues I will run Liberal on, and I got ones I will run Conservative on, and I got a bunch that will be made up of a compromise between the two.

Morning after pill $40. No one is being forced to do anything except the liberals who have done and continue to try their hardest to force the 50% of us who are actually paying taxes to pay for: WIC, Food Stamps, breakfast, lunch, dinnner or take home snacks in our public schools, welfare, Obama phone, health care through Medicaid, public housing, utility assistance, job training, college tuition through pell grants, child care, and now......

The libs want us paying for their abortion or abortion drugs! That is what is being forced upon us!!

Then maybe Hobby Lobby shouldn't pay for Viagra, then a large portion of this country couldn't get it up due to their health and there would be a lower incidence of rape and unwanted pregnancies.

Plus it appears I might need all that stuff your complaining about as Conservatives want to play their own little game of lets favor groups in the hiring process just like the liberals.


I don't support affirmative action unless definite discrimination is occurring. Apparently Liberals do, and apparently Conservative do. Looks like I'm running Central again.

So there is my free rant since nothing you said actually addresses anything I said. Its all Liberal this liberal that I pay taxes and it goes to stuff I don't like. Guess what man every person in the country that pays taxes is being forced to dump money into something he/she does not agree with or believes is a valuable use of their money.

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A liberal summary:

Chinese child labor laws or the lack there of: Really bad

So US companies that buy from China: Really bad

Those same Children aborted, and killed in the womb: (or outside the womb in the case of partial birth procedures) Oh, nothing wrong with that at all and the workers company should pay for it!

Centralist View.

Lack of labor laws involving children: Bad

US companies moving, outsourcing, producing in China instead of the US: Bad

Overlooking everything you say is wrong for profit, and in hobby lobby's care we are talking trifecta (child labor, forced abortion, funding to drug companies, etc): Bad

Refusing coverage to keep women from potentially carrying children through forced intercourse: Bad

And if you read and follow my views before categorizing me you would see where I have said that the majority of my argument is denying coverage of Plan B and Ella in rape victims, something even the Pope himself allows in the Catholic organizations (You know where pulling out isn't even allowed). I also want the sure fire proof that Ella and B cause abortions, which noone has scientifically proven they do, I have also stated that I would prefer that unwanted pregnancies were carried to term and the babies then given up for adoption versus abortion.

This article demonstrates science is still arguing the fact and is written by a OB/GYN:


I got issues I will run Liberal on, and I got ones I will run Conservative on, and I got a bunch that will be made up of a compromise between the two.

Morning after pill $40. No one is being forced to do anything except the liberals who have done and continue to try their hardest to force the 50% of us who are actually paying taxes to pay for: WIC, Food Stamps, breakfast, lunch, dinnner or take home snacks in our public schools, welfare, Obama phone, health care through Medicaid, public housing, utility assistance, job training, college tuition through pell grants, child care, and now......

The libs want us paying for their abortion or abortion drugs! That is what is being forced upon us!!

Then maybe Hobby Lobby shouldn't pay for Viagra, then a large portion of this country couldn't get it up due to their health and there would be a lower incidence of rape and unwanted pregnancies.

Plus it appears I might need all that stuff your complaining about as Conservatives want to play their own little game of lets favor groups in the hiring process just like the liberals.


I don't support affirmative action unless definite discrimination is occurring. Apparently Liberals do, and apparently Conservative do. Looks like I'm running Central again.

So there is my free rant since nothing you said actually addresses anything I said. Its all Liberal this liberal that I pay taxes and it goes to stuff I don't like. Guess what man every person in the country that pays taxes is being forced to dump money into something he/she does not agree with or believes is a valuable use of their money.

I'm finished trying to talk sense, to the senseless. Best of luck trying to force companies to spend on your liberal projects and experiments.

Good night!

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Hobby Lobby imports billions of dollars of products from China. Don't take my word for it. Walk into its stores and turn its items over and you'll clearly see: "Made In China."

Now there are those that have mentioned this specific hypocrisy before, but I would like to go further. Let's look at how China, its government, and specifically its treatment of its people is completely contrary not only to the very issues that Hobby Lobby claims to have issues with, but that the Bible clearly speaks out against as well.

We all know that China is a communist nation, and doesn't allow its people to have the freedom to worship freely. According to a new annual report from ChinaAid (a Texas based organization that monitors religious freedom), persecution of Chinese Christians not only continues, but increased this past year. There were 134 cases of persecution reported; many people fear retaliation if they make claims of their abuse.

And although the one child policy was technically lifted, abandonment and selective killing of female babies continues. Forced abortion, although technically frowned upon by the government, is still a regular practice in China. Is the disruption of creation of life only relevant as a Christian when it's an American life?

And what about the factories those people work at in China, those factories that make the products Hobby Lobby buys and then sells. The people of China who work in factories are exposed to a variety of dangerous working conditions. They are victims of unfair calculations of work time and low wages. Their employers often fail to pay for insurance or pay for injuries that are work related.


Clearly, maximizing profits is their highest principle.

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