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Which POTUS is the Worst Since 1945?

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OK ICHY I have you on ignore but I have seen you refer to my deleted thread title in other posts where you are quoted. This just displays what a totally ignorant person you can be. I started that thread with a video on Obama making a statement. BigBen called to my attention that it had been photoshopped which I didn't know. I readily admitted my mistake and deleted the link to te video and my other posts. I didn't know how to just delete the whole thread. If you don't care to believe me then ask Bigben. I could really not care less what you think. Just go away and stfu about things you are ignorant about.

I will as soon as you stop posting meaningless and misleading rhetoric. barry sux and libtards is dum are hardly the basis for intelligent discussion.

"Just go away and stfu about things you are ignorant about." You should attempt to be more civil.

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Me posting what you consider to be "be meaningless and misleading rhetoric" is one thing but when you accuse me of deliberate "untruths" you are calling me a liar. So look in mirror and see who is the pot calling the kettle black as far being civil is concerned. I explained my "delete" thing you kept harping about. Are you man enough to be civil and apologize for what you accused me of.......posting deliberate untruths?

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The subject poll is the only one I'm talking about. You made a statement which you can't back up except with your opinion. Opinions are OK, but they aren't necessarily facts.

And now you refer to polls in general saying it is "pretty clear" that.................It may be "pretty clear" to you but the polls I see don't always have a breakdown so again you are expressing an opinion, not factual info. Why it so hard to admit that?

It's easy enough to get an estimate of the percent of self-proclaimed conservatives in this country and there is actually more than the poll numbers on Obama's performance. It's not a stretch to assume the poll numbers come mostly from that general population.

Mostly yes, but it's also not a stretch to assume a good number of dems voted in that majority sample. An not just in the low percentage approving his job performance.

The point is, is anyone surprised given the current assessment of most Republicans that they would say Obama is the worst President since wwii? Would anyone be surprised that most Dems would say W was? How meaningful is either assessment?

And I agreed with that point but in this poll with the majority voting the way they did, it had to include a good number of dems.

What's the question here? Did a majority of Americans vote Obama as the worst POTUS since 1945?

Questioned and responded in the poll. Happy now?
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The subject poll is the only one I'm talking about. You made a statement which you can't back up except with your opinion. Opinions are OK, but they aren't necessarily facts.

And now you refer to polls in general saying it is "pretty clear" that.................It may be "pretty clear" to you but the polls I see don't always have a breakdown so again you are expressing an opinion, not factual info. Why it so hard to admit that?

It's easy enough to get an estimate of the percent of self-proclaimed conservatives in this country and there is actually more than the poll numbers on Obama's performance. It's not a stretch to assume the poll numbers come mostly from that general population.

Mostly yes, but it's also not a stretch to assume a good number of dems voted in that majority sample. An not just in the low percentage approving his job performance.

The point is, is anyone surprised given the current assessment of most Republicans that they would say Obama is the worst President since wwii? Would anyone be surprised that most Dems would say W was? How meaningful is either assessment?

And I agreed with that point but in this poll with the majority voting the way they did, it had to include a good number of dems.

What's the question here? Did a majority of Americans vote Obama as the worst POTUS since 1945?

Questioned and responded in the poll. Happy now?

Just confused.

I'll try again: Did a majority of Americans vote Obama as the worst POTUS since 1945?

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Me posting what you consider to be "be meaningless and misleading rhetoric" is one thing but when you accuse me of deliberate "untruths" you are calling me a liar. So look in mirror and see who is the pot calling the kettle black as far being civil is concerned. I explained my "delete" thing you kept harping about. Are you man enough to be civil and apologize for what you accused me of.......posting deliberate untruths?

You continually post biased, misleading information and, hold it up as absolute truth. I cannot stop you. I don't even desire to stop you. However, I will point it out. I am truly sorry that makes you angry. I am sorry it causes you to lose control of your ability to be civil.

I hope that you will adopt a political philosophy that is deeper than, Republicans good, Libtards bad. That is your choice though, not mine.

I don't believe you are a liar or, that you lack intelligence. I believe you have been blinded by partisanship. Someone of your intelligence, posting things that are so obviously doctored, or slanted, and having no awareness, should tell you something. Have you surrendered your critiical thinking in favor of pure partisanship based in rhetoric and half-truths?

Whether you realize it or not, BOTH parties have accountability. BOTH parties are the government. We cannot effectively hold the government accountable if, we only hold one party accountable. IMHO, the division created by partisan rhetoric is a grave danger to UNITED States of America. Do you honestly believe that America is a better place if we remove all liberal influence? Is it possible the real problem is, that we are highlighting and promoting extremism on both sides?

When I become so ashamed of posts, that I have to delete them, I will look in that mirror. Believe it or not, I do anyway. For now, I would take my own advice if I were you. Which obviously I am not.

I am truly sorry. I am sure that if I knew you, I would like you very much. Please understand, it is not you that I oppose. It is your political bias and, what I believe to be, it's destructive nature.

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The subject poll is the only one I'm talking about. You made a statement which you can't back up except with your opinion. Opinions are OK, but they aren't necessarily facts.

And now you refer to polls in general saying it is "pretty clear" that.................It may be "pretty clear" to you but the polls I see don't always have a breakdown so again you are expressing an opinion, not factual info. Why it so hard to admit that?

It's easy enough to get an estimate of the percent of self-proclaimed conservatives in this country and there is actually more than the poll numbers on Obama's performance. It's not a stretch to assume the poll numbers come mostly from that general population.

Mostly yes, but it's also not a stretch to assume a good number of dems voted in that majority sample. An not just in the low percentage approving his job performance.

The point is, is anyone surprised given the current assessment of most Republicans that they would say Obama is the worst President since wwii? Would anyone be surprised that most Dems would say W was? How meaningful is either assessment?

And I agreed with that point but in this poll with the majority voting the way they did, it had to include a good number of dems.

What's the question here? Did a majority of Americans vote Obama as the worst POTUS since 1945?

Questioned and responded in the poll. Happy now?

Just confused.

I'll try again: Did a majority of Americans vote Obama as the worst POTUS since 1945?

Wat were the poll results?
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The subject poll is the only one I'm talking about. You made a statement which you can't back up except with your opinion. Opinions are OK, but they aren't necessarily facts.

And now you refer to polls in general saying it is "pretty clear" that.................It may be "pretty clear" to you but the polls I see don't always have a breakdown so again you are expressing an opinion, not factual info. Why it so hard to admit that?

It's easy enough to get an estimate of the percent of self-proclaimed conservatives in this country and there is actually more than the poll numbers on Obama's performance. It's not a stretch to assume the poll numbers come mostly from that general population.

Mostly yes, but it's also not a stretch to assume a good number of dems voted in that majority sample. An not just in the low percentage approving his job performance.

The point is, is anyone surprised given the current assessment of most Republicans that they would say Obama is the worst President since wwii? Would anyone be surprised that most Dems would say W was? How meaningful is either assessment?

And I agreed with that point but in this poll with the majority voting the way they did, it had to include a good number of dems.

What's the question here? Did a majority of Americans vote Obama as the worst POTUS since 1945?

Questioned and responded in the poll. Happy now?

Just confused.

I'll try again: Did a majority of Americans vote Obama as the worst POTUS since 1945?

Wat were the poll results?

33% said Obama.

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I would tend to rank yaboy barry somewhere behind Hirohito as well. As least Hirohito had the good sense to know when to give up. barry gets blistered by the SCOTUS and rather than show "a smidgeon" of humility in response to the decision, he doubles down on using his pen and his phone on immigration reform. American is taking note and is not at all pleased with this immigration cluster. A heavy price will be paid in November when the left loses control of the Senate.

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I would tend to rank yaboy barry somewhere behind Hirohito as well. As least Hirohito had the good sense to know when to give up. barry gets blistered by the SCOTUS and rather than show "a smidgeon" of humility in response to the decision, he doubles down on using his pen and his phone on immigration reform. American is taking note and is not at all pleased with this immigration cluster. A heavy price will be paid in November when the left loses control of the Senate.

Serious or satire? :dunno: Only Blue knows for sure. ;)

Hell, even (bad) ICHY couldn't have come up with that! ;D

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I would tend to rank yaboy barry somewhere behind Hirohito as well. As least Hirohito had the good sense to know when to give up. barry gets blistered by the SCOTUS and rather than show "a smidgeon" of humility in response to the decision, he doubles down on using his pen and his phone on immigration reform. American is taking note and is not at all pleased with this immigration cluster. A heavy price will be paid in November when the left loses control of the Senate.

Serious or satire? :dunno: Only Blue knows for sure. ;)

Hell, even (bad) ICHY couldn't have come up with that! ;D

That you would question a joke is a microcosm of the liberal mindset. I joked about BHO being behind Hirohito. I did not joke about BHO's tone deaf reaction to the SCOTUS decision concerning his abuse of executive power. However, he wont stop abusing the powers of the office because weak kneed republicans are petrified of being called racists. So, he has the political power as long as his party controls the majority in the Senate but, he does not have the Constitutional authority and the Courts were emphatic about that with their 9 - 0 ruling.

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I would tend to rank yaboy barry somewhere behind Hirohito as well. As least Hirohito had the good sense to know when to give up. barry gets blistered by the SCOTUS and rather than show "a smidgeon" of humility in response to the decision, he doubles down on using his pen and his phone on immigration reform. American is taking note and is not at all pleased with this immigration cluster. A heavy price will be paid in November when the left loses control of the Senate.

Serious or satire? :dunno: Only Blue knows for sure. ;)

Hell, even (bad) ICHY couldn't have come up with that! ;D

That you would question a joke is a microcosm of the liberal mindset. I joked about BHO being behind Hirohito. I did not joke about BHO's tone deaf reaction to the SCOTUS decision concerning his abuse of executive power. However, he wont stop abusing the powers of the office because weak kneed republicans are petrified of being called racists. So, he has the political power as long as his party controls the majority in the Senate but, he does not have the Constitutional authority and the Courts were emphatic about that with their 9 - 0 ruling.

Not knowing whether or not you are serious is a "microcosm of the liberal mindset"? :dunno:

Well, I am glad to hear you are joking you presumably don't consider Obama as bad as Hirohito. Considering the Obama rhetoric, it's gratifying to have a floor established for your revulsion. (Of course, there's still time. ;) )

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