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Hillary for President


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If I was going to pull from the business world, give me a guy that started and has successfully sustained a small business.

If the small business sustains and doesn't expand it's considered a failure by Wall Street cronies.

I have always thought that the concept of, "if you aren't growing, you're dying" was dangerous for small business. Growth generally means utilizing credit and, small businesses typically do not have the access to credit that large corporations have. I would guess that many small business owners learned this lesson the hard way in 2008. I would say that, even many of the largest corporations (i.e. GE, GM, Wall St. Banks) would have learned this lesson the hard way had the government not intervened.

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While I understand the benefits of getting a small business owner, and somewhat agree in principle, there are also some essential* qualifications for the Presidency that a small business owner may not have, like:

The ability to make compromises and build consensus in decisions,

Awareness of broad issues/policies in law and governmental administration as opposed to private sector administration,

Knowledge of international diplomacy and the intricate nuances required to be successful at it,

Military/security matters...

...or just the subtleties of being the constant focus of national & international attention without making an ass of one's self in public!

*Let me rephrase that: "desirable", not "essential" qualifications...because every president in my 60-year lifetime has screwed up in one or more of those areas at times during his term, and probably every president before my time. So they must not be "essential". :blink:

Of course, "dumbassery" or "asshattery" has never been the exclusive monopoly of any one party or office...it's probably a given in most public offices! ;)

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I think it's really sad that Hilary Clinton is the best America has. Why not a business leader or a banker or a big oil guy. Someone that has actual experience making hard nose decisions unlike Obama.

A big oil guy ... Aim high , grasshopper!


I'm not sure we could find a major business leader, banker, or big oil guy that would take the job...probably would mean a big pay cut, with no stock options and no mega-dollar golden parachute when he/she screws up and bails or is kicked out. Also, the Oval Office might be a tad smaller than the corporate office they're used to.

Oh well, guess we'll just have to live without the sort of hard nosed corporate decision making that gave us the BP oil spill, the banking/stock market meltdown of 2008-2009, the current GM recall nightmare, the exportation of American jobs, and Enron/Worldcom. :rolleyes:/>

And they'd have to deal with delusional loons that want to wreck the country's credit rating. No decent businessman would subject himself to the whims of this Reoublican congress.

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I think it's really sad that Hilary Clinton is the best America has. Why not a business leader or a banker or a big oil guy. Someone that has actual experience making hard nose decisions unlike Obama.

A big oil guy ... Aim high , grasshopper!


I'm not sure we could find a major business leader, banker, or big oil guy that would take the job...probably would mean a big pay cut, with no stock options and no mega-dollar golden parachute when he/she screws up and bails or is kicked out. Also, the Oval Office might be a tad smaller than the corporate office they're used to.

Oh well, guess we'll just have to live without the sort of hard nosed corporate decision making that gave us the BP oil spill, the banking/stock market meltdown of 2008-2009, the current GM recall nightmare, the exportation of American jobs, and Enron/Worldcom. :rolleyes:/>

And they'd have to deal with delusional loons that want to wreck the country's credit rating. No decent businessman would subject himself to the whims of this Reoublican congress.

This remark may represent having arrived at the absolute pinnacle of willfull detachment from reality. Only a leftist would try to paint fiscal accountability as the whim of "delusional loons". In fact, if we're going to discuss capricious whims, lets discuss the presidents recent executive whims that the Supreme Court has seen fit to rule against unanimously on 13 different presidential actions in 18 months. THAT is whimsical. Expecting fiscal accountability of the federal govt is prudent and anything but whimsical and everything that was done by the House was well within their rights as a co-equal branch of the govt. The president does not have the constitutional authority to demand, unquestionably, that the US Treasury be plundered into oblivion.

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I think it's really sad that Hilary Clinton is the best America has. Why not a business leader or a banker or a big oil guy. Someone that has actual experience making hard nose decisions unlike Obama.

A big oil guy ... Aim high , grasshopper!


I'm not sure we could find a major business leader, banker, or big oil guy that would take the job...probably would mean a big pay cut, with no stock options and no mega-dollar golden parachute when he/she screws up and bails or is kicked out. Also, the Oval Office might be a tad smaller than the corporate office they're used to.

Oh well, guess we'll just have to live without the sort of hard nosed corporate decision making that gave us the BP oil spill, the banking/stock market meltdown of 2008-2009, the current GM recall nightmare, the exportation of American jobs, and Enron/Worldcom. :rolleyes:/>

And they'd have to deal with delusional loons that want to wreck the country's credit rating. No decent businessman would subject himself to the whims of this Reoublican congress.

This remark may represent having arrived at the absolute pinnacle of willfull detachment from reality. Only a leftist would try to paint fiscal accountability as the whim of "delusional loons". In fact, if we're going to discuss capricious whims, lets discuss the presidents recent executive whims that the Supreme Court has seen fit to rule against unanimously on 13 different presidential actions in 18 months. THAT is whimsical. Expecting fiscal accountability of the federal govt is prudent and anything but whimsical and everything that was done by the House was well within their rights as a co-equal branch of the govt. The president does not have the constitutional authority to demand, unquestionably, that the US Treasury be plundered into oblivion.

Not paying your bills is "fiscal accountability"? That's a new one.

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I think it's really sad that Hilary Clinton is the best America has. Why not a business leader or a banker or a big oil guy. Someone that has actual experience making hard nose decisions unlike Obama.

A big oil guy ... Aim high , grasshopper!


I'm not sure we could find a major business leader, banker, or big oil guy that would take the job...probably would mean a big pay cut, with no stock options and no mega-dollar golden parachute when he/she screws up and bails or is kicked out. Also, the Oval Office might be a tad smaller than the corporate office they're used to.

Oh well, guess we'll just have to live without the sort of hard nosed corporate decision making that gave us the BP oil spill, the banking/stock market meltdown of 2008-2009, the current GM recall nightmare, the exportation of American jobs, and Enron/Worldcom. :rolleyes:/>

And they'd have to deal with delusional loons that want to wreck the country's credit rating. No decent businessman would subject himself to the whims of this Reoublican congress.

A democratic congress didn't serve them well, either. Maybe one day some of you will wake up and realize the two party system has failed us. ;)/>

I'd prefer a multiparty parliament-style congress to two parties.

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I think it's really sad that Hilary Clinton is the best America has. Why not a business leader or a banker or a big oil guy. Someone that has actual experience making hard nose decisions unlike Obama.

A big oil guy ... Aim high , grasshopper!


I'm not sure we could find a major business leader, banker, or big oil guy that would take the job...probably would mean a big pay cut, with no stock options and no mega-dollar golden parachute when he/she screws up and bails or is kicked out. Also, the Oval Office might be a tad smaller than the corporate office they're used to.

Oh well, guess we'll just have to live without the sort of hard nosed corporate decision making that gave us the BP oil spill, the banking/stock market meltdown of 2008-2009, the current GM recall nightmare, the exportation of American jobs, and Enron/Worldcom. :rolleyes:/>

And they'd have to deal with delusional loons that want to wreck the country's credit rating. No decent businessman would subject himself to the whims of this Reoublican congress.

This remark may represent having arrived at the absolute pinnacle of willfull detachment from reality. Only a leftist would try to paint fiscal accountability as the whim of "delusional loons". In fact, if we're going to discuss capricious whims, lets discuss the presidents recent executive whims that the Supreme Court has seen fit to rule against unanimously on 13 different presidential actions in 18 months. THAT is whimsical. Expecting fiscal accountability of the federal govt is prudent and anything but whimsical and everything that was done by the House was well within their rights as a co-equal branch of the govt. The president does not have the constitutional authority to demand, unquestionably, that the US Treasury be plundered into oblivion.

Not paying your bills is "fiscal accountability"? That's a new one.

Thats a big time red herring that is an extension of leftist denial. negotiating the debt ceiling was NEVER about NOT paying the country's bills. Even if the House had persisted and frankly, I wish they had, their is more monthly revenues to the US Treasury paid in than it takes to service the nations debt. In fact, the only way the nations bills would not have been paid would be due to an executive order written by Obama to not pay them. He is definitely NOT above such political perversion either.

It amazes me to see people, who by their own account, are the smartest people in the room at all times, fall for the rhetoric of this administration about the House executing its full constitutional powers of controlling the purse. Historically, the debt ceiling has been raised many times and there were ALWAYS negotiations between the Pres and the House securing commitment to some kind of fiscal restraint going forward. This president, however, would rather paint those believing in fiscal restraint as , "jihadist extremists with bombs strapped to their chests trying to exact a ransom with a gun to the american people's heads" These are the words of the prophet of hope and change, the great healer of the planet that we had all been waiting for. :-\

All the while, the left, in all their hypocritical virtuous splendor tries to claim that it is the right that initiates all the inflammatory rhetoric. Wilfull detachment from reality is the norm with them and their fall back position is always vilifying and demonizing their political adversaries. Politically,it s working for them but, at great expense to the country as it relates to allowing Obama to continue spending unchecked. barry has spent more money than all the presidents before him combined and FOR WHAT? Worst economic growth of a non-recession economy since 1949 and lowest labor force participation rate in over 50 years. healthcare costs are going much higher as is the cost of food and energy due to over wrought and down right oppressive new EPA regulations. Good work barry, thanks!

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I think it's really sad that Hilary Clinton is the best America has. Why not a business leader or a banker or a big oil guy. Someone that has actual experience making hard nose decisions unlike Obama.

A big oil guy ... Aim high , grasshopper!


I'm not sure we could find a major business leader, banker, or big oil guy that would take the job...probably would mean a big pay cut, with no stock options and no mega-dollar golden parachute when he/she screws up and bails or is kicked out. Also, the Oval Office might be a tad smaller than the corporate office they're used to.

Oh well, guess we'll just have to live without the sort of hard nosed corporate decision making that gave us the BP oil spill, the banking/stock market meltdown of 2008-2009, the current GM recall nightmare, the exportation of American jobs, and Enron/Worldcom. :rolleyes:/>

And they'd have to deal with delusional loons that want to wreck the country's credit rating. No decent businessman would subject himself to the whims of this Reoublican congress.

This remark may represent having arrived at the absolute pinnacle of willfull detachment from reality. Only a leftist would try to paint fiscal accountability as the whim of "delusional loons". In fact, if we're going to discuss capricious whims, lets discuss the presidents recent executive whims that the Supreme Court has seen fit to rule against unanimously on 13 different presidential actions in 18 months. THAT is whimsical. Expecting fiscal accountability of the federal govt is prudent and anything but whimsical and everything that was done by the House was well within their rights as a co-equal branch of the govt. The president does not have the constitutional authority to demand, unquestionably, that the US Treasury be plundered into oblivion.

Not paying your bills is "fiscal accountability"? That's a new one.

Thats a big time red herring that is an extension of leftist denial. negotiating the debt ceiling was NEVER about NOT paying the country's bills..... blah blah blah

Failure to pass a continuing resolution would have thrown the global financial markets into turmoil and destroyed the faith in the American dollar.

Suggesting that we simply not pay the bills for our ongoing government operations in order to service the debt (which would depend on Obama doing it in the first place) is not a practical solution. The net result would have been the same. Either way you are not paying for the bills you have due.

This sort of thinking is exactly why the American people - lead by American business interests - will continue to reject the Tea Party - they are crazy.

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I think it's really sad that Hilary Clinton is the best America has. Why not a business leader or a banker or a big oil guy. Someone that has actual experience making hard nose decisions unlike Obama.

A big oil guy ... Aim high , grasshopper!


I'm not sure we could find a major business leader, banker, or big oil guy that would take the job...probably would mean a big pay cut, with no stock options and no mega-dollar golden parachute when he/she screws up and bails or is kicked out. Also, the Oval Office might be a tad smaller than the corporate office they're used to.

Oh well, guess we'll just have to live without the sort of hard nosed corporate decision making that gave us the BP oil spill, the banking/stock market meltdown of 2008-2009, the current GM recall nightmare, the exportation of American jobs, and Enron/Worldcom. :rolleyes:/>

And they'd have to deal with delusional loons that want to wreck the country's credit rating. No decent businessman would subject himself to the whims of this Reoublican congress.

This remark may represent having arrived at the absolute pinnacle of willfull detachment from reality. Only a leftist would try to paint fiscal accountability as the whim of "delusional loons". In fact, if we're going to discuss capricious whims, lets discuss the presidents recent executive whims that the Supreme Court has seen fit to rule against unanimously on 13 different presidential actions in 18 months. THAT is whimsical. Expecting fiscal accountability of the federal govt is prudent and anything but whimsical and everything that was done by the House was well within their rights as a co-equal branch of the govt. The president does not have the constitutional authority to demand, unquestionably, that the US Treasury be plundered into oblivion.

Not paying your bills is "fiscal accountability"? That's a new one.

Thats a big time red herring that is an extension of leftist denial. negotiating the debt ceiling was NEVER about NOT paying the country's bills..... blah blah blah

Failure to pass a continuing resolution would have thrown the global financial markets into turmoil and destroyed the faith in the American dollar.

Suggesting that we simply not pay the bills for our ongoing government operations in order to service the debt (which would depend on Obama doing it in the first place) is not a practical solution. The net result would have been the same. Either way you are not paying for the bills you have due.

This sort of thinking is exactly why the American people - lead by American business interests - will continue to reject the Tea Party - they are crazy.

Lecture the President. The House was WELL within their rights in the exercise of their Constitutional authority to negotiate with the President on his spending patterns. if the consequences were so dire why is ALL of the responsibility on Congress and NOT on the WH?

You're so concerned about the TEA Party and Im curious why that is? Especially since you're of the opinion being fiscally responsible is such a down right crazy proposition.

Oh and glance at the Constitution every once in a while..a'ight? Who controls the power of the purse in our tripartite system of governance?

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Since this thread is "supposedly" about Hillary for president, I thought I'd leave this here. Big problems brewing in the Hillary camp as it is becoming increasingly more apparent that she is just not that likable and would rather lie about her wealth than just admit she has benefitted immensely from her political celebrity.


I found this quote to be right amusing

"Democrats earn their money in ways that aren’t available to most Americans. Yet even for Democrats, the Clintons got rich in an exotic way. They accumulated something like $100 million not by building a business or inventing something or even writing some hit songs. Their entire fortune came from political celebrity. (Their daughter has even accumulated $15 million by being the offspring of political celebrities. Or did you think NBC News paid her $600,000 a year because of her obvious broadcasting ability?)"

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I think it's really sad that Hilary Clinton is the best America has. Why not a business leader or a banker or a big oil guy. Someone that has actual experience making hard nose decisions unlike Obama.

A big oil guy ... Aim high , grasshopper!


I'm not sure we could find a major business leader, banker, or big oil guy that would take the job...probably would mean a big pay cut, with no stock options and no mega-dollar golden parachute when he/she screws up and bails or is kicked out. Also, the Oval Office might be a tad smaller than the corporate office they're used to.

Oh well, guess we'll just have to live without the sort of hard nosed corporate decision making that gave us the BP oil spill, the banking/stock market meltdown of 2008-2009, the current GM recall nightmare, the exportation of American jobs, and Enron/Worldcom. :rolleyes:/>

And they'd have to deal with delusional loons that want to wreck the country's credit rating. No decent businessman would subject himself to the whims of this Reoublican congress.

This remark may represent having arrived at the absolute pinnacle of willfull detachment from reality. Only a leftist would try to paint fiscal accountability as the whim of "delusional loons". In fact, if we're going to discuss capricious whims, lets discuss the presidents recent executive whims that the Supreme Court has seen fit to rule against unanimously on 13 different presidential actions in 18 months. THAT is whimsical. Expecting fiscal accountability of the federal govt is prudent and anything but whimsical and everything that was done by the House was well within their rights as a co-equal branch of the govt. The president does not have the constitutional authority to demand, unquestionably, that the US Treasury be plundered into oblivion.

Not paying your bills is "fiscal accountability"? That's a new one.

Thats a big time red herring that is an extension of leftist denial. negotiating the debt ceiling was NEVER about NOT paying the country's bills..... blah blah blah

Failure to pass a continuing resolution would have thrown the global financial markets into turmoil and destroyed the faith in the American dollar.

Suggesting that we simply not pay the bills for our ongoing government operations in order to service the debt (which would depend on Obama doing it in the first place) is not a practical solution. The net result would have been the same. Either way you are not paying for the bills you have due.

This sort of thinking is exactly why the American people - lead by American business interests - will continue to reject the Tea Party - they are crazy.

Lecture the President. The House was WELL within their rights in the exercise of their Constitutional authority to negotiate with the President on his spending patterns. if the consequences were so dire why is ALL of the responsibility on Congress and NOT on the WH?

You're so concerned about the TEA Party and Im curious why that is? Especially since you're of the opinion being fiscally responsible is such a down right crazy proposition.

Oh and glance at the Constitution every once in a while..a'ight? Who controls the power of the purse in our tripartite system of governance?

That's the same as shooting your ransom hostage and then blaming it on the victim of the extortion.

If the Congress wants to change how we spend our money, then pass the appropriate legislation doing so. Holding a continuing resolution bill hostage is extortion designed to short cut their responsibility to legislate.

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I think it's really sad that Hilary Clinton is the best America has. Why not a business leader or a banker or a big oil guy. Someone that has actual experience making hard nose decisions unlike Obama.

A big oil guy ... Aim high , grasshopper!


I'm not sure we could find a major business leader, banker, or big oil guy that would take the job...probably would mean a big pay cut, with no stock options and no mega-dollar golden parachute when he/she screws up and bails or is kicked out. Also, the Oval Office might be a tad smaller than the corporate office they're used to.

Oh well, guess we'll just have to live without the sort of hard nosed corporate decision making that gave us the BP oil spill, the banking/stock market meltdown of 2008-2009, the current GM recall nightmare, the exportation of American jobs, and Enron/Worldcom. :rolleyes:/>

And they'd have to deal with delusional loons that want to wreck the country's credit rating. No decent businessman would subject himself to the whims of this Reoublican congress.

This remark may represent having arrived at the absolute pinnacle of willfull detachment from reality. Only a leftist would try to paint fiscal accountability as the whim of "delusional loons". In fact, if we're going to discuss capricious whims, lets discuss the presidents recent executive whims that the Supreme Court has seen fit to rule against unanimously on 13 different presidential actions in 18 months. THAT is whimsical. Expecting fiscal accountability of the federal govt is prudent and anything but whimsical and everything that was done by the House was well within their rights as a co-equal branch of the govt. The president does not have the constitutional authority to demand, unquestionably, that the US Treasury be plundered into oblivion.

Not paying your bills is "fiscal accountability"? That's a new one.

Thats a big time red herring that is an extension of leftist denial. negotiating the debt ceiling was NEVER about NOT paying the country's bills..... blah blah blah

Failure to pass a continuing resolution would have thrown the global financial markets into turmoil and destroyed the faith in the American dollar.

Suggesting that we simply not pay the bills for our ongoing government operations in order to service the debt (which would depend on Obama doing it in the first place) is not a practical solution. The net result would have been the same. Either way you are not paying for the bills you have due.

This sort of thinking is exactly why the American people - lead by American business interests - will continue to reject the Tea Party - they are crazy.

Especially since you're of the opinion being fiscally responsible is such a down right crazy proposition.

That's not true. You made it up.

But we know that reneging on your obligations thereby undermining your faith and credit is irresponsible.

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I think it's really sad that Hilary Clinton is the best America has. Why not a business leader or a banker or a big oil guy. Someone that has actual experience making hard nose decisions unlike Obama.

A big oil guy ... Aim high , grasshopper!


I'm not sure we could find a major business leader, banker, or big oil guy that would take the job...probably would mean a big pay cut, with no stock options and no mega-dollar golden parachute when he/she screws up and bails or is kicked out. Also, the Oval Office might be a tad smaller than the corporate office they're used to.

Oh well, guess we'll just have to live without the sort of hard nosed corporate decision making that gave us the BP oil spill, the banking/stock market meltdown of 2008-2009, the current GM recall nightmare, the exportation of American jobs, and Enron/Worldcom. :rolleyes:/>

And they'd have to deal with delusional loons that want to wreck the country's credit rating. No decent businessman would subject himself to the whims of this Reoublican congress.

This remark may represent having arrived at the absolute pinnacle of willfull detachment from reality. Only a leftist would try to paint fiscal accountability as the whim of "delusional loons". In fact, if we're going to discuss capricious whims, lets discuss the presidents recent executive whims that the Supreme Court has seen fit to rule against unanimously on 13 different presidential actions in 18 months. THAT is whimsical. Expecting fiscal accountability of the federal govt is prudent and anything but whimsical and everything that was done by the House was well within their rights as a co-equal branch of the govt. The president does not have the constitutional authority to demand, unquestionably, that the US Treasury be plundered into oblivion.

Not paying your bills is "fiscal accountability"? That's a new one.

Thats a big time red herring that is an extension of leftist denial. negotiating the debt ceiling was NEVER about NOT paying the country's bills..... blah blah blah

Failure to pass a continuing resolution would have thrown the global financial markets into turmoil and destroyed the faith in the American dollar.

Suggesting that we simply not pay the bills for our ongoing government operations in order to service the debt (which would depend on Obama doing it in the first place) is not a practical solution. The net result would have been the same. Either way you are not paying for the bills you have due.

This sort of thinking is exactly why the American people - lead by American business interests - will continue to reject the Tea Party - they are crazy.

Especially since you're of the opinion being fiscally responsible is such a down right crazy proposition.

That's not true. You made it up.

But we know that reneging on your obligations thereby undermining your faith and credit is irresponsible.

Again, using red herrings to justify an opinion that has absolutely no basis in reality seems to becoming a permanent thing with you.

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I think it's really sad that Hilary Clinton is the best America has. Why not a business leader or a banker or a big oil guy. Someone that has actual experience making hard nose decisions unlike Obama.

A big oil guy ... Aim high , grasshopper!


I'm not sure we could find a major business leader, banker, or big oil guy that would take the job...probably would mean a big pay cut, with no stock options and no mega-dollar golden parachute when he/she screws up and bails or is kicked out. Also, the Oval Office might be a tad smaller than the corporate office they're used to.

Oh well, guess we'll just have to live without the sort of hard nosed corporate decision making that gave us the BP oil spill, the banking/stock market meltdown of 2008-2009, the current GM recall nightmare, the exportation of American jobs, and Enron/Worldcom. :rolleyes:/>

And they'd have to deal with delusional loons that want to wreck the country's credit rating. No decent businessman would subject himself to the whims of this Reoublican congress.

This remark may represent having arrived at the absolute pinnacle of willfull detachment from reality. Only a leftist would try to paint fiscal accountability as the whim of "delusional loons". In fact, if we're going to discuss capricious whims, lets discuss the presidents recent executive whims that the Supreme Court has seen fit to rule against unanimously on 13 different presidential actions in 18 months. THAT is whimsical. Expecting fiscal accountability of the federal govt is prudent and anything but whimsical and everything that was done by the House was well within their rights as a co-equal branch of the govt. The president does not have the constitutional authority to demand, unquestionably, that the US Treasury be plundered into oblivion.

Not paying your bills is "fiscal accountability"? That's a new one.

Thats a big time red herring that is an extension of leftist denial. negotiating the debt ceiling was NEVER about NOT paying the country's bills..... blah blah blah

Failure to pass a continuing resolution would have thrown the global financial markets into turmoil and destroyed the faith in the American dollar.

Suggesting that we simply not pay the bills for our ongoing government operations in order to service the debt (which would depend on Obama doing it in the first place) is not a practical solution. The net result would have been the same. Either way you are not paying for the bills you have due.

This sort of thinking is exactly why the American people - lead by American business interests - will continue to reject the Tea Party - they are crazy.

Especially since you're of the opinion being fiscally responsible is such a down right crazy proposition.

That's not true. You made it up.

But we know that reneging on your obligations thereby undermining your faith and credit is irresponsible.

Again, using red herrings to justify an opinion that has absolutely no basis in reality seems to becoming a permanent thing with you.

Now there's a fancy way of saying nuttin'. :-\ :laugh:

But it does preclude a substantive response, so I suppose it served your purpose. :glare:

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I think it's really sad that Hilary Clinton is the best America has. Why not a business leader or a banker or a big oil guy. Someone that has actual experience making hard nose decisions unlike Obama.

A big oil guy ... Aim high , grasshopper!


I'm not sure we could find a major business leader, banker, or big oil guy that would take the job...probably would mean a big pay cut, with no stock options and no mega-dollar golden parachute when he/she screws up and bails or is kicked out. Also, the Oval Office might be a tad smaller than the corporate office they're used to.

Oh well, guess we'll just have to live without the sort of hard nosed corporate decision making that gave us the BP oil spill, the banking/stock market meltdown of 2008-2009, the current GM recall nightmare, the exportation of American jobs, and Enron/Worldcom. :rolleyes:/>

And they'd have to deal with delusional loons that want to wreck the country's credit rating. No decent businessman would subject himself to the whims of this Reoublican congress.

This remark may represent having arrived at the absolute pinnacle of willfull detachment from reality. Only a leftist would try to paint fiscal accountability as the whim of "delusional loons". In fact, if we're going to discuss capricious whims, lets discuss the presidents recent executive whims that the Supreme Court has seen fit to rule against unanimously on 13 different presidential actions in 18 months. THAT is whimsical. Expecting fiscal accountability of the federal govt is prudent and anything but whimsical and everything that was done by the House was well within their rights as a co-equal branch of the govt. The president does not have the constitutional authority to demand, unquestionably, that the US Treasury be plundered into oblivion.

Not paying your bills is "fiscal accountability"? That's a new one.

Thats a big time red herring that is an extension of leftist denial. negotiating the debt ceiling was NEVER about NOT paying the country's bills..... blah blah blah

Failure to pass a continuing resolution would have thrown the global financial markets into turmoil and destroyed the faith in the American dollar.

Suggesting that we simply not pay the bills for our ongoing government operations in order to service the debt (which would depend on Obama doing it in the first place) is not a practical solution. The net result would have been the same. Either way you are not paying for the bills you have due.

This sort of thinking is exactly why the American people - lead by American business interests - will continue to reject the Tea Party - they are crazy.

Especially since you're of the opinion being fiscally responsible is such a down right crazy proposition.

That's not true. You made it up.

But we know that reneging on your obligations thereby undermining your faith and credit is irresponsible.

Again, using red herrings to justify an opinion that has absolutely no basis in reality seems to becoming a permanent thing with you.

Now there's a fancy way of saying nuttin'. :-\ :laugh:

But it does preclude a substantive response, so I suppose it served your purpose. :glare:

Like so much of the subterfuge you promulgate in this forum, you, on the one hand, act as if you're here is to discuss and exchange thoughts but invariably, regardless of who you're engaging, you consistently resort to one adolescent insult after another. Its no problem, its not like I care. i just find it another sterling example your hypocrisy

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I think it's really sad that Hilary Clinton is the best America has. Why not a business leader or a banker or a big oil guy. Someone that has actual experience making hard nose decisions unlike Obama.

A big oil guy ... Aim high , grasshopper!


I'm not sure we could find a major business leader, banker, or big oil guy that would take the job...probably would mean a big pay cut, with no stock options and no mega-dollar golden parachute when he/she screws up and bails or is kicked out. Also, the Oval Office might be a tad smaller than the corporate office they're used to.

Oh well, guess we'll just have to live without the sort of hard nosed corporate decision making that gave us the BP oil spill, the banking/stock market meltdown of 2008-2009, the current GM recall nightmare, the exportation of American jobs, and Enron/Worldcom. :rolleyes:/>

And they'd have to deal with delusional loons that want to wreck the country's credit rating. No decent businessman would subject himself to the whims of this Reoublican congress.

This remark may represent having arrived at the absolute pinnacle of willfull detachment from reality. Only a leftist would try to paint fiscal accountability as the whim of "delusional loons". In fact, if we're going to discuss capricious whims, lets discuss the presidents recent executive whims that the Supreme Court has seen fit to rule against unanimously on 13 different presidential actions in 18 months. THAT is whimsical. Expecting fiscal accountability of the federal govt is prudent and anything but whimsical and everything that was done by the House was well within their rights as a co-equal branch of the govt. The president does not have the constitutional authority to demand, unquestionably, that the US Treasury be plundered into oblivion.

Not paying your bills is "fiscal accountability"? That's a new one.

Thats a big time red herring that is an extension of leftist denial. negotiating the debt ceiling was NEVER about NOT paying the country's bills..... blah blah blah

Failure to pass a continuing resolution would have thrown the global financial markets into turmoil and destroyed the faith in the American dollar.

Suggesting that we simply not pay the bills for our ongoing government operations in order to service the debt (which would depend on Obama doing it in the first place) is not a practical solution. The net result would have been the same. Either way you are not paying for the bills you have due.

This sort of thinking is exactly why the American people - lead by American business interests - will continue to reject the Tea Party - they are crazy.

Especially since you're of the opinion being fiscally responsible is such a down right crazy proposition.

That's not true. You made it up.

But we know that reneging on your obligations thereby undermining your faith and credit is irresponsible.

Again, using red herrings to justify an opinion that has absolutely no basis in reality seems to becoming a permanent thing with you.

Now there's a fancy way of saying nuttin'. :-\ :laugh:

But it does preclude a substantive response, so I suppose it served your purpose. :glare:

Like so much of the subterfuge you promulgate in this forum, you, on the one hand, act as if you're here is to discuss and exchange thoughts but invariably, regardless of who you're engaging, you consistently resort to one adolescent insult after another. Its no problem, its not like I care. i just find it another sterling example your hypocrisy

Do you expect a response to that?

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