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44% Not Proud to be American


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Yeah, how could a black person not be proud of this country? We've always treated them so well!

So, for all eternity, every black person must HATE this country ? Please. EVERY nation has treated groups of people poorly. Even the Indians have more legitimate reason to be angry.

If she hates it so much , then she should leave. Others have FAR more to be angry about than her, yet she's shown the most scorn. Why ?

Michelle never has known slavery, or what it's like for a black person to not get to vote. Or hold a job, own property, be elected to damn near any office in the land.

Condi Rice, who HAS legitimate reasons to dislike her country, shows more patriotism than Michelle ever will.

A steady diet of ' hate whitey ' from Rev Wright should have been enough to disqualify Obama for even running.

It is amazing that there is Michelle living THE most privileged life in America after having acted like she is ashamed of the country. Comparing her to Condi Rice, Michelle looks like a petulant ungrateful brat.

You shouldn't let something like that get your panties in such a wad. ;)

When I post more than 10 times about it we can discuss my panties but not unitl I at least reach the threshold you have established with your Rush Limbaugh rants. A'ight?

Well, lets discuss panties then. Every post I've made on the subject has been in direct response to one of yours, often in responding to questions, so I don't really get this "10 post" thing. I'm not posting soliloquies. You have the same number. :-\

Should we re-visit hypocrisy? :rolleyes:

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I know the "corrct" answer. Wait, what was the question?

Oooooh you got me on a typo. After seeing the zeal you two demonstrated against my remarks about El Rushbo I must say i believe you boys have listened to him A LOT more than I have. Frankly, I haven't heard enough of him to hate him like you both clearly do.

I never thought that much about him to be honest and seriously haven't listened to 30 minutes total of him in my entire life. So, the truth is, i really dont know that much about him other than the precious few times I have heard him, I thought he was pretty funny. Do I need to apologize to you and homer for that?

Well there's the problem then. Maybe you should listen to him more if you plan to defend him so vigorously.

In fact - since lack of knowledge in your subject matter doesn't seem to moderate you - that might be good general advice also.

If you were being honest which is definitely NOT your strong suit, I dont believe you'd claim I am "vigorously" defending him. I really DGAS what he says and find it hard to believe that grwon men would have their panties as wadded up over a radio personality as you do over Rush Limbaugh. Good grief bud!

OK, strike vigorously if that's the problem. Just make it plain ole "defend". :-\

Actually, in hindsight, it was neither vigorous nor effective.

Probably because I dont really care and I certainly dont care nearly as much as you do. It seems you must live by your radio sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for Rush's next comment that you can get irate over.

No, I sneak him in whenever I am driving alone when he's on. I do the same with the local guy who's even crazier (and the calls are unbelievable). Frankly, I find it fascinating in both a good (funny) and bad (scary) way.

My wife can't stand it and won't allow me to play it when she's with me.

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I know the "corrct" answer. Wait, what was the question?

Oooooh you got me on a typo. After seeing the zeal you two demonstrated against my remarks about El Rushbo I must say i believe you boys have listened to him A LOT more than I have. Frankly, I haven't heard enough of him to hate him like you both clearly do.

I never thought that much about him to be honest and seriously haven't listened to 30 minutes total of him in my entire life. So, the truth is, i really dont know that much about him other than the precious few times I have heard him, I thought he was pretty funny. Do I need to apologize to you and homer for that?

Well there's the problem then. Maybe you should listen to him more if you plan to defend him so vigorously.

In fact - since lack of knowledge in your subject matter doesn't seem to moderate you - that might be good general advice also.

If you were being honest which is definitely NOT your strong suit, I dont believe you'd claim I am "vigorously" defending him. I really DGAS what he says and find it hard to believe that grwon men would have their panties as wadded up over a radio personality as you do over Rush Limbaugh. Good grief bud!

OK, strike vigorously if that's the problem. Just make it plain ole "defend". :-\

Actually, in hindsight, it was neither vigorous nor effective.

So, you finally admit that I did not "vigorously" defend him, well, at least you're honest enough to admit that misrepresentation.....

Yes, I admit it. I was very, very bad to use the word "vigorous". My only excuse is that I didn't really consider it's importance. I just said it without thinking. It was completely over the top.

But I can assure you it was not meant as an intentional misrepresentation. I am sorry for the misunderstanding.

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......you continue to harp on the topic as if it is really important to you......

About that hypocrisy thing... ;D

I accept your apology.

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Speaking of the current (and former) First Lady, I've sometimes daydreamed about a Hillary/Michelle (or Michelle/Hillary) ticket winning in 2016, just for one reason:

...to see how many on the Right lose it, go apes#!t, or stroke out. B):rolleyes:

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Speaking of the current (and former) First Lady, I've sometimes daydreamed about a Hillary/Michelle (or Michelle/Hillary) ticket winning in 2016, just for one reason:

...to see how many on the Right lose it, go apes#!t, or stroke out. B)/> :rolleyes:/>

We may as well go ahead and finish up the list of apologies. If we elect michelle, we can get the "first woman president" and the "first black woman president" apologies knocked out in one election. Maybe after the white guilt fad goes away, we can finally elect a president on actual merit.
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Speaking of the current (and former) First Lady, I've sometimes daydreamed about a Hillary/Michelle (or Michelle/Hillary) ticket winning in 2016, just for one reason:

...to see how many on the Right lose it, go apes#!t, or stroke out. B):rolleyes:

You'd think it funny to see the country be destroyed, even further ?

Yeah, you're a mature and sane person.


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Speaking of the current (and former) First Lady, I've sometimes daydreamed about a Hillary/Michelle (or Michelle/Hillary) ticket winning in 2016, just for one reason:

...to see how many on the Right lose it, go apes#!t, or stroke out. B)/> :rolleyes:/>

You'd think it funny to see the country be destroyed, even further ?

Yeah, you're a mature and sane person.


You are really not qualified to comment on people's sanity.

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You are really not qualified to comment on people's sanity.

And you're really not qualified to even make that determination.


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:laugh: "Zing" indeed!

"So are you!" is about as close to wit as you guys will ever get. :rolleyes:

As opposed to simply implying or otherwise coming right out and telling everyone here how much smarter you are then they are. I love that schtick especially when its you trying to pull it off. Your act reminds me a lot of Barney Fife.

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:laugh: "Zing" indeed!

"So are you!" is about as close to wit as you guys will ever get. :rolleyes:

As opposed to simply implying or otherwise coming right out and telling everyone here how much smarter you are then they are. I love that schtick especially when its you trying to pull it off. Your act reminds me a lot of Barney Fife.

I haven't once told anyone I was so "much smarter" than they are. You are just inferring it, which I suppose is understandable.

Anyway, congratulations for even noticing. That's at least something.

As I have said in the post, the only thing I have to go on is what is posted. I don't know how witty or intelligent anyone on this forum is, but I know a witty or intelligent post when I see one.

It's possible these witless and dumb posts are made by people who are much smarter than me, but just lazy.

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:laugh: "Zing" indeed!

"So are you!" is about as close to wit as you guys will ever get. :rolleyes:

As opposed to simply implying or otherwise coming right out and telling everyone here how much smarter you are then they are. I love that schtick especially when its you trying to pull it off. Your act reminds me a lot of Barney Fife.

I haven't once told anyone I was so "much smarter" than they are. You are just inferring it, which I suppose is understandable.

Anyway, congratulations for even noticing. That's at least something.

As I have said in the post, the only thing I have to go on is what is posted. I don't know how witty or intelligent anyone on this forum is, but I know a witty or intelligent post when I see one.

It's possible these witless and dumb posts are made by people who are much smarter than me, but just lazy.

nice...baby steps...baby steps. There may be hope for you yet. You may not come right out and state your superiority but it oozes from your posts that are almost ALL cheeky self righteous rants..

Its not hard to infer your true feelings when you constantly allude to other's posts being "witless and dumb". Nothing screams imagined superiority louder than many of the things you post right consistently

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:laugh: "Zing" indeed!

"So are you!" is about as close to wit as you guys will ever get. :rolleyes:

As opposed to simply implying or otherwise coming right out and telling everyone here how much smarter you are then they are. I love that schtick especially when its you trying to pull it off. Your act reminds me a lot of Barney Fife.

I haven't once told anyone I was so "much smarter" than they are. You are just inferring it, which I suppose is understandable.

Anyway, congratulations for even noticing. That's at least something.

As I have said in the post, the only thing I have to go on is what is posted. I don't know how witty or intelligent anyone on this forum is, but I know a witty or intelligent post when I see one.

It's possible these witless and dumb posts are made by people who are much smarter than me, but just lazy.

nice...baby steps...baby steps. There may be hope for you yet. You may not come right out and state your superiority but it oozes from your posts that are almost ALL cheeky self righteous rants..

Its not hard to infer your true feelings when you constantly allude to other's posts being "witless and dumb". Nothing screams imagined superiority louder than many of the things you post right consistently

I use arrogance as a substitute for witless insults. I think it's a good substitution as long as you retain content. More importantly, it helps to show outsiders that we're not all dumb.

I do understand how it upsets you though. After all, that's my motivation. ;D

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Upset? Good one. I'll give you credit, at least you believe it. I'ts not often that I get upset by faceless, nameless idiocy on the internet. I do find it amusing...at times but, at others, a bit tiresome and your rants can be quite predictably tiresome.

i love how you've tried to use things I have posted against me, when what I posted, was not in disagreement with the side you were taking. Always create an enemy out of someone who disagrees, right? Even when they dont. :bow:

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Upset? Good one. I'll give you credit, at least you believe it. I'ts not often that I get upset by faceless, nameless idiocy on the internet. I do find it amusing...at times but, at others, a bit tiresome and your rants can be quite predictably tiresome.

i love how you've tried to use things I have posted against me, when what I posted, was not in disagreement with the side you were taking. Always create an enemy out of someone who disagrees, right? Even when they dont. :bow:

I am simply providing counterpoints to your posts. Isn't that what we're here for? :dunno:

My counterpoints don't rely on unfair representations of what you post. My interpretations are quite reasonable.

And it's not like you don't have a fair chance of clarifying any gross misinterpretations. I am quite open to such corrections.

I suggest you give more consideration to your statements or claims in the first place, instead of trying to defend them on the basis of subtle nuance which you always fall back on.

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Upset? Good one. I'll give you credit, at least you believe it. I'ts not often that I get upset by faceless, nameless idiocy on the internet. I do find it amusing...at times but, at others, a bit tiresome and your rants can be quite predictably tiresome.

i love how you've tried to use things I have posted against me, when what I posted, was not in disagreement with the side you were taking. Always create an enemy out of someone who disagrees, right? Even when they dont. :bow:

I am simply providing counterpoints to your posts. Isn't that what we're here for? :dunno:

My counterpoints don't rely on unfair representations of what you post. My interpretations are quite reasonable.

And it's not like you don't have a fair chance of clarifying any gross misinterpretations. I am quite open to such corrections.

I suggest you give more consideration to your statements or claims in the first place, instead of trying to defend them on the basis of subtle nuance which you always fall back on.

They aint no counter points. You dont git it. yaboy barry sux. Aint nothin gonna change that and you dont git it. barry sux, libtards is dum. that there is all you need to no. everthing is frikken awful cause barry sux and libtards is dum. ever buddy but the sheeple sees it.

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Speaking of the current (and former) First Lady, I've sometimes daydreamed about a Hillary/Michelle (or Michelle/Hillary) ticket winning in 2016, just for one reason:

...to see how many on the Right lose it, go apes#!t, or stroke out. B):rolleyes:

You'd think it funny to see the country be destroyed, even further ?

Yeah, you're a mature and sane person.


I didn't say they would necessarily be good leaders, or even that I would vote for them. I said "just for one reason": Because I do think it would be hilarious to watch the Right freak out over such a Presidential/VP ticket. That's the only reason I speculated about such a ticket. (As an analogy--and I'm not calling anyone a "Bammer": I get a great deal of pleasure/laughter from watching those of the Crimson persuasion freak out when things don't go their way.)

Of course, I also don't believe this country is being 'destroyed' by the current president nor would be destroyed by either of those ladies, but I hope for stronger Democratic candidates in 2016. To my mind, the greatest threat to this country is the ever widening gap between the super rich vs. the poor and middle class (http://www.politico....08014_full.html). Label it "class warfare" if one must, but in that case I believe the super rich started the war. And while there is little or nothing in Republican/conservative policies that I could vote for, I don't think that makes me "immature" or "insane".

However that's merely my political opinion and I recognize that it's not shared by all, nor does it need to be. A society where all citizens agreed 100% of the time, besides being impossible, is probably not a healthy system either. IMO, when it comes to government, there should always be a "loyal opposition" to keep leaders honest and to present both sides of an issue, regardless of who sits in the Oval Office. ("Loyal" in the sense that all sides have to work for compromise, and no side should shut down the federal government or endanger the credit rating of the U.S. as a form of blackmail, i.e., "take my marbles and go home if I don't get my way". THAT, to me, is immature.)

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It really is not surprising. We have had decades of liberals running down this country, telling everyone how rotten it is. We are the cause of all the world's problems. We stole all the wealth we have. We use more than our fair share of resources. We are bulllies. You can't make it in this country unless the government steps in. It is a wonder that number isn't higher.

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