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44% Not Proud to be American


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This runs deeper than who occupies the White House. When did it become an embarrassment to be an American?

When white men became the devil and responsible for every problem,. real or imagined, in the world. Its those pushing the "white privilege" BS who want to ruin the country. Their ultimate ambition is to destroy corporate America because it is, in their world view, run predominantly by white men.

Blue's true motivation finally revealed.

There's some truth to what he said but it goes beyond race.

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I'm proud to be an American and feel extremely lucky to live in what is probably the most affluent, most free society that has ever existed on this planet.

(At least for most of my 60 year life...but I concede that some other countries--particularly in Western Europe and Eastern Asia--have caught up in affluence. Likewise, some other countries have the legal freedoms we acknowledge in our Bill of Rights, but often are less tolerant in terms of social stratification and/or "social expectations", and thus exert more social pressure to conform to traditional norms or lifestyles.)

That does not mean I have to blindly accept the notion that the United States is perfect, that I should never criticize it, or that someone should "love it [as is] or leave it". Instead of "love it or leave it", I've always been of the philosophy: "Love it, and fix the flaws you don't love."

P.S. "Fixing the flaws" does not mean just blaming them on a particular race, religion, ethnic group, or political affiliation.

If one follows politics, or even this forum, the message one has gotten from the right wing, particularly in the last decade, is that this country is going down the tubes-- so if younger folks no longer think we are the greatest country in the world, maybe it's because the right wing message is getting through.

Only a fool would think this country is on a sustainable path or on an upward trajectory. The cause is shared equally by both parties and several presidents.

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I'm proud to be an American and feel extremely lucky to live in what is probably the most affluent, most free society that has ever existed on this planet.

(At least for most of my 60 year life...but I concede that some other countries--particularly in Western Europe and Eastern Asia--have caught up in affluence. Likewise, some other countries have the legal freedoms we acknowledge in our Bill of Rights, but often are less tolerant in terms of social stratification and/or "social expectations", and thus exert more social pressure to conform to traditional norms or lifestyles.)

That does not mean I have to blindly accept the notion that the United States is perfect, that I should never criticize it, or that someone should "love it [as is] or leave it". Instead of "love it or leave it", I've always been of the philosophy: "Love it, and fix the flaws you don't love."

P.S. "Fixing the flaws" does not mean just blaming them on a particular race, religion, ethnic group, or political affiliation.

If one follows politics, or even this forum, the message one has gotten from the right wing, particularly in the last decade, is that this country is going down the tubes-- so if younger folks no longer think we are the greatest country in the world, maybe it's because the right wing message is getting through.

Only a fool would think this country is on a sustainable path or on an upward trajectory. The cause is shared equally by both parties and several presidents.

Yes it is, there is not doubt about that but, a president currently in office hellbent on continuing destructive policy making will be the focus of those seeing the difficulties we currently face as a nation continuing to expand and grow worse, and, getting worse, they are.

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Maybe so but the table was set for this administration to take shape.

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I have it in for both parties. Democrats had sole control of DC for two years and get what's coming to them for making a bad situation worse. The GOP deserves implosion.

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Remember that Michelle said after Obama was elected POTUS it was the first time she had been proud to be an American. I will sure be glad when she is no longer proud again.

Actually, she said that after he had won the Democratic nomination. Which should have set alarms off, all across the country, but thanks to the cover or the MSM, it was uniformly down played. Also, if you recall, she said pretty much the same thing, twice in one day. But after the first speech was reported, there was a quick rewrite of what she said, so the next stop on her tour, she changed it just enough so as to not make it sound so offensive. THAT is the version most Americans saw, and it was easier for the MSM to explain it away.

They were able to say " See? She didn't say anything nearly as bad as you THOUGHT she said ! " , and it got glossed over.

The Obamas are miserable people, imo, and far from REAL Americans.

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Remember that Michelle said after Obama was elected POTUS it was the first time she had been proud to be an American. I will sure be glad when she is no longer proud again.

Actually, she said that after he had won the Democratic nomination. Which should have set alarms off, all across the country, but thanks to the cover or the MSM, it was uniformly down played. Also, if you recall, she said pretty much the same thing, twice in one day. But after the first speech was reported, there was a quick rewrite of what she said, so the next stop on her tour, she changed it just enough so as to not make it sound so offensive. THAT is the version most Americans saw, and it was easier for the MSM to explain it away.

They were able to say " See? She didn't say anything nearly as bad as you THOUGHT she said ! " , and it got glossed over.

The Obamas are miserable people, imo, and far from REAL Americans.

Yeah, how could a black person not be proud of this country? We've always treated them so well!

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Remember that Michelle said after Obama was elected POTUS it was the first time she had been proud to be an American. I will sure be glad when she is no longer proud again.

Actually, she said that after he had won the Democratic nomination. Which should have set alarms off, all across the country, but thanks to the cover or the MSM, it was uniformly down played. Also, if you recall, she said pretty much the same thing, twice in one day. But after the first speech was reported, there was a quick rewrite of what she said, so the next stop on her tour, she changed it just enough so as to not make it sound so offensive. THAT is the version most Americans saw, and it was easier for the MSM to explain it away.

They were able to say " See? She didn't say anything nearly as bad as you THOUGHT she said ! " , and it got glossed over.

The Obamas are miserable people, imo, and far from REAL Americans.

Yeah, how could a black person not be proud of this country? We've always treated them so well!

So you cosign nurturing minority antipathies toward to US for things that happened in the past even though we have a black President, black judges, a black Supreme Court Justice, black Congressmen AND women, black cabinet heads, black Governors and mayors, college presidents, deans and successful black attorneys, physicians, entrepreneurs..in other words I would ask....How long do we focus on our nations racial transgressions of the past and not embrace the distance we've traveled since? At some point there has to be an end to the continued divisiveness especially when the system is working SO WELL for SO MANY of our black citizens.

There will never be a time that we can completely escape where we have been and what has been done but harping on it ad nauseum is problematic. There is no better time than now for all of us to recognize the progress that has been made rather than making excuses for stupid comments by Michelle Obama

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Remember that Michelle said after Obama was elected POTUS it was the first time she had been proud to be an American. I will sure be glad when she is no longer proud again.

Actually, she said that after he had won the Democratic nomination. Which should have set alarms off, all across the country, but thanks to the cover or the MSM, it was uniformly down played. Also, if you recall, she said pretty much the same thing, twice in one day. But after the first speech was reported, there was a quick rewrite of what she said, so the next stop on her tour, she changed it just enough so as to not make it sound so offensive. THAT is the version most Americans saw, and it was easier for the MSM to explain it away.

They were able to say " See? She didn't say anything nearly as bad as you THOUGHT she said ! " , and it got glossed over.

The Obamas are miserable people, imo, and far from REAL Americans.

Yeah, how could a black person not be proud of this country? We've always treated them so well!

So you cosign nurturing minority antipathies toward to US for things that happened in the past even though we have a black President, black judges, a black Supreme Court Justice, black Congressmen AND women, black cabinet heads, black Governors and mayors, college presidents, deans and successful black attorneys, physicians, entrepreneurs..in other words I would ask....How long do we focus on our nations racial transgressions of the past and not embrace the distance we've traveled since? At some point there has to be an end to the continued divisiveness especially when the system is working SO WELL for SO MANY of our black citizens.

There will never be a time that we can completely escape where we have been and what has been done but harping on it ad nauseum is problematic. There is no better time than now for all of us to recognize the progress that has been made rather than making excuses for stupid comments by Michelle Obama

So we should never consider, validate, or attempt to understand the perspective of others? Do you think that could be a problem?

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I'm proud to be an American and feel extremely lucky to live in what is probably the most affluent, most free society that has ever existed on this planet.

(At least for most of my 60 year life...but I concede that some other countries--particularly in Western Europe and Eastern Asia--have caught up in affluence. Likewise, some other countries have the legal freedoms we acknowledge in our Bill of Rights, but often are less tolerant in terms of social stratification and/or "social expectations", and thus exert more social pressure to conform to traditional norms or lifestyles.)

That does not mean I have to blindly accept the notion that the United States is perfect, that I should never criticize it, or that someone should "love it [as is] or leave it". Instead of "love it or leave it", I've always been of the philosophy: "Love it, and fix the flaws you don't love."

P.S. "Fixing the flaws" does not mean just blaming them on a particular race, religion, ethnic group, or political affiliation.

If one follows politics, or even this forum, the message one has gotten from the right wing, particularly in the last decade, is that this country is going down the tubes-- so if younger folks no longer think we are the greatest country in the world, maybe it's because the right wing message is getting through.

This kind of post is the problem. I pose this question to you:

What are the core values that made this nation great?

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Remember that Michelle said after Obama was elected POTUS it was the first time she had been proud to be an American. I will sure be glad when she is no longer proud again.

Actually, she said that after he had won the Democratic nomination. Which should have set alarms off, all across the country, but thanks to the cover or the MSM, it was uniformly down played. Also, if you recall, she said pretty much the same thing, twice in one day. But after the first speech was reported, there was a quick rewrite of what she said, so the next stop on her tour, she changed it just enough so as to not make it sound so offensive. THAT is the version most Americans saw, and it was easier for the MSM to explain it away.

They were able to say " See? She didn't say anything nearly as bad as you THOUGHT she said ! " , and it got glossed over.

The Obamas are miserable people, imo, and far from REAL Americans.

Yeah, how could a black person not be proud of this country? We've always treated them so well!

So you cosign nurturing minority antipathies toward to US for things that happened in the past even though we have a black President, black judges, a black Supreme Court Justice, black Congressmen AND women, black cabinet heads, black Governors and mayors, college presidents, deans and successful black attorneys, physicians, entrepreneurs..in other words I would ask....How long do we focus on our nations racial transgressions of the past and not embrace the distance we've traveled since? At some point there has to be an end to the continued divisiveness especially when the system is working SO WELL for SO MANY of our black citizens.

There will never be a time that we can completely escape where we have been and what has been done but harping on it ad nauseum is problematic. There is no better time than now for all of us to recognize the progress that has been made rather than making excuses for stupid comments by Michelle Obama

So we should never consider, validate, or attempt to understand the perspective of others? Do you think that could be a problem?

Actuallly, I subscribe to the idea that too much emphasis is placed on nurturing minority antipathy toward the establishment. It is an industry. If you would like to argue that that just look at Jesse jackson and Al Sharpton and the way they exploit racial grievance and tell me with a straight face it isn't an industry. That being said, its an industry built on negative reinforcement that the country is ready to move past but it cant as long as there is SO MUCH money in the "struggle" if you will.

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Remember that Michelle said after Obama was elected POTUS it was the first time she had been proud to be an American. I will sure be glad when she is no longer proud again.

Actually, she said that after he had won the Democratic nomination. Which should have set alarms off, all across the country, but thanks to the cover or the MSM, it was uniformly down played. Also, if you recall, she said pretty much the same thing, twice in one day. But after the first speech was reported, there was a quick rewrite of what she said, so the next stop on her tour, she changed it just enough so as to not make it sound so offensive. THAT is the version most Americans saw, and it was easier for the MSM to explain it away.

They were able to say " See? She didn't say anything nearly as bad as you THOUGHT she said ! " , and it got glossed over.

The Obamas are miserable people, imo, and far from REAL Americans.

Yeah, how could a black person not be proud of this country? We've always treated them so well!

So you cosign nurturing minority antipathies toward to US for things that happened in the past even though we have a black President, black judges, a black Supreme Court Justice, black Congressmen AND women, black cabinet heads, black Governors and mayors, college presidents, deans and successful black attorneys, physicians, entrepreneurs..in other words I would ask....How long do we focus on our nations racial transgressions of the past and not embrace the distance we've traveled since? At some point there has to be an end to the continued divisiveness especially when the system is working SO WELL for SO MANY of our black citizens.

There will never be a time that we can completely escape where we have been and what has been done but harping on it ad nauseum is problematic. There is no better time than now for all of us to recognize the progress that has been made rather than making excuses for stupid comments by Michelle Obama

So we should never consider, validate, or attempt to understand the perspective of others? Do you think that could be a problem?

Actuallly, I subscribe to the idea that too much emphasis is placed on nurturing minority antipathy toward the establishment. It is an industry. If you would like to argue that that just look at Jesse jackson and Al Sharpton and the way they exploit racial grievance and tell me with a straight face it isn't an industry. That being said, its an industry built on negative reinforcement that the country is ready to move past but it cant as long as there is SO MUCH money in the "struggle" if you will.

I absolutely agree with you. There is never a shortage of people willing to profit by exploiting of our differences. Is Rush one of those people? However, that cannot be an excuse, minimize the validity of, or change the reality of individual perspectives. We cannot wave a magic wand and make everyone happy or, simply dismiss the concerns of those who are not happy.

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Remember that Michelle said after Obama was elected POTUS it was the first time she had been proud to be an American. I will sure be glad when she is no longer proud again.

Actually, she said that after he had won the Democratic nomination. Which should have set alarms off, all across the country, but thanks to the cover or the MSM, it was uniformly down played. Also, if you recall, she said pretty much the same thing, twice in one day. But after the first speech was reported, there was a quick rewrite of what she said, so the next stop on her tour, she changed it just enough so as to not make it sound so offensive. THAT is the version most Americans saw, and it was easier for the MSM to explain it away.

They were able to say " See? She didn't say anything nearly as bad as you THOUGHT she said ! " , and it got glossed over.

The Obamas are miserable people, imo, and far from REAL Americans.

Yeah, how could a black person not be proud of this country? We've always treated them so well!

So you cosign nurturing minority antipathies toward to US for things that happened in the past even though we have a black President, black judges, a black Supreme Court Justice, black Congressmen AND women, black cabinet heads, black Governors and mayors, college presidents, deans and successful black attorneys, physicians, entrepreneurs..in other words I would ask....How long do we focus on our nations racial transgressions of the past and not embrace the distance we've traveled since? At some point there has to be an end to the continued divisiveness especially when the system is working SO WELL for SO MANY of our black citizens.

There will never be a time that we can completely escape where we have been and what has been done but harping on it ad nauseum is problematic. There is no better time than now for all of us to recognize the progress that has been made rather than making excuses for stupid comments by Michelle Obama

So we should never consider, validate, or attempt to understand the perspective of others? Do you think that could be a problem?

Actuallly, I subscribe to the idea that too much emphasis is placed on nurturing minority antipathy toward the establishment. It is an industry. If you would like to argue that that just look at Jesse jackson and Al Sharpton and the way they exploit racial grievance and tell me with a straight face it isn't an industry. That being said, its an industry built on negative reinforcement that the country is ready to move past but it cant as long as there is SO MUCH money in the "struggle" if you will.

I absolutely agree with you. There is never a shortage of people willing to profit by exploiting of our differences. Is Rush one of those people? However, that cannot be an excuse, minimize the validity of, or change the reality of individual perspectives. We cannot wave a magic wand and make everyone happy or, simply dismiss the concerns of those who are not happy.

And there it is. In the end, the question becomes ... What will it take for EVERYONE to be happy? It'll NEVER happen but that will always be the excuse for perpetuating minority discontent. Lot of money being made doing precisely that!

Are you comparing Rush Limbaugh to Al Sharpton? Seriously? When was the last time Rush foisted a lie that comes even remotely close to the Tawanna Brawley lies perpetuated by Al Sharpton for personal enrichment?

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Maybe so but the table was set for this administration to take shape.


I have it in for both parties. Democrats had sole control of DC for two years and get what's coming to them for making a bad situation worse. The GOP deserves implosion.

EMT on a roll. Bravo!
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I'm proud to be an American and feel extremely lucky to live in what is probably the most affluent, most free society that has ever existed on this planet.

(At least for most of my 60 year life...but I concede that some other countries--particularly in Western Europe and Eastern Asia--have caught up in affluence. Likewise, some other countries have the legal freedoms we acknowledge in our Bill of Rights, but often are less tolerant in terms of social stratification and/or "social expectations", and thus exert more social pressure to conform to traditional norms or lifestyles.)

That does not mean I have to blindly accept the notion that the United States is perfect, that I should never criticize it, or that someone should "love it [as is] or leave it". Instead of "love it or leave it", I've always been of the philosophy: "Love it, and fix the flaws you don't love."

P.S. "Fixing the flaws" does not mean just blaming them on a particular race, religion, ethnic group, or political affiliation.

If one follows politics, or even this forum, the message one has gotten from the right wing, particularly in the last decade, is that this country is going down the tubes-- so if younger folks no longer think we are the greatest country in the world, maybe it's because the right wing message is getting through.

This kind of post is the problem. I pose this question to you:

What are the core values that made this nation great?

Ya think?
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Remember that Michelle said after Obama was elected POTUS it was the first time she had been proud to be an American. I will sure be glad when she is no longer proud again.

Actually, she said that after he had won the Democratic nomination. Which should have set alarms off, all across the country, but thanks to the cover or the MSM, it was uniformly down played. Also, if you recall, she said pretty much the same thing, twice in one day. But after the first speech was reported, there was a quick rewrite of what she said, so the next stop on her tour, she changed it just enough so as to not make it sound so offensive. THAT is the version most Americans saw, and it was easier for the MSM to explain it away.

They were able to say " See? She didn't say anything nearly as bad as you THOUGHT she said ! " , and it got glossed over.

The Obamas are miserable people, imo, and far from REAL Americans.

Yeah, how could a black person not be proud of this country? We've always treated them so well!

So you cosign nurturing minority antipathies toward to US for things that happened in the past even though we have a black President, black judges, a black Supreme Court Justice, black Congressmen AND women, black cabinet heads, black Governors and mayors, college presidents, deans and successful black attorneys, physicians, entrepreneurs..in other words I would ask....How long do we focus on our nations racial transgressions of the past and not embrace the distance we've traveled since? At some point there has to be an end to the continued divisiveness especially when the system is working SO WELL for SO MANY of our black citizens.

There will never be a time that we can completely escape where we have been and what has been done but harping on it ad nauseum is problematic. There is no better time than now for all of us to recognize the progress that has been made rather than making excuses for stupid comments by Michelle Obama

So we should never consider, validate, or attempt to understand the perspective of others? Do you think that could be a problem?

Actuallly, I subscribe to the idea that too much emphasis is placed on nurturing minority antipathy toward the establishment. It is an industry. If you would like to argue that that just look at Jesse jackson and Al Sharpton and the way they exploit racial grievance and tell me with a straight face it isn't an industry. That being said, its an industry built on negative reinforcement that the country is ready to move past but it cant as long as there is SO MUCH money in the "struggle" if you will.

I absolutely agree with you. There is never a shortage of people willing to profit by exploiting of our differences. Is Rush one of those people? However, that cannot be an excuse, minimize the validity of, or change the reality of individual perspectives. We cannot wave a magic wand and make everyone happy or, simply dismiss the concerns of those who are not happy.

And there it is. In the end, the question becomes ... What will it take for EVERYONE to be happy? It'll NEVER happen but that will always be the excuse for perpetuating minority discontent. Lot of money being made doing precisely that!

Are you comparing Rush Limbaugh to Al Sharpton? Seriously? When was the last time Rush foisted a lie that comes even remotely close to the Tawanna Brawley lies perpetuated by Al Sharpton for personal enrichment?

Okay, so you will simply dismiss any concerns of minority groups? Again, those who fan the flames for personal gain do not warrant your approach.

Yes, I think Rush is actually worse. I believe he is a big reason why this country has turned on itself. I remember when he use to start his show with the phrase "talent on loan from God". I couldn't believe people bought into it then and, I don't understand why they buy into it now. Unless of course they just feel the need to be angry. His product is anger and hate. When Republicans started buying into his rhetoric, I knew my days as a Republican were numbered.

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Remember that Michelle said after Obama was elected POTUS it was the first time she had been proud to be an American. I will sure be glad when she is no longer proud again.

Actually, she said that after he had won the Democratic nomination. Which should have set alarms off, all across the country, but thanks to the cover or the MSM, it was uniformly down played. Also, if you recall, she said pretty much the same thing, twice in one day. But after the first speech was reported, there was a quick rewrite of what she said, so the next stop on her tour, she changed it just enough so as to not make it sound so offensive. THAT is the version most Americans saw, and it was easier for the MSM to explain it away.

They were able to say " See? She didn't say anything nearly as bad as you THOUGHT she said ! " , and it got glossed over.

The Obamas are miserable people, imo, and far from REAL Americans.

Yeah, how could a black person not be proud of this country? We've always treated them so well!

So you cosign nurturing minority antipathies toward to US for things that happened in the past even though we have a black President, black judges, a black Supreme Court Justice, black Congressmen AND women, black cabinet heads, black Governors and mayors, college presidents, deans and successful black attorneys, physicians, entrepreneurs..in other words I would ask....How long do we focus on our nations racial transgressions of the past and not embrace the distance we've traveled since? At some point there has to be an end to the continued divisiveness especially when the system is working SO WELL for SO MANY of our black citizens.

There will never be a time that we can completely escape where we have been and what has been done but harping on it ad nauseum is problematic. There is no better time than now for all of us to recognize the progress that has been made rather than making excuses for stupid comments by Michelle Obama

So we should never consider, validate, or attempt to understand the perspective of others? Do you think that could be a problem?

Actuallly, I subscribe to the idea that too much emphasis is placed on nurturing minority antipathy toward the establishment. It is an industry. If you would like to argue that that just look at Jesse jackson and Al Sharpton and the way they exploit racial grievance and tell me with a straight face it isn't an industry. That being said, its an industry built on negative reinforcement that the country is ready to move past but it cant as long as there is SO MUCH money in the "struggle" if you will.

I absolutely agree with you. There is never a shortage of people willing to profit by exploiting of our differences. Is Rush one of those people? However, that cannot be an excuse, minimize the validity of, or change the reality of individual perspectives. We cannot wave a magic wand and make everyone happy or, simply dismiss the concerns of those who are not happy.

And there it is. In the end, the question becomes ... What will it take for EVERYONE to be happy? It'll NEVER happen but that will always be the excuse for perpetuating minority discontent. Lot of money being made doing precisely that!

Are you comparing Rush Limbaugh to Al Sharpton? Seriously? When was the last time Rush foisted a lie that comes even remotely close to the Tawanna Brawley lies perpetuated by Al Sharpton for personal enrichment?

Okay, so you will simply dismiss any concerns of minority groups? Again, those who fan the flames for personal gain do not warrant your approach.

Yes, I think Rush is actually worse. I believe he is a big reason why this country has turned on itself. I remember when he use to start his show with the phrase "talent on loan from God". I couldn't believe people bought into it then and, I don't understand why they buy into it now. Unless of course they just feel the need to be angry. His product is anger and hate. When Republicans started buying into his rhetoric, I knew my days as a Republican were numbered.

Wow..thats some weak sauce right there. Rush is an info-tainer. You need to understand his show would not be as successful if there was nothing to what he was talking about. His show is NOT about hate. Thats about as ridiculous as anything I have ever read. Does Rush have an agenda? Hail yes he does but it is not hate. He just honestly believes the left consistently gets it woefully wrong time after time after time and he backs up his sentiments with arguments they absolutely hate. I am not a Rush disciple but whenever I happen to hear a segment of his show, I always get a chuckle or two..nothing more nor less. Anyone taking it as seriously as you seem to be needs to sit down and have a sandwich or something. gee-whiz.

Like him or hate him nobody makes it to the level of success Rush has without talent. BTW, if talent is not on loan from God, where, exactly, does it come from? All of earthly experiences are temporary, right? Honestly, I have I wonder just how much of what Rush says you actually understand.

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Remember that Michelle said after Obama was elected POTUS it was the first time she had been proud to be an American. I will sure be glad when she is no longer proud again.

Actually, she said that after he had won the Democratic nomination. Which should have set alarms off, all across the country, but thanks to the cover or the MSM, it was uniformly down played. Also, if you recall, she said pretty much the same thing, twice in one day. But after the first speech was reported, there was a quick rewrite of what she said, so the next stop on her tour, she changed it just enough so as to not make it sound so offensive. THAT is the version most Americans saw, and it was easier for the MSM to explain it away.

They were able to say " See? She didn't say anything nearly as bad as you THOUGHT she said ! " , and it got glossed over.

The Obamas are miserable people, imo, and far from REAL Americans.

Yeah, how could a black person not be proud of this country? We've always treated them so well!

So you cosign nurturing minority antipathies toward to US for things that happened in the past even though we have a black President, black judges, a black Supreme Court Justice, black Congressmen AND women, black cabinet heads, black Governors and mayors, college presidents, deans and successful black attorneys, physicians, entrepreneurs..in other words I would ask....How long do we focus on our nations racial transgressions of the past and not embrace the distance we've traveled since? At some point there has to be an end to the continued divisiveness especially when the system is working SO WELL for SO MANY of our black citizens.

There will never be a time that we can completely escape where we have been and what has been done but harping on it ad nauseum is problematic. There is no better time than now for all of us to recognize the progress that has been made rather than making excuses for stupid comments by Michelle Obama

So we should never consider, validate, or attempt to understand the perspective of others? Do you think that could be a problem?

Actuallly, I subscribe to the idea that too much emphasis is placed on nurturing minority antipathy toward the establishment. It is an industry. If you would like to argue that that just look at Jesse jackson and Al Sharpton and the way they exploit racial grievance and tell me with a straight face it isn't an industry. That being said, its an industry built on negative reinforcement that the country is ready to move past but it cant as long as there is SO MUCH money in the "struggle" if you will.

I absolutely agree with you. There is never a shortage of people willing to profit by exploiting of our differences. Is Rush one of those people? However, that cannot be an excuse, minimize the validity of, or change the reality of individual perspectives. We cannot wave a magic wand and make everyone happy or, simply dismiss the concerns of those who are not happy.

And there it is. In the end, the question becomes ... What will it take for EVERYONE to be happy? It'll NEVER happen but that will always be the excuse for perpetuating minority discontent. Lot of money being made doing precisely that!

Are you comparing Rush Limbaugh to Al Sharpton? Seriously? When was the last time Rush foisted a lie that comes even remotely close to the Tawanna Brawley lies perpetuated by Al Sharpton for personal enrichment?

Okay, so you will simply dismiss any concerns of minority groups? Again, those who fan the flames for personal gain do not warrant your approach.

Yes, I think Rush is actually worse. I believe he is a big reason why this country has turned on itself. I remember when he use to start his show with the phrase "talent on loan from God". I couldn't believe people bought into it then and, I don't understand why they buy into it now. Unless of course they just feel the need to be angry. His product is anger and hate. When Republicans started buying into his rhetoric, I knew my days as a Republican were numbered.

Wow..thats some weak sauce right there. Rush is an info-tainer. You need to understand his show would not be as successful if there was nothing to what he was talking about. His show is NOT about hate. Thats about as ridiculous as anything I have ever read. Does Rush have an agenda? Hail yes he does but it is not hate. He just honestly believes the left consistently gets it woefully wrong time after time after time and he backs up his sentiments with arguments they absolutely hate. I am not a Rush disciple but whenever I happen to hear a segment of his show, I always get a chuckle or two..nothing more nor less. Anyone taking it as seriously as you seem to be needs to sit down and have a sandwich or something. gee-whiz.

Like him or hate him nobody makes it to the level of success Rush has without talent. BTW, if talent is not on loan from God, where, exactly, does it come from? All of earthly experiences are temporary, right? Honestly, I have I wonder just how much of what Rush says you actually understand.

Who is naive?

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Remember that Michelle said after Obama was elected POTUS it was the first time she had been proud to be an American. I will sure be glad when she is no longer proud again.

Actually, she said that after he had won the Democratic nomination. Which should have set alarms off, all across the country, but thanks to the cover or the MSM, it was uniformly down played. Also, if you recall, she said pretty much the same thing, twice in one day. But after the first speech was reported, there was a quick rewrite of what she said, so the next stop on her tour, she changed it just enough so as to not make it sound so offensive. THAT is the version most Americans saw, and it was easier for the MSM to explain it away.

They were able to say " See? She didn't say anything nearly as bad as you THOUGHT she said ! " , and it got glossed over.

The Obamas are miserable people, imo, and far from REAL Americans.

Yeah, how could a black person not be proud of this country? We've always treated them so well!

So you cosign nurturing minority antipathies toward to US for things that happened in the past even though we have a black President, black judges, a black Supreme Court Justice, black Congressmen AND women, black cabinet heads, black Governors and mayors, college presidents, deans and successful black attorneys, physicians, entrepreneurs..in other words I would ask....How long do we focus on our nations racial transgressions of the past and not embrace the distance we've traveled since? At some point there has to be an end to the continued divisiveness especially when the system is working SO WELL for SO MANY of our black citizens.

There will never be a time that we can completely escape where we have been and what has been done but harping on it ad nauseum is problematic. There is no better time than now for all of us to recognize the progress that has been made rather than making excuses for stupid comments by Michelle Obama

So we should never consider, validate, or attempt to understand the perspective of others? Do you think that could be a problem?

Actuallly, I subscribe to the idea that too much emphasis is placed on nurturing minority antipathy toward the establishment. It is an industry. If you would like to argue that that just look at Jesse jackson and Al Sharpton and the way they exploit racial grievance and tell me with a straight face it isn't an industry. That being said, its an industry built on negative reinforcement that the country is ready to move past but it cant as long as there is SO MUCH money in the "struggle" if you will.

I absolutely agree with you. There is never a shortage of people willing to profit by exploiting of our differences. Is Rush one of those people? However, that cannot be an excuse, minimize the validity of, or change the reality of individual perspectives. We cannot wave a magic wand and make everyone happy or, simply dismiss the concerns of those who are not happy.

And there it is. In the end, the question becomes ... What will it take for EVERYONE to be happy? It'll NEVER happen but that will always be the excuse for perpetuating minority discontent. Lot of money being made doing precisely that!

Are you comparing Rush Limbaugh to Al Sharpton? Seriously? When was the last time Rush foisted a lie that comes even remotely close to the Tawanna Brawley lies perpetuated by Al Sharpton for personal enrichment?

Okay, so you will simply dismiss any concerns of minority groups? Again, those who fan the flames for personal gain do not warrant your approach.

Yes, I think Rush is actually worse. I believe he is a big reason why this country has turned on itself. I remember when he use to start his show with the phrase "talent on loan from God". I couldn't believe people bought into it then and, I don't understand why they buy into it now. Unless of course they just feel the need to be angry. His product is anger and hate. When Republicans started buying into his rhetoric, I knew my days as a Republican were numbered.

Wow..thats some weak sauce right there. Rush is an info-tainer. You need to understand his show would not be as successful if there was nothing to what he was talking about. His show is NOT about hate. Thats about as ridiculous as anything I have ever read. Does Rush have an agenda? Hail yes he does but it is not hate. He just honestly believes the left consistently gets it woefully wrong time after time after time and he backs up his sentiments with arguments they absolutely hate. I am not a Rush disciple but whenever I happen to hear a segment of his show, I always get a chuckle or two..nothing more nor less. Anyone taking it as seriously as you seem to be needs to sit down and have a sandwich or something. gee-whiz.

Like him or hate him nobody makes it to the level of success Rush has without talent. BTW, if talent is not on loan from God, where, exactly, does it come from? All of earthly experiences are temporary, right? Honestly, I have I wonder just how much of what Rush says you actually understand.

Who is naive?

Not me because i see Rush as more of a comic than i do a threat to society like you do. .I swear you folks always amaze me with your dire warnings of impending doom perpetuated by the likes of El Rusbo. lmao

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Remember that Michelle said after Obama was elected POTUS it was the first time she had been proud to be an American. I will sure be glad when she is no longer proud again.

Actually, she said that after he had won the Democratic nomination. Which should have set alarms off, all across the country, but thanks to the cover or the MSM, it was uniformly down played. Also, if you recall, she said pretty much the same thing, twice in one day. But after the first speech was reported, there was a quick rewrite of what she said, so the next stop on her tour, she changed it just enough so as to not make it sound so offensive. THAT is the version most Americans saw, and it was easier for the MSM to explain it away.

They were able to say " See? She didn't say anything nearly as bad as you THOUGHT she said ! " , and it got glossed over.

The Obamas are miserable people, imo, and far from REAL Americans.

Yeah, how could a black person not be proud of this country? We've always treated them so well!

So you cosign nurturing minority antipathies toward to US for things that happened in the past even though we have a black President, black judges, a black Supreme Court Justice, black Congressmen AND women, black cabinet heads, black Governors and mayors, college presidents, deans and successful black attorneys, physicians, entrepreneurs..in other words I would ask....How long do we focus on our nations racial transgressions of the past and not embrace the distance we've traveled since? At some point there has to be an end to the continued divisiveness especially when the system is working SO WELL for SO MANY of our black citizens.

There will never be a time that we can completely escape where we have been and what has been done but harping on it ad nauseum is problematic. There is no better time than now for all of us to recognize the progress that has been made rather than making excuses for stupid comments by Michelle Obama

So we should never consider, validate, or attempt to understand the perspective of others? Do you think that could be a problem?

Actuallly, I subscribe to the idea that too much emphasis is placed on nurturing minority antipathy toward the establishment. It is an industry. If you would like to argue that that just look at Jesse jackson and Al Sharpton and the way they exploit racial grievance and tell me with a straight face it isn't an industry. That being said, its an industry built on negative reinforcement that the country is ready to move past but it cant as long as there is SO MUCH money in the "struggle" if you will.

I absolutely agree with you. There is never a shortage of people willing to profit by exploiting of our differences. Is Rush one of those people? However, that cannot be an excuse, minimize the validity of, or change the reality of individual perspectives. We cannot wave a magic wand and make everyone happy or, simply dismiss the concerns of those who are not happy.

And there it is. In the end, the question becomes ... What will it take for EVERYONE to be happy? It'll NEVER happen but that will always be the excuse for perpetuating minority discontent. Lot of money being made doing precisely that!

Are you comparing Rush Limbaugh to Al Sharpton? Seriously? When was the last time Rush foisted a lie that comes even remotely close to the Tawanna Brawley lies perpetuated by Al Sharpton for personal enrichment?

Okay, so you will simply dismiss any concerns of minority groups? Again, those who fan the flames for personal gain do not warrant your approach.

Yes, I think Rush is actually worse. I believe he is a big reason why this country has turned on itself. I remember when he use to start his show with the phrase "talent on loan from God". I couldn't believe people bought into it then and, I don't understand why they buy into it now. Unless of course they just feel the need to be angry. His product is anger and hate. When Republicans started buying into his rhetoric, I knew my days as a Republican were numbered.

Wow..thats some weak sauce right there. Rush is an info-tainer. You need to understand his show would not be as successful if there was nothing to what he was talking about. His show is NOT about hate. Thats about as ridiculous as anything I have ever read. Does Rush have an agenda? Hail yes he does but it is not hate. He just honestly believes the left consistently gets it woefully wrong time after time after time and he backs up his sentiments with arguments they absolutely hate. I am not a Rush disciple but whenever I happen to hear a segment of his show, I always get a chuckle or two..nothing more nor less. Anyone taking it as seriously as you seem to be needs to sit down and have a sandwich or something. gee-whiz.

Like him or hate him nobody makes it to the level of success Rush has without talent. BTW, if talent is not on loan from God, where, exactly, does it come from? All of earthly experiences are temporary, right? Honestly, I have I wonder just how much of what Rush says you actually understand.

Who is naive?

Not me because i see Rush as more of a comic than i do a threat to society like you do. .I swear you folks always amaze me with your dire warnings of impending doom perpetuated by the likes of El Rusbo. lmao

Perhaps you really see him that way but, I think you are lying (that would be a rather odd sense of humor, IMHO). I certainly do not believe the vast majority of his audience sees him as an amusing clown. I hope that you do not believe that his "talent" is in any way a reflection of God.

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Remember that Michelle said after Obama was elected POTUS it was the first time she had been proud to be an American. I will sure be glad when she is no longer proud again.

Actually, she said that after he had won the Democratic nomination. Which should have set alarms off, all across the country, but thanks to the cover or the MSM, it was uniformly down played. Also, if you recall, she said pretty much the same thing, twice in one day. But after the first speech was reported, there was a quick rewrite of what she said, so the next stop on her tour, she changed it just enough so as to not make it sound so offensive. THAT is the version most Americans saw, and it was easier for the MSM to explain it away.

They were able to say " See? She didn't say anything nearly as bad as you THOUGHT she said ! " , and it got glossed over.

The Obamas are miserable people, imo, and far from REAL Americans.

Yeah, how could a black person not be proud of this country? We've always treated them so well!

So you cosign nurturing minority antipathies toward to US for things that happened in the past even though we have a black President, black judges, a black Supreme Court Justice, black Congressmen AND women, black cabinet heads, black Governors and mayors, college presidents, deans and successful black attorneys, physicians, entrepreneurs..in other words I would ask....How long do we focus on our nations racial transgressions of the past and not embrace the distance we've traveled since? At some point there has to be an end to the continued divisiveness especially when the system is working SO WELL for SO MANY of our black citizens.

There will never be a time that we can completely escape where we have been and what has been done but harping on it ad nauseum is problematic. There is no better time than now for all of us to recognize the progress that has been made rather than making excuses for stupid comments by Michelle Obama

So we should never consider, validate, or attempt to understand the perspective of others? Do you think that could be a problem?

Actuallly, I subscribe to the idea that too much emphasis is placed on nurturing minority antipathy toward the establishment. It is an industry. If you would like to argue that that just look at Jesse jackson and Al Sharpton and the way they exploit racial grievance and tell me with a straight face it isn't an industry. That being said, its an industry built on negative reinforcement that the country is ready to move past but it cant as long as there is SO MUCH money in the "struggle" if you will.

I absolutely agree with you. There is never a shortage of people willing to profit by exploiting of our differences. Is Rush one of those people? However, that cannot be an excuse, minimize the validity of, or change the reality of individual perspectives. We cannot wave a magic wand and make everyone happy or, simply dismiss the concerns of those who are not happy.

And there it is. In the end, the question becomes ... What will it take for EVERYONE to be happy? It'll NEVER happen but that will always be the excuse for perpetuating minority discontent. Lot of money being made doing precisely that!

Are you comparing Rush Limbaugh to Al Sharpton? Seriously? When was the last time Rush foisted a lie that comes even remotely close to the Tawanna Brawley lies perpetuated by Al Sharpton for personal enrichment?

Okay, so you will simply dismiss any concerns of minority groups? Again, those who fan the flames for personal gain do not warrant your approach.

Yes, I think Rush is actually worse. I believe he is a big reason why this country has turned on itself. I remember when he use to start his show with the phrase "talent on loan from God". I couldn't believe people bought into it then and, I don't understand why they buy into it now. Unless of course they just feel the need to be angry. His product is anger and hate. When Republicans started buying into his rhetoric, I knew my days as a Republican were numbered.

Wow..thats some weak sauce right there. Rush is an info-tainer. You need to understand his show would not be as successful if there was nothing to what he was talking about. His show is NOT about hate. Thats about as ridiculous as anything I have ever read. Does Rush have an agenda? Hail yes he does but it is not hate. He just honestly believes the left consistently gets it woefully wrong time after time after time and he backs up his sentiments with arguments they absolutely hate. I am not a Rush disciple but whenever I happen to hear a segment of his show, I always get a chuckle or two..nothing more nor less. Anyone taking it as seriously as you seem to be needs to sit down and have a sandwich or something. gee-whiz.

Like him or hate him nobody makes it to the level of success Rush has without talent. BTW, if talent is not on loan from God, where, exactly, does it come from? All of earthly experiences are temporary, right? Honestly, I have I wonder just how much of what Rush says you actually understand.

Who is naive?

Not me because i see Rush as more of a comic than i do a threat to society like you do. .I swear you folks always amaze me with your dire warnings of impending doom perpetuated by the likes of El Rusbo. lmao

Perhaps you really see him that way but, I think you are lying (that would be a rather odd sense of humor, IMHO). I certainly do not believe the vast majority of his audience sees him as an amusing clown. I hope that you do not believe that his "talent" is in any way a reflection of God.

I never said he was a clown. I said he was an info-tainer. You have a persistent habit of trying to reframe my remarks to solidify your arguments. You take Rush's show, if you've ever even listened to it, far too seriously. All talent is on loan from God, dude. We all have a wonderful power to choose how we use it. I'd say Rush has done right well for himself.

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Remember that Michelle said after Obama was elected POTUS it was the first time she had been proud to be an American. I will sure be glad when she is no longer proud again.

Actually, she said that after he had won the Democratic nomination. Which should have set alarms off, all across the country, but thanks to the cover or the MSM, it was uniformly down played. Also, if you recall, she said pretty much the same thing, twice in one day. But after the first speech was reported, there was a quick rewrite of what she said, so the next stop on her tour, she changed it just enough so as to not make it sound so offensive. THAT is the version most Americans saw, and it was easier for the MSM to explain it away.

They were able to say " See? She didn't say anything nearly as bad as you THOUGHT she said ! " , and it got glossed over.

The Obamas are miserable people, imo, and far from REAL Americans.

Yeah, how could a black person not be proud of this country? We've always treated them so well!

So you cosign nurturing minority antipathies toward to US for things that happened in the past even though we have a black President, black judges, a black Supreme Court Justice, black Congressmen AND women, black cabinet heads, black Governors and mayors, college presidents, deans and successful black attorneys, physicians, entrepreneurs..in other words I would ask....How long do we focus on our nations racial transgressions of the past and not embrace the distance we've traveled since? At some point there has to be an end to the continued divisiveness especially when the system is working SO WELL for SO MANY of our black citizens.

There will never be a time that we can completely escape where we have been and what has been done but harping on it ad nauseum is problematic. There is no better time than now for all of us to recognize the progress that has been made rather than making excuses for stupid comments by Michelle Obama

Remember that post where I said you take any opportunity at all to expand at great length about what I believe and what I support? Well, here's yet another example.

Most reasonable people would understand why members of certain groups might have come to take pride in America only recently.

If I were black, I'd probably feel that way myself. For good reason.

And who in hell are you to be telling anyone how they should feel regardless of their history?

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Remember that Michelle said after Obama was elected POTUS it was the first time she had been proud to be an American. I will sure be glad when she is no longer proud again.

Actually, she said that after he had won the Democratic nomination. Which should have set alarms off, all across the country, but thanks to the cover or the MSM, it was uniformly down played. Also, if you recall, she said pretty much the same thing, twice in one day. But after the first speech was reported, there was a quick rewrite of what she said, so the next stop on her tour, she changed it just enough so as to not make it sound so offensive. THAT is the version most Americans saw, and it was easier for the MSM to explain it away.

They were able to say " See? She didn't say anything nearly as bad as you THOUGHT she said ! " , and it got glossed over.

The Obamas are miserable people, imo, and far from REAL Americans.

Yeah, how could a black person not be proud of this country? We've always treated them so well!

So you cosign nurturing minority antipathies toward to US for things that happened in the past even though we have a black President, black judges, a black Supreme Court Justice, black Congressmen AND women, black cabinet heads, black Governors and mayors, college presidents, deans and successful black attorneys, physicians, entrepreneurs..in other words I would ask....How long do we focus on our nations racial transgressions of the past and not embrace the distance we've traveled since? At some point there has to be an end to the continued divisiveness especially when the system is working SO WELL for SO MANY of our black citizens.

There will never be a time that we can completely escape where we have been and what has been done but harping on it ad nauseum is problematic. There is no better time than now for all of us to recognize the progress that has been made rather than making excuses for stupid comments by Michelle Obama

So we should never consider, validate, or attempt to understand the perspective of others? Do you think that could be a problem?

Actuallly, I subscribe to the idea that too much emphasis is placed on nurturing minority antipathy toward the establishment. It is an industry. If you would like to argue that that just look at Jesse jackson and Al Sharpton and the way they exploit racial grievance and tell me with a straight face it isn't an industry. That being said, its an industry built on negative reinforcement that the country is ready to move past but it cant as long as there is SO MUCH money in the "struggle" if you will.

I absolutely agree with you. There is never a shortage of people willing to profit by exploiting of our differences. Is Rush one of those people? However, that cannot be an excuse, minimize the validity of, or change the reality of individual perspectives. We cannot wave a magic wand and make everyone happy or, simply dismiss the concerns of those who are not happy.

And there it is. In the end, the question becomes ... What will it take for EVERYONE to be happy? It'll NEVER happen but that will always be the excuse for perpetuating minority discontent. Lot of money being made doing precisely that!

Are you comparing Rush Limbaugh to Al Sharpton? Seriously? When was the last time Rush foisted a lie that comes even remotely close to the Tawanna Brawley lies perpetuated by Al Sharpton for personal enrichment?

Okay, so you will simply dismiss any concerns of minority groups? Again, those who fan the flames for personal gain do not warrant your approach.

Yes, I think Rush is actually worse. I believe he is a big reason why this country has turned on itself. I remember when he use to start his show with the phrase "talent on loan from God". I couldn't believe people bought into it then and, I don't understand why they buy into it now. Unless of course they just feel the need to be angry. His product is anger and hate. When Republicans started buying into his rhetoric, I knew my days as a Republican were numbered.

Wow..thats some weak sauce right there. Rush is an info-tainer. You need to understand his show would not be as successful if there was nothing to what he was talking about. His show is NOT about hate. Thats about as ridiculous as anything I have ever read. Does Rush have an agenda? Hail yes he does but it is not hate. He just honestly believes the left consistently gets it woefully wrong time after time after time and he backs up his sentiments with arguments they absolutely hate. I am not a Rush disciple but whenever I happen to hear a segment of his show, I always get a chuckle or two..nothing more nor less. Anyone taking it as seriously as you seem to be needs to sit down and have a sandwich or something. gee-whiz.

Like him or hate him nobody makes it to the level of success Rush has without talent. BTW, if talent is not on loan from God, where, exactly, does it come from? All of earthly experiences are temporary, right? Honestly, I have I wonder just how much of what Rush says you actually understand.

Well, I always assumed you were a ditto-head.

There's a special place in hell for people who profit on the hate and fears of others. Talent on loan from Satan would be more like it.

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