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Supreme Court Slaps Obama

Proud Tiger

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And I'm proven right, once again. Attempting humor while trying to divert attention away from the fact that their dear and fluffy leader Obama was smacked down, again, 9-0.

What if...gasp...we agree with the decision?

That the President doesn't get to decided when Congress is in session, and that Obama's appointing of 3 members of the NLRB was unconstitutional ?

You could simply say you agree w/ the decision, and leave it at that, couldn't ya ?

Can't I agree with the decision AND think the wingers' reaction here was predictably pathetic?

Just as we think reactions of you far left loons is pathetically predictable.
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And I'm proven right, once again. Attempting humor while trying to divert attention away from the fact that their dear and fluffy leader Obama was smacked down, again, 9-0.

What if...gasp...we agree with the decision?

That the President doesn't get to decided when Congress is in session, and that Obama's appointing of 3 members of the NLRB was unconstitutional ?

You could simply say you agree w/ the decision, and leave it at that, couldn't ya ?

Can't I agree with the decision AND think the wingers' reaction here was predictably pathetic?

Just as we think reactions of you far left loons is pathetically predictable.

I predicted you would say that and do so in a pathetic manner. ;)

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And I'm proven right, once again. Attempting humor while trying to divert attention away from the fact that their dear and fluffy leader Obama was smacked down, again, 9-0.

What if...gasp...we agree with the decision?

That the President doesn't get to decided when Congress is in session, and that Obama's appointing of 3 members of the NLRB was unconstitutional ?

You could simply say you agree w/ the decision, and leave it at that, couldn't ya ?

Can't I agree with the decision AND think the wingers' reaction here was predictably pathetic?

Just as we think reactions of you far left loons is pathetically predictable.

That's telling him Tigermike! :laugh:

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You three huggers are hilarious.

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Like I said, conservatives are not allowed to be happy about this Supreme Court decision. I mean, being happy about a modest return to constitutional governance is portrayed as an extremist position in this forum. Predictably, its the same ones talking down to the rest every time any criticism of barry is posted.

Meanwhile, barry is out campaigning for his fellow democrats. His talking point is that Congress isn't doing anything and he cant figure why they're so made at him for doing his job. Honestly, I didn't realize it was the president's job to ram an agenda through, that most american's are against, ignoring the constitution in the process. Interesting he sees things through that prism. Clearly, he realizes he cant "fundamentally transform"(destroy) america legally.

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It's obvious he doesn't care how he transforms America. When you have Eric Holder as your AD you don't have to worry about anything.

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Like I said, conservatives are not allowed to be happy about this Supreme Court decision. I mean, being happy about a modest return to constitutional governance is portrayed as an extremist position in this forum. Predictably, its the same ones talking down to the rest every time any criticism of barry is posted.

Meanwhile, barry is out campaigning for his fellow democrats. His talking point is that Congress isn't doing anything and he cant figure why they're so made at him for doing his job. Honestly, I didn't realize it was the president's job to ram an agenda through, that most american's are against, ignoring the constitution in the process. Interesting he sees things through that prism. Clearly, he realizes he cant "fundamentally transform"(destroy) america legally.

It's just sad that you are incapable of being happy without being even more childish.

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Like I said, conservatives are not allowed to be happy about this Supreme Court decision. I mean, being happy about a modest return to constitutional governance is portrayed as an extremist position in this forum. Predictably, its the same ones talking down to the rest every time any criticism of barry is posted.

Meanwhile, barry is out campaigning for his fellow democrats. His talking point is that Congress isn't doing anything and he cant figure why they're so made at him for doing his job. Honestly, I didn't realize it was the president's job to ram an agenda through, that most american's are against, ignoring the constitution in the process. Interesting he sees things through that prism. Clearly, he realizes he cant "fundamentally transform"(destroy) america legally.

It's just sad that you are incapable of being happy without being even more childish.

What? Is there a coherent thought buried in this cryptogram?

Its even more sad that you cannot accept the truth about this president.

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Like I said, conservatives are not allowed to be happy about this Supreme Court decision. I mean, being happy about a modest return to constitutional governance is portrayed as an extremist position in this forum. Predictably, its the same ones talking down to the rest every time any criticism of barry is posted.

Meanwhile, barry is out campaigning for his fellow democrats. His talking point is that Congress isn't doing anything and he cant figure why they're so made at him for doing his job. Honestly, I didn't realize it was the president's job to ram an agenda through, that most american's are against, ignoring the constitution in the process. Interesting he sees things through that prism. Clearly, he realizes he cant "fundamentally transform"(destroy) america legally.

It's just sad that you are incapable of being happy without being even more childish.

What? Is there a coherent thought buried in this cryptogram?

Its even more sad that you cannot accept the truth about this president.

You mean that he's from Kenya?

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Can't I agree with the decision AND think the wingers' reaction here was predictably pathetic?

Predictable, sure. But why pathetic ? He ( Obama ) knowingly broke the law ( yet again ) and simply played dicktator, so he could get his way. Shouldn't that be enough to cause ANY American to get upset ?

If bama cheats, and we know bama cheats, and say as much, and then ( work with me here ) bama actually gets CAUGHT cheating, how can bama fans be upset if Auburn fans, knowing damn well bama cheats, has finally gotten caught ?

Take your medicine, and quit your whinin'.

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Can't I agree with the decision AND think the wingers' reaction here was predictably pathetic?

Predictable, sure. But why pathetic ? He ( Obama ) knowingly broke the law ( yet again ) and simply played dicktator, so he could get his way. Shouldn't that be enough to cause ANY American to get upset ?

If bama cheats, and we know bama cheats, and say as much, and then ( work with me here ) bama actually gets CAUGHT cheating, how can bama fans be upset if Auburn fans, knowing damn well bama cheats, has finally gotten caught ?

Take your medicine, and quit your whinin'.

He didn't break the law, he tested the concept of the Senate declaring pro-forma sessions - which really weren't working sessions at all and were in fact, designed for the specific purpose of blocking him from filling open positions they weren't willing to vote on.

I think that's a case worth risking, especially considering there was nothing to lose. Furthermore, my understanding is that the Senate agreed to change their rules to prevent filibusters on appointments. If so, that's a pretty good trade-off.

Regardless, those are the rules every POTUS will face from now on. Even the Republican ones, if it ever happens again. (snicker)

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Like I said, conservatives are not allowed to be happy about this Supreme Court decision. I mean, being happy about a modest return to constitutional governance is portrayed as an extremist position in this forum. Predictably, its the same ones talking down to the rest every time any criticism of barry is posted.

Meanwhile, barry is out campaigning for his fellow democrats. His talking point is that Congress isn't doing anything and he cant figure why they're so made at him for doing his job. Honestly, I didn't realize it was the president's job to ram an agenda through, that most american's are against, ignoring the constitution in the process. Interesting he sees things through that prism. Clearly, he realizes he cant "fundamentally transform"(destroy) america legally.

It's just sad that you are incapable of being happy without being even more childish.

What? Is there a coherent thought buried in this cryptogram?

Its even more sad that you cannot accept the truth about this president.

That he wants to "destroy" America? Is that the truth?

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Like I said, conservatives are not allowed to be happy about this Supreme Court decision. I mean, being happy about a modest return to constitutional governance is portrayed as an extremist position in this forum. Predictably, its the same ones talking down to the rest every time any criticism of barry is posted.

Meanwhile, barry is out campaigning for his fellow democrats. His talking point is that Congress isn't doing anything and he cant figure why they're so made at him for doing his job. Honestly, I didn't realize it was the president's job to ram an agenda through, that most american's are against, ignoring the constitution in the process. Interesting he sees things through that prism. Clearly, he realizes he cant "fundamentally transform"(destroy) america legally.

It's just sad that you are incapable of being happy without being even more childish.

What? Is there a coherent thought buried in this cryptogram?

Its even more sad that you cannot accept the truth about this president.

That he wants to "destroy" America? Is that the truth?

Truth has many versions and folks see things differently. Im not sure barry's conscious ambition is to actually destroy america and turn us in to a banana republic but lately, the public's trust has most definitely been compromised by the IRS and obviously by those who have been pushing those buttons. I happen to believe she did not act alone but rather was driven by executive directive from many sources not the least of which was the DoJ itself. I never thought I'd see public accountability for public servants be this low.

Its a heady topic. He cannot destroy America literally but I'd feel SO much better if I could find just one thing other than any social justice issue on the table to feel good about his policy directive going forward and what is truly driving it other than Thomas Steyers and Michael Bloomburg.

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Like I said, conservatives are not allowed to be happy about this Supreme Court decision. I mean, being happy about a modest return to constitutional governance is portrayed as an extremist position in this forum. Predictably, its the same ones talking down to the rest every time any criticism of barry is posted.

Meanwhile, barry is out campaigning for his fellow democrats. His talking point is that Congress isn't doing anything and he cant figure why they're so made at him for doing his job. Honestly, I didn't realize it was the president's job to ram an agenda through, that most american's are against, ignoring the constitution in the process. Interesting he sees things through that prism. Clearly, he realizes he cant "fundamentally transform"(destroy) america legally.

It's just sad that you are incapable of being happy without being even more childish.

What? Is there a coherent thought buried in this cryptogram?

Its even more sad that you cannot accept the truth about this president.

That he wants to "destroy" America? Is that the truth?

Truth has many versions and folks see things differently. Im not sure barry's conscious ambition is to actually destroy america and turn us in to a banana republic but lately, the public's trust has most definitely been compromised by the IRS and obviously by those who have been pushing those buttons. I happen to believe she did not act alone but rather was driven by executive directive from many sources not the least of which was the DoJ itself. I never thought I'd see public accountability for public servants be this low.

Its a heady topic. He cannot destroy America literally but I'd feel SO much better if I could find just one thing other than any social justice issue on the table to feel good about his policy directive going forward and what is truly driving it other than Thomas Steyers and Michael Bloomburg.

I'll take that as a "no".

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Like I said, conservatives are not allowed to be happy about this Supreme Court decision. I mean, being happy about a modest return to constitutional governance is portrayed as an extremist position in this forum. Predictably, its the same ones talking down to the rest every time any criticism of barry is posted.

Meanwhile, barry is out campaigning for his fellow democrats. His talking point is that Congress isn't doing anything and he cant figure why they're so made at him for doing his job. Honestly, I didn't realize it was the president's job to ram an agenda through, that most american's are against, ignoring the constitution in the process. Interesting he sees things through that prism. Clearly, he realizes he cant "fundamentally transform"(destroy) america legally.

It's just sad that you are incapable of being happy without being even more childish.

What? Is there a coherent thought buried in this cryptogram?

Its even more sad that you cannot accept the truth about this president.

That he wants to "destroy" America? Is that the truth?

Truth has many versions and folks see things differently. Im not sure barry's conscious ambition is to actually destroy america and turn us in to a banana republic but lately, the public's trust has most definitely been compromised by the IRS and obviously by those who have been pushing those buttons. I happen to believe she did not act alone but rather was driven by executive directive from many sources not the least of which was the DoJ itself. I never thought I'd see public accountability for public servants be this low.

Its a heady topic. He cannot destroy America literally but I'd feel SO much better if I could find just one thing other than any social justice issue on the table to feel good about his policy directive going forward and what is truly driving it other than Thomas Steyers and Michael Bloomburg.

I'll take that as a "no".

Take it anyway you like. This president's results have not been one bit better than the president's before him that you people whined about for 8 years and voila....this guy's approval ratings, 6 years later, are lower than Bush's were post Katrina.

If yaboy barry was a CEO of a Fortune 500 Co., I was going to say 100 but hell, I honestly believe if he was that CEO, he would be forced out by stockholders.

We're not even talking mediocre here.

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Like I said, conservatives are not allowed to be happy about this Supreme Court decision. I mean, being happy about a modest return to constitutional governance is portrayed as an extremist position in this forum. Predictably, its the same ones talking down to the rest every time any criticism of barry is posted.

Meanwhile, barry is out campaigning for his fellow democrats. His talking point is that Congress isn't doing anything and he cant figure why they're so made at him for doing his job. Honestly, I didn't realize it was the president's job to ram an agenda through, that most american's are against, ignoring the constitution in the process. Interesting he sees things through that prism. Clearly, he realizes he cant "fundamentally transform"(destroy) america legally.

It's just sad that you are incapable of being happy without being even more childish.

What? Is there a coherent thought buried in this cryptogram?

Its even more sad that you cannot accept the truth about this president.

That he wants to "destroy" America? Is that the truth?

Truth has many versions and folks see things differently. Im not sure barry's conscious ambition is to actually destroy america and turn us in to a banana republic but lately, the public's trust has most definitely been compromised by the IRS and obviously by those who have been pushing those buttons. I happen to believe she did not act alone but rather was driven by executive directive from many sources not the least of which was the DoJ itself. I never thought I'd see public accountability for public servants be this low.

Its a heady topic. He cannot destroy America literally but I'd feel SO much better if I could find just one thing other than any social justice issue on the table to feel good about his policy directive going forward and what is truly driving it other than Thomas Steyers and Michael Bloomburg.

I'll take that as a "no".

Take it anyway you like. This president's results have not been one bit better than the president's before him that you people whined about for 8 years and voila....this guy's approval ratings, 6 years later, are lower than Bush's were post Katrina.

If yaboy barry was a CEO of a Fortune 500 Co., I was going to say 100 but hell, I honestly believe if he was that CEO, he would be forced out by stockholders.

We're not even talking mediocre here.

If he were CEO of a Fortune 500 company he could fire all the obstinate morons getting in the way of solving problems.

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Like I said, conservatives are not allowed to be happy about this Supreme Court decision. I mean, being happy about a modest return to constitutional governance is portrayed as an extremist position in this forum. Predictably, its the same ones talking down to the rest every time any criticism of barry is posted.

Meanwhile, barry is out campaigning for his fellow democrats. His talking point is that Congress isn't doing anything and he cant figure why they're so made at him for doing his job. Honestly, I didn't realize it was the president's job to ram an agenda through, that most american's are against, ignoring the constitution in the process. Interesting he sees things through that prism. Clearly, he realizes he cant "fundamentally transform"(destroy) america legally.

It's just sad that you are incapable of being happy without being even more childish.

What? Is there a coherent thought buried in this cryptogram?

Its even more sad that you cannot accept the truth about this president.

That he wants to "destroy" America? Is that the truth?

Truth has many versions and folks see things differently. Im not sure barry's conscious ambition is to actually destroy america and turn us in to a banana republic but lately, the public's trust has most definitely been compromised by the IRS and obviously by those who have been pushing those buttons. I happen to believe she did not act alone but rather was driven by executive directive from many sources not the least of which was the DoJ itself. I never thought I'd see public accountability for public servants be this low.

Its a heady topic. He cannot destroy America literally but I'd feel SO much better if I could find just one thing other than any social justice issue on the table to feel good about his policy directive going forward and what is truly driving it other than Thomas Steyers and Michael Bloomburg.

I'll take that as a "no".

Take it anyway you like. This president's results have not been one bit better than the president's before him that you people whined about for 8 years and voila....this guy's approval ratings, 6 years later, are lower than Bush's were post Katrina.

If yaboy barry was a CEO of a Fortune 500 Co., I was going to say 100 but hell, I honestly believe if he was that CEO, he would be forced out by stockholders.

We're not even talking mediocre here.

If he were CEO of a Fortune 500 company he could fire all the obstinate morons getting in the way of solving problems.

He hasn't got the spine to fire ONE person. Dude epitomizes weakness. Who has he fired? Quickly tell me Lerner and the Shinseky...those 2 bums only got fired because of public outrage.

While the point you make is valid, its irrelevant considering it is Obama we're talking about here not someone who has a pair.

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In fairness, it was a slap to W and Obama. Both of them abused the hell out of recess appointment privileges.

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Like I said, conservatives are not allowed to be happy about this Supreme Court decision. I mean, being happy about a modest return to constitutional governance is portrayed as an extremist position in this forum. Predictably, its the same ones talking down to the rest every time any criticism of barry is posted.

Meanwhile, barry is out campaigning for his fellow democrats. His talking point is that Congress isn't doing anything and he cant figure why they're so made at him for doing his job. Honestly, I didn't realize it was the president's job to ram an agenda through, that most american's are against, ignoring the constitution in the process. Interesting he sees things through that prism. Clearly, he realizes he cant "fundamentally transform"(destroy) america legally.

It's just sad that you are incapable of being happy without being even more childish.

What? Is there a coherent thought buried in this cryptogram?

Its even more sad that you cannot accept the truth about this president.

That he wants to "destroy" America? Is that the truth?

He wants to "fundamentally transform" this country. Well there are those of us who happen to like the country as founded at its core. He has made it perfectly clear that he does not like our constitution and the restrictions it places on government. His you didn't build that remark was not misinterpreted. He was being honest and showing his true colors just like when he said he didn't want his daughters punished with a baby. Every once in a while he will drop the facade and reveal what he really thinks.Some people are unable or unwilling to face that.
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They hit him again today. In a 5-4 ruling SCOTUS ruled in favor of hobby lobby in providing contraception and abortion coverage. The very fact that he and a lot of others believed not only that it was a good idea but lawful is disturbing and telling.

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