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Scientists Say Big Bang Theory May Be Wrong


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"Science ceases to operate as soon as scientists accept claims as a matter of faith." Thank you, that is exactly why so many doubt the claims of the ALGORE Alarmist.

Hate to break this to you TM, but Al Gore has nothing to do with actual science of AGW. But then, you aren't concerned with the science, are you?

Hate to break it to you but ALGORE is the High Priest of your cult.

Actually, it's been 10 years since his movie "An Inconvenient Truth" came out and he's been relatively quiet, or missing from the front page, more recently. I hardly ever hear his name mentioned among the AGW crowd anymore. He remains a favorite straw man or symbol for the anti-AGW crowd however, so maybe he remains the "Chief Satan" of that "cult".

(Or maybe I've been reading different "front pages")

True. But it's still a little fun to rub their nose in his BS. :)

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"Science ceases to operate as soon as scientists accept claims as a matter of faith." Thank you, that is exactly why so many doubt the claims of the ALGORE Alarmist.

Hate to break this to you TM, but Al Gore has nothing to do with actual science of AGW. But then, you aren't concerned with the science, are you?

Hate to break it to you but ALGORE is the High Priest of your cult.

Actually, it's been 10 years since his movie "An Inconvenient Truth" came out and he's been relatively quiet, or missing from the front page, more recently. I hardly ever hear his name mentioned among the AGW crowd anymore. He remains a favorite straw man or symbol for the anti-AGW crowd however, so maybe he remains the "Chief Satan" of that "cult".

(Or maybe I've been reading different "front pages")

True. But it's still a little fun to rub their nose in his BS. :)

You sound like conservative ICHY. :laugh:

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Algore doesn't have to be out in the forefront right now. We have a true believer in the white house pushing this agenda. He still flies around the country in his private jet making speeches about this and promoting it. He may not be quite as visible as he once was but he has not gone away.

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