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A warning about recruits seeing stuff on message boards


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I didn't see the importance in Ron using that picture either. Who is Adam? He didn't get the picture off of Facebook, he got it off his twitter, a public profile. Once you put stuff on twitter, people in China can stalk your twitter page all they want. Recruiting gurus pull information from the recruits twitter page all the time and 99 percent of the time, the recruits don't mind. Ron runs AUC btw so he is not an average joe stalking away.

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Regardless, it is weird that someone would post a picture of Kai and his mother. It's creepy.

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Well let's just make it a rule then: if a recruit posts a picture to his Facebook page, no one ... Repeat ... NO ONE shall place that same photo into a tweet as it is therefore "creepy."

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I don't think it was the picture as much as the thread title used on the 247 blog page. It was along the lines of, "check out KL's Mom" or something similar to that. That does tend to be a tad "creepy" for the owner of a recruiting website imo.

The title read "Kai Locksley photo with mom" but I can see how the "hot" tag may have confused him like it did a few others on our board.

I personally don't think him posting that was out of bounds (Assuming no inappropriate comments were made inside the thread) but as others have stated it is a good reminder that recruits are watching a lot more than we think.

That is the changed title.
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I don't think it was the picture as much as the thread title used on the 247 blog page. It was along the lines of, "check out KL's Mom" or something similar to that. That does tend to be a tad "creepy" for the owner of a recruiting website imo.

The title read "Kai Locksley photo with mom" but I can see how the "hot" tag may have confused him like it did a few others on our board.

I personally don't think him posting that was out of bounds (Assuming no inappropriate comments were made inside the thread) but as others have stated it is a good reminder that recruits are watching a lot more than we think.

That is the changed title.

Ah, I missed that part then. My bad, and yeah that does make things different.

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I don't get offended when people tweet about me being hot. It comes with the territory. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!! I was born like this, it really has been a curse more than a blessing. But I manage to persevere and pull through. Some days I just wear the mask of beauty, but I don't feel beautiful.

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I don't get offended when people tweet about me being hot. It comes with the territory. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!! I was born like this, it really has been a curse more than a blessing. But I manage to persevere and pull through. Some days I just wear the mask of beauty, but I don't feel beautiful.


OK, so I guess we shouldn't draw any conclusions from those pics of you floating around the internet wearing the black 6" spiked high heels ? Well, at least you did match them with the evening dress. :blink:

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JMO and with no reference to any particular recruit :

But, over the years it seems to me that HS kids and football recruits in general post far too many "creepy" comments and pictures about themselves on their own Facebook pages to get worked up about some fan keeping track of their page (stalking? ) during their recruiting process. In fact, many recruits have embarrassed themselves and their schools with their Face book and Twitter posts....so what's the deal here? :dunno:

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I don't get offended when people tweet about me being hot. It comes with the territory. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!! I was born like this, it really has been a curse more than a blessing. But I manage to persevere and pull through. Some days I just wear the mask of beauty, but I don't feel beautiful.

You are a brave soul and inspiration. I've never once heard you complain or, ask for anyone's help or pity.

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Whether or not recruits actually read a message board, it is always a good rule of thumb when posting to not act like a mean-spirited rube,i.e., like a UGA or UA fan.

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JMO and with no reference to any particular recruit :

But, over the years it seems to me that HS kids and football recruits in general post far too many "creepy" comments and pictures about themselves on their own Facebook pages to get worked up about some fan keeping track of their page (stalking? ) during their recruiting process. In fact, many recruits have embarrassed themselves and their schools with their Face book and Twitter posts....so what's the deal here? :dunno:

Great question! There is no expectation of privacy on the internet. If you don't want to see it elsewhere, don't post it in a public place.

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JMO and with no reference to any particular recruit :

But, over the years it seems to me that HS kids and football recruits in general post far too many "creepy" comments and pictures about themselves on their own Facebook pages to get worked up about some fan keeping track of their page (stalking? ) during their recruiting process. In fact, many recruits have embarrassed themselves and their schools with their Face book and Twitter posts....so what's the deal here? :dunno:

Yes but Kai has not acted like those you speak of in terms of embarrassment or foolishness so no need to group him in the umbrella of recruits who do act that way.
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JMO and with no reference to any particular recruit :

But, over the years it seems to me that HS kids and football recruits in general post far too many "creepy" comments and pictures about themselves on their own Facebook pages to get worked up about some fan keeping track of their page (stalking? ) during their recruiting process. In fact, many recruits have embarrassed themselves and their schools with their Face book and Twitter posts....so what's the deal here? :dunno:

Yes but Kai has not acted like those you speak of in terms of embarrassment or foolishness so no need to group him in the umbrella of recruits who do act that way.

True it started about Kai but has on numerous other occasions, Topics on this board are posted imploring us to avoid hurting the tender feelings of some potential recruits who might look at this board and see something that bothered them.

Since I don't tweet, twitter or facebook, about all I know about it are the references that I see here.....BUT, I have seen enough from kids we were recruiting or eventually signed that it made me nervous about their values /character....but I guess nobody takes that stuff seriously and most of the kids have quit referring to their bi***** and hos when talking about their social life now so there are fewer that make me shake my head.

All that said, I agree with Kai, it's kind of creepy for adults to be stalking the Facebook pages and Twitter accounts of 16 and 17 year old kids...but we even have paid employees of some sports blogs who do that kind of stuff so they can eagerly pass it along to the other voyeurs who are want to know what some HS kid was momentarily thinking (though i doubt it was a very deep thought) when he posted something....and of course the "professionals" are needed to interpret the miss-spellings, slang and abbreviations. Go get 'em Kai.

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JMO and with no reference to any particular recruit :

But, over the years it seems to me that HS kids and football recruits in general post far too many "creepy" comments and pictures about themselves on their own Facebook pages to get worked up about some fan keeping track of their page (stalking? ) during their recruiting process. In fact, many recruits have embarrassed themselves and their schools with their Face book and Twitter posts....so what's the deal here? :dunno:

Great question! There is no expectation of privacy on the internet. If you don't want to see it elsewhere, don't post it in a public place.

That's correct. You shouldn't put stuff out there b/c some idiot, creep, pervert, criminal or otherwise unsavory character might misuse it.

Does that mean Auburn fans should be those people?

This thread is pretty disheartening and embarrassing.

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JMO and with no reference to any particular recruit :

But, over the years it seems to me that HS kids and football recruits in general post far too many "creepy" comments and pictures about themselves on their own Facebook pages to get worked up about some fan keeping track of their page (stalking? ) during their recruiting process. In fact, many recruits have embarrassed themselves and their schools with their Face book and Twitter posts....so what's the deal here? :dunno:

Great question! There is no expectation of privacy on the internet. If you don't want to see it elsewhere, don't post it in a public place.

That's correct. You shouldn't put stuff out there b/c some idiot, creep, pervert, criminal or otherwise unsavory character might misuse it.

Does that mean Auburn fans should be those people?

This thread is pretty disheartening and embarrassing.

The times in which we live I guess.....kinda like Jerry Springer meets the internet.

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IMO, like most things Twitter, Instagram and Facebook etc. will go the way of the Pet Rock and Rubik's Cube. Of course something even more annoying may come next, but eventually the pendulum will swing back towards privacy. At least I pray it does!! :-\

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