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IRS "Loses" Over Two Years of Lois Lerner emails...

DKW 86

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Liberals are loving this. Were it the Bush admin doing it to the liberal groups, they would be having an absolute come-apart right now. But since it's one their own and conservative groups appear to be the target, they are tickled pink.

You so do not understand those you perceive to be on "the other side."

You're right they're not cheering it on but they sure aren't being very vocal about condeming it. It seems they'd rather criticize Republicans as being over-zealous and making this political than actually admit this whole thing was made political by the IRS. Most Democrats would rather fight with Republicans and drag this out than actually find out the truth and get justice.

I guess Democrats aren't as divisive when they sit on their hands and don't comment when their side is facing wrongdoing. They only comment to criticize Republicans. That makes it less "extreme" in your view.

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But that works both ways doesn't it Tex? There's a lot of 'lumping and casting' from the left and from the right.

Yes. But most lumping of the right on this forum is in direct response to positions that are articulated.

As is the lumping from the left. It is not exclusive to either side. It's just more accurate when my side does it. ;)
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Liberals are loving this. Were it the Bush admin doing it to the liberal groups, they would be having an absolute come-apart right now. But since it's one their own and conservative groups appear to be the target, they are tickled pink.

You so do not understand those you perceive to be on "the other side."

You're right they're not cheering it on but they sure aren't being very vocal about condeming it. It seems they'd rather criticize Republicans as being over-zealous and making this political than actually admit this whole thing was made political by the IRS. Most Democrats would rather fight with Republicans and drag this out than actually find out the truth and get justice.

I guess Democrats aren't as divisive when they sit on the hands and don't comment when they're side is facing wrongdoing. They only comment to criticize Republicans. That makes it less "extreme" in your view.

There is a reason democrats would rather fight about this IRS scandal than get to the truth. 18 minutes of audio recordings were lost during the waterGate investigation and Chris Matthews is still talking about it 40 years later. Over 2 years of e-mails go missing during a democrat presidency and "its not even comparable" to Nixon's corruption in their minds.

The truth is it is MUCH WORSE. The fact is, in WaterGate, republican operatives went after the top of their political opposition's files. In the IRS scandal, the IRS was used to go after their opposition manifested in ordinary citizens to shut down their political free speech during an election year. When, after 2 years of stonewalling, the investigation got too warm on the facts, over 2 years of emails were destroyed. This is clearly much worse that Watergate.

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Liberals are loving this. Were it the Bush admin doing it to the liberal groups, they would be having an absolute come-apart right now. But since it's one their own and conservative groups appear to be the target, they are tickled pink.

You so do not understand those you perceive to be on "the other side."

You're right they're not cheering it on but they sure aren't being very vocal about condeming it. It seems they'd rather criticize Republicans as being over-zealous and making this political than actually admit this whole thing was made political by the IRS. Most Democrats would rather fight with Republicans and drag this out than actually find out the truth and get justice.

I guess Democrats aren't as divisive when they sit on the hands and don't comment when they're side is facing wrongdoing. They only comment to criticize Republicans. That makes it less "extreme" in your view.

I'm very comfortable in an environment that favors objective, dispassionate criticism of all sides. When I'm in an environment where hyperpartisan rants dominant the discussion and frame the "debate," it's hard to find anyone on the other side with which to have a real discussion.

For example, this is a situation in which the known facts look very suspicious, ie "where there's smoke there's fire! " Of course, the same was true with Cam Newton's father and few folks in the general public had much interest in taking an objective, dispassionate assessment.

According to this article,


standard operating procedure was followed in this case-- hard drives are routinely destroyed and data was only backed up to tape for 6 months at the time. Thus, what is claimed appears to square with standard operating procedure. Had SOP not been followed, that would be particularly suspicious.

Was something in those emails? I don't know-- and neither do you. I would think that a computer forensic specialist should be able to determine if they still exist somewhere at the IRS and whether there were actions inconsistent with SOP. I would also think they can subpoena any emails from to the White House-- it's not just the sender in this equation.

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Liberals are loving this. Were it the Bush admin doing it to the liberal groups, they would be having an absolute come-apart right now. But since it's one their own and conservative groups appear to be the target, they are tickled pink.

You so do not understand those you perceive to be on "the other side."

You're right they're not cheering it on but they sure aren't being very vocal about condeming it. It seems they'd rather criticize Republicans as being over-zealous and making this political than actually admit this whole thing was made political by the IRS. Most Democrats would rather fight with Republicans and drag this out than actually find out the truth and get justice.

I guess Democrats aren't as divisive when they sit on the hands and don't comment when they're side is facing wrongdoing. They only comment to criticize Republicans. That makes it less "extreme" in your view.

There is a reason democrats would rather fight about this IRS scandal than get to the truth. 18 minutes of audio recordings were lost during the waterGate investigation and Chris Matthews is still talking about it 40 years later. Over 2 years of e-mails go missing during a democrat presidency and "its not even comparable" to Nixon's corruption in their minds.

The truth is it is MUCH WORSE. The fact is, in WaterGate, republican operatives went after the top of their political opposition's files. In the IRS scandal, the IRS was used to go after their opposition manifested in ordinary citizens to shut down their political free speech during an election year. When, after 2 years of stonewalling, the investigation got too warm on the facts, over 2 years of emails were destroyed. This is clearly much worse that Watergate.

Please link to anyone who was "shut down." Didn't happen. If the facts of this case are so compelling, stick to them and don't rely on wild embellishment.

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Liberals are loving this. Were it the Bush admin doing it to the liberal groups, they would be having an absolute come-apart right now. But since it's one their own and conservative groups appear to be the target, they are tickled pink.

You so do not understand those you perceive to be on "the other side."

You're right they're not cheering it on but they sure aren't being very vocal about condeming it. It seems they'd rather criticize Republicans as being over-zealous and making this political than actually admit this whole thing was made political by the IRS. Most Democrats would rather fight with Republicans and drag this out than actually find out the truth and get justice.

I guess Democrats aren't as divisive when they sit on the hands and don't comment when they're side is facing wrongdoing. They only comment to criticize Republicans. That makes it less "extreme" in your view.

I'm very comfortable in an environment that favors objective, dispassionate criticism of all sides. When I'm in an environment where hyperpartisan rants dominant the discussion and frame the "debate," it's hard to find anyone on the other side with which to have a real discussion.

For example, this is a situation in which the known facts look very suspicious, ie "where there's smoke there's fire! " Of course, the same was true with Cam Newton's father and few folks in the general public had much interest in taking an objective, dispassionate assessment.

According to this article,


standard operating procedure was followed in this case-- hard drives are routinely destroyed and data was only backed up to tape for 6 months at the time. Thus, what is claimed appears to square with standard operating procedure. Had SOP not been followed, that would be particularly suspicious.

Was something in those emails? I don't know-- and neither do you. I would think that a computer forensic specialist should be able to determine if they still exist somewhere at the IRS and whether there were actions inconsistent with SOP. I would also think they can subpoena any emails from to the White House-- it's not just the sender in this equation.

Isn't it the least bit coincidental to you that of the 90,000 IRS employees that only Lois Lerner and 6 others involved in the targeting of Tea Party Conservatives had their computers crash? Pardon me, but I hardly see any relevance of Cam Newtons father to what the IRS has clearly done.

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Liberals are loving this. Were it the Bush admin doing it to the liberal groups, they would be having an absolute come-apart right now. But since it's one their own and conservative groups appear to be the target, they are tickled pink.

You so do not understand those you perceive to be on "the other side."

You're right they're not cheering it on but they sure aren't being very vocal about condeming it. It seems they'd rather criticize Republicans as being over-zealous and making this political than actually admit this whole thing was made political by the IRS. Most Democrats would rather fight with Republicans and drag this out than actually find out the truth and get justice.

I guess Democrats aren't as divisive when they sit on the hands and don't comment when they're side is facing wrongdoing. They only comment to criticize Republicans. That makes it less "extreme" in your view.

There is a reason democrats would rather fight about this IRS scandal than get to the truth. 18 minutes of audio recordings were lost during the waterGate investigation and Chris Matthews is still talking about it 40 years later. Over 2 years of e-mails go missing during a democrat presidency and "its not even comparable" to Nixon's corruption in their minds.

The truth is it is MUCH WORSE. The fact is, in WaterGate, republican operatives went after the top of their political opposition's files. In the IRS scandal, the IRS was used to go after their opposition manifested in ordinary citizens to shut down their political free speech during an election year. When, after 2 years of stonewalling, the investigation got too warm on the facts, over 2 years of emails were destroyed. This is clearly much worse that Watergate.

Please link to anyone who was "shut down." Didn't happen. If the facts of this case are so compelling, stick to them and don't rely on wild embellishment.

Liberals are loving this. Were it the Bush admin doing it to the liberal groups, they would be having an absolute come-apart right now. But since it's one their own and conservative groups appear to be the target, they are tickled pink.

You so do not understand those you perceive to be on "the other side."

You're right they're not cheering it on but they sure aren't being very vocal about condeming it. It seems they'd rather criticize Republicans as being over-zealous and making this political than actually admit this whole thing was made political by the IRS. Most Democrats would rather fight with Republicans and drag this out than actually find out the truth and get justice.

I guess Democrats aren't as divisive when they sit on the hands and don't comment when they're side is facing wrongdoing. They only comment to criticize Republicans. That makes it less "extreme" in your view.

There is a reason democrats would rather fight about this IRS scandal than get to the truth. 18 minutes of audio recordings were lost during the waterGate investigation and Chris Matthews is still talking about it 40 years later. Over 2 years of e-mails go missing during a democrat presidency and "its not even comparable" to Nixon's corruption in their minds.

The truth is it is MUCH WORSE. The fact is, in WaterGate, republican operatives went after the top of their political opposition's files. In the IRS scandal, the IRS was used to go after their opposition manifested in ordinary citizens to shut down their political free speech during an election year. When, after 2 years of stonewalling, the investigation got too warm on the facts, over 2 years of emails were destroyed. This is clearly much worse that Watergate.

Please link to anyone who was "shut down." Didn't happen. If the facts of this case are so compelling, stick to them and don't rely on wild embellishment.

They attempted to shut them down by not approving their requests for their 401C status when barry's brother got his in less than a month. There are some conservative groups who STILL have not been granted their tax exempt status and have been waiting for years

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Liberals are loving this. Were it the Bush admin doing it to the liberal groups, they would be having an absolute come-apart right now. But since it's one their own and conservative groups appear to be the target, they are tickled pink.

You so do not understand those you perceive to be on "the other side."

You're right they're not cheering it on but they sure aren't being very vocal about condeming it. It seems they'd rather criticize Republicans as being over-zealous and making this political than actually admit this whole thing was made political by the IRS. Most Democrats would rather fight with Republicans and drag this out than actually find out the truth and get justice.

I guess Democrats aren't as divisive when they sit on the hands and don't comment when they're side is facing wrongdoing. They only comment to criticize Republicans. That makes it less "extreme" in your view.

I'm very comfortable in an environment that favors objective, dispassionate criticism of all sides. When I'm in an environment where hyperpartisan rants dominant the discussion and frame the "debate," it's hard to find anyone on the other side with which to have a real discussion.

For example, this is a situation in which the known facts look very suspicious, ie "where there's smoke there's fire! " Of course, the same was true with Cam Newton's father and few folks in the general public had much interest in taking an objective, dispassionate assessment.

According to this article,


standard operating procedure was followed in this case-- hard drives are routinely destroyed and data was only backed up to tape for 6 months at the time. Thus, what is claimed appears to square with standard operating procedure. Had SOP not been followed, that would be particularly suspicious.

Was something in those emails? I don't know-- and neither do you. I would think that a computer forensic specialist should be able to determine if they still exist somewhere at the IRS and whether there were actions inconsistent with SOP. I would also think they can subpoena any emails from to the White House-- it's not just the sender in this equation.

Isn't it the least bit coincidental to you that of the 90,000 IRS employees that only Lois Lerner and 6 others involved in the targeting of Tea Party Conservatives had their computers crash? Pardon me, but I hardly see any relevance of Cam Newtons father to what the IRS has clearly done.

Do you have a link that supports your assertion that 89,994 folks did not have their computers crash since this key point is central to your argument?

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Liberals are loving this. Were it the Bush admin doing it to the liberal groups, they would be having an absolute come-apart right now. But since it's one their own and conservative groups appear to be the target, they are tickled pink.

You so do not understand those you perceive to be on "the other side."

You're right they're not cheering it on but they sure aren't being very vocal about condeming it. It seems they'd rather criticize Republicans as being over-zealous and making this political than actually admit this whole thing was made political by the IRS. Most Democrats would rather fight with Republicans and drag this out than actually find out the truth and get justice.

I guess Democrats aren't as divisive when they sit on the hands and don't comment when they're side is facing wrongdoing. They only comment to criticize Republicans. That makes it less "extreme" in your view.

There is a reason democrats would rather fight about this IRS scandal than get to the truth. 18 minutes of audio recordings were lost during the waterGate investigation and Chris Matthews is still talking about it 40 years later. Over 2 years of e-mails go missing during a democrat presidency and "its not even comparable" to Nixon's corruption in their minds.

The truth is it is MUCH WORSE. The fact is, in WaterGate, republican operatives went after the top of their political opposition's files. In the IRS scandal, the IRS was used to go after their opposition manifested in ordinary citizens to shut down their political free speech during an election year. When, after 2 years of stonewalling, the investigation got too warm on the facts, over 2 years of emails were destroyed. This is clearly much worse that Watergate.

Please link to anyone who was "shut down." Didn't happen. If the facts of this case are so compelling, stick to them and don't rely on wild embellishment.

Liberals are loving this. Were it the Bush admin doing it to the liberal groups, they would be having an absolute come-apart right now. But since it's one their own and conservative groups appear to be the target, they are tickled pink.

You so do not understand those you perceive to be on "the other side."

You're right they're not cheering it on but they sure aren't being very vocal about condeming it. It seems they'd rather criticize Republicans as being over-zealous and making this political than actually admit this whole thing was made political by the IRS. Most Democrats would rather fight with Republicans and drag this out than actually find out the truth and get justice.

I guess Democrats aren't as divisive when they sit on the hands and don't comment when they're side is facing wrongdoing. They only comment to criticize Republicans. That makes it less "extreme" in your view.

There is a reason democrats would rather fight about this IRS scandal than get to the truth. 18 minutes of audio recordings were lost during the waterGate investigation and Chris Matthews is still talking about it 40 years later. Over 2 years of e-mails go missing during a democrat presidency and "its not even comparable" to Nixon's corruption in their minds.

The truth is it is MUCH WORSE. The fact is, in WaterGate, republican operatives went after the top of their political opposition's files. In the IRS scandal, the IRS was used to go after their opposition manifested in ordinary citizens to shut down their political free speech during an election year. When, after 2 years of stonewalling, the investigation got too warm on the facts, over 2 years of emails were destroyed. This is clearly much worse that Watergate.

Please link to anyone who was "shut down." Didn't happen. If the facts of this case are so compelling, stick to them and don't rely on wild embellishment.

They attempted to shut them down by not approving their requests for their 401C status when barry's brother got his in less than a month. There are some conservative groups who STILL have not been granted their tax exempt status and have been waiting for years

You don't shut the Koch brothers down by scrutinizing their claims that their political activity is not political.

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Liberals are loving this. Were it the Bush admin doing it to the liberal groups, they would be having an absolute come-apart right now. But since it's one their own and conservative groups appear to be the target, they are tickled pink.

You so do not understand those you perceive to be on "the other side."

You're right they're not cheering it on but they sure aren't being very vocal about condeming it. It seems they'd rather criticize Republicans as being over-zealous and making this political than actually admit this whole thing was made political by the IRS. Most Democrats would rather fight with Republicans and drag this out than actually find out the truth and get justice.

I guess Democrats aren't as divisive when they sit on the hands and don't comment when they're side is facing wrongdoing. They only comment to criticize Republicans. That makes it less "extreme" in your view.

I'm very comfortable in an environment that favors objective, dispassionate criticism of all sides. When I'm in an environment where hyperpartisan rants dominant the discussion and frame the "debate," it's hard to find anyone on the other side with which to have a real discussion.

For example, this is a situation in which the known facts look very suspicious, ie "where there's smoke there's fire! " Of course, the same was true with Cam Newton's father and few folks in the general public had much interest in taking an objective, dispassionate assessment.

According to this article,


standard operating procedure was followed in this case-- hard drives are routinely destroyed and data was only backed up to tape for 6 months at the time. Thus, what is claimed appears to square with standard operating procedure. Had SOP not been followed, that would be particularly suspicious.

Was something in those emails? I don't know-- and neither do you. I would think that a computer forensic specialist should be able to determine if they still exist somewhere at the IRS and whether there were actions inconsistent with SOP. I would also think they can subpoena any emails from to the White House-- it's not just the sender in this equation.

Isn't it the least bit coincidental to you that of the 90,000 IRS employees that only Lois Lerner and 6 others involved in the targeting of Tea Party Conservatives had their computers crash? Pardon me, but I hardly see any relevance of Cam Newtons father to what the IRS has clearly done.

Do you have a link that supports your assertion that 89,994 folks did not have their computers crash since the key point is central to your argument?

Did you see any of the Koskinen deposition yesterday? It was discussed but I dont expect you to accept that even though it is A FACT. A total of 7 IRS employees had their computers crash and it "just so happened" they all were part of targeting conservative groups.

As badly as this smells if this was a widespread problem I have to believe that would have been mentioned...it wasn't.

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Liberals are loving this. Were it the Bush admin doing it to the liberal groups, they would be having an absolute come-apart right now. But since it's one their own and conservative groups appear to be the target, they are tickled pink.

You so do not understand those you perceive to be on "the other side."

You're right they're not cheering it on but they sure aren't being very vocal about condeming it. It seems they'd rather criticize Republicans as being over-zealous and making this political than actually admit this whole thing was made political by the IRS. Most Democrats would rather fight with Republicans and drag this out than actually find out the truth and get justice.

I guess Democrats aren't as divisive when they sit on the hands and don't comment when they're side is facing wrongdoing. They only comment to criticize Republicans. That makes it less "extreme" in your view.

I'm very comfortable in an environment that favors objective, dispassionate criticism of all sides. When I'm in an environment where hyperpartisan rants dominant the discussion and frame the "debate," it's hard to find anyone on the other side with which to have a real discussion.

For example, this is a situation in which the known facts look very suspicious, ie "where there's smoke there's fire! " Of course, the same was true with Cam Newton's father and few folks in the general public had much interest in taking an objective, dispassionate assessment.

According to this article,


standard operating procedure was followed in this case-- hard drives are routinely destroyed and data was only backed up to tape for 6 months at the time. Thus, what is claimed appears to square with standard operating procedure. Had SOP not been followed, that would be particularly suspicious.

Was something in those emails? I don't know-- and neither do you. I would think that a computer forensic specialist should be able to determine if they still exist somewhere at the IRS and whether there were actions inconsistent with SOP. I would also think they can subpoena any emails from to the White House-- it's not just the sender in this equation.

Isn't it the least bit coincidental to you that of the 90,000 IRS employees that only Lois Lerner and 6 others involved in the targeting of Tea Party Conservatives had their computers crash? Pardon me, but I hardly see any relevance of Cam Newtons father to what the IRS has clearly done.

Do you have a link that supports your assertion that 89,994 folks did not have their computers crash since the key point is central to your argument?

Did you see any of the Koskinen deposition yesterday? It was discussed but I dont expect you to accept that even though it is A FACT. A total of 7 IRS employees had their computers crash and it "just so happened" they all were part of targeting conservative groups.

As badly as this smells if this was a widespread problem I have to believe that would have been mentioned...it wasn't.

Then there should no problem with you providing a link to this particular assertion on which your argument is based. Given your track record , there's ample reason to believe you're taking huge leaps of logic.

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I give you credit Tex for remaining true to established form. Rather than simply saying this stinks to high heaven, and make no mistake it does, you'd rather compare this to the Cam Newton investigation which is pretty desperate an sad. Cecil Newton went beyond what he is required to do by providing ALL of his personal banking records as well as the banking records of the churches he was involved with. There was NEVER even a hint that he had attempted to destroy any evidence.

The NCAA has no subpoena power and Cecil submitted all of it anyway. There have been multiple subpoenas issued and ignored until Judicial Watch using the FOIA was able to secure email that had not been provided to the over sight committee until required by the law.

This is FAR from over and before its done, I beleive, the WH and the DoJ are going to be right in the middle of this

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I give you credit Tex for remaining true to established form. Rather than simply saying this stinks to high heaven, and make no mistake it does, you'd rather compare this to the Cam Newton investigation which is pretty desperate an sad. Cecil Newton went beyond what he is required to do by providing ALL of his personal banking records as well as the banking records of the churches he was involved with. There was NEVER even a hint that he had attempted to destroy any evidence.

The NCAA has no subpoena power and Cecil submitted all of it anyway. There have been multiple subpoenas issued and ignored until Judicial Watch using the FOIA was able to secure email that had not been provided to the over sight committee until required by the law.

This is FAR from over and before its done, I beleive, the WH and the DoJ are going to be right in the middle of this

The comparison was to the assumptions people made based on how it "looked." There were and are still folks who are certain of what they "know"-- just like you.

But you stayed true to form and illustrated my point of being someone with whom no logical, factual, objective discussion can take place. In no time you fabricated key "facts" and never looked back . When asked for links, you just attack. As always.

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So Tex, you do not find strange, odd, just freaking unreal that the 7 folks at the center of all these civil rights violations suddenly cant find one email from that period? REALLY?

That the DOJ & WH knew about this some time ago and didnt bother to tell Congressional Investigators about it, you dont find ODD?

That IT professionals across the nation are outright laughing at these just delusionary explanations, you dont find this the least bit curious?

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So Tex, you do not find strange, odd, just freaking unreal that the 7 folks at the center of all these civil rights violations suddenly cant find one email from that period? REALLY?

That the DOJ & WH knew about this some time ago and didnt bother to tell Congressional Investigators about it, you dont find ODD?

That IT professionals across the nation are outright laughing at these just delusionary explanations, you dont find this the least bit curious?

Either read what I wrote or don't . I can't help you understand it. Investigate it, subpoena WH emails and stop speculating.

Here's some IT professionals responding:


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The fact that you actually believe what this administration offers up as an excuse for this is what I find really odd.

I wish I found the fact that you can't understand simple English odd.

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Tweet from 2009.

If the IRS uses Sonasoft products to backup their servers why wouldn't you choose them to protect your severs? http://www.sonasoft.com

11:40 AM - 9 Oct 2009

768 RETWEETS 227 FAVORITES ReplyRetweetFavorite"

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The fact that you actually believe what this administration offers up as an excuse for this is what I find really odd.

I wish I found the fact that you can't understand simple English odd.

What do you think, in the form of an opinion, happened here? Is it hard to believe this reeks of corruption?

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The fact that you actually believe what this administration offers up as an excuse for this is what I find really odd.

I wish I found the fact that you can't understand simple English odd.

What do you think, in the form of an opinion, happened here? Is it hard to believe this reeks of corruption?

I've said I don't object to an investigation and WH subpoenas. Let's get the facts and give the speculation a rest.

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The fact that you actually believe what this administration offers up as an excuse for this is what I find really odd.

I wish I found the fact that you can't understand simple English odd.

What do you think, in the form of an opinion, happened here? Is it hard to believe this reeks of corruption?

I've said I don't object to an investigation and WH subpoenas. Let's get the facts and give the speculation a rest.

Sounds reasonable enough.

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We know the hard drive "crash" happened in February but somehow that information is just now being provided to Congress. Also we know the IRS had a contract for email backup with a company called sonasoft. This company even used that fact in it's advertising.

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Liberals are loving this. Were it the Bush admin doing it to the liberal groups, they would be having an absolute come-apart right now. But since it's one their own and conservative groups appear to be the target, they are tickled pink.

You so do not understand those you perceive to be on "the other side."

You're right they're not cheering it on but they sure aren't being very vocal about condeming it. It seems they'd rather criticize Republicans as being over-zealous and making this political than actually admit this whole thing was made political by the IRS. Most Democrats would rather fight with Republicans and drag this out than actually find out the truth and get justice.

I guess Democrats aren't as divisive when they sit on the hands and don't comment when they're side is facing wrongdoing. They only comment to criticize Republicans. That makes it less "extreme" in your view.

I'm very comfortable in an environment that favors objective, dispassionate criticism of all sides. When I'm in an environment where hyperpartisan rants dominant the discussion and frame the "debate," it's hard to find anyone on the other side with which to have a real discussion.

For example, this is a situation in which the known facts look very suspicious, ie "where there's smoke there's fire! " Of course, the same was true with Cam Newton's father and few folks in the general public had much interest in taking an objective, dispassionate assessment.

According to this article,


standard operating procedure was followed in this case-- hard drives are routinely destroyed and data was only backed up to tape for 6 months at the time. Thus, what is claimed appears to square with standard operating procedure. Had SOP not been followed, that would be particularly suspicious.

Was something in those emails? I don't know-- and neither do you. I would think that a computer forensic specialist should be able to determine if they still exist somewhere at the IRS and whether there were actions inconsistent with SOP. I would also think they can subpoena any emails from to the White House-- it's not just the sender in this equation.

Typing this real slow so even YOU can understand it.


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The fact that you actually believe what this administration offers up as an excuse for this is what I find really odd.

I wish I found the fact that you can't understand simple English odd.

What do you think, in the form of an opinion, happened here? Is it hard to believe this reeks of corruption?

I've said I don't object to an investigation and WH subpoenas. Let's get the facts and give the speculation a rest.

Finally a Democrat that understands the need for a Special Prosecutor. HOR has been denied access to these emails and thousands of other documents for over a year. The WH and the DOJ are involved and cannot be trusted to act without a Special Prosecutor and unabridged subpoena power.
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The fact that you actually believe what this administration offers up as an excuse for this is what I find really odd.

I wish I found the fact that you can't understand simple English odd.

What do you think, in the form of an opinion, happened here? Is it hard to believe this reeks of corruption?

I've said I don't object to an investigation and WH subpoenas. Let's get the facts and give the speculation a rest.

Finally a Democrat that understands the need for a Special Prosecutor. HOR has been denied access to these emails and thousands of other documents for over a year. The WH and the DOJ are involved and cannot be trusted to act without a Special Prosecutor and unabridged subpoena power.

I kinda feel sorry for Tex and the rest of these democrat apologists who'll try their best to rationalize this incredibly fantastical spin of a story. You gotta be pretty naive to think this is anything other than a massive cover up that makes Water Gate look tame. This is not going away even though the DoJ and the FBI have been completely compromised in their performance of duty by their undying allegiance to this administration. It is what it is and it aint over. Stay tuned.

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