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IRS "Loses" Over Two Years of Lois Lerner emails...

DKW 86

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Any IT person with a basic understanding of the sorts of systems in place knows this story is a bunch of horse****. They didn't lose anything. They are quite obviously and laughably lying about it. The emails are either still there or they've been purged on purpose. No one believes for a second that some accident happened here.

Just more of the same from arguably the most corrupt presidency in history. I think its fair to say that Obama is an aspirational model for Nixon. An 18 minute gap in audio recordings seem mighty small when compared to 2 years of correspondence. I dont think this is over yet because this is the flimsiest excuse of incompetence and/or ignorance yet.

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But, but......Obama said there is not a smidgen of evidence there is a scandal in the IRS Now we know why.


So, you mean... he lied ?

So, is there ANY chance the O-supporters are the tiniest bit taken aback by this latest development ?

Possibly , might there be glimmer in their mind that perhaps, JUST maybe, there's something unsavory or intentionally illegal going on ? At some level ABOVE a regional office in Cincinnati ?

He either lied or he didn't. If he lied he was just covering up. If he didn't lie, he knew the e-mails would soon be missing. Which was it?
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This bunch is making the Nixon White House look like pikers...<smh>

You need to brush up on your history, or put down the crack pipe.

So, in your mind an 18 minute gap in audio recordings is far worse than "losing" 2 full years of email correspondence? Any sensible person KNOWS those emails are retrievable and this excuse is just an exercise in covering for ALL those involved from the WH and the DoJ on down.

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If a private business lost records like that, the IRS and other government agencies would give the business heck and then have the FBI in investigating. The we're stupid and incompetent defense does not work.

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Great blog entry by Sharyel Attkisson:


If a private business lost records like that, the IRS and other government agencies would give the business heck and then have the FBI in investigating. The we're stupid and incompetent defense does not work.

Well not in the real world...but in the Obama in Wonderland world it probably does. Will this even be in the press tomorrow morning?
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This bunch is making the Nixon White House look like pikers...<smh>

You need to brush up on your history, or put down the crack pipe.

So, in your mind an 18 minute gap in audio recordings is far worse than "losing" 2 full years of email correspondence? Any sensible person KNOWS those emails are retrievable and this excuse is just an exercise in covering for ALL those involved from the WH and the DoJ on down.

TBV, he is just trying to save face. This is a truly unsettling thing. I mean, these folks that just assume that anything done by one party has to be above board even when it cant possibly be defended.

And we all know that one random pc HDD crashing took out just the requested emails at:

1) the exchange email server over at the the Cincinnati IRS offices.

2) the exchange email server over at the the Washington DC IRS offices.

3) the exchange email server over at the the Executive Office Building/White House.

4) the exchange email server over at the the DOJ offices.

5) the exchange email server over at the the FBI offices.

It happens ALL THE TIME... :42:

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This bunch is making the Nixon White House look like pikers...<smh>

You need to brush up on your history, or put down the crack pipe.

So, in your mind an 18 minute gap in audio recordings is far worse than "losing" 2 full years of email correspondence? Any sensible person KNOWS those emails are retrievable and this excuse is just an exercise in covering for ALL those involved from the WH and the DoJ on down.

TBV, he is just trying to save face. This is a truly unsettling thing. I mean, these folks that just assume that anything done by one party has to be above board even when it cant possibly be defended.

And we all know that one random pc HDD crashing took out just the requested emails at:

1) the exchange email server over at the the Cincinnati IRS offices.

2) the exchange email server over at the the Washington DC IRS offices.

3) the exchange email server over at the the Executive Office Building/White House.

4) the exchange email server over at the the DOJ offices.

5) the exchange email server over at the the FBI offices.

It happens ALL THE TIME... :42:/>

I haven't heard a valid excuse for not providing these emails. I also haven't seen any evidence that this issue dwarfs Nixon's actions. You guys are just so pathetically over the top. There's certainly room for valid criticism but you guys are like rabid dogs foaming at the mouth.

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I haven't heard a valid excuse for not providing these emails. I also haven't seen any evidence that this issue dwarfs Nixon's actions. You guys are just so pathetically over the top. There's certainly room for valid criticism but you guys are like rabid dogs foaming at the mouth.

Tex, you get the manhood prize for being the first to admit it, even if it was obvious to the most casual observer.

2+ Years of Emails with unknown number of recipients & beneficiaries >>> 18 minutes of dead air on an audiotape.

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TT....Its' incredible that you try to defend this no matter what your political affiliation is.

It's incredible an Auburn grad has so much trouble understanding simple concepts.

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I haven't heard a valid excuse for not providing these emails. I also haven't seen any evidence that this issue dwarfs Nixon's actions. You guys are just so pathetically over the top. There's certainly room for valid criticism but you guys are like rabid dogs foaming at the mouth.

Tex, you get the manhood prize for being the first to admit it, even if it was obvious to the most casual observer.

2+ Years of Emails with unknown number of recipients & beneficiaries >>> 18 minutes of dead air on an audiotape.

First of all, it depends on what was on the tape. This was the President on the tape. We know that . He controlled the tape that was erased. Also, the tape was just a piece of that huge, illegal mess. You guys trying to make this an issue of quantity is laughable.

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How is a President targeting Americans to deny them their rights 'pathetically over the top' ?

Wow. Talk about delusional.

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Sorry Tex, 2+ Years of email magically disappearing off of 2-5 servers is really too much.

18 minutes of dead air on audiotape that we will never recover or know what was on that audio tape.

Likewise, we will never know what is missing from the public record on those 2+ years of emails to what could be half of Washington DC.

I had to be some very very damaging stuff to risk the public fall out by not releasing the emails. But the world will never know now.

Obama et all will never get the chance to clear their names either.

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Deleting those emails is an admission of guilt in and of itself. Anyone with half a brain can see that. What the defenders of this administration do not realize is that to keep defending the incompetence of these guys just makes you look foolish and ignorant. Sad really.

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This bunch is making the Nixon White House look like pikers...<smh>

You need to brush up on your history, or put down the crack pipe.

So, in your mind an 18 minute gap in audio recordings is far worse than "losing" 2 full years of email correspondence? Any sensible person KNOWS those emails are retrievable and this excuse is just an exercise in covering for ALL those involved from the WH and the DoJ on down.

TBV, he is just trying to save face. This is a truly unsettling thing. I mean, these folks that just assume that anything done by one party has to be above board even when it cant possibly be defended.

And we all know that one random pc HDD crashing took out just the requested emails at:

1) the exchange email server over at the the Cincinnati IRS offices.

2) the exchange email server over at the the Washington DC IRS offices.

3) the exchange email server over at the the Executive Office Building/White House.

4) the exchange email server over at the the DOJ offices.

5) the exchange email server over at the the FBI offices.

It happens ALL THE TIME... :42:

As someone that has worked on and performed a multitude of Exchange deployments for the last 15 years, only one phrase is necessary: Personal Storage Table. Exchange 2010 introduced all sorts of lovely features for email retention and enforcement of various email security policies, ease of tracking, and ease of searching, but they all become effectively useless when PST's are used. The PST takes the relevant mailbox data out of the Exchange information store. Once that has happened, something like an isolated computer crash (or intentional deletion of the PST) would make it all disappear. Much like employee workstations, PST's are rarely backed up by their users. I guarantee you this much: If I was abusing my power, and coordinating my efforts with others via Exchange, I would be using a PST and requesting that others do too.

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This bunch is making the Nixon White House look like pikers...<smh>

You need to brush up on your history, or put down the crack pipe.

So, in your mind an 18 minute gap in audio recordings is far worse than "losing" 2 full years of email correspondence? Any sensible person KNOWS those emails are retrievable and this excuse is just an exercise in covering for ALL those involved from the WH and the DoJ on down.

TBV, he is just trying to save face. This is a truly unsettling thing. I mean, these folks that just assume that anything done by one party has to be above board even when it cant possibly be defended.

And we all know that one random pc HDD crashing took out just the requested emails at:

1) the exchange email server over at the the Cincinnati IRS offices.

2) the exchange email server over at the the Washington DC IRS offices.

3) the exchange email server over at the the Executive Office Building/White House.

4) the exchange email server over at the the DOJ offices.

5) the exchange email server over at the the FBI offices.

It happens ALL THE TIME... :42:

As someone that has worked on and performed a multitude of Exchange deployments for the last 15 years, only one phrase is necessary: Personal Storage Table. Exchange 2010 introduced all sorts of lovely features for email retention and enforcement of various email security policies, ease of tracking, and ease of searching, but they all become effectively useless when PST's are used. The PST takes the relevant mailbox data out of the Exchange information store. Once that has happened, something like an isolated computer crash (or intentional deletion of the PST) would make it all disappear. Much like employee workstations, PST's are rarely backed up by their users. I guarantee you this much: If I was abusing my power, and coordinating my efforts with others via Exchange, I would be using a PST and requesting that others do too.

Knowing virtually nothing about internet storage, this may be a dumb question but, can you essentially achieve the same thing through a VPN or, double your privacy by using PST within a VPN?

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