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oxford tiger is not going to be happy.

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Malzahn hasn't even started his 3rd year as a head coach and this is already the 3rd player he has taken that was kicked off another team. Took Dyer at Arkansas State, Nick last year, and now this kid. If he continues to take these kids,I will just have to find a new hobby until Malzahn either leaves or gets fired. I wont support any team that is full of thugs. Just the thought of supporting that kind of team makes me sick

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Since it looks like he's coming here. How will it work? He's going to have to walk on I'm guessing. We know that much. But he will still have to sit out a year as well. So he will be eligible in 2015?

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He is obviously coming to Auburn and I am not happy about it. We are officially Second Chance U. Might as well just embrace it as this point. Malzahn will apparently take anybody

What is wrong with being "second chance U". It isnt like we let kids get away with murder, and if they turn their ways around, i dont see how its anything but a positive thing

I see AU as an important educational institution...not a re-hab center...but that's just me.

That settles it then. Let's send everybody who has made a very bad decision to The Hot Zone, showing no forgiveness or compassion. I have to get on that train. Anybody makes bad decisions that have to get on there with me?
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Malzahn hasn't even started his 3rd year as a head coach and this is already the 3rd player he has taken that was kicked off another team. Took Dyer at Arkansas State, Nick last year, and now this kid. If he continues to take these kids,I will just have to find a new hobby until Malzahn either leaves or gets fired. I wont support any team that is full of thugs. Just the thought of supporting that kind of team makes me sick

There are 100+ other D1 teams that I personally would be more than happy for you to root for. :byebye:

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Malzahn hasn't even started his 3rd year as a head coach and this is already the 3rd player he has taken that was kicked off another team. Took Dyer at Arkansas State, Nick last year, and now this kid. If he continues to take these kids,I will just have to find a new hobby until Malzahn either leaves or gets fired. I wont support any team that is full of thugs. Just the thought of supporting that kind of team makes me sick

Good. Then maybe you'll finally leave the rest of us alone and stop posting.
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Malzahn hasn't even started his 3rd year as a head coach and this is already the 3rd player he has taken that was kicked off another team. Took Dyer at Arkansas State, Nick last year, and now this kid. If he continues to take these kids,I will just have to find a new hobby until Malzahn either leaves or gets fired. I wont support any team that is full of thugs. Just the thought of supporting that kind of team makes me sick

There are 100+ other D1 teams that I personally would be more than happy for you to root for. :byebye:

I second the motion.

More than happy to have this kid.

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The way I see it. This kid will have to sit out a complete year before seeing any action.

I would bet that if any incident happened before that year was up. He would never see the field with us. I would also be willing to bet this would be in effect through his entire career with us if we happen to take him. Gus has done this before. You may get another chance but not two.

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Hey never hurts to add a big safety into the mix! I know I really wanted this guy out of high school. He'll sit out next year and walk onto the team. If he stays out of trouble then he'll play and help us in 2015. If not then he will be gone and never heard from again. I fail to see the problem.

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Since it looks like he's coming here. How will it work? He's going to have to walk on I'm guessing. We know that much. But he will still have to sit out a year as well. So he will be eligible in 2015?

Yes. If you walk on from 1 D1 school to another you have to sit a year, just as you would if put on scholly immediately and get a release from the original school to the new school. Walking on by passes that release.
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Malzahn hasn't even started his 3rd year as a head coach and this is already the 3rd player he has taken that was kicked off another team. Took Dyer at Arkansas State, Nick last year, and now this kid. If he continues to take these kids,I will just have to find a new hobby until Malzahn either leaves or gets fired. I wont support any team that is full of thugs. Just the thought of supporting that kind of team makes me sick

I wish you would find a new team.

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I am dead serious. College sports are a dirty business, but every school and coach does not take these kids. In fact Auburn and Malzahn are quickly becoming the worst in terms of taking these kids. As far as what other posters on this board think of me, I couldn't care less. I just thank God most of the Auburn fans I know in real life aren't like the posters on this board

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I am dead serious. College sports are a dirty business, but every school and coach does not take these kids. In fact Auburn and Malzahn are quickly becoming the worst in terms of taking these kids. As far as what other posters on this board think of me, I couldn't care less. I just thank God most of the Auburn fans I know in real life aren't like the posters on this board

Then go socialize with them and take your negative attitude with you.

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He is obviously coming to Auburn and I am not happy about it. We are officially Second Chance U. Might as well just embrace it as this point. Malzahn will apparently take anybody

What is wrong with being "second chance U". It isnt like we let kids get away with murder, and if they turn their ways around, i dont see how its anything but a positive thing

I see AU as an important educational institution...not a re-hab center...but that's just me.

That settles it then. Let's send everybody who has made a very bad decision to The Hot Zone, showing no forgiveness or compassion. I have to get on that train. Anybody makes bad decisions that have to get on there with me?

Sure, let him submit his HS transcript along with the normal application paperwork...like any other applicant that did not play sports..and run him through the process like any other HS grad from the state of Alabama and if his GPA and SAT/ACT measures up to the other students AU accepts...then fine.. But enough of this BS about second chances and making mistakes 'cause it's not about that and you know it. Any non-athlete with the same background would not be accepted at AU and everyone knows it.

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Oxford has his own thread now? Congrats dude, I guess it's true what they say about the squeaky wheel. :)

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I too will be disappointed if Mathews transfers direct to Auburn. I think it sets a bad precedent and sends the wrong message. That's just my opinion. However I will support CGM's decision 100%. I'm sure he has given a lot of thought and prayer to this situation as he does before making all of his critical decisions. Gus has obviously done his research and knows far more of the details than any of us. I trust he will do what is in the best interest of Auburn University and the Football Program. If he doesn't do that, his stay here will be short and he is well aware of that.

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This thread didn't even need to be started..... We already have a thread on the Matthews transfer. Let's not have a thread dedicated to a troll.....

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