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For those who defend Obama negotiating with the Taliban


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As usual you see only what you want to see, Texas! My point is simple....our enemy isn't a nation that we can overthrow or negotiate peace with. It's not an organization that cares about life like we do. It's not hard to understand, is it?

You equate the Taliban with Al Qaeda.

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As usual you see only what you want to see, Texas! My point is simple....our enemy isn't a nation that we can overthrow or negotiate peace with. It's not an organization that cares about life like we do. It's not hard to understand, is it?

You equate the Taliban with Al Qaeda.

there is a difference.
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As usual you see only what you want to see, Texas! My point is simple....our enemy isn't a nation that we can overthrow or negotiate peace with. It's not an organization that cares about life like we do. It's not hard to understand, is it?

You equate the Taliban with Al Qaeda.

there is a difference.

They are both jihadist organizations that murder innocent men, women and children as an extension of religious persecution. They are BOTH extremist Islamic groups that operate under and make every effort to enforce Sharia Law. They have more things in common that make them equally dangerous and reprehensible than the differences that separate them.


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If he were a known deserted, I wonder why he was promoted twice while being held captive?

That is an easy question to answer. He is suspected of desertion and without a fair proceeding to determine if he was a deserter or not his name will go up before a promotion board (in his case it was timing) he had enough time in to be promoted). Typically if you go up for a board and you are known living & captured, you will get promoted on the first go around. It is that simple.
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As usual you see only what you want to see, Texas! My point is simple....our enemy isn't a nation that we can overthrow or negotiate peace with. It's not an organization that cares about life like we do. It's not hard to understand, is it?

You equate the Taliban with Al Qaeda.

there is a difference.

They are both jihadist organizations that murder innocent men, women and children as an extension of religious persecution. They are BOTH extremist Islamic groups that operate under and make every effort to enforce Sharia Law. They have more things in common that make them equally dangerous and reprehensible than the differences that separate them.


What's the distinction?

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It also hasn't been factually established that Bergdahl was a deserter. To my knowledge, the original investigation's findings remain classified, and Bergdahl's account of events has not been heard yet. All we have at present are statements from others that supposedly served with him, and accounts of bizarre actions. Taken together, I tend to agree with the prevailing suspicion that he was likely deserting. However, I'm not a big fan of convicting people in the court of public opinion, so I'm not ready to crucify the man until he's had a chance to defend himself.

Personally, I find indefinite detention in Guantanamo Bay to be completely antithetical to the fundamental principle of freedom, regardless of who they are or what they are accused of doing. They should have been charged and tried, or set free long ago. I don't care how "convenient" it is for better waging our War on Terror, I don't trust our government to not do this to our own people after they've been doing it successfully to foreign nationals for over a decade. Secret courts, warrantless surveillance, and extraordinary rendition are not things I have enjoyed seeing become the American way.

Way too reasoned for this forum. :no no no:

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As usual you see only what you want to see, Texas! My point is simple....our enemy isn't a nation that we can overthrow or negotiate peace with. It's not an organization that cares about life like we do. It's not hard to understand, is it?

You equate the Taliban with Al Qaeda.

there is a difference.

They are both jihadist organizations that murder innocent men, women and children as an extension of religious persecution. They are BOTH extremist Islamic groups that operate under and make every effort to enforce Sharia Law. They have more things in common that make them equally dangerous and reprehensible than the differences that separate them.


What's the distinction?

As usual you see only what you want to see, Texas! My point is simple....our enemy isn't a nation that we can overthrow or negotiate peace with. It's not an organization that cares about life like we do. It's not hard to understand, is it?

You equate the Taliban with Al Qaeda.

there is a difference.

They are both jihadist organizations that murder innocent men, women and children as an extension of religious persecution. They are BOTH extremist Islamic groups that operate under and make every effort to enforce Sharia Law. They have more things in common that make them equally dangerous and reprehensible than the differences that separate them.


What's the distinction?

The biggest distinction is one, Al Qaeda is world wide military organization and the Taliban is basically just in Pakistan and Afghanistan and more of a political organization. Other than that, AQ has ties to OBL and the Taliban does not. Like i said, their MOs are more similar than different...2 separate groups with equally dangerous agendas

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It also hasn't been factually established that Bergdahl was a deserter. To my knowledge, the original investigation's findings remain classified, and Bergdahl's account of events has not been heard yet. All we have at present are statements from others that supposedly served with him, and accounts of bizarre actions. Taken together, I tend to agree with the prevailing suspicion that he was likely deserting. However, I'm not a big fan of convicting people in the court of public opinion, so I'm not ready to crucify the man until he's had a chance to defend himself.

Personally, I find indefinite detention in Guantanamo Bay to be completely antithetical to the fundamental principle of freedom, regardless of who they are or what they are accused of doing. They should have been charged and tried, or set free long ago. I don't care how "convenient" it is for better waging our War on Terror, I don't trust our government to not do this to our own people after they've been doing it successfully to foreign nationals for over a decade. Secret courts, warrantless surveillance, and extraordinary rendition are not things I have enjoyed seeing become the American way.

Way too reasoned for this forum. :no no no:

Aye. I couldn't help myself.

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As usual you see only what you want to see, Texas! My point is simple....our enemy isn't a nation that we can overthrow or negotiate peace with. It's not an organization that cares about life like we do. It's not hard to understand, is it?

You equate the Taliban with Al Qaeda.

there is a difference.

They are both jihadist organizations that murder innocent men, women and children as an extension of religious persecution. They are BOTH extremist Islamic groups that operate under and make every effort to enforce Sharia Law. They have more things in common that make them equally dangerous and reprehensible than the differences that separate them.


What's the distinction?

As usual you see only what you want to see, Texas! My point is simple....our enemy isn't a nation that we can overthrow or negotiate peace with. It's not an organization that cares about life like we do. It's not hard to understand, is it?

You equate the Taliban with Al Qaeda.

there is a difference.

They are both jihadist organizations that murder innocent men, women and children as an extension of religious persecution. They are BOTH extremist Islamic groups that operate under and make every effort to enforce Sharia Law. They have more things in common that make them equally dangerous and reprehensible than the differences that separate them.


What's the distinction?

The biggest distinction is one, Al Qaeda is world wide military organization and the Taliban is basically just in Pakistan and Afghanistan and more of a political organization. Other than that, AQ has ties to OBL and the Taliban does not. Like i said, their MOs are more similar than different...2 separate groups with equally dangerous agendas

That's a pretty big distinction. The Taliban members we freed were only fighting us because we invaded Afghanistan and overthrew them. They're concerned about their little corner of the world. Al Qaeda, founded by Bin Laden, has more global aspirations.

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As usual you see only what you want to see, Texas! My point is simple....our enemy isn't a nation that we can overthrow or negotiate peace with. It's not an organization that cares about life like we do. It's not hard to understand, is it?

You equate the Taliban with Al Qaeda.

there is a difference.

They are both jihadist organizations that murder innocent men, women and children as an extension of religious persecution. They are BOTH extremist Islamic groups that operate under and make every effort to enforce Sharia Law. They have more things in common that make them equally dangerous and reprehensible than the differences that separate them.


What's the distinction?

As usual you see only what you want to see, Texas! My point is simple....our enemy isn't a nation that we can overthrow or negotiate peace with. It's not an organization that cares about life like we do. It's not hard to understand, is it?

You equate the Taliban with Al Qaeda.

there is a difference.

They are both jihadist organizations that murder innocent men, women and children as an extension of religious persecution. They are BOTH extremist Islamic groups that operate under and make every effort to enforce Sharia Law. They have more things in common that make them equally dangerous and reprehensible than the differences that separate them.


What's the distinction?

The biggest distinction is one, Al Qaeda is world wide military organization and the Taliban is basically just in Pakistan and Afghanistan and more of a political organization. Other than that, AQ has ties to OBL and the Taliban does not. Like i said, their MOs are more similar than different...2 separate groups with equally dangerous agendas

That's a pretty big distinction. The Taliban members we freed were only fighting us because we invaded Afghanistan and overthrew them. They're concerned about their little corner of the world. Al Qaeda, founded by Bin Laden, has more global aspirations.

Not a big distinction at all! An accomplice is just as culpable as the one who performed the injustice. Hell, maybe more so since they helped to house and fund the operatives. They may be concerned about their radical part of the world, but like the sewers in NVC they house the rats that cause the death and destruction.

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“After arriving in Qatar, Noorullah Noori kept insisting he would go to Afghanistan and fight American forces there,” the commander told NBC News.


I cannot imagine the backlash if this guy were to be involved in the killing of a US soldier after his release.

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When I read this thread I am amazed. At what you may ask. Because I assume most posters are Auburn educated and it amazes me that so many can be so naïve. I suspect not many have ever served in any capacity in the military or have a clue how evil the Taliban is. They behead young children and anyone else who disagrees with them. Yet some here try to rationalize freeing five of their top leaders..

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Reading some of these posts, especially one about 911, by a particular person, my hope is that those of you that are defending this action by this president, are just arguing a different position just to be different. Are you really arguing for these KNOWN killers of your own fellow citizens?

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Reading some of these posts, especially one about 911, by a particular person, my hope is that those of you that are defending this action by this president, are just arguing a different position just to be different. Are you really arguing for these KNOWN killers of your own fellow citizens?

Tex will defend Obama at any and ALL costs. In this thread he's posted the Taliban was just defending their territory against American invaders. Dude is unbelievable.

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Reading some of these posts, especially one about 911, by a particular person, my hope is that those of you that are defending this action by this president, are just arguing a different position just to be different. Are you really arguing for these KNOWN killers of your own fellow citizens?


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Reading some of these posts, especially one about 911, by a particular person, my hope is that those of you that are defending this action by this president, are just arguing a different position just to be different. Are you really arguing for these KNOWN killers of your own fellow citizens?

Tex will defend Obama at any and ALL costs. In this thread he's posted the Taliban was just defending their territory against American invaders. Dude is unbelievable.

Since you are ignorant beyond words, I was pointing out a distinction between the goals of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Most here on the right seem to think the Taliban planned 9/11. They're very bad characters, as are many folks we've negotiated with. They were bad characters when Reagan armed them and even welcomed them in the Oval Office. But y'all love Reagan anyway. I accept some of the blame for engaging in a discussion with you. I should know by now you can't fix stupid.

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Warning: Some language.

An intelligence official explains why the prisoner swap isn't adding up.

I have always thought bergdahl' s release was a cover story that went bad on them. They wanted to get rid of some Gitmo prisoners and trading for bergdahl was apparenly a good idea among obama' s close advisors. It blew up in their face when the true nature of bergdahl being captured was made known. His father's statements made it worse along with that crazy scene at the white house. I really think money has also been paid to get bergdahl and more money paid to Qutar to take the 5 terrorist.

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Reading some of these posts, especially one about 911, by a particular person, my hope is that those of you that are defending this action by this president, are just arguing a different position just to be different. Are you really arguing for these KNOWN killers of your own fellow citizens?

Tex will defend Obama at any and ALL costs. In this thread he's posted the Taliban was just defending their territory against American invaders. Dude is unbelievable.

Since you are ignorant beyond words, I was pointing out a distinction between the goals of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Most here on the right seem to think the Taliban planned 9/11. They're very bad characters, as are many folks we've negotiated with. They were bad characters when Reagan armed them and even welcomed them in the Oval Office. But y'all love Reagan anyway. I accept some of the blame for engaging in a discussion with you. I should know by now you can't fix stupid.

Way to show class. You, acting like an Auburn man? Laughable. Way to live below what you speak.
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Reading some of these posts, especially one about 911, by a particular person, my hope is that those of you that are defending this action by this president, are just arguing a different position just to be different. Are you really arguing for these KNOWN killers of your own fellow citizens?

Tex will defend Obama at any and ALL costs. In this thread he's posted the Taliban was just defending their territory against American invaders. Dude is unbelievable.

Since you are ignorant beyond words, I was pointing out a distinction between the goals of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Most here on the right seem to think the Taliban planned 9/11. They're very bad characters, as are many folks we've negotiated with. They were bad characters when Reagan armed them and even welcomed them in the Oval Office. But y'all love Reagan anyway. I accept some of the blame for engaging in a discussion with you. I should know by now you can't fix stupid.

Way to show class. You, acting like an Auburn man? Laughable. Way to live below what you speak.

There's no real rebuttal there.

Just say'in.

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Reading some of these posts, especially one about 911, by a particular person, my hope is that those of you that are defending this action by this president, are just arguing a different position just to be different. Are you really arguing for these KNOWN killers of your own fellow citizens?

Tex will defend Obama at any and ALL costs. In this thread he's posted the Taliban was just defending their territory against American invaders. Dude is unbelievable.

Since you are ignorant beyond words, I was pointing out a distinction between the goals of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Most here on the right seem to think the Taliban planned 9/11. They're very bad characters, as are many folks we've negotiated with. They were bad characters when Reagan armed them and even welcomed them in the Oval Office. But y'all love Reagan anyway. I accept some of the blame for engaging in a discussion with you. I should know by now you can't fix stupid.

Way to show class. You, acting like an Auburn man? Laughable. Way to live below what you speak.

Spare me your hypocritical, one-sided critique.

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Reading some of these posts, especially one about 911, by a particular person, my hope is that those of you that are defending this action by this president, are just arguing a different position just to be different. Are you really arguing for these KNOWN killers of your own fellow citizens?

Tex will defend Obama at any and ALL costs. In this thread he's posted the Taliban was just defending their territory against American invaders. Dude is unbelievable.

Since you are ignorant beyond words, I was pointing out a distinction between the goals of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Most here on the right seem to think the Taliban planned 9/11. They're very bad characters, as are many folks we've negotiated with. They were bad characters when Reagan armed them and even welcomed them in the Oval Office. But y'all love Reagan anyway. I accept some of the blame for engaging in a discussion with you. I should know by now you can't fix stupid.

Way to show class. You, acting like an Auburn man? Laughable. Way to live below what you speak.

Spare me your hypocritical, one-sided critique.

We are all hypocritical bro. You posted in another thread about showing class and acting like an "Auburn man", and here you are showing zero class by berating another Auburn man. Just sayin'.
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Reading some of these posts, especially one about 911, by a particular person, my hope is that those of you that are defending this action by this president, are just arguing a different position just to be different. Are you really arguing for these KNOWN killers of your own fellow citizens?

Tex will defend Obama at any and ALL costs. In this thread he's posted the Taliban was just defending their territory against American invaders. Dude is unbelievable.

Since you are ignorant beyond words, I was pointing out a distinction between the goals of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Most here on the right seem to think the Taliban planned 9/11. They're very bad characters, as are many folks we've negotiated with. They were bad characters when Reagan armed them and even welcomed them in the Oval Office. But y'all love Reagan anyway. I accept some of the blame for engaging in a discussion with you. I should know by now you can't fix stupid.

Way to show class. You, acting like an Auburn man? Laughable. Way to live below what you speak.

Spare me your hypocritical, one-sided critique.

We are all hypocritical bro. You posted in another thread about showing class and acting like an "Auburn man", and here you are showing zero class by berating another Auburn man. Just sayin'.

And you take no issue with what he said that I'm responding to because even your "sense of decency" is ideological.

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Reading some of these posts, especially one about 911, by a particular person, my hope is that those of you that are defending this action by this president, are just arguing a different position just to be different. Are you really arguing for these KNOWN killers of your own fellow citizens?

Tex will defend Obama at any and ALL costs. In this thread he's posted the Taliban was just defending their territory against American invaders. Dude is unbelievable.

Since you are ignorant beyond words, I was pointing out a distinction between the goals of the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Most here on the right seem to think the Taliban planned 9/11. They're very bad characters, as are many folks we've negotiated with. They were bad characters when Reagan armed them and even welcomed them in the Oval Office. But y'all love Reagan anyway. I accept some of the blame for engaging in a discussion with you. I should know by now you can't fix stupid.

Way to show class. You, acting like an Auburn man? Laughable. Way to live below what you speak.

Spare me your hypocritical, one-sided critique.

We are all hypocritical bro. You posted in another thread about showing class and acting like an "Auburn man", and here you are showing zero class by berating another Auburn man. Just sayin'.

And you take no issue with what he said that I'm responding to because even your "sense of decency" is ideological.

I didn't say it bro..you did. You made a statement that implied the difference between AQ and the Taliban was significant and that theTaliban only killed Americans because we invaded their homeland. Never mind their well documented atrocities against humanity, its America's fault, right? Im not talking about foreign policies of 30 years ago. The thread is about the wisdom of a deal struck by negotiating with the Taliban for Bowe Bergdahl, a known deserter, and possibly a Taliban collaborator. Heres your cue to call me ignorant and beneath your vast intellect by screaming "it hasn't been proven that Bergdahl deserted" regardless of what those who fought side by side with him and those who were dispatched on search missions to recover him.

Context is clearly not your friend in this debate. Im just surprised you didn't blame everything on GWB. You do, however, seem a bit test. Is it possible you'd like to take your brilliant comments back? I highly doubt that given the positions you've consistently taken.

BTW, stay classy bro..stay classy.

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