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Amend the First Amendment?


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This will never pass.....ever! Isn't it interesting who is always behind diminishing civil liberties? Progressives know the only way they can force their agenda on the masses is by usurping more and more of their freedoms. That's why they only talk about equality and very rarely discuss liberty and freedom because the fact is they are for increasing govt controls over individual freedoms aside from what we are free to say, right down to the foods we eat, the cars we drive and on and on.

You want the liberty and freedom to tell others what they should do and where they should live. You're very committed to that principle.

Democrats do the same thing all the time. Both parties want the ability to tell others what to do and how they should live.

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Or just interpret it correctly. Money ain't speech, y'all .

The ACLU dosen't agree with you or the democrats.

So ?

Nobody is surprised democrats dont give a crap about civil liberties. Clearly, ALL they care about is winning elections thus maintaining the brute political power to ram their progressive agenda down the throats of the populace.

ICHY, you've been working on your spelling!

While I appreciate the flattery of imitation, I am growing tired of other people copying my shtick. :angry:

Okay, I admit it. I actually copied them. That there is how us libtard dimocraps operate. If we ever had a good idear witch we aint. We done stole it. >:D

No Blue, that is not an admission. I am still a registered Republican. I'm just confused by the "don't tax and spend" model vs. the "tax and spend model". I apologize for not buying into the fundamentalist, firebrand rhetoric of "oblammer is the anti Christ" and "them regressive libtards is destroyin our country". Tell you what, I'll listen to some Rush today (I really like Rush btw, especially Limelight and Subdivions) and, I'll watch some of that there FOX news. Who knows, maybe I will "get it" one day. If I really apply myself, by this time next week, I could be a cross between Hailey Barbour and Lindsey Graham. :-\

I would not recommend that itchy.no%20no%20no.gif
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This will never pass.....ever! Isn't it interesting who is always behind diminishing civil liberties? Progressives know the only way they can force their agenda on the masses is by usurping more and more of their freedoms. That's why they only talk about equality and very rarely discuss liberty and freedom because the fact is they are for increasing govt controls over individual freedoms aside from what we are free to say, right down to the foods we eat, the cars we drive and on and on.

You want the liberty and freedom to tell others what they should do and where they should live. You're very committed to that principle.

I swear pal, I believe you've lost your ever loving mind. This is a forum for political opinion. I posted my opinion of what the lady's options were which seemed quite obvious actually - pay the tax since and quit whining since she was for all of the reasons they went up OR sell her home and move somewhere the tax is more palatable. Obviously, your preference is to continue whining ad nauseum like all progressives habitually do.

Apparently, didn't like that I did not display the appropriate touchy feely emotional repsonse which seems to be THE principle reason you posted the piece in the first place. I could not possibly care less what the lady does or does not do with her home nor do I care to advise her what to do or where to live. Moreover I could care even less where she elects to live. Honestly, you totally miss on me in terms of what you must think you're accomplishing by continuing to construct these asinine straw man arguments and acting like you're serious about them. For heaven's sakes peewee, let it go. Like i said, I suspect the lady will be just fine whatever she elects to do.

Bottom line...its your problem and hers not mine and I'm fine with that.

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"No Blue, that is not an admission. I am still a registered Republican. I'm just confused by the "don't tax and spend" model vs. the "tax and spend model". I apologize for not buying into the fundamentalist, firebrand rhetoric of "oblammer is the anti Christ" and "them regressive libtards is destroyin our country". Tell you what, I'll listen to some Rush today (I really like Rush btw, especially Limelight and Subdivions) and, I'll watch some of that there FOX news. Who knows, maybe I will "get it" one day. If I really apply myself, by this time next week, I could be a cross between Hailey Barbour and Lindsey Graham"

if you're going to direct this post to me please remind me when I've ever posted about the "tax and spend" model vs. the "dont tax and spend" model. Frankly, I dont remember ever discussing that specifically. Yes, I did post an opinion on this topic of property taxes regarding what I believed the lady's options are, given her predicament, and Tex wasn't too pleased about it.

I would also appreciate you pointing out my post that labelled Obama as the anti-Christ. Quite honestly, you're the only "republican" I know who gets his panties all wadded up when anyone criticizes barry. You and Tex are the duelling masters of using strawman arguments when attempting to make your points, which are invariably as weak as widows piss and quite often down right pathetic.You both seem to be trying way too hard.

One last thing, I know yellow dog democrats that dont criticize conservatives as much as you do, so, pardon me for not believing you're a registered republican. In my view, your efforts to ridicule are far too personal and actually a bit too vindictive for that to be even a remote possibility. If by some chance Im mistaken about that, and I realize I could be, then let me just say that you represent everything that is wrong with the republican party, of that, I am certain.

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This will never pass.....ever! Isn't it interesting who is always behind diminishing civil liberties? Progressives know the only way they can force their agenda on the masses is by usurping more and more of their freedoms. That's why they only talk about equality and very rarely discuss liberty and freedom because the fact is they are for increasing govt controls over individual freedoms aside from what we are free to say, right down to the foods we eat, the cars we drive and on and on.

You want the liberty and freedom to tell others what they should do and where they should live. You're very committed to that principle.

I swear pal, I believe you've lost your ever loving mind. This is a forum for political opinion. I posted my opinion of what the lady's options were which seemed quite obvious actually - pay the tax since and quit whining since she was for all of the reasons they went up OR sell her home and move somewhere the tax is more palatable. Obviously, your preference is to continue whining ad nauseum like all progressives habitually do.

Apparently, didn't like that I did not display the appropriate touchy feely emotional repsonse which seems to be THE principle reason you posted the piece in the first place. I could not possibly care less what the lady does or does not do with her home nor do I care to advise her what to do or where to live. Moreover I could care even less where she elects to live. Honestly, you totally miss on me in terms of what you must think you're accomplishing by continuing to construct these asinine straw man arguments and acting like you're serious about them. For heaven's sakes peewee, let it go. Like i said, I suspect the lady will be just fine whatever she elects to do.

Bottom line...its your problem and hers not mine and I'm fine with that.

peewee? LOL. I am truly sorry Tex. I did not mean to laugh, but I just spit in my plate.
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