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Bergdahl, what do we know now


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It is this failure of courage by our military leaders that has allowed this dilettante president and his inexpert staff to make one unwise military decision after another, with a compounding effect of weakening and endangering America’s forces around the world. The latest example is this political stunt of releasing five high-level terrorists in exchange for one American soldier who most likely is a treasonous deserter who should be in Gitmo himself. In doing so, this lawless “Commander of the Chiefs” has ignored another federal law that was passed precisely to prevent this sort of executive overreach.


Hell...he's damn near ran all the good leaders out and replaced them. Have you noticed the number of flag officer changes since he became president?

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5 guys that were ringleadrs for the Taliban, 91/11 are no free. Fed well, climate control prison, are now free. Im waiting for my thank you card from them as a taxpayer who provided for them. Crock of sh*t. Obama is an f'ing terrorist.

ICHY, is that you?

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The Taliban found Pfc. Bowe Bergdahl walking alone, acting abnormally and cursing his countrymen before they captured him in Afghanistan in 2009, two men who were Taliban commanders at the time told NBC News on Thursday.

They said that Afghan locals first informed fighters about the soldier, and then the fighters rushed to capture him.

“Our people at the time couldn’t understand his language, but it was after he was shifted to a safe location, he said he wasn’t happy with his countrymen, but he didn’t intend to convert to Islam or join mujahideen (holy warriors),” one of the commanders said.

The commanders said that Taliban officers first thought it was a trick — perhaps an American soldier sent out alone to spy on the enemy.

“As we never saw their soldier patrolling alone … we would ask him how he managed to walk out of his base,” one of the commanders said. “He would tell us that it was personal issue.”


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