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AU voted 9th by one SEC SID


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It was someone who considers AU's success last season a 'fluke'. They can justify placing us 9th that way. UGA thinks they lost on a fluke.

And you know what, you don't 'fluke' your way to an SEC title. And you don't 'little brother' your way to multiple SEC titles and a natty in the last few years.

War Damn Eagle!

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Just win, baby! The rest will take care of itself.

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It was someone who considers AU's success last season a 'fluke'. They can justify placing us 9th that way. UGA thinks they lost on a fluke.

And you know what, you don't 'fluke' your way to an SEC title. And you don't 'little brother' your way to multiple SEC titles and a natty in the last few years.

War Damn Eagle!

I am tired of this "fluke" thing. The game turned out like it should have. The doggies don't seem to recognize that Murray did not score earlier in the game. There is clear evidence that his LEFT knee was down way before he reached out over the goal line with the ball, therefore the game would have never got to the "fluke" play. I really don't know what the replay booth was seeing but obviously they should have seen that his left knee was down. Makes you wonder sometimes what is really goes on in the replay booth and whether or not bias is involved. Not only that but GA has beat us on last second plays a number of times in the last 10 years, so no sympathy here on the so called "fluke" play. OK, rant over.
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UGA hasn't won a NC since Hershel - - - they are the only team in the SEC's "Big 6" without a BCSNC. And when you sit back and look at the talent in that state and the talent that has been through that program there's really no excuse for them to not have been in the running for an NC with the Vols and Gators in the dumps at the same time the last few years. UGA can't get over the hump and they are jealous that we have competed for 2 NC's in the last 3 yrs.....

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I think there is a chance it is USC. If UGA did this, my feeling about the AU-GA rivalry being a friendly one is way, way out the door. The GA rivalry has been pretty ugly the last 4 years or so.

Yeah, I think it's gotten progressively less friendly in the past decade.

UGA has beat AU 6 times in the last decade, we should be the one's pissed no them. :angry:

Yeah, but they won just 1 SEC title over that same stretch, while AU won 3, and their last national championship came nearly three and a half decades ago, while we won it all in 2010 and nearly did so again last year.

And no, the AU-UGA rivalry is no longer a friendly one. I learned this when I moved to Georgia in 2010 and was shocked at how much the Bulldog faithful reminded me of Bama fans with less to brag about. Had one ask me if I honestly thought Auburn would have had any chance at winning it all without Cam, and the scowl on his face when I answered by asking if he honestly thinks UGA would have had any chance of winning it all in 1980 without Herschel was actually similar to that on the faces of so many bammers when I've started tearing apart their claims to all those national championships.

If I had to guess, I would say it was probably UGA who had the outlier vote, because this is SIDs we're talking about, not head coaches (like Spurrier or Muschamp) with axes to grind.

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Why does it matter who voted us 9th? Are you going to hold a special grudge against that team because their SID had a hair up his butt when he submitted his ballot? The poll is meaningless, whether they voted us #1 or #14.

I suspect, whichever team it was, you already hate them enough that this vote won't change anything.

Why does anything matter?


It's just fun to speculate, and this was an obvious slap. I suspect whomever did it probably wouldn't mind being outed, either (it's an attention grabber, after all).

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Yeah, but they won just 1 SEC title over that same stretch, while AU won 3, and their last national championship came nearly three and a half decades ago, while we won it all in 2010 and nearly did so again last year.

...plus 2 more undefeated seasons and a 3rd season that we earned a national championship that was not awarded to us ('83).

And no, the AU-UGA rivalry is no longer a friendly one.


I learned this when I moved to Georgia in 2010 and was shocked at how much the Bulldog faithful reminded me of Bama fans with less to brag about.

Yup. They're awful.

As for all the outrage over this 9th place vote, I'm guessing some of you are the same folks who are worried about the season opener. You know which SEC teams will to lose to Arkansas this season? The ones ranked 9th or worse. Sorry, probably a misplaced rant.

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I think there is a chance it is USC. If UGA did this, my feeling about the AU-GA rivalry being a friendly one is way, way out the door. The GA rivalry has been pretty ugly the last 4 years or so.

Yeah, I think it's gotten progressively less friendly in the past decade.

UGA has beat AU 6 times in the last decade, we should be the one's pissed no them. :angry:

Yeah, but they won just 1 SEC title over that same stretch, while AU won 3, and their last national championship came nearly three and a half decades ago, while we won it all in 2010 and nearly did so again last year.

And no, the AU-UGA rivalry is no longer a friendly one. I learned this when I moved to Georgia in 2010 and was shocked at how much the Bulldog faithful reminded me of Bama fans with less to brag about. Had one ask me if I honestly thought Auburn would have had any chance at winning it all without Cam, and the scowl on his face when I answered by asking if he honestly thinks UGA would have had any chance of winning it all in 1980 without Herschel was actually similar to that on the faces of so many bammers when I've started tearing apart their claims to all those national championships.

If I had to guess, I would say it was probably UGA who had the outlier vote, because this is SIDs we're talking about, not head coaches (like Spurrier or Muschamp) with axes to grind.

Herschel won a national championship...UGA just happened to be who he suited up for.

And before 1980 how long had it been? LONNNGGGGGG....not even any close calls. Yes, they are jealous of AU's undefeated seasons and close brushes with NC's. Which happen a lot more to us than them - even with a talent rich state like Ga to themselves. Theyve had all the players, resources, money, academics, fan support - to go all the way - and havent delivered. So yeah, its not a stretch to say they are a little hurt over it. Oh well.....

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Well let Mr. Wetrag here consider how "crazy" a 9th place prediction vote for us actually is in the SEC this season.

If this year we fail to beat the SEC teams that were within striking distance of us late in the 4th quarter last season- Bama, UGA, Miss ST, Texas A & M and Ole Miss (4 of which are on the road this year)- and like last year we lose to LSU, we're in the neighborhood of 9th. Other than Mr/Ms. 9th Place, apparently no other SID consider this year's AU schedule harder than last year and/or they don't expect those 5 teams we squeeked by to improve more than we did from last season.

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Why does it matter who voted us 9th? Are you going to hold a special grudge against that team because their SID had a hair up his butt when he submitted his ballot? The poll is meaningless, whether they voted us #1 or #14.

I suspect, whichever team it was, you already hate them enough that this vote won't change anything.

Why does anything matter?


It's just fun to speculate, and this was an obvious slap. I suspect whomever did it probably wouldn't mind being outed, either (it's an attention grabber, after all).

^^This^^. It matters because a lot of folks are simply curious, myself included. Does it factor in somehow? Of course not. Is it interesting to know? Yep.
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