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ESPN bias is ridiculous!!!


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All I want is for us to be in the conversation, not ignored, even though we are projected by them to be in the top 4! They didn't even say we weren't going to win because of this or that, they just totally ignored us and talked on and on about that other team. I guess we should be glad that they aren't talking about us since it all seems to be negative, but we are relevant to the conversation since we were just 13 seconds from being national champs last year. If we had won that game, would they still be ignoring us???

Oh well, we play better and win when we have a chip on our shoulder. It seems its always been that way. I want to go to the big show again and beat the holy snot out of whoever we're playing. That is all. Lets put this thread to rest.

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Controversy sells, and ESPN takes full advantage of reporting practically all that exists in the realm of sports. There is no bias. There is no agenda.

Manufacturing a scandal, ruining a young man's reputation,and that of his University to get better ratings IS an agenda......

You are correct. I should have qualified that last portion of my Sunday sermon better.

There is no ESPN agenda against Auburn.

TB, the aftermath from the slander is collateral damage. What can you do? The SEC and ESPN are bed buddies for years to come.

T'belle is correct and u are wrong, there IS an espn bias against AU. For there are MANY bama alumnus that work there. These words came straight from that network; "We report news on Auburn true or false because it makes good conversation" Still don't believe the bias?
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Dear Lord. If you don't like ESPN don't watch it. I don't like McDonald's so I don't go. This "ESPN hates us" crap seems to roll through every few months and I usually roll my eyes and go on but jeez, enough is enough. I like ESPN - but then again I grew up in a time when there was one ball game (most often Notre Dame) every weekend. ESPN provides excellent coverage technically and while the announcers are usually idiots who do not do any preparation I see damn near every Auburn game. For me the only thing worse than an Alabama fan on a bragging jag is one of our own Auburn family members on a whining jag.

the real question here is how do you not like mcbetus (mcdonald's). Have you had their fries?

Sadly in my days at Auburn 2 burgers and a fry was a hair over a buck. Over the decades since my body has evolved to require actual food, not McDonald's ultra-processed, highly chemicalized food-like substances. You don't want to pull on this thread. All of my maternal kin were farmers and McDonald's has done as much to destroy family farming as any entity. Have I had their fries? Have you met my friend Willie Nelson?

So just not going to McDonalds isn't enough to help the family farm? Just not watching BSPN isn't enough as to how their bias affects recruiting, polling, BCS bowls etc...

Got it now?

Oh now I see. It was ESPN bias that kept us out of the national championship last year. It is ESPN bias that is keeping us from having top-5 recruiting classes. The whiners on this thread watch ESPN with their ears tuned to hear bias so they have something to bitch about. I've seen many very complimentary comments and stories on ESPN and I see idiots like Joe Schad who make a living slamming everyone and moving on. They do it to everyone because they have to fill up air time. Again, if it bothers you so much quit watching and you will be free of the stress. You might also consider a better argument than bias affecting recruiting, polls and bowls as we seem to be doing pretty well in all 3 right now.

Got it now?

Winning the SEC will get you in the Championship game even with what Joe Shad and Jesse Palmer think and say. Yes, Joe Shad and BSPN owe Cam and Auburn an apology that will never come.

I don't watch BSPN unless AU is playing on their network. Again, and for the last time at least from me, if you don't think the BSPN bias affects recruiting, polls, Bowl Match-ups, the public opinion of the proposed 10 second rule, etc... your are mistaken. Now Jesse Palmer is "all in with lil nickie" discussing how (without evidence) the uptempo creates more injuries!

Time to stand up for your school! No, it isn't whining, it is stand for something or fall for anything.

Best of luck to the family farm. And yes, I get it, the question is, do you?

Wow. I have to hand it to you. You continue to argue a position contrary to all evidence. You go girl. Also, how do you know of all of this bias if you only watch ESPN during games? Do you have "imagined bias" reports assembled for you and sent to the head office of Whining Central? I do stand up for my school in ways far more productive than whining about ESPN. Auburn is playing in the big league of college football and will get some good press and some bad press. I prefer to roll my eyes, carry on and try to accomplish something productive. If you prefer to whine have at it.

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Dear Lord. If you don't like ESPN don't watch it. I don't like McDonald's so I don't go. This "ESPN hates us" crap seems to roll through every few months and I usually roll my eyes and go on but jeez, enough is enough. I like ESPN - but then again I grew up in a time when there was one ball game (most often Notre Dame) every weekend. ESPN provides excellent coverage technically and while the announcers are usually idiots who do not do any preparation I see damn near every Auburn game. For me the only thing worse than an Alabama fan on a bragging jag is one of our own Auburn family members on a whining jag.

the real question here is how do you not like mcbetus (mcdonald's). Have you had their fries?

Sadly in my days at Auburn 2 burgers and a fry was a hair over a buck. Over the decades since my body has evolved to require actual food, not McDonald's ultra-processed, highly chemicalized food-like substances. You don't want to pull on this thread. All of my maternal kin were farmers and McDonald's has done as much to destroy family farming as any entity. Have I had their fries? Have you met my friend Willie Nelson?

So just not going to McDonalds isn't enough to help the family farm? Just not watching BSPN isn't enough as to how their bias affects recruiting, polling, BCS bowls etc...

Got it now?

Oh now I see. It was ESPN bias that kept us out of the national championship last year. It is ESPN bias that is keeping us from having top-5 recruiting classes. The whiners on this thread watch ESPN with their ears tuned to hear bias so they have something to bitch about. I've seen many very complimentary comments and stories on ESPN and I see idiots like Joe Schad who make a living slamming everyone and moving on. They do it to everyone because they have to fill up air time. Again, if it bothers you so much quit watching and you will be free of the stress. You might also consider a better argument than bias affecting recruiting, polls and bowls as we seem to be doing pretty well in all 3 right now.

Got it now?

Winning the SEC will get you in the Championship game even with what Joe Shad and Jesse Palmer think and say. Yes, Joe Shad and BSPN owe Cam and Auburn an apology that will never come.

I don't watch BSPN unless AU is playing on their network. Again, and for the last time at least from me, if you don't think the BSPN bias affects recruiting, polls, Bowl Match-ups, the public opinion of the proposed 10 second rule, etc... your are mistaken. Now Jesse Palmer is "all in with lil nickie" discussing how (without evidence) the uptempo creates more injuries!

Time to stand up for your school! No, it isn't whining, it is stand for something or fall for anything.

Best of luck to the family farm. And yes, I get it, the question is, do you?

Wow. I have to hand it to you. You continue to argue a position contrary to all evidence. You go girl. Also, how do you know of all of this bias if you only watch ESPN during games? Do you have "imagined bias" reports assembled for you and sent to the head office of Whining Central? I do stand up for my school in ways far more productive than whining about ESPN. Auburn is playing in the big league of college football and will get some good press and some bad press. I prefer to roll my eyes, carry on and try to accomplish something productive. If you prefer to whine have at it.

Plenty of "evidence" just on this board. Have you read what others are writing? Are you a bammer? Do you work for BSPN? Your opinion would sound less foolish, if you would just admit you are wrong and move on.
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Dear Lord. If you don't like ESPN don't watch it. I don't like McDonald's so I don't go. This "ESPN hates us" crap seems to roll through every few months and I usually roll my eyes and go on but jeez, enough is enough. I like ESPN - but then again I grew up in a time when there was one ball game (most often Notre Dame) every weekend. ESPN provides excellent coverage technically and while the announcers are usually idiots who do not do any preparation I see damn near every Auburn game. For me the only thing worse than an Alabama fan on a bragging jag is one of our own Auburn family members on a whining jag.

the real question here is how do you not like mcbetus (mcdonald's). Have you had their fries?

Sadly in my days at Auburn 2 burgers and a fry was a hair over a buck. Over the decades since my body has evolved to require actual food, not McDonald's ultra-processed, highly chemicalized food-like substances. You don't want to pull on this thread. All of my maternal kin were farmers and McDonald's has done as much to destroy family farming as any entity. Have I had their fries? Have you met my friend Willie Nelson?

So just not going to McDonalds isn't enough to help the family farm? Just not watching BSPN isn't enough as to how their bias affects recruiting, polling, BCS bowls etc...

Got it now?

Oh now I see. It was ESPN bias that kept us out of the national championship last year. It is ESPN bias that is keeping us from having top-5 recruiting classes. The whiners on this thread watch ESPN with their ears tuned to hear bias so they have something to bitch about. I've seen many very complimentary comments and stories on ESPN and I see idiots like Joe Schad who make a living slamming everyone and moving on. They do it to everyone because they have to fill up air time. Again, if it bothers you so much quit watching and you will be free of the stress. You might also consider a better argument than bias affecting recruiting, polls and bowls as we seem to be doing pretty well in all 3 right now.

Got it now?

Winning the SEC will get you in the Championship game even with what Joe Shad and Jesse Palmer think and say. Yes, Joe Shad and BSPN owe Cam and Auburn an apology that will never come.

I don't watch BSPN unless AU is playing on their network. Again, and for the last time at least from me, if you don't think the BSPN bias affects recruiting, polls, Bowl Match-ups, the public opinion of the proposed 10 second rule, etc... your are mistaken. Now Jesse Palmer is "all in with lil nickie" discussing how (without evidence) the uptempo creates more injuries!

Time to stand up for your school! No, it isn't whining, it is stand for something or fall for anything.

Best of luck to the family farm. And yes, I get it, the question is, do you?

Wow. I have to hand it to you. You continue to argue a position contrary to all evidence. You go girl. Also, how do you know of all of this bias if you only watch ESPN during games? Do you have "imagined bias" reports assembled for you and sent to the head office of Whining Central? I do stand up for my school in ways far more productive than whining about ESPN. Auburn is playing in the big league of college football and will get some good press and some bad press. I prefer to roll my eyes, carry on and try to accomplish something productive. If you prefer to whine have at it.

Plenty of "evidence" just on this board. Have you read what others are writing? Are you a bammer? Do you work for BSPN? Your opinion would sound less foolish, if you would just admit you are wrong and move on.

Wow. the atomic bomb of the whiner- calling me a bammer. I'm sure that if Cam had gone to Alabama and the exact same sequence of events had unfolded you would retain the same position that he deserves an apology from ESPN . See you and I both are biased - for Auburn. The difference is I do not let my bias overcome logic and reality. While there have been many negative ESPN snippets about Auburn, some well deserved, there are also positive moments. Shon Coleman at the draft, most ESPN on air talent calling the 2013 Iron Bowl ending the greatest finish in the history of college football, the inclusion of an Auburn clip in most all promos. You pretty much sum yourself up when you talk about the evil of ESPN and then gobble up the product as fast as you can. I stand by my school but I also stand by my convictions. You should give it a try.

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Is bspn "biased" against AU? YES. Do I care? Can't change it so..........

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I love sports in general ~ so I watch ESPN and their affiliates every chance I get and I will continue to do so. Auburn football is a small fish in the big pond of the sports world and ESPN gives me the opportunity to view just about any sport worth watching.

All the whining, viritrol, complaining, holding grudges about something that happened 4 years ago with the Newtons needs to be laid to rest. It's obvious Cam has moved on to bigger and better things and so should AU fans.

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I love sports in general ~ so I watch ESPN and their affiliates every chance I get and I will continue to do so. Auburn football is a small fish in the big pond of the sports world and ESPN gives me the opportunity to view just about any sport worth watching.

All the whining, viritrol, complaining, holding grudges about something that happened 4 years ago with the Newtons needs to be laid to rest. It's obvious Cam has moved on to bigger and better things and so should AU fans.

Well said.

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I love sports in general ~ so I watch ESPN and their affiliates every chance I get and I will continue to do so. Auburn football is a small fish in the big pond of the sports world and ESPN gives me the opportunity to view just about any sport worth watching.

All the whining, viritrol, complaining, holding grudges about something that happened 4 years ago with the Newtons needs to be laid to rest. It's obvious Cam has moved on to bigger and better things and so should AU fans.

Well said.

Cam may have moved on, but he has NOT forgotten about it. True story; a Carolina fan and his boys were watching the panthers before the season started and were getting autographs from players and the father brought up the ironbowl to cam, well, to make a long story short, Cam says War Eagle, are u an Auburn fan? The father says actually I'm a bama fan. Cams smile turned to stone and was getting ready to walk off when the father says he's not like them, I respect and admire you and he did not agree with what happens to him. I don't know about u guys but seems like Mr. Newton hasn't forgotten, and he feels the same hatred for bama as most of us do. I also watch espn and they do throw in their jabs at AU just like Paul slimebaum does. All u have to do is listen
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I love sports in general ~ so I watch ESPN and their affiliates every chance I get and I will continue to do so. Auburn football is a small fish in the big pond of the sports world and ESPN gives me the opportunity to view just about any sport worth watching.

All the whining, viritrol, complaining, holding grudges about something that happened 4 years ago with the Newtons needs to be laid to rest. It's obvious Cam has moved on to bigger and better things and so should AU fans.

Well said.

Cam may have moved on, but he has NOT forgotten about it. True story; a Carolina fan and his boys were watching the panthers before the season started and were getting autographs from players and the father brought up the ironbowl to cam, well, to make a long story short, Cam says War Eagle, are u an Auburn fan? The father says actually I'm a bama fan. Cams smile turned to stone and was getting ready to walk off when the father says he's not like them, I respect and admire you and he did not agree with what happens to him. I don't know about u guys but seems like Mr. Newton hasn't forgotten, and he feels the same hatred for bama as most of us do. I also watch espn and they do throw in their jabs at AU just like Paul slimebaum does. All u have to do is listen

Well of course Cam hates Bama. He was an Auburn man for the one year he was here and still is! Anyone who lives and breathes Auburn football hates Bama because that's kinda what we have all been trained to do as kids. We hate the Turds and loathe the Leghumpers, it's in our genes!
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Dear Lord. If you don't like ESPN don't watch it. I don't like McDonald's so I don't go. This "ESPN hates us" crap seems to roll through every few months and I usually roll my eyes and go on but jeez, enough is enough. I like ESPN - but then again I grew up in a time when there was one ball game (most often Notre Dame) every weekend. ESPN provides excellent coverage technically and while the announcers are usually idiots who do not do any preparation I see damn near every Auburn game. For me the only thing worse than an Alabama fan on a bragging jag is one of our own Auburn family members on a whining jag.

the real question here is how do you not like mcbetus (mcdonald's). Have you had their fries?

Sadly in my days at Auburn 2 burgers and a fry was a hair over a buck. Over the decades since my body has evolved to require actual food, not McDonald's ultra-processed, highly chemicalized food-like substances. You don't want to pull on this thread. All of my maternal kin were farmers and McDonald's has done as much to destroy family farming as any entity. Have I had their fries? Have you met my friend Willie Nelson?

So just not going to McDonalds isn't enough to help the family farm? Just not watching BSPN isn't enough as to how their bias affects recruiting, polling, BCS bowls etc...

Got it now?

Oh now I see. It was ESPN bias that kept us out of the national championship last year. It is ESPN bias that is keeping us from having top-5 recruiting classes. The whiners on this thread watch ESPN with their ears tuned to hear bias so they have something to bitch about. I've seen many very complimentary comments and stories on ESPN and I see idiots like Joe Schad who make a living slamming everyone and moving on. They do it to everyone because they have to fill up air time. Again, if it bothers you so much quit watching and you will be free of the stress. You might also consider a better argument than bias affecting recruiting, polls and bowls as we seem to be doing pretty well in all 3 right now.

Got it now?

Winning the SEC will get you in the Championship game even with what Joe Shad and Jesse Palmer think and say. Yes, Joe Shad and BSPN owe Cam and Auburn an apology that will never come.

I don't watch BSPN unless AU is playing on their network. Again, and for the last time at least from me, if you don't think the BSPN bias affects recruiting, polls, Bowl Match-ups, the public opinion of the proposed 10 second rule, etc... your are mistaken. Now Jesse Palmer is "all in with lil nickie" discussing how (without evidence) the uptempo creates more injuries!

Time to stand up for your school! No, it isn't whining, it is stand for something or fall for anything.

Best of luck to the family farm. And yes, I get it, the question is, do you?

Wow. I have to hand it to you. You continue to argue a position contrary to all evidence. You go girl. Also, how do you know of all of this bias if you only watch ESPN during games? Do you have "imagined bias" reports assembled for you and sent to the head office of Whining Central? I do stand up for my school in ways far more productive than whining about ESPN. Auburn is playing in the big league of college football and will get some good press and some bad press. I prefer to roll my eyes, carry on and try to accomplish something productive. If you prefer to whine have at it.

Plenty of "evidence" just on this board. Have you read what others are writing? Are you a bammer? Do you work for BSPN? Your opinion would sound less foolish, if you would just admit you are wrong and move on.

Wow. the atomic bomb of the whiner- calling me a bammer. I'm sure that if Cam had gone to Alabama and the exact same sequence of events had unfolded you would retain the same position that he deserves an apology from ESPN . See you and I both are biased - for Auburn. The difference is I do not let my bias overcome logic and reality. While there have been many negative ESPN snippets about Auburn, some well deserved, there are also positive moments. Shon Coleman at the draft, most ESPN on air talent calling the 2013 Iron Bowl ending the greatest finish in the history of college football, the inclusion of an Auburn clip in most all promos. You pretty much sum yourself up when you talk about the evil of ESPN and then gobble up the product as fast as you can. I stand by my school but I also stand by my convictions. You should give it a try.

Have you read this one:

"All I want is for us to be in the conversation, not ignored, even though we are projected by them to be in the top 4! They didn't even say we weren't going to win because of this or that, they just totally ignored us and talked on and on about that other team. I guess we should be glad that they aren't talking about us since it all seems to be negative, but we are relevant to the conversation since we were just 13 seconds from being national champs last year. If we had won that game, would they still be ignoring us???

This is what got the whole thing started and it wasn't/isn't 4 years ago, it is now! Jesse Palmer discussing with lil nickie why the uptempo is so bad for player safety is now, not four years ago.

I guess when you can't win an argument resort to name calling and see what happens. Probably some good advice for us both here:

Is bspn "biased" against AU? YES. Do I care? Can't change it so..........

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Controversy sells, and ESPN takes full advantage of reporting practically all that exists in the realm of sports. There is no bias. There is no agenda.

Manufacturing a scandal, ruining a young man's reputation,and that of his University to get better ratings IS an agenda......

You are correct. I should have qualified that last portion of my Sunday sermon better.

There is no ESPN agenda against Auburn.

TB, the aftermath from the slander is collateral damage. What can you do? The SEC and ESPN are bed buddies for years to come.

T'belle is correct and u are wrong, there IS an espn bias against AU. For there are MANY bama alumnus that work there. These words came straight from that network; "We report news on Auburn true or false because it makes good conversation" Still don't believe the bias?

Clearly you either ignored or chose not read my complete post on page 11.

The quote you reference is from Mark Schlabach who posted that on one of the article commentaries. If you read between the lines, then it's easy to see how it directly relates to everything I posted about controversy being a best-seller.

84 helped to further clarify part of my point in his response. I have no doubts there might be some biased analysis coming from certain individuals who work for the network (specifically those with fan or former player allegiances who were rivals of AU). However, if you truly believe that there is some agenda by ESPN as a network entity to plot and scheme throughout the offseason about how they will drag Auburn through the mud, then there's a vacancy for you in the parallel universe of paranoia where some members of every other fan base across the country resides.

Yes, ESPN has a vendetta against Auburn...they hate AU so much that throughout its 35-year existence, ESPN has broadcast more Auburn football games than any other team in the nation.

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To those on the side of the fence that ESPN isn't biased towards Auburn, let me ask you a question. When ESPN reports on a story do any of you believe they should gather facts and attain as much information as they can prior to reporting the story? If you believe that, then there's no way any of you can say there is no bias against us by ESPN.

The Newton garbage is the elephant in the room for this discussion. IF they were true journalists and didn't have an agenda they would check these reports and confirm the validity of those reports. However, they put people on like Danny Sheridan (who is a known uater) that wouldn't know the first thing about anything the NCAA has done or is doing and take whatever he says as fact. It wasn't. Then they bring on Joe Schad (how he still has a job is beyond me....he's never been right about anything), and all he does day after day is spout off about how the NCAA is doing this and doing that, when in reality he had absolutely NO CLUE what the NCAA was doing because they don't discuss anything with reporters or journalists. He simply made it up to act like he had information. NOTHING they reported was ever checked for validity. Everything came from UNNAMED SOURCES. NOTHING CREDIBLE, yet they ran with it as being 100% true.... Now that the NCAA came out and made a PUBLIC STATEMENT for the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY, not a peep of an apology. NOT ONE...

When I watch someone reporting on a story (any kind of story), I expect those that are covering it to have investigated the situation and check it for accuracy. If its not accurate, don't report it or write it.

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To those on the side of the fence that ESPN isn't biased towards Auburn, let me ask you a question. When ESPN reports on a story do any of you believe they should gather facts and attain as much information as they can prior to reporting the story? If you believe that, then there's no way any of you can say there is no bias against us by ESPN.

The Newton garbage is the elephant in the room for this discussion. IF they were true journalists and didn't have an agenda they would check these reports and confirm the validity of those reports. However, they put people on like Danny Sheridan (who is a known uater) that wouldn't know the first thing about anything the NCAA has done or is doing and take whatever he says as fact. It wasn't. Then they bring on Joe Schad (how he still has a job is beyond me....he's never been right about anything), and all he does day after day is spout off about how the NCAA is doing this and doing that, when in reality he had absolutely NO CLUE what the NCAA was doing because they don't discuss anything with reporters or journalists. He simply made it up to act like he had information. NOTHING they reported was ever checked for validity. Everything came from UNNAMED SOURCES. NOTHING CREDIBLE, yet they ran with it as being 100% true.... Now that the NCAA came out and made a PUBLIC STATEMENT for the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY, not a peep of an apology. NOT ONE...

When I watch someone reporting on a story (any kind of story), I expect those that are covering it to have investigated the situation and check it for accuracy. If its not accurate, don't report it or write it.

Dead spot on^^
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If you're approaching this from anything other than a business perspective then yes, there will be a level of bias from your point of view.

People have to loosen the temple wrenching grip of the orange and blue shades, snap back into the reality that our world is immersed in green. Auburn isn't the only victim here. It would do some a service to occasionally step away from Auburn forums for a moment and just browse select team boards or other CFB forums. Especially if there is story oozing scandal that's blazing trails throughout the Interwebs. If that's too much, try reading through some of the fan reactions to CFB related articles and blogs posted on Yahoo, ESPN, CBSSports, etc.

Back in 2009, after U$C got the hammer for the Reggie Bush investigation, a a fair number of U$C and Pac-10 fans posted how they believed the verdict was a collaborated conspiracy by ESPN and the NCAA to end their dynasty because U$C was a threat to the mighty SEC empire. They claimed ESPN went overkill on the subject matter frequently reporting on the subject if something as 'minute' as text message analysis got reported.

I couldn't tell if that was willful arrogance or borderline entry material for admittance to the looney bin. When your program was one of the most prominent of the decade, and also has a history of NCAA run-ins dating back to the '50s, what kind of coverage were you expecting from a SPORTS NETWORK? Some bi-annual espn.com fly-by-night Ivan Maisel article? People couldn't wait for the death knell to toll for U$C, therefore ESPN milks the utters dry on that cash cow.

This was also on top of years of complaining how they perceived ESPN to have a West Coast bias against airing more of their games on their networks. There was no bias, there simply was no profit.

So come back around again to square one. From their perspective, if ESPN can get ratings and revenue from shoddy journalists boasting about their 'unnamed sources', then they don't care about the perception of the quality of the journalism if the masses continue to stay tuned. Never forget, it's not uncommon for articles outside of sports media to list 'unnamed sources' when reporting an issue. Two simple words that keep journalists out of legal trouble.

And as far as an apology? Sorry, there's no line item for that on a ledger.

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Controversy sells, and ESPN takes full advantage of reporting practically all that exists in the realm of sports. There is no bias. There is no agenda.

Manufacturing a scandal, ruining a young man's reputation,and that of his University to get better ratings IS an agenda......

You are correct. I should have qualified that last portion of my Sunday sermon better.

There is no ESPN agenda against Auburn.

TB, the aftermath from the slander is collateral damage. What can you do? The SEC and ESPN are bed buddies for years to come.

T'belle is correct and u are wrong, there IS an espn bias against AU. For there are MANY bama alumnus that work there. These words came straight from that network; "We report news on Auburn true or false because it makes good conversation" Still don't believe the bias?

Clearly you either ignored or chose not read my complete post on page 11.

The quote you reference is from Mark Schlabach who posted that on one of the article commentaries. If you read between the lines, then it's easy to see how it directly relates to everything I posted about controversy being a best-seller.

84 helped to further clarify part of my point in his response. I have no doubts there might be some biased analysis coming from certain individuals who work for the network (specifically those with fan or former player allegiances who were rivals of AU). However, if you truly believe that there is some agenda by ESPN as a network entity to plot and scheme throughout the offseason about how they will drag Auburn through the mud, then there's a vacancy for you in the parallel universe of paranoia where some members of every other fan base across the country resides.

Yes, ESPN has a vendetta against Auburn...they hate AU so much that throughout its 35-year existence, ESPN has broadcast more Auburn football games than any other team in the nation.

All us so called paranoid AU fans want is a little, not a whole lot, but just a little respect. Don't drag us through the mud and give AU a bad name over false accusations, because believe it or not it DOES hurt recruiting. About 65% of espn viewers are kids, and they do pay attention to what is being said about certain schools, just sating facts.WarEagle
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Controversy sells, and ESPN takes full advantage of reporting practically all that exists in the realm of sports. There is no bias. There is no agenda.

Manufacturing a scandal, ruining a young man's reputation,and that of his University to get better ratings IS an agenda......

You are correct. I should have qualified that last portion of my Sunday sermon better.

There is no ESPN agenda against Auburn.

TB, the aftermath from the slander is collateral damage. What can you do? The SEC and ESPN are bed buddies for years to come.

T'belle is correct and u are wrong, there IS an espn bias against AU. For there are MANY bama alumnus that work there. These words came straight from that network; "We report news on Auburn true or false because it makes good conversation" Still don't believe the bias?

Clearly you either ignored or chose not read my complete post on page 11.

The quote you reference is from Mark Schlabach who posted that on one of the article commentaries. If you read between the lines, then it's easy to see how it directly relates to everything I posted about controversy being a best-seller.

84 helped to further clarify part of my point in his response. I have no doubts there might be some biased analysis coming from certain individuals who work for the network (specifically those with fan or former player allegiances who were rivals of AU). However, if you truly believe that there is some agenda by ESPN as a network entity to plot and scheme throughout the offseason about how they will drag Auburn through the mud, then there's a vacancy for you in the parallel universe of paranoia where some members of every other fan base across the country resides.

Yes, ESPN has a vendetta against Auburn...they hate AU so much that throughout its 35-year existence, ESPN has broadcast more Auburn football games than any other team in the nation.

All us so called paranoid AU fans want is a little, not a whole lot, but just a little respect. Don't drag us through the mud and give AU a bad name over false accusations, because believe it or not it DOES hurt recruiting. About 65% of espn viewers are kids, and they do pay attention to what is being said about certain schools, just sating facts.WarEagle

All the scandal since 2010: Cam, the HBO4, the Jovon Robinson grade change, all tabloid TV. Came out of it static free. None of that trash affected recruiting. We rode that wave of success to Pasadena last season because of kids that committed and continue to commit, despite the negativity in the media. War Eagle.

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Dear Lord. If you don't like ESPN don't watch it. I don't like McDonald's so I don't go. This "ESPN hates us" crap seems to roll through every few months and I usually roll my eyes and go on but jeez, enough is enough. I like ESPN - but then again I grew up in a time when there was one ball game (most often Notre Dame) every weekend. ESPN provides excellent coverage technically and while the announcers are usually idiots who do not do any preparation I see damn near every Auburn game. For me the only thing worse than an Alabama fan on a bragging jag is one of our own Auburn family members on a whining jag.

the real question here is how do you not like mcbetus (mcdonald's). Have you had their fries?

Sadly in my days at Auburn 2 burgers and a fry was a hair over a buck. Over the decades since my body has evolved to require actual food, not McDonald's ultra-processed, highly chemicalized food-like substances. You don't want to pull on this thread. All of my maternal kin were farmers and McDonald's has done as much to destroy family farming as any entity. Have I had their fries? Have you met my friend Willie Nelson?

So just not going to McDonalds isn't enough to help the family farm? Just not watching BSPN isn't enough as to how their bias affects recruiting, polling, BCS bowls etc...

Got it now?

Oh now I see. It was ESPN bias that kept us out of the national championship last year. It is ESPN bias that is keeping us from having top-5 recruiting classes. The whiners on this thread watch ESPN with their ears tuned to hear bias so they have something to bitch about. I've seen many very complimentary comments and stories on ESPN and I see idiots like Joe Schad who make a living slamming everyone and moving on. They do it to everyone because they have to fill up air time. Again, if it bothers you so much quit watching and you will be free of the stress. You might also consider a better argument than bias affecting recruiting, polls and bowls as we seem to be doing pretty well in all 3 right now.

Got it now?

Winning the SEC will get you in the Championship game even with what Joe Shad and Jesse Palmer think and say. Yes, Joe Shad and BSPN owe Cam and Auburn an apology that will never come.

I don't watch BSPN unless AU is playing on their network. Again, and for the last time at least from me, if you don't think the BSPN bias affects recruiting, polls, Bowl Match-ups, the public opinion of the proposed 10 second rule, etc... your are mistaken. Now Jesse Palmer is "all in with lil nickie" discussing how (without evidence) the uptempo creates more injuries!

Time to stand up for your school! No, it isn't whining, it is stand for something or fall for anything.

Best of luck to the family farm. And yes, I get it, the question is, do you?

Wow. I have to hand it to you. You continue to argue a position contrary to all evidence. You go girl. Also, how do you know of all of this bias if you only watch ESPN during games? Do you have "imagined bias" reports assembled for you and sent to the head office of Whining Central? I do stand up for my school in ways far more productive than whining about ESPN. Auburn is playing in the big league of college football and will get some good press and some bad press. I prefer to roll my eyes, carry on and try to accomplish something productive. If you prefer to whine have at it.

:-\ :rolleyes:

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To those on the side of the fence that ESPN isn't biased towards Auburn, let me ask you a question. When ESPN reports on a story do any of you believe they should gather facts and attain as much information as they can prior to reporting the story? If you believe that, then there's no way any of you can say there is no bias against us by ESPN.

The Newton garbage is the elephant in the room for this discussion. IF they were true journalists and didn't have an agenda they would check these reports and confirm the validity of those reports. However, they put people on like Danny Sheridan (who is a known uater) that wouldn't know the first thing about anything the NCAA has done or is doing and take whatever he says as fact. It wasn't. Then they bring on Joe Schad (how he still has a job is beyond me....he's never been right about anything), and all he does day after day is spout off about how the NCAA is doing this and doing that, when in reality he had absolutely NO CLUE what the NCAA was doing because they don't discuss anything with reporters or journalists. He simply made it up to act like he had information. NOTHING they reported was ever checked for validity. Everything came from UNNAMED SOURCES. NOTHING CREDIBLE, yet they ran with it as being 100% true.... Now that the NCAA came out and made a PUBLIC STATEMENT for the FIRST TIME IN HISTORY, not a peep of an apology. NOT ONE...

When I watch someone reporting on a story (any kind of story), I expect those that are covering it to have investigated the situation and check it for accuracy. If its not accurate, don't report it or write it.

Agreed, WarTiger. Unfortunately, those are high expectations these days.

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Controversy sells, and ESPN takes full advantage of reporting practically all that exists in the realm of sports. There is no bias. There is no agenda.

Manufacturing a scandal, ruining a young man's reputation,and that of his University to get better ratings IS an agenda......

You are correct. I should have qualified that last portion of my Sunday sermon better.

There is no ESPN agenda against Auburn.

TB, the aftermath from the slander is collateral damage. What can you do? The SEC and ESPN are bed buddies for years to come.

T'belle is correct and u are wrong, there IS an espn bias against AU. For there are MANY bama alumnus that work there. These words came straight from that network; "We report news on Auburn true or false because it makes good conversation" Still don't believe the bias?

Clearly you either ignored or chose not read my complete post on page 11.

The quote you reference is from Mark Schlabach who posted that on one of the article commentaries. If you read between the lines, then it's easy to see how it directly relates to everything I posted about controversy being a best-seller.

84 helped to further clarify part of my point in his response. I have no doubts there might be some biased analysis coming from certain individuals who work for the network (specifically those with fan or former player allegiances who were rivals of AU). However, if you truly believe that there is some agenda by ESPN as a network entity to plot and scheme throughout the offseason about how they will drag Auburn through the mud, then there's a vacancy for you in the parallel universe of paranoia where some members of every other fan base across the country resides.

Yes, ESPN has a vendetta against Auburn...they hate AU so much that throughout its 35-year existence, ESPN has broadcast more Auburn football games than any other team in the nation.

All us so called paranoid AU fans want is a little, not a whole lot, but just a little respect. Don't drag us through the mud and give AU a bad name over false accusations, because believe it or not it DOES hurt recruiting. About 65% of espn viewers are kids, and they do pay attention to what is being said about certain schools, just sating facts.WarEagle

All the scandal since 2010: Cam, the HBO4, the Jovon Robinson grade change, all tabloid TV. Came out of it static free. None of that trash affected recruiting. We rode that wave of success to Pasadena last season because of kids that committed and continue to commit, despite the negativity in the media. War Eagle.

A lot of kids did say that's why they didn't commit. And coaches from other schools did use that negativity to their advantage when recruiting against us. WarEagle
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Yep 3 % chance of making the playoffs this year.

8-4 season. That is REAL RESPECT for a team returning 80% of its team from last year.

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"The offense will dominate," according to the analytical piece, "but luck might finally run out for SEC champs."

8-4 overall, and 5-3 in the SEC. That means they expect us to lose to Kansas State, as well as Bama, LSU, and either USCe or UGA.

It's true, Auburn has a really tough road to the top this year. A healthy UGA will be a challenge, Texas A&M will be better than most people expect, Ole Miss has a lot of talent and a good playbook, Miss State has a lot of experience and a solid defense, Bama is Bama and LSU is LSU.

But ya know, games are won and lost on the field, not in the media. Auburn may not win every game, but I expect Auburn to be in every game during the final quarter. Even if Auburn's luck has run out, maybe luck will not be required this time around.

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"The offense will dominate," according to the analytical piece, "but luck might finally run out for SEC champs."

8-4 overall, and 5-3 in the SEC. That means they expect us to lose to Kansas State, as well as Bama, LSU, and either USCe or UGA.

It's true, Auburn has a really tough road to the top this year. A healthy UGA will be a challenge, Texas A&M will be better than most people expect, Ole Miss has a lot of talent and a good playbook, Miss State has a lot of experience and a solid defense, Bama is Bama and LSU is LSU.

But ya know, games are won and lost on the field, not in the media. Auburn may not win every game, but I expect Auburn to be in every game during the final quarter. Even if Auburn's luck has run out, maybe luck will not be required this time around.

"The offense will dominate," according to the analytical piece, "but luck might finally run out for SEC champs."

8-4 overall, and 5-3 in the SEC. That means they expect us to lose to Kansas State, as well as Bama, LSU, and either USCe or UGA.

It's true, Auburn has a really tough road to the top this year. A healthy UGA will be a challenge, Texas A&M will be better than most people expect, Ole Miss has a lot of talent and a good playbook, Miss State has a lot of experience and a solid defense, Bama is Bama and LSU is LSU.

But ya know, games are won and lost on the field, not in the media. Auburn may not win every game, but I expect Auburn to be in every game during the final quarter. Even if Auburn's luck has run out, maybe luck will not be required this time around.

Luck last year? Probably some luck in the UGA game but the pass (which wasn't a designed Hail Mary) was thrown to the intended receiver, who didn't give up on the play. Plus we were up by 20 points and UGA got some luck and calls their way to take the lead in the 4th Qtr. The kick 6 was a designed play by Gus and Co. who took a 30 second timeout to insert the return play based on the UAT kicker. It worked, if it didn't, we go to overtime with a team better conditioned than UAT!

What other luck do you speak of?

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"The offense will dominate," according to the analytical piece, "but luck might finally run out for SEC champs."

8-4 overall, and 5-3 in the SEC. That means they expect us to lose to Kansas State, as well as Bama, LSU, and either USCe or UGA.

It's true, Auburn has a really tough road to the top this year. A healthy UGA will be a challenge, Texas A&M will be better than most people expect, Ole Miss has a lot of talent and a good playbook, Miss State has a lot of experience and a solid defense, Bama is Bama and LSU is LSU.

But ya know, games are won and lost on the field, not in the media. Auburn may not win every game, but I expect Auburn to be in every game during the final quarter. Even if Auburn's luck has run out, maybe luck will not be required this time around.

"The offense will dominate," according to the analytical piece, "but luck might finally run out for SEC champs."

8-4 overall, and 5-3 in the SEC. That means they expect us to lose to Kansas State, as well as Bama, LSU, and either USCe or UGA.

It's true, Auburn has a really tough road to the top this year. A healthy UGA will be a challenge, Texas A&M will be better than most people expect, Ole Miss has a lot of talent and a good playbook, Miss State has a lot of experience and a solid defense, Bama is Bama and LSU is LSU.

But ya know, games are won and lost on the field, not in the media. Auburn may not win every game, but I expect Auburn to be in every game during the final quarter. Even if Auburn's luck has run out, maybe luck will not be required this time around.

Luck last year? Probably some luck in the UGA game but the pass (which wasn't a designed Hail Mary) was thrown to the intended receiver, who didn't give up on the play. Plus we were up by 20 points and UGA got some luck and calls their way to take the lead in the 4th Qtr. The kick 6 was a designed play by Gus and Co. who took a 30 second timeout to insert the return play based on the UAT kicker. It worked, if it didn't, we go to overtime with a team better conditioned than UAT!

What other luck do you speak of?

I don't really want to hear the "luck" crap. GA had their "luck" when the replay guy in the booth ruled Murray scored earlier in the game.
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