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Like it or not.....VA = microcosm of single payer


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We don't have to go to a single payer system but if we did, Chanda's is the best option I've seen. I'm not in favor of it unless it's ran by someone outside of DC.

It wont be because the ulterior motive is to concentrate that power of control with the federal govt. Single payer will fail in this country. The IRS will be in placed in charge of it and i think Ive seen enough of the IRS to state with conviction they will not succeed. Like everything else, it has become a politically motivated agency and I dont see anything changing that.

You don't need evidence to state with conviction.

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We don't have to go to a single payer system but if we did, Chanda's is the best option I've seen. I'm not in favor of it unless it's ran by someone outside of DC.

It wont be because the ulterior motive is to concentrate that power of control with the federal govt. Single payer will fail in this country. The IRS will be in placed in charge of it and i think Ive seen enough of the IRS to state with conviction they will not succeed. Like everything else, it has become a politically motivated agency and I dont see anything changing that.

You don't need evidence to state with conviction.

No kidding. :rolleyes: Blue's "conviction" is less than persuasive on pretty much any subject you care to mention.

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You dimocraps want some evidence? Well here you go. Socialism aint never worked no were no how.

Instead of acting like a retarded chimp, why don't you post one example of socialism's success. As a side note, it works great for those in power. Its works far less great for the citizenry as a whole and that's ironic because its primary pretense is that it's a system serving the greater good. Sadly, its more propaganda than reality.

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I'm not the smartest guy, politically speaking, nor am I at liberty to discuss my views on the current situation. I'll stay out of that discussion. What I will say is this: Based on my 12 years of experience with Tri-care and horror stories I've heard about the VA, I pray to God that I will be able to use Tri-care until the day I die. If not, I may die much sooner than I hope to.

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I greatly appreciate your service, your perspective, and the thoughtful way you commented while remaining above the political fray.

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