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Callahan transferring


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I did not count Parks twice because he never went back on scholarship so he was only counted the first time. Swain was never counted, I wait until they are officially "gone".

This year's list so far:

Parks on 8/3/13.

D. McNeal on 8/17/13

Robinson to NFL

Mason to NFL

Fariyke, early graduate

J. Delaine, date uncertain but been gone a while

K. Frazier, transferred

J. Fischer, did not return to school for winter term.

Callahan, 5/20/14

That's nine guys that were expected to be on scholarship for the 2014 season but will not be. This is why we can't sit here and panic about recruiting and going over the overall 85 limit a year or two in the future.

Guys will drop off. Always have, always will and it happens at every school.

Good work on the list. I certainly don't feel bad about 3 of these guys - 2 NFLers and an extremely bright young man who is going to medical school.

While I do not disagree in principle, I am interested in why you choose August 1 to July 31 as your "year." In this case (and in this year only as a case), I'd put asterisks by McNeal and Parks, as I perceive them to be "show em I'm serious about discipline" tone-setting casualties. Instead of counting them as this year, I would have counted them both as LAST year.

Thanks for your interest. I choose August 1st as the starting point each year because that's roughly when the players report for fall camp.

The reason a player gets counted is immaterial. Some are "good" attrition, (Mason, Fariyake, etc) some indifferent and some bad. The only thing that matters is that on August 1st they were on scholarship and were expected/eligible to return and play again the following year. When they don't return, they are "attrition" for the purpose of counting future scholarships available for recruiting.

I have been following attrition since Coach Jordan was the guy booting 'em off and the numbers are very consistent at seven to nine a year. Seldom more than 10 or fewer than 6.

Nobody ever gets an asterisk. To start arbitrarily assigning exceptions would ruin the integrity of the project/hobby/weird quirk or whatever you choose to call it. The cutoff dates are necessarily constant.

Mikey, thanks for your "project/hobby/weird quirk or whatever you choose to call it" and sharing it with us. I'm not nearly interested enough to do the work myself, but I like knowing there's someone here we can ask about it.

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Good Luck to Shane on his journey back home. Prayers for him and his family. I know having you back home will be the best medicine for your Dad. You were always a great Auburn man and hope to see you back here some day. Maybe for the fishing you asked me about.

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I don't think Saban is much above normal, but I do think the cause of his attrition deviates from the norm. Alabama has more "career-ending injuries" than the rest of the West combined. I'm never surprised when a guy down on the depth chart transfers. Whether that happens at Alabama or Auburn or any where else, it's not shocking or underhanded. When a guy that was healthy or out with a relatively minor injury goes on medical scholarship to complete his education, it raises a flag. When multiple guys after the fact say they were forced or strongly pointed in that direction, it's a huge problem.

You are correct about the large number of medical dropouts he was having. The SEC's new rule (another Saban rule) about independent verification of injuries has slowed that down. My best guess would be that Saban was putting kids on medical scholarship that other schools would simply move out. Their total attrition didn't seem much different, though I didn't try to accurately count it.

Again, my purpose in tracking this has been to guess how many scholarships we'd have available in future years. IE: How many we were projected to be able to sign and stay under the overall limit that's currently 85. I haven't really been concerned with what other schools were doing so I don't have any firm numbers for any school but Auburn.

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As for Callahan, I wish him the absolute best, and quite frankly I think this might work out better for both parties in the long run anyway due to the logjam of O-linemen who will be sophomores this season. It provides a little more room to have younger players coming in and filling in the depth charts for the future while giving Shane a chance to get playing time and maybe catch the eye of an NFL team; a previous post on this thread hit it spot on that it's no blemish on Shane's record that he was struggling to get playing time, because he's no scrub. He'd be starting at more than half of the other SEC programs, I guarantee you.

In Saban's case, I think the bigger issue was that he made promises to several bigger name recruits that were either misleading or outright not kept, which ultimately led to them being "processed" out and caused a big stink...that was washed away when they went undefeated in 09. We haven't let it die, of course, and rival recruiting fans know about it, but beyond that it's pretty much business as usual.

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  • 2 months later...

Callahan has been declared eligible to play this fall for the Colorado Buffaloes. Hopefully he will have a nice career with Colorado.


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CU submitted a waiver appeal to the NCAA for him to compete immediately based on family reasons, instead of having to sit out the mandatory year required in most transfer situations, and school compliance officials were informed of the ruling in his favor Monday afternoon. from link

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