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Holder Wont Even Investigate VA Scandal...

DKW 86

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He'd rather clamp down on voter fraud in Nebraska than fret over the deaths of a few Veterans.

I'd say that you're on to something but I would also add it's probably safe to say that none of the possibly 40 servicemen who lost their lives while wasting away on a wait list were neither afro-american nor hispanic. :hellyeah: He has a special place in his heart for them.

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We are just another group of discarded, used up patriots. Useless and just another number to these idiots.

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He'd rather clamp down on voter fraud in Nebraska than fret over the deaths of a few Veterans.

I'd say that you're on to something but I would also add it's probably safe to say that none of the possibly 40 servicemen who lost their lives while wasting away on a wait list were neither afro-american nor hispanic. :hellyeah: He has a special place in his heart for them.

Attaboy Blue. Make this about politics and race.

This reflects on all of us, as Americans. Shame on you.

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He'd rather clamp down on voter fraud in Nebraska than fret over the deaths of a few Veterans.

I'd say that you're on to something but I would also add it's probably safe to say that none of the possibly 40 servicemen who lost their lives while wasting away on a wait list were neither afro-american nor hispanic. :hellyeah: He has a special place in his heart for them.

Attaboy Blue. Make this about politics and race.

This reflects on all of us, as Americans. Shame on you.

You must not have been paying attention to yaboy Holder. He's all about politics and race since he got caught lying to Congress. I was making a joke but like all liberals your skin is far too thin and, BTW, this does NOT reflect poorly on me. I had nothing to do with secret wait lists in the VA.

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Attaboy Blue. Make this about politics and race.

This reflects on all of us, as Americans. Shame on you.

And what's it say about Holder ? He's entirely making it about race and politics. That's all he's EVER done !

No 'shame' for Eric ?

( not holding my breath on this one )

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