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Maher: "Islamophobic Is A Word Created By Fascists, And Used By Cowards, To Manipulate Morons"

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"But let me ask you a question. Do you think Islam should be outlawed in this country?

Edited by homersapien, Today, 02:03 PM." What is it about my earlier post that would make you think that dumbass question was in any way relevant? Mahaer was talking abuut you.

For the simple reason it implied the message that "THIS is Islam". Dumbass.

You said yourself it was a spoof and you were trying to troll me. Are you now saying that it's not the "bait" you used to "Troll me"?

I am confused.

Keep digging dufus. The only reason you are confused is you can't keep up with your disjointed logic.

It's funny how you use this same little comeback when you suddenly find yourself over your head.

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"But let me ask you a question. Do you think Islam should be outlawed in this country?

Edited by homersapien, Today, 02:03 PM." What is it about my earlier post that would make you think that dumbass question was in any way relevant? Mahaer was talking abuut you.

For the simple reason it implied the message that "THIS is Islam". Dumbass.

You said yourself it was a spoof and you were trying to troll me. Are you now saying that it's not the "bait" you used to "Troll me"?

I am confused.

Keep digging dufus. The only reason you are confused is you can't keep up with your disjointed logic.

It's funny how you use this same little comeback when you suddenly find yourself over your head.

The only one in over their head is you. All based on your prejudice and bigotry. Oh yeah Maher was talking to and about you.
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