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Maher: "Islamophobic Is A Word Created By Fascists, And Used By Cowards, To Manipulate Morons"

DKW 86

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I know call me an Islamophobe.

Picture of the Week


Islam is a religion of mercy after all. A Sharia court will permit this pregnant mother to give birth before they hang her for not renouncing her Christian faith.


Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace "Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29

2014.05.17 (Dalwa-Masuba, Nigeria) - At least forty residents of a quiet agrarian village are massacred by Boko Haram.

2014.05.17 (Ngurosoye, Nigeria) - Twenty-nine people at a market are slaughtered by Islamist rockets and bullets.

2014.05.17 (Ghoraghat, Bangladesh) - A man is stabbed to death by Jamaat-e-Islami members.

2014.05.16 (Waza, Cameroon) - Boko Haram invade a road construction camp and murder a Chinese engineer.

2014.05.16 (Nairobi, Kenya) - Two bombs, one of which was at a market, snuff out the lives of thirteen innocent people, including a pregnant woman.

2014.05.15 (Gunib, Dagestan) - Islamic 'rebels' open fire on a group of police officers, killing three.


This post is soooooooo ironic.

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This post is soooooooo ironic.

Quite certain that you're using that word wrong.

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Thing is, I bet you can't explain what is meant when you claim this thread is ironic.

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Thing is, I bet you can't explain what is meant when you claim this thread is ironic.

No, the thing is, I didn't call this thread ironic, considering the premise of this thread, I called TM's post ironic.

I bet you don't see why.

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Thing is, I bet you can't explain what is meant when you claim this thread is ironic.

No, the thing is, I didn't call this thread ironic, considering the premise of this thread, I called TM's post ironic.

I bet you don't see why.

" This post ". One of how many, in a thread 4 pages long ?

You did not specify.

If that's the out you want to claim, at least admit you didn't do due diligence.

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Thing is, I bet you can't explain what is meant when you claim this thread is ironic.

No, the thing is, I didn't call this thread ironic, considering the premise of this thread, I called TM's post ironic.

I bet you don't see why.

" This post ". One of how many, in a thread 4 pages long ?

You did not specify.

If that's the out you want to claim, at least admit you didn't do due diligence.

Sorry, you lost me. I quoted TM's post and called it ironic. I don't understand your confusion.

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Ironic isn't it that I was trolling and knew who would bite. Hook line and sinker.

Sure you were.... :-\

You undoubtedly were demonstrating the sort of post that would typify a generalized characterization of Muslims in hopes I would point out the obvious. The joke's on me. I think. :dunno:

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Ironic isn't it that I was trolling and knew who would bite. Hook line and sinker.

Sure you were.... :-\/>

You undoubtedly were demonstrating the sort of post that would typify a generalized characterization of Muslims in hopes I would point out the obvious. The joke's on me. I think. :dunno:/>

How ironic. :-\
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Thing is, I bet you can't explain what is meant when you claim this thread is ironic.

No, the thing is, I didn't call this thread ironic, considering the premise of this thread, I called TM's post ironic.

I bet you don't see why.

" This post ". One of how many, in a thread 4 pages long ?

You did not specify.

If that's the out you want to claim, at least admit you didn't do due diligence.

Sorry, you lost me. I quoted TM's post and called it ironic. I don't understand your confusion.

Because it had zero to do w/ being an Islamophobe. It was so unbelievably ludicrous that you'd read that post and think ' ironic ' in any way appllied.

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Thing is, I bet you can't explain what is meant when you claim this thread is ironic.

No, the thing is, I didn't call this thread ironic, considering the premise of this thread, I called TM's post ironic.

I bet you don't see why.

" This post ". One of how many, in a thread 4 pages long ?

You did not specify.

If that's the out you want to claim, at least admit you didn't do due diligence.

Sorry, you lost me. I quoted TM's post and called it ironic. I don't understand your confusion.

Because it had zero to do w/ being an Islamophobe. It was so unbelievably ludicrous that you'd read that post and think ' ironic ' in any way appllied.

Well, maybe it's just me, but the greater subject here is people who view Islam as being generally evil. I agree the term "Islamophobic" is not strictly accurate, but the condition (Islam hater, Islam bigotry?) nevertheless exists, as TM's post shows. Any reasonable person would consider his post to be ironic within the context of the thread.

Does that help?

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Except you aren't the reasonable one to be pointing out how my post shows me to be Islamaphobic. In fact the direction you immediately took showed you to be who Maher was talking about.

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Except you aren't the reasonable one to be pointing out how my post shows me to be Islamaphobic. In fact the direction you immediately took showed you to be who Maher was talking about.

Well, why don't you tell us what your post was meant to imply if I got it wrong?

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Except you aren't the reasonable one to be pointing out how my post shows me to be Islamaphobic. In fact the direction you immediately took showed you to be who Maher was talking about.

Well, why don't you tell us what your post was meant to imply if I got it wrong?

It wasn't meant to imply anything. Just red meat to get you frothing at the mouth and do EXACTLY what you did. Maher was talking to you and about you. Like his audience you just can't grasp it.
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Except you aren't the reasonable one to be pointing out how my post shows me to be Islamaphobic. In fact the direction you immediately took showed you to be who Maher was talking about.

Well, why don't you tell us what your post was meant to imply if I got it wrong?

It wasn't meant to imply anything. Just red meat to get you frothing at the mouth and do EXACTLY what you did. Maher was talking to you and about you. Like his audience you just can't grasp it.

Well, I apologize for taking your post seriously when it was meant as a troll. :dunno: I guess I should keep in mind that many of your posts don't merit serious consideration. It's just hard to tell which.

But let me ask you a question. Do you think Islam should be outlawed in this country?

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"Well, I apologize for taking your post seriously when it was meant as a troll. :dunno: I guess I should keep in mind that many of your don't merit serious consideration. It's just hard to tell which." As I will take seriously your apology. It's obvious your panties are still twisted. Oh well.

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Well, maybe it's just me, but the greater subject here is people who view Islam as being generally evil. I agree the term "Islamophobic" is not strictly accurate, but the condition (Islam hater, Islam bigotry?) nevertheless exists, as TM's post shows. Any reasonable person would consider his post to be ironic within the context of the thread.

Does that help?

I note how you flit from the specific post to the greater subject. Citing specific examples of atrocities done in the name of Islam does not, in MY opinion , constitute as one being shown to be a 'Islam hater'.

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"But let me ask you a question. Do you think Islam should be outlawed in this country?

Edited by homersapien, Today, 02:03 PM." What is it about my earlier post that would make you think that dumbass question was in any way relevant? Mahaer was talking abuut you.

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Well, maybe it's just me, but the greater subject here is people who view Islam as being generally evil. I agree the term "Islamophobic" is not strictly accurate, but the condition (Islam hater, Islam bigotry?) nevertheless exists, as TM's post shows. Any reasonable person would consider his post to be ironic within the context of the thread.

Does that help?

I note how you flit from the specific post to the greater subject. Citing specific examples of atrocities done in the name of Islam does not, in MY opinion , constitute as one being shown to be a 'Islam hater'.

OK, then please give me a one-sentence version of the subject that I should not have strayed from. Seriously.

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"But let me ask you a question. Do you think Islam should be outlawed in this country?

Edited by homersapien, Today, 02:03 PM." What is it about my earlier post that would make you think that dumbass question was in any way relevant? Mahaer was talking abuut you.

For the simple reason it implied the message that "THIS is Islam". Dumbass.

You said yourself it was a spoof and you were trying to troll me. Are you now saying that it's not the "bait" you used to "Troll me"?

I am confused.

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"But let me ask you a question. Do you think Islam should be outlawed in this country?

Edited by homersapien, Today, 02:03 PM." What is it about my earlier post that would make you think that dumbass question was in any way relevant? Mahaer was talking abuut you.

For the simple reason it implied the message that "THIS is Islam". Dumbass.

You said yourself it was a spoof and you were trying to troll me. Are you now saying that it's not the "bait" you used to "Troll me"?

I am confused.

Keep digging dufus. The only reason you are confused is you can't keep up with your disjointed logic.
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"For the simple reason it implied the message that "THIS is Islam"." Hell no it didn't. Well maybe in your pointed little head.

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