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Three Reasons Why Reviving Benghazi is Stupid (For the GOP)

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The more those on the left protest the investigation of Benghazi the more the American people want to see it.

I welcome another investigation on Benghazi, especially if it uncovers something new.

But this investigation is clearly political.

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The more Democrats declare the unjustified death of four Americans as nothing to worry about, the more I to know why they think so. It's very telling as to the true allegiance of the left.

Name just one Democrat who has declared that. Just one.

(That's called begging the question. It's a common tactic for those who can't articulate a valid argument.)

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The more Republicans who cynically use the tragic death of four Americans for the purpose of political fundraising, the more I'd like to know why they do so. It's very telling as to the true values of the right.

Republicans Continue Trying To Fundraise Off Benghazi


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The more Republicans who cynically use the tragic death of four Americans for the purpose of political fundraising, the more I'd like to know why they do so. It's very telling as to the true values of the right.

Republicans Continue Trying To Fundraise Off Benghazi


And? Is fundraising the new republican evil? Democrats never fund raise do they? And please, don't try to spin that democrats only fund raise off noble causes with noble intents. While I ultimately agree the tragedy transcends politics, I have no problem raising money to further counter progressive ambitions. What surprises me nearly beyond belief is all your manufactured disdain for fund raising now that its republicans raising a little money. Unfortunatey, conservatives don't have any Steyers, Bloombergs or Soros types throwing money their candidates to support their pet projects

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The more Republicans who cynically use the tragic death of four Americans for the purpose of political fundraising, the more I'd like to know why they do so. It's very telling as to the true values of the right.

Republicans Continue Trying To Fundraise Off Benghazi


And? Is fundraising the new republican evil? Democrats never fund raise do they? And please, don't try to spin that democrats only fund raise off noble causes with noble intents. While I ultimately agree the tragedy transcends politics, I have no problem raising money to further counter progressive ambitions. What surprises me nearly beyond belief is all your manufactured disdain for fund raising now that its republicans raising a little money. Unfortunatey, conservatives don't have any Steyers, Bloombergs or Soros types throwing money their candidates to support their pet projects

I believe you missed the point.

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The more Republicans who cynically use the tragic death of four Americans for the purpose of political fundraising, the more I'd like to know why they do so. It's very telling as to the true values of the right.

Republicans Continue Trying To Fundraise Off Benghazi


And? Is fundraising the new republican evil? Democrats never fund raise do they? And please, don't try to spin that democrats only fund raise off noble causes with noble intents. While I ultimately agree the tragedy transcends politics, I have no problem raising money to further counter progressive ambitions. What surprises me nearly beyond belief is all your manufactured disdain for fund raising now that its republicans raising a little money. Unfortunatey, conservatives don't have any Steyers, Bloombergs or Soros types throwing money their candidates to support their pet projects

I believe you missed the point.

Nope, Im sure I didn't. Trey Gowdy said republicans should not use Benghazi to fund raise and i essentially agree that those events transcend politics. However, the whole basis of partisanship is to counter ambition with ambition when there is disagreement about the direction of the country. The disagreements along those lines have never been more stark. That being said, I have no problem with fund raising issues using Benghazi but hopefully it will never happen again. Extreme circumstances require extreme measures.

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The more Republicans who cynically use the tragic death of four Americans for the purpose of political fundraising, the more I'd like to know why they do so. It's very telling as to the true values of the right.

Republicans Continue Trying To Fundraise Off Benghazi


Talk about hypocritical!!!!! I mean for goodness sake, have you been turning your head at the tactics Democrats have used against Republicans over the years? The problem is two fold! At least be fair in your opinion because it's very hypocritical.

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The more Republicans who cynically use the tragic death of four Americans for the purpose of political fundraising, the more I'd like to know why they do so. It's very telling as to the true values of the right.

Republicans Continue Trying To Fundraise Off Benghazi


And? Is fundraising the new republican evil? Democrats never fund raise do they? And please, don't try to spin that democrats only fund raise off noble causes with noble intents. While I ultimately agree the tragedy transcends politics, I have no problem raising money to further counter progressive ambitions. What surprises me nearly beyond belief is all your manufactured disdain for fund raising now that its republicans raising a little money. Unfortunatey, conservatives don't have any Steyers, Bloombergs or Soros types throwing money their candidates to support their pet projects

I believe you missed the point.

Nope, Im sure I didn't. Trey Gowdy said republicans should not use Benghazi to fund raise and i essentially agree that those events transcend politics. However, the whole basis of partisanship is to counter ambition with ambition when there is disagreement about the direction of the country. The disagreements along those lines have never been more stark. That being said, I have no problem with fund raising issues using Benghazi but hopefully it will never happen again. Extreme circumstances require extreme measures.

Situational ethics? Wouldn't you prefer the moral high ground? Would it not add to the credibility of the GOP rather than tarnish it?

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Why are so many people spinning this as a purely political thing. The almighty Bill Clinton looked the country in the eye and spat on us......"I did not have sex with that woman." I'm perfectly wiling to let a few people vote on whether to go ahead with the select committee.......the families of the four men killed in Ben Ghazi.

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The more Republicans who cynically use the tragic death of four Americans for the purpose of political fundraising, the more I'd like to know why they do so. It's very telling as to the true values of the right.

Republicans Continue Trying To Fundraise Off Benghazi


And? Is fundraising the new republican evil? Democrats never fund raise do they? And please, don't try to spin that democrats only fund raise off noble causes with noble intents. While I ultimately agree the tragedy transcends politics, I have no problem raising money to further counter progressive ambitions. What surprises me nearly beyond belief is all your manufactured disdain for fund raising now that its republicans raising a little money. Unfortunatey, conservatives don't have any Steyers, Bloombergs or Soros types throwing money their candidates to support their pet projects

No, fundraising in itself is not an "evil" (your word, not mine).

Taking cynical advantage of a tragedy to propagate false issues of a related scandal for the purpose of fundraising is deplorable and hypocritical, if not evil.

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The more Republicans who cynically use the tragic death of four Americans for the purpose of political fundraising, the more I'd like to know why they do so. It's very telling as to the true values of the right.

Republicans Continue Trying To Fundraise Off Benghazi


And? Is fundraising the new republican evil? Democrats never fund raise do they? And please, don't try to spin that democrats only fund raise off noble causes with noble intents. While I ultimately agree the tragedy transcends politics, I have no problem raising money to further counter progressive ambitions. What surprises me nearly beyond belief is all your manufactured disdain for fund raising now that its republicans raising a little money. Unfortunatey, conservatives don't have any Steyers, Bloombergs or Soros types throwing money their candidates to support their pet projects

I believe you missed the point.

Nope, Im sure I didn't. Trey Gowdy said republicans should not use Benghazi to fund raise and i essentially agree that those events transcend politics. However, the whole basis of partisanship is to counter ambition with ambition when there is disagreement about the direction of the country. The disagreements along those lines have never been more stark. That being said, I have no problem with fund raising issues using Benghazi but hopefully it will never happen again. Extreme circumstances require extreme measures.

LOL! That is a stark admission Benghazi is being used for a greater political purposes.

Trey Gowdy understands this. That's why he is starting to get uncomfortable with the exposure this is bringing him.

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The more Republicans who cynically use the tragic death of four Americans for the purpose of political fundraising, the more I'd like to know why they do so. It's very telling as to the true values of the right.

Republicans Continue Trying To Fundraise Off Benghazi


Talk about hypocritical!!!!! I mean for goodness sake, have you been turning your head at the tactics Democrats have used against Republicans over the years? The problem is two fold! At least be fair in your opinion because it's very hypocritical.

First, you should provide a similar example if you really want to go there.

Second, I agree generally that such things are propagated by both sides, or at least it wouldn't surprise me. It just seems to me that it's a lot more common coming from the right. (Remember Terry Schiavo?)

But I was making a satirical comparison with your absurd accusation that ..."Democrats declare the unjustified death of four Americans as nothing to worry about." Get it?

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The more Republicans who cynically use the tragic death of four Americans for the purpose of political fundraising, the more I'd like to know why they do so. It's very telling as to the true values of the right.

Republicans Continue Trying To Fundraise Off Benghazi


And? Is fundraising the new republican evil? Democrats never fund raise do they? And please, don't try to spin that democrats only fund raise off noble causes with noble intents. While I ultimately agree the tragedy transcends politics, I have no problem raising money to further counter progressive ambitions. What surprises me nearly beyond belief is all your manufactured disdain for fund raising now that its republicans raising a little money. Unfortunatey, conservatives don't have any Steyers, Bloombergs or Soros types throwing money their candidates to support their pet projects

I believe you missed the point.

Nope, Im sure I didn't. Trey Gowdy said republicans should not use Benghazi to fund raise and i essentially agree that those events transcend politics. However, the whole basis of partisanship is to counter ambition with ambition when there is disagreement about the direction of the country. The disagreements along those lines have never been more stark. That being said, I have no problem with fund raising issues using Benghazi but hopefully it will never happen again. Extreme circumstances require extreme measures.

Situational ethics? Wouldn't you prefer the moral high ground? Would it not add to the credibility of the GOP rather than tarnish it?

The more Republicans who cynically use the tragic death of four Americans for the purpose of political fundraising, the more I'd like to know why they do so. It's very telling as to the true values of the right.

Republicans Continue Trying To Fundraise Off Benghazi


And? Is fundraising the new republican evil? Democrats never fund raise do they? And please, don't try to spin that democrats only fund raise off noble causes with noble intents. While I ultimately agree the tragedy transcends politics, I have no problem raising money to further counter progressive ambitions. What surprises me nearly beyond belief is all your manufactured disdain for fund raising now that its republicans raising a little money. Unfortunatey, conservatives don't have any Steyers, Bloombergs or Soros types throwing money their candidates to support their pet projects

I believe you missed the point.

Nope, Im sure I didn't. Trey Gowdy said republicans should not use Benghazi to fund raise and i essentially agree that those events transcend politics. However, the whole basis of partisanship is to counter ambition with ambition when there is disagreement about the direction of the country. The disagreements along those lines have never been more stark. That being said, I have no problem with fund raising issues using Benghazi but hopefully it will never happen again. Extreme circumstances require extreme measures.

Situational ethics? Wouldn't you prefer the moral high ground? Would it not add to the credibility of the GOP rather than tarnish it?

i dont see their fund raising after Benghazi as immoral. Its regrettable the event happened but it did but, with proper leadership it could have been avoided. I also dont understand your question about situational ethics. I honestly believe the survival of the country, I know and love, is hanging in the balance and is being lead defiantly in the wrong direction. It seems rather comical that republicans would be made to look like the bad guys here. Its as if they ignored an Ambassador abroad and his requests for additional security on several occasions. Told military leadership to stand down when he came under mortar fire from terrorists and then watched by drone feed as his embassy was essentially burned down and then lied about the whole damned thing to the American people. I want to win elections. Its our only hope to stop progressive ineptitude and lawlessness. Partisanship is not the dirty word you want so badly to portray. It is necessary, especially now.

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Why are so many people spinning this as a purely political thing. The almighty Bill Clinton looked the country in the eye and spat on us......"I did not have sex with that woman." I'm perfectly wiling to let a few people vote on whether to go ahead with the select committee.......the families of the four men killed in Ben Ghazi.

I have little doubt, if itch or homer lost a son in this tragedy they would sing a different song without politics in the chorus.
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The more Republicans who cynically use the tragic death of four Americans for the purpose of political fundraising, the more I'd like to know why they do so. It's very telling as to the true values of the right.

Republicans Continue Trying To Fundraise Off Benghazi


Talk about hypocritical!!!!! I mean for goodness sake, have you been turning your head at the tactics Democrats have used against Republicans over the years? The problem is two fold! At least be fair in your opinion because it's very hypocritical.

First, you should provide a similar example if you really want to go there.

Second, I agree generally that such things are propagated by both sides, or at least it wouldn't surprise me. It just seems to me that it's a lot more common coming from the right. (Remember Terry Schiavo?)

But I was making a satirical comparison with your absurd accusation that ..."Democrats declare the unjustified death of four Americans as nothing to worry about." Get it?

First, if you've had your head in the sand the last 10 years that's not my problem. Do a little research.

Second, it seems to be that way because you want it to be that way. Democrats in power care more about their party line than the country. Their actions dictate my opinion of them.

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The more Republicans who cynically use the tragic death of four Americans for the purpose of political fundraising, the more I'd like to know why they do so. It's very telling as to the true values of the right.

Republicans Continue Trying To Fundraise Off Benghazi


Talk about hypocritical!!!!! I mean for goodness sake, have you been turning your head at the tactics Democrats have used against Republicans over the years? The problem is two fold! At least be fair in your opinion because it's very hypocritical.

First, you should provide a similar example if you really want to go there.

Second, I agree generally that such things are propagated by both sides, or at least it wouldn't surprise me. It just seems to me that it's a lot more common coming from the right. (Remember Terry Schiavo?)

But I was making a satirical comparison with your absurd accusation that ..."Democrats declare the unjustified death of four Americans as nothing to worry about." Get it?

First, if you've had your head in the sand the last 10 years that's not my problem. Do a little research.

Second, it seems to be that way because you want it to be that way. Democrats in power care more about their party line than the country. Their actions dictate my opinion of them.

That's a specious evasion. Don't go weasel on me emt.

Offhand, I can't think of a direct comparison by Democrats, so help us out.

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The more Republicans who cynically use the tragic death of four Americans for the purpose of political fundraising, the more I'd like to know why they do so. It's very telling as to the true values of the right.

Republicans Continue Trying To Fundraise Off Benghazi


Talk about hypocritical!!!!! I mean for goodness sake, have you been turning your head at the tactics Democrats have used against Republicans over the years? The problem is two fold! At least be fair in your opinion because it's very hypocritical.

First, you should provide a similar example if you really want to go there.

Second, I agree generally that such things are propagated by both sides, or at least it wouldn't surprise me. It just seems to me that it's a lot more common coming from the right. (Remember Terry Schiavo?)

But I was making a satirical comparison with your absurd accusation that ..."Democrats declare the unjustified death of four Americans as nothing to worry about." Get it?

First, if you've had your head in the sand the last 10 years that's not my problem. Do a little research.

Second, it seems to be that way because you want it to be that way. Democrats in power care more about their party line than the country. Their actions dictate my opinion of them.

That's a specious evasion. Don't go weasel on me emt.

Offhand, I can't think of a direct comparison by Democrats, so help us out.

Sorry......I don't do research for those who demand it and have access to the same interwebenet. ;) Democrats have been very, very notable in their ability to buy a narrative using propaganda TV and radio ads to promote an agenda at the right. In this case I'm putting all my chips behind Trey Gowdy and the GOP because I personally demand some answers that this administration has kept from everyone.


Never, and I mean NEVER, leave a soldier on the battlefield. Or in this case, leave him out there for hours and hours to die without an ounce of support.

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The more Republicans who cynically use the tragic death of four Americans for the purpose of political fundraising, the more I'd like to know why they do so. It's very telling as to the true values of the right.

Republicans Continue Trying To Fundraise Off Benghazi


Talk about hypocritical!!!!! I mean for goodness sake, have you been turning your head at the tactics Democrats have used against Republicans over the years? The problem is two fold! At least be fair in your opinion because it's very hypocritical.

First, you should provide a similar example if you really want to go there.

Second, I agree generally that such things are propagated by both sides, or at least it wouldn't surprise me. It just seems to me that it's a lot more common coming from the right. (Remember Terry Schiavo?)

But I was making a satirical comparison with your absurd accusation that ..."Democrats declare the unjustified death of four Americans as nothing to worry about." Get it?

First, if you've had your head in the sand the last 10 years that's not my problem. Do a little research.

Second, it seems to be that way because you want it to be that way. Democrats in power care more about their party line than the country. Their actions dictate my opinion of them.

That's a specious evasion. Don't go weasel on me emt.

Offhand, I can't think of a direct comparison by Democrats, so help us out.

Sorry......I don't do research for those who demand it and have access to the same interwebenet. ;)

I didn't make the claim, you did. If I back-up the claims I make, why can't you do the same?

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The more Republicans who cynically use the tragic death of four Americans for the purpose of political fundraising, the more I'd like to know why they do so. It's very telling as to the true values of the right.

Republicans Continue Trying To Fundraise Off Benghazi


Talk about hypocritical!!!!! I mean for goodness sake, have you been turning your head at the tactics Democrats have used against Republicans over the years? The problem is two fold! At least be fair in your opinion because it's very hypocritical.

First, you should provide a similar example if you really want to go there.

Second, I agree generally that such things are propagated by both sides, or at least it wouldn't surprise me. It just seems to me that it's a lot more common coming from the right. (Remember Terry Schiavo?)

But I was making a satirical comparison with your absurd accusation that ..."Democrats declare the unjustified death of four Americans as nothing to worry about." Get it?

First, if you've had your head in the sand the last 10 years that's not my problem. Do a little research.

Second, it seems to be that way because you want it to be that way. Democrats in power care more about their party line than the country. Their actions dictate my opinion of them.

That's a specious evasion. Don't go weasel on me emt.

Offhand, I can't think of a direct comparison by Democrats, so help us out.

Sorry......I don't do research for those who demand it and have access to the same interwebenet. ;)

I didn't make the claim, you did. If I back-up the claims I make, why can't you do the same?

Because you are notorious for doing this and I refuse to be your huckleberry. LOL

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"Because you are notorious for doing this and I refuse to be your huckleberry." LOL

homie is famous for his use of non stop appeals to authority fallacy. He calls using huff-po and the rest of his favorite far left publications backing up his claims and then says those who watch Fox News are foxbots. LOL

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"Because you are notorious for doing this and I refuse to be your huckleberry." LOL

homie is famous for his use of non stop appeals to authority fallacy. He calls using huff-po and the rest of his favorite far left publications backing up his claims and then says those who watch Fox News are foxbots. LOL

What am I supposed to do, use right wing sites to counter the claims of right wing sites? :dunno:

And Fox has no peer on the liberal side. I will give them credit for being highly effective.

I am appalled at some of my own family for what they think are critically important issues when I visit. And their attitudes come straight from Fox. It's obvious to any rational observer that Fox collaborates with right wing politics. The only unsure thing is who is taking the initiative in doing so.

(Please spare me the MSNBC rejoinder. Who in hell ever listens to them?)

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The more Republicans who cynically use the tragic death of four Americans for the purpose of political fundraising, the more I'd like to know why they do so. It's very telling as to the true values of the right.

Republicans Continue Trying To Fundraise Off Benghazi


Talk about hypocritical!!!!! I mean for goodness sake, have you been turning your head at the tactics Democrats have used against Republicans over the years? The problem is two fold! At least be fair in your opinion because it's very hypocritical.

First, you should provide a similar example if you really want to go there.

Second, I agree generally that such things are propagated by both sides, or at least it wouldn't surprise me. It just seems to me that it's a lot more common coming from the right. (Remember Terry Schiavo?)

But I was making a satirical comparison with your absurd accusation that ..."Democrats declare the unjustified death of four Americans as nothing to worry about." Get it?

First, if you've had your head in the sand the last 10 years that's not my problem. Do a little research.

Second, it seems to be that way because you want it to be that way. Democrats in power care more about their party line than the country. Their actions dictate my opinion of them.

That's a specious evasion. Don't go weasel on me emt.

Offhand, I can't think of a direct comparison by Democrats, so help us out.

Sorry......I don't do research for those who demand it and have access to the same interwebenet. ;)

I didn't make the claim, you did. If I back-up the claims I make, why can't you do the same?

Because you are notorious for doing this and I refuse to be your huckleberry. LOL

Notorious for requesting (any sort of) evidence for a fanciful claim? I plead guilty.

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Never, and I mean NEVER, leave a soldier on the battlefield. Or in this case, leave him out there for hours and hours to die without an ounce of support."

Yes! Times a thousand!

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Never, and I mean NEVER, leave a soldier on the battlefield. Or in this case, leave him out there for hours and hours to die without an ounce of support."

Yes! Times a thousand!

Speaking of which:

Lawmaker Ignores His Own Facts To Make Debunked Benghazi Claim

WASHINGTON -- Politicians are notorious for pushing witnesses to say things in hearings that will reinforce a certain conclusion. Somewhat less common is the lawmaker who completely ignores the testimony he elicits.

But the creation of the new House select committee to investigate the oft-investigated Benghazi attack offers a fine example in Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.).

Last week, Mica, a member of Rep. Darrell Issa's Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, held a hearing during which he questioned retired Brig. General Robert Lovell, who was running the military intelligence operation involved in monitoring the Sept. 11, 2012, assault in the Libyan city on the Mediterranean coast.

Mica noted that he and Issa had visited the U.S. military facilities in Germany, Italy and Spain before the Benghazi attack, and that they had been told the military would be able to respond in just such an emergency. Mica pressed Lovell repeatedly, demanding to know whether the general thought forces could have and should have been able to reach the beleaguered outpost.

Lovell answered that they could have done so if the capabilities had been in place, and that there should have been a way for the military to respond. He emphasized that he was testifying because he wanted to make sure that in the future, such capabilities would be on hand. But he agreed adamantly with the Republican-led House Armed Services Committee, whose report concluded that the military did all it could do on that tragic night. "That's a fact," Lovell said.

But this Thursday, shortly before voting to create the new committee, Mica said exactly the opposite, casting what Lovell would have liked as if it were what actually existed.

"We know our military had the ability to save those Americans," Mica said Thursday, in apparent contradiction of Lovell's testimony. "We know that the State Department had the ability to keep those Americans safe, and no one acted."


Hey Blue, you can go to the link and watch him say it if you don't want to believe HP.

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