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Explanation of Auburn's 4-2-5 defense


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I recommend that you go back and re-read DKW 86's excellent report on Gus's appearance in Huntsville. See if Gus's remarks lead you to believe that Gus feels as good about the linebacker position as he does other elements of the team. I see him believing other areas of the team will be solid and hoping the LB's will be adequate.

I never said we'd be doomed. I said the LB's are the weakest link on the team and will continue to be until the under-recruiting of the past several years is compensated for. Signing two a year when the failure rate at the position runs over 50% won't fix the situation.

I'm pretty sure I've seen you post that you expect Davis and Williams to be either starting or putting in major minutes in the Arkansas game. That to me indicates you do not think very much of the players we are returning at the LB position and have little expectation that they will improve enough to beat out true freshmen. You may very well turn out to be right but I just wanted to post why I do not agree with you on that front. I'm also of the opinion that having 2 true freshmen playing lots of snaps or starting in game 1 of their first season means we are pretty close to being doomed! lol

So agree to disagree I guess. WDE!

Fairly well sums up my position. I wholeheartedly agree that linebacker is the position we are thinnest at. No doubt about that. It is the repeated downplaying of the linebackers we have on the roster and how assuredly Mikey predicts that only Cass McKinzy, of our current LBs, has any chance whatsoever of being any good. Sure, it's possible that will be the case...but I find it highly unlikely.

Not necessarily an apt analogy, but did anybody see 2004 Jason Campbell coming? 2010 Nick Fairley? Heck, 2013 Tre Mason (I mean, a few of us thought he was legit, but not 1800+ legit)? There are probably plenty of other, perhaps less high profile examples, but suffice it to say that I agree with you.

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If coach Johnson continues to run that 4-2-5 defense, he batter learn how to stop giving up big plays after big plays which turned into lots of yards and points for the other team.

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If coach Johnson continues to run that 4-2-5 defense, he batter learn how to stop giving up big plays after big plays which turned into lots of yards and points for the other team.

CEJ has proven himself at numerous locations with lesser talent. Come on, if he can put guys in the pros at USCe then he can do BIG things at AU. I feel that was one of the biggest gets for CGM when he took over the program. Give the guy a chance to build his defense with his guys.

Who are we as forum readers to tell CEJ or any coach for that matter what they "better do".

"Come on man"

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... Who are we as forum readers to tell CEJ or any coach for that matter what they "better do".

"Come on man"

We are opinionated fans, that's who! And if you don't like it, you can just ... post your own opinion.

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opinions are one thing, uneducated asinine opinions are a whole other thing.

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I hope the mods can take the first post on this thread and keep it locked for reference. I have read several times and good basic info . Appreciate it being posted.

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