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5 years into Obama's "economic recovery"

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"It's no wonder you aren't worried about th degradation of our environment."

You're damned right Im not. At least not until there is a global solution. Punishing American businesses who are barely surviving now with additional environmental regulations while all the other big economies of the world continue to pollute with reckless abandon which BTW, has not had ONE negative impact on the climate in over 20 years, is mindless IMO>

Simply put, Obama's cluelessness about business and his policies and rhetoric are killing job creation and small business people are suffering. I know this as a fact first hand. Several potential startups and/or expansions I have an opportunity to potentially be involved with over the last 3 years haven't materialized because of Obamacare, taxes and regulations and the uncertainty surrounding all three.

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"It's no wonder you aren't worried about th degradation of our environment."

You're damned right Im not. At least not until there is a global solution. Punishing American businesses who are barely surviving now with additional environmental regulations while all the other big economies of the world continue to pollute with reckless abandon which BTW, has not had ONE negative impact on the climate in over 20 years, is mindless IMO>

Simply put, Obama's cluelessness about business and his policies and rhetoric are killing job creation and small business people are suffering. I know this as a fact first hand. Several potential startups and/or expansions I have an opportunity to potentially be involved with over the last 3 years haven't materialized because of Obamacare, taxes and regulations and the uncertainty surrounding all three.

If that's enough to halt a start-up, it didn't have a chance to begin with.

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"It's no wonder you aren't worried about th degradation of our environment."

You're damned right Im not. At least not until there is a global solution. Punishing American businesses who are barely surviving now with additional environmental regulations while all the other big economies of the world continue to pollute with reckless abandon which BTW, has not had ONE negative impact on the climate in over 20 years, is mindless IMO>

Simply put, Obama's cluelessness about business and his policies and rhetoric are killing job creation and small business people are suffering. I know this as a fact first hand. Several potential startups and/or expansions I have an opportunity to potentially be involved with over the last 3 years haven't materialized because of Obamacare, taxes and regulations and the uncertainty surrounding all three.

If that's enough to halt a start-up, it didn't have a chance to begin with.

Honest question. Have you ever started a business and it last more than 2 years?
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"It's no wonder you aren't worried about th degradation of our environment."

You're damned right Im not. At least not until there is a global solution. Punishing American businesses who are barely surviving now with additional environmental regulations while all the other big economies of the world continue to pollute with reckless abandon which BTW, has not had ONE negative impact on the climate in over 20 years, is mindless IMO>

Simply put, Obama's cluelessness about business and his policies and rhetoric are killing job creation and small business people are suffering. I know this as a fact first hand. Several potential startups and/or expansions I have an opportunity to potentially be involved with over the last 3 years haven't materialized because of Obamacare, taxes and regulations and the uncertainty surrounding all three.

If that's enough to halt a start-up, it didn't have a chance to begin with.

Honest question. Have you ever started a business and it last more than 2 years?

Honest question. Have you ever held the position of Director of New Business Development?

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Democrats, especially with Tom Steyers $100 million dollars hanging in front of them like a carrot, will continue to beat this climate disruption hoax. I mean republicans are constantly accused of playing politics while we all know democrats would "never do that" not even for a $100 million dollars! LMFAO

I love the sobriquet of the day.."climate disruption". With that they can blame everything on the evil producers of the world. A carbon tax is what this whole charade is all about is just what corporate America needs right about now and, besides, that'll certainly whip mother nature into line in no time and ALL these disruptions will cease...HA!

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"It's no wonder you aren't worried about th degradation of our environment."

You're damned right Im not. At least not until there is a global solution. Punishing American businesses who are barely surviving now with additional environmental regulations while all the other big economies of the world continue to pollute with reckless abandon which BTW, has not had ONE negative impact on the climate in over 20 years, is mindless IMO>

Simply put, Obama's cluelessness about business and his policies and rhetoric are killing job creation and small business people are suffering. I know this as a fact first hand. Several potential startups and/or expansions I have an opportunity to potentially be involved with over the last 3 years haven't materialized because of Obamacare, taxes and regulations and the uncertainty surrounding all three.

If that's enough to halt a start-up, it didn't have a chance to begin with.

Honest question. Have you ever started a business and it last more than 2 years?

Honest question. Have you ever held the position of Director of New Business Development?

Exactly as I expected. :)
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"It's no wonder you aren't worried about th degradation of our environment."

You're damned right Im not. At least not until there is a global solution. Punishing American businesses who are barely surviving now with additional environmental regulations while all the other big economies of the world continue to pollute with reckless abandon which BTW, has not had ONE negative impact on the climate in over 20 years, is mindless IMO>

Simply put, Obama's cluelessness about business and his policies and rhetoric are killing job creation and small business people are suffering. I know this as a fact first hand. Several potential startups and/or expansions I have an opportunity to potentially be involved with over the last 3 years haven't materialized because of Obamacare, taxes and regulations and the uncertainty surrounding all three.

If that's enough to halt a start-up, it didn't have a chance to begin with.

Honest question. Have you ever started a business and it last more than 2 years?

Honest question. Have you ever held the position of Director of New Business Development?

Exactly as I expected. :)

My "argument-from-authority" gambit is at least as good as yours (not to mention true).

And I stand by my statement. Any business plan that is abandoned because of "Obamacare, taxes and regulations and the uncertainty surrounding all three" never had a chance to begin with.

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"And I stand by my statement. Any business plan that is abandoned because of "Obamacare, taxes and regulations and the uncertainty surrounding all three" never had a chance to begin with."

This is sadly true. ObamaCare, his regulatory intrusiveness and his highest corporate tax rates IN THE WORLD make just about ALL new ventures fall into the category of "never having a chance"

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"It's no wonder you aren't worried about th degradation of our environment."

You're damned right Im not. At least not until there is a global solution. Punishing American businesses who are barely surviving now with additional environmental regulations while all the other big economies of the world continue to pollute with reckless abandon which BTW, has not had ONE negative impact on the climate in over 20 years, is mindless IMO>

Simply put, Obama's cluelessness about business and his policies and rhetoric are killing job creation and small business people are suffering. I know this as a fact first hand. Several potential startups and/or expansions I have an opportunity to potentially be involved with over the last 3 years haven't materialized because of Obamacare, taxes and regulations and the uncertainty surrounding all three.

If that's enough to halt a start-up, it didn't have a chance to begin with.

Honest question. Have you ever started a business and it last more than 2 years?

Honest question. Have you ever held the position of Director of New Business Development?

Exactly as I expected. :)

My argument from authority gambit is at least as good as yours (not to mention true).

And I stand by my statement. Any business plan that is abandoned because of "Obamacare, taxes and regulations and the uncertainty surrounding all three" never had a chance to begin with.

With all due respect, you have never created a job or worked the 70-100 hours a week (for years) required to get a business going. You have never laid awake all night wondering if you were going to be able to make payroll. You're clueless and it is PROVEN by your statement. If you don't understand that all of the above have a huge effect on business, then you need to continue to let others create your employment opportunities.
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"And I stand by my statement. Any business plan that is abandoned because of "Obamacare, taxes and regulations and the uncertainty surrounding all three" never had a chance to begin with."

This is sadly true. ObamaCare, his regulatory intrusiveness and his highest corporate tax rates IN THE WORLD make just about ALL new ventures fall into the category of "never having a chance"

You're an expert on business start-ups too? :rolleyes:

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"And I stand by my statement. Any business plan that is abandoned because of "Obamacare, taxes and regulations and the uncertainty surrounding all three" never had a chance to begin with."

This is sadly true. ObamaCare, his regulatory intrusiveness and his highest corporate tax rates IN THE WORLD make just about ALL new ventures fall into the category of "never having a chance"

You're an expert on business start-ups too? :rolleyes:

Yes. Clearly, you aren't. :hellyeah:

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"It's no wonder you aren't worried about th degradation of our environment."

You're damned right Im not. At least not until there is a global solution. Punishing American businesses who are barely surviving now with additional environmental regulations while all the other big economies of the world continue to pollute with reckless abandon which BTW, has not had ONE negative impact on the climate in over 20 years, is mindless IMO>

Simply put, Obama's cluelessness about business and his policies and rhetoric are killing job creation and small business people are suffering. I know this as a fact first hand. Several potential startups and/or expansions I have an opportunity to potentially be involved with over the last 3 years haven't materialized because of Obamacare, taxes and regulations and the uncertainty surrounding all three.

If that's enough to halt a start-up, it didn't have a chance to begin with.

Honest question. Have you ever started a business and it last more than 2 years?

Honest question. Have you ever held the position of Director of New Business Development?

Exactly as I expected. :)

My argument from authority gambit is at least as good as yours (not to mention true).

And I stand by my statement. Any business plan that is abandoned because of "Obamacare, taxes and regulations and the uncertainty surrounding all three" never had a chance to begin with.

With all due respect, you have never created a job or worked the 70-100 hours a week (for years) required to get a business going. You have never laid awake all night wondering if you were going to be able to make payroll. You're clueless and it is PROVEN by your statement. If you don't understand that all of the above have a huge effect on business, then you need to continue to let others create your employment opportunities.

Since you know so much about me, how about telling us what my net worth is and exactly how I made it? What an idiotic post.

No one abandons a viable business plan for the reasons you state. If such reasons would kill a business's chances, it would have failed anyway.

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"And I stand by my statement. Any business plan that is abandoned because of "Obamacare, taxes and regulations and the uncertainty surrounding all three" never had a chance to begin with."

This is sadly true. ObamaCare, his regulatory intrusiveness and his highest corporate tax rates IN THE WORLD make just about ALL new ventures fall into the category of "never having a chance"

You're an expert on business start-ups too? :rolleyes:

Yes. Clearly, you aren't. :hellyeah:

See post #62.

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"No one abandons a viable business plan for the reasons you state. If such reasons would kill a business's chances, it would have failed anyway."

Thanks for posting this. Now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt what a clueless twit you really are.

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"No one abandons a viable business plan for the reasons you state. If such reasons would kill a business's chances, it would have failed anyway."

Thanks for posting this. Now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt what a clueless twit you really are.

Well, instead of just flinging poo and insults, you could cite some evidence for business failures due to the reasons stated. How about starting with the percentage of all start-ups that fail and the primary reasons for their failure?

But I guess you don't care to do that, huh?

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"No one abandons a viable business plan for the reasons you state. If such reasons would kill a business's chances, it would have failed anyway."

Thanks for posting this. Now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt what a clueless twit you really are.

Without a doubt. It hasn't been often here that someone completely exposes themselves for being clueless about something but it's nice to see this one exposed.l
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"No one abandons a viable business plan for the reasons you state. If such reasons would kill a business's chances, it would have failed anyway."

Thanks for posting this. Now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt what a clueless twit you really are.

Well, instead of just flinging poo and insults, you could cite some evidence for business failures due to the reasons stated. How about starting with the percentage of all start-ups that fail and the primary reasons for their failure?

But I guess you don't care to do that, huh?

No need to fling 'poo' when the other poster exposes themself as clueless.

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