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Jameis Winston issued civil citation - 4/29/2014


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Marcellus Wiley of ESPN made a statement that Publix has been giving free food to FSU athletes for a long, long time now. A sports writer out of Miami (forgot his name) said the same thing and that it was well known that Publix did this. Wouldn't this be a violation of some NCAA regulation, unless Publix can show that this was done for all FSU students?

Lol, that would actually be worse for FSU!

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So AU finished #2 in '04 to an illegal team and finished #2 in '13 to an illegal Heisman winner. Perfect!

And maybe after this is all settled the NCAA vacates the FSU wins and it once again is too far in the past to award the BCS championship to anyone else..............

why would they vacate wins? Nothing is alleged to have taken place during the season. Unless someone shows that he should have been ineligible then things will remain as they are.

Penn State is asking the same thing. Why did they vacant football wins as punishment for a cover up by the school administration of crimes committed by a former assistant football coach? The NCAA and Big10 came in and added with their punishments.

If FSU is shown to have given athletes preferential treatment in how this and other reported assaults where investigated, then the NCAA could show up next and hand down probation and make them vacate wins. It all depends on how may times FSU helped cover by not follow the required processes.

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Marcellus Wiley of ESPN made a statement that Publix has been giving free food to FSU athletes for a long, long time now. A sports writer out of Miami (forgot his name) said the same thing and that it was well known that Publix did this. Wouldn't this be a violation of some NCAA regulation, unless Publix can show that this was done for all FSU students?

Lol, that would actually be worse for FSU!

FSU may soon regret ever playing in the BCS championship with JW. They are getting a ton of attention now for anything that is not properly done.

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So AU finished #2 in '04 to an illegal team and finished #2 in '13 to an illegal Heisman winner. Perfect!

And maybe after this is all settled the NCAA vacates the FSU wins and it once again is too far in the past to award the BCS championship to anyone else..............

why would they vacate wins? Nothing is alleged to have taken place during the season. Unless someone shows that he should have been ineligible then things will remain as they are.

Penn State is asking the same thing. Why did they vacant football wins as punishment for a cover up by the school administration of crimes committed by a former assistant football coach? The NCAA and Big10 came in and added with their punishments.

If FSU is shown to have given athletes preferential treatment in how this and other reported assaults where investigated, then the NCAA could show up next and hand down probation and make them vacate wins. It all depends on how may times FSU helped cover by not follow the required processes.

ok now that is something entirely different. That I could understand.
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Marcellus Wiley of ESPN made a statement that Publix has been giving free food to FSU athletes for a long, long time now. A sports writer out of Miami (forgot his name) said the same thing and that it was well known that Publix did this. Wouldn't this be a violation of some NCAA regulation, unless Publix can show that this was done for all FSU students?



Don't know where this person got the idea that it is "Probably not a violation." I would think the NCAA would be looking into this (that is, if they were an organization with any integrity).

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Marcellus Wiley of ESPN made a statement that Publix has been giving free food to FSU athletes for a long, long time now. A sports writer out of Miami (forgot his name) said the same thing and that it was well known that Publix did this. Wouldn't this be a violation of some NCAA regulation, unless Publix can show that this was done for all FSU students?



Don't know where this person got the idea that it is "Probably not a violation." I would think the NCAA would be looking into this (that is, if they were an organization with any integrity).

I think "Probably not a violation" was a satiric comment.

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JW is establishing a pattern of conduct that will be used against him the minute he signs a professional football contract. I predict a civil lawsuit against him from the person who accused him of rape and he will only have himself to blame.

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JW is establishing a pattern of conduct that will be used against him the minute he signs a professional football contract. I predict a civil lawsuit against him from the person who accused him of rape and he will only have himself to blame.

I also suspect it will strongly weigh against him in the minds of Heisman voters, just as Manziel's antics did.

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Marcellus Wiley of ESPN made a statement that Publix has been giving free food to FSU athletes for a long, long time now. A sports writer out of Miami (forgot his name) said the same thing and that it was well known that Publix did this. Wouldn't this be a violation of some NCAA regulation, unless Publix can show that this was done for all FSU students?



Don't know where this person got the idea that it is "Probably not a violation." I would think the NCAA would be looking into this (that is, if they were an organization with any integrity).

Either of these two results is the truth -

1) Publix provides benefits to fsu athletes and this is a ncaa violation (major or minor who knows)

2) jw lied about what the publix mgr "said" and this becomes a theft and some type of legal/criminal charge (criminal or misdemeanor who knows)

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Guest WarEagleSteve

The best I can tell, Tallahassee might have just as much of if not a more poisonous "football culture" than Tuscaloosa. At this point, Jameis Winston would have to murder someone in broad daylight in the middle of campus in order to be declared ineligible.

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