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Jameis Winston issued civil citation - 4/29/2014


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I feel bad for him....i myself struggle with a deep burning desire to enjoy crab legs from time to time. Some time the urges are too much to handle. I'll black out and find myself at some cheap sushi buffet place not knowing how I got there or why I am covered in melted butter and the empty husks of these poor crustaceans pilled up on the table in front of me. Sure there is some momentary relief from the urges but this is almost immediately replaced by a deep sense of self loaving. All those poor creatues dying to fullfill my sick desire, the ever shrinking bank account, all those calories that will inevitably go straight to my hips, and not too mention I know full well that i'll be hungry again in a couple of hours. So the cycle repeats itself..... keep fighting the good fight Jameis, i'm with you brother!

post of the year?


Hands down....post of the year. Haha!

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Citation not an arrest according to this article.

In many states, police can issue a criminal citation instead of taking someone to jail immediately. It is the the same thing, he will still have to face the criminal charges of shoplifting (theft of property). Here in TN, on a criminal citation the offender has to report on a certain date and time for booking and processing. Then a preliminary hearing is held,then potentially it goes to trial.

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You know, after I escape a rape accusation where the Tallahassee PD bungle the entire investigation, then go on to win a Heisman Trophy and a National Championship, the first thing I would think to do is steal crab legs from a grocery store. What a dumbass!!!

An earlier poster stated it correctly, these high profile athletes feel like they are above the law. I think this is especially true with 'ol Famous here. These kids are given the opportunites that millions of other kids would love to have, and they piss it away. Now, I don't think this hurts Jameis one bit, as FSU isn't going to kick their meal-ticket off the team. He may sit one series against East Coral Springs Vocational Tech, or one of their other powerhouse opponents, but that's all this will amount to.

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Citation not an arrest according to this article.

In many states, police can issue a criminal citation instead of taking someone to jail immediately. It is the the same thing, he will still have to face the criminal charges of shoplifting (theft of property). Here in TN, on a criminal citation the offender has to report on a certain date and time for booking and processing. Then a preliminary hearing is held,then potentially it goes to trial.

Call me unpopular, but I'm kinda glad. I've been liking Jameis (and by extension FSU/Tallahassee) less and less probably since the buddy-buddy press conference announcing Jameis wouldn't be charged with rape. At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if he outright admits that he raped the girl.

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Well, it would be up to that Publix to press charges, so if the manager declines then nothing the PD can do.

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FSU needs to pull his scholly and run him out of town. I know it will not happen. He has been in several reports at FSU and the school has no backbone to step in and deal with his inflated ego!

I dont think he should be run out of town for this, but he is definitely not the icon you want. However, he puts buts in the seats and sells jerseys. Remember that FSU is on very unstable financial grounds. He would have to rape kill someone to get kicked out.

If he is run off, he still has 2 or 3 years of eligibility, Penn St was foolish enough to take the old FSU president, they might take the old FSU QB. Then again..........

Baron was a terrific college president, beloved by faculty (my wife's one), students and alumni alike. Unlike the previous 2 dolts they propped up to run the college. He left for Penn State for more money and word is because his wife wasn't crazy about Tallahassee. Hey, FSU swiped Dan Kendra, the nations #1 high school QB from PSU 20 years ago, Happy Valley might return the favor. Back to the thread: living in Tallahassee I can tell you the local police took major local heat for it's incompetent treatment of the Winston rape allegations (yes, everybody here's not a Seminole) so the chances of Jameis getting away with even a parking ticket was going to be unlikely from then on out. I can also say crab legs at the Publix's in town are behind glass so he must have gone behind the counter or had an accomplice...Free Shoes University style. Press conference coming up in 5 minutes so we'll see. Maybe our local prosecutor Willie Meggs won't wear the same garnet & gold tie he wore during his press conference clearing JW of any criminal charges last year.
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You know, after I escape a rape accusation where the Tallahassee PD bungle the entire investigation, then go on to win a Heisman Trophy and a National Championship, the first thing I would think to do is steal crab legs from a grocery store. What a dumbass!!!

An earlier poster stated it correctly, these high profile athletes feel like they are above the law. I think this is especially true with 'ol Famous here. These kids are given the opportunites that millions of other kids would love to have, and they piss it away. Now, I don't think this hurts Jameis one bit, as FSU isn't going to kick their meal-ticket off the team. He may sit one series against East Coral Springs Vocational Tech, or one of their other powerhouse opponents, but that's all this will amount to.

He could sit out any game but Clemson in the ACC - including the ACC Title game. That was pretty well proven last year.

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Well, it would be up to that Publix to press charges, so if the manager declines then nothing the PD can do.

If I lived in Tallahassee and my livelihood depended on citizens shopping at my store, I would take a bunch of crab claws over to JWs house!!!!

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Well, it would be up to that Publix to press charges, so if the manager declines then nothing the PD can do.

Wrong. As a former North Florida prosecutor I can tell you shoplifters with no prior records...that aren't famous football players...are charged criminally in this area all the time for exactly this level ($32) of shoplifting whether the store wants to "press charges" or not, so long as the facts provided to police by the store support the crime elements. Crimes are acts against society as a whole ("People of the State of Florida vs. ____") , not individual stores. A basic question is did he attempt to hide it (criminal intent) or just walk out and forget to pay (civil)? His statement just released through lawyer Jensen attributes his conduct to "youthful ignorance". Say what? He didn't realize he had to pay for the food? He's getting off with a civil diversion program (very different from criminal diversion if he messes up again during the program). But as coach Bobby always said, "boys will be boys".

My friend called this a "high-bisque, low reward" move by Winston. Classic.

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FSU needs to pull his scholly and run him out of town. I know it will not happen. He has been in several reports at FSU and the school has no backbone to step in and deal with his inflated ego!

I dont think he should be run out of town for this, but he is definitely not the icon you want. However, he puts buts in the seats and sells jerseys. Remember that FSU is on very unstable financial grounds. He would have to rape kill someone to get kicked out.

If he is run off, he still has 2 or 3 years of eligibility, Penn St was foolish enough to take the old FSU president, they might take the old FSU QB. Then again..........

Baron was a terrific college president, beloved by faculty (my wife's one), students and alumni alike. Unlike the previous 2 dolts they propped up to run the college. He left for Penn State for more money and word is because his wife wasn't crazy about Tallahassee. Hey, FSU swiped Dan Kendra, the nations #1 high school QB from PSU 20 years ago, Happy Valley might return the favor. Back to the thread: living in Tallahassee I can tell you the local police took major local heat for it's incompetent treatment of the Winston rape allegations (yes, everybody here's not a Seminole) so the chances of Jameis getting away with even a parking ticket was going to be unlikely from then on out. I can also say crab legs at the Publix's in town are behind glass so he must have gone behind the counter or had an accomplice...Free Shoes University style. Press conference coming up in 5 minutes so we'll see. Maybe our local prosecutor Willie Meggs won't wear the same garnet & gold tie he wore during his press conference clearing JW of any criminal charges last year.

He had been at PSU before (20 years) and was going home to it. His problem is some of the comments he made about the FSU Winston case.


"It's incredibly important that an institution follow due process,"


Take a deep breath for one moment...and pretend that you're Penn State University. Yes -- you're a big dude who lives in the middle of nowhere, who's good at predicting the weather and playing football, now taking up ice hockey, and you like to raise money for cancer...and party! But you've just been through a terrible ordeal -- a child sexual-abuse scandal.

Your well-known assistant football coach has been assaulting young boys for years; evidence emerges that some administrators knew there was a huge problem and did nothing -- presumably to protect the cash-cow football program and your iconic, statue-ized head coach. Eventually, a circle of top officials are indicted for a cover-up, all the way up to your university president, who gets ousted and then gets indicted for perjury, obstruction of justice, child endangerment, failure to report child abuse and conspiracy.

So, Penn State University, you're going to have to fix your reputation. And the best path to that fresh start will be hiring a new president.

Do you...

a) Do you pluck someone else from the current administration(as was done in 2011 when the scandal first broke)?

B) Think outside the box and not only go outside Happy Valley, but bring in someone with a national reputation as a crusader on child sex-abuse issues, or at least a crusader? Maybe go crazy, and hire a woman president, even?

c) Hire a guy from outside who has a long history with Penn State -- a guy running a university that''s just been embroiled in a controversy over (wait for it) a sexual-abuse allegation against the star of its football team, which just won the national championship.

Here's the incredible thing about c) -- Penn State's hiring two months ago of Eric Barron (1st picture), who was a professor and dean at PSU for two decades and had served as president of Florida State University since 2010. It was reported in February that Barron's handling of the recent case involving Florida State's Heisman-winning quarterback Jameis Winston (2nd picture) -- who led FSU to the national championship last season even as local police were investigating Winston, and clearing him, on rape allegations -- was a positive for Barron to come to scandal-scarred Penn State.

"It's incredibly important that an institution follow due process,"Barron said in February.

This morning, the New York Times, and its Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter Walt Bogdanich, published an exhaustive look at what really happened in the Winston case -- and how both the Tallahassee police and -- to the point of this post -- the administration of Florida State mishandled the allegations against Winston, and possibly other sexual-assault cases involving FSU students.

The article makes a mockery out of Barron's February statement about "due process" at his old school, and, quite frankly, it makes a mockery out of the Penn State trustees who thought that hiring Barron -- with the FSU cloud that was hanging over his head, and which today is raining cats and dogs -- would remove the stain of the Jerry Sandusky scandal.

It's important -- not only if you care about Penn State or football but if you care about the "rape culture" on college campuses -- to read the New York Times article in its entirety. Some of the most devastating reporting is about how the Tallahassee police allegedly botched the probe by overlooking key evidence against Winston or generally just not investigating at all -- after a 19-year-old FSU freshman with telltale bruises said she'd been raped by a stranger after a night of drinking at a local bar.

But here are the two paragraphs of Bogdanich's piece that raise serious questions about Barron's fitness to lead Penn State:

University administrators, in apparent violation of federal law, did not promptly investigate either the rape accusation or the witness’s admission that he had videotaped part of the encounter.

Records show that Florida State’s athletic department knew about the rape accusation early on, in January 2013, when the assistant athletic director called the police to inquire about the case. Even so, the university did nothing about it, allowing Mr. Winston to play the full season without having to answer any questions. After the championship game, in January 2014, university officials asked Mr. Winston to discuss the case, but he declined on advice of his lawyer.

Now, it's important to be clear. The article does not spell out any specific wrongdoing by Barron, but its raises serious questions about Florida State's culture while he was in charge. Ironically (or not), one of the many embarrassments for Penn State during the Sandusky-Spanier era is that, it, too, is under investigation for violating the same federal law in reporting sex crimes.

The Times also notes a ridiculously incestuous relationship between the Tallahassee cops, including the officer Scott Angulo allegedly "investigating" Winston, football boosters, and president Barron:

Officer Angulo has done private security work for the Seminole Boosters, a nonprofit organization, with nearly $150 million in assets, that is the primary financier of Florida State athletics, according to records and a lawyer for the boosters. It also paid roughly a quarter of the $602,000 salary of the university president, Eric Barron, who was recently named president of Penn State.

Yes, you read that correctly -- football boosters pay a quarter of the salary of Florida State's president. God bless the Sunshine State.

Now, the Times article and USA Today have noted, the federal Department of Education has opened an investigation into whether FSU, under Barron's administration, properly responded to sexual-assault allegations. The Times also quotes the head of a women's shelter who said that FSU tended to bury complaints in its internal review process and that compared to what other universities have done, "I’m not seeing that level of energy here." There are clearly hints that the problems at Florida State run deeper than just its star quarterback:

In January, the mother of a student who said she had been sexually battered at a fraternity the previous April contacted the campus police asking why the university “doesn’t do more to protect women from rape,” records show. The police response was to inform the mother of a self-defense class for students.

So, the bottom line here suggests that the "due process" that Barron boasted about was actually an effort to protect Winston while the team was on the way to winning the national championship. This is Penn State's guy to make you forget about Sandusky?

The people of Pennsylvania, who are paying a chunk of Barron's $800,000 salary (yes, he got a raise...of course he did) and the Penn State community deserve answers, and we all deserve them sooner rather than later. Eric Barron needs to got before the hot lights and answer any and all questions about what he knew about the Jameis Winston case and what he did -- if anything -- about it. He needs to explain what -- again. if anything at all -- he did to improve the culture around combating sexual assaults and rape at FSU, and what he plans to do for Happy Valley.

Penn State's trustees and its top leaders need to do something they been mostly incapable of -- both in the years before Jerry Sandusky was busted and in the two years since, which is look in the mirror and address the deep flaws in its institutional culture. Now it's the 4th quarter and time for what some of the "old boys" of Happy Valley would surely consider a Hail Mary pass: Telling the truth.

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Evidently winning the Heisman trophy as a freshman makes you do stupid things. Him and JFF think they become above everything moral!

When need to give a great big shout out to those Heisman voters that chose this upstanding young man to represent one of the most prestigious individual awards given to a football player.

The once proud and stellar Heisman is forever tarnished IMO.

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Evidently winning the Heisman trophy as a freshman makes you do stupid things. Him and JFF think they become above everything moral!

When need to give a great big shout out to those Heisman voters that chose this upstanding young man to represent one of the most prestigious individual awards given to a football player.

The once proud and stellar Heisman is forever tarnished IMO.

Maybe they'll take the Heisman back for the shoplifting conviction......... :-\

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So AU finished #2 in '04 to an illegal team and finished #2 in '13 to an illegal Heisman winner. Perfect!

And maybe after this is all settled the NCAA vacates the FSU wins and it once again is too far in the past to award the BCS championship to anyone else..............

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Evidently winning the Heisman trophy as a freshman makes you do stupid things. Him and JFF think they become above everything moral!

When need to give a great big shout out to those Heisman voters that chose this upstanding young man to represent one of the most prestigious individual awards given to a football player.

The once proud and stellar Heisman is forever tarnished IMO.

Yet despite this, and despite Reggie Bush, there are still those who'll tell you Cam Newton was the most grievous blow to the Heisman's reputation. :angryfire::puke:
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So AU finished #2 in '04 to an illegal team and finished #2 in '13 to an illegal Heisman winner. Perfect!

And maybe after this is all settled the NCAA vacates the FSU wins and it once again is too far in the past to award the BCS championship to anyone else..............

why would they vacate wins? Nothing is alleged to have taken place during the season. Unless someone shows that he should have been ineligible then things will remain as they are.
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It could have been worse. A booster could have purchased the crab legs for him.

<golf clap>
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Marcellus Wiley of ESPN made a statement that Publix has been giving free food to FSU athletes for a long, long time now. A sports writer out of Miami (forgot his name) said the same thing and that it was well known that Publix did this. Wouldn't this be a violation of some NCAA regulation, unless Publix can show that this was done for all FSU students?

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