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New evidence proves even further Obama et al lied about Benghazi


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Nixon lied and did the honorable thing. Too bad the current liar in chief has no honor...

Please outline Obama's impeachable offenses.

Tex, we have squabbled many times in the past. I consider you one of the guys i would truly like to have a beer with tho.

But seriously, what were Nixon's impeachable offenses? Pretty much the coverup and using the IRS to go after his political enemies.

Sound familiar?

The actual facts are no where near analogous.

Really? Why not? by comparison Nixon's misdeeds seem bland compared to Obama's. It was never proven that Nixon even knew about the break in until after it happened when he did try to cover it up. BTW, how many Americans were needlessly abandoned and subsequently died in the WaterGate scandal?

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Nixon lied and did the honorable thing. Too bad the current liar in chief has no honor...

Please outline Obama's impeachable offenses.

Tex, we have squabbled many times in the past. I consider you one of the guys i would truly like to have a beer with tho.

But seriously, what were Nixon's impeachable offenses? Pretty much the coverup and using the IRS to go after his political enemies.

Sound familiar?

The actual facts are no where near analogous.

Really? Why not? by comparison Nixon's misdeeds seem bland compared to Obama's. It was never proven that Nixon even knew about the break in until after it happened when he did try to cover it up. BTW, how many Americans were needlessly abandoned and subsequently died in the WaterGate scandal?

Assuming vague media talking points is a "cover up," what crime was being covered up?

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Assuming vague media talking points is a "cover up," what crime was being covered up?

Maybe no crime per se, but this coverup is happening because Hillary was Sec. of State and they caught her napping on this one. The coverup has one goal: Protect Hillary's White House 2016 run at all costs.

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Assuming vague media talking points is a "cover up," what crime was being covered up?

Maybe no crime per se, but this coverup is happening because Hillary was Sec. of State and they caught her napping on this one. The coverup has one goal: Protect Hillary's White House 2016 run at all costs.

Exactly. And, the investigation is intended to bring that to light. This is all about politics. Few, if any are genuinely concerned about anything else.

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Nixon lied and did the honorable thing. Too bad the current liar in chief has no honor...

Please outline Obama's impeachable offenses.

I dont have the time nor even the passing inclination to work up a timeline for you but this administration is the most lawless on record....

(But he could if he really wanted to.)

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Assuming vague media talking points is a "cover up," what crime was being covered up?

Maybe no crime per se, but this coverup is happening because Hillary was Sec. of State and they caught her napping on this one. The coverup has one goal: Protect Hillary's White House 2016 run at all costs.

Exactly. And, the investigation is intended to bring that to light. This is all about politics. Few, if any are genuinely concerned about anything else.

I'll withhold that conclusion til all the facts are out. The unwavering stonewalling this administration has put up against releasing even what could be called only mildly upsetting facts for the administration leads me to believe there is more....much more that they don't want to come out. I am amazed by the depth of cynicism that exists and the willingness to forget 4 dead patriots who were denied requested security even before the military was told to stand down and then they watched by drone feed as the consulate was attacked and over taken. If murders of 4 Americans occurred in Washington DC and were unsolved 2+ years later I'm betting that story would make the airwaves and front pages on a nearly daily basis.

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Assuming vague media talking points is a "cover up," what crime was being covered up?

Maybe no crime per se, but this coverup is happening because Hillary was Sec. of State and they caught her napping on this one. The coverup has one goal: Protect Hillary's White House 2016 run at all costs.

Exactly. And, the investigation is intended to bring that to light. This is all about politics. Few, if any are genuinely concerned about anything else.

I'll withhold that conclusion til all the facts are out. The unwavering stonewalling this administration has put up against releasing even what could be called only mildly upsetting facts for the administration leads me to believe there is more....much more that they don't want to come out. I am amazed by the depth of cynicism that exists and the willingness to forget 4 dead patriots who were denied requested security even before the military was told to stand down and then they watched by drone feed as the consulate was attacked and over taken. If murders of 4 Americans occurred in Washington DC and were unsolved 2+ years later I'm betting that story would make the airwaves and front pages on a nearly daily basis.

I don't doubt you feel that way. I doubt Issa does. I still say this is all politics. However, this is one where we may actually find out who is right and who is wrong and be able to say, "I told you so". I doubt it but, maybe.

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"I don't doubt you feel that way. I doubt Issa does. I still say this is all politics. However, this is one where we may actually find out who is right and who is wrong and be able to say, "I told you so". I doubt it but, maybe."

Lying to the American people to win reelection is not below most every politician but when the lies continue at the expense of 4 dead patriots ...."Bin Laden is dead and AQ has been decimated" to win an election that's pretty slimy politics. They all lie to varying degrees. IMO this is the lowest possible form of political lie.

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Obama’s national security adviser prepped Susan Rice to blame the video for Benghazi attack

More Benghazi documents have been obtained, one of which is an email from Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, to Jay Carney and other administration officials containing prep for a phone call with Susan Rice, who was at the time the U.S. ambassador to the U.N. The email was sent three days after the Benghazi attack.

Here’s the Rhodes email (from Judicial Watch via Twitchy):


It’s telling that apparently one of the first concerns in the White House in the hours following an attack that killed four Americans was “how can we not make this look like a policy failure?”

The Rice prep call was Saturday afternoon, and the next morning she was on the Sunday news shows pushing the “it was because of the video” lie (the guy who made the YouTube video in question is still in jail — an apparent extended safety precaution to protect our diplomats abroad or something).

So, linking the attack to the video wasn’t Rice’s idea?

The email is also significant because in congressional testimony in early April, former deputy CIA director Michael Morell told lawmakers it was Rice, in her Sunday show appearances, who linked the video to the Benghazi attack. Morell said the video was not part of the CIA analysis.

Sharyl Attkisson, who left CBS News in March after 20 years because she said in part she was frustrated on the network’s lack of support for her investigations, pointed this out:

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) told me today that the government apparently tried to keep the Rhodes email out of Congress and the public’s hands by classifying it after-the-fact.

“They retroactively changed the classification,” Chaffetz says. “That was an unclassified document and they changed it to classified.”

Who was the person who retroactively classified the document? That’s classified.

Coincidentally, Ben Rhodes’ brother David is president of CBS News. In fairness though, because of the media/administration revolving door, it’s tough to find a major news organization with employees who don’t have spouses/relatives/close friends in the White House.


Update: I’ve changed the name “Susan” Attkisson (whoops!) to the correct Sharyl Attkisson, issued myself a fine for the mistake and banned myself from the site for the remainder of the afternoon as punishment.


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Assuming vague media talking points is a "cover up," what crime was being covered up?

Maybe no crime per se, but this coverup is happening because Hillary was Sec. of State and they caught her napping on this one. The coverup has one goal: Protect Hillary's White House 2016 run at all costs.

Exactly. And, the investigation is intended to bring that to light. This is all about politics. Few, if any are genuinely concerned about anything else.

I'll withhold that conclusion til all the facts are out. The unwavering stonewalling this administration has put up against releasing even what could be called only mildly upsetting facts for the administration leads me to believe there is more....much more that they don't want to come out. I am amazed by the depth of cynicism that exists and the willingness to forget 4 dead patriots who were denied requested security even before the military was told to stand down and then they watched by drone feed as the consulate was attacked and over taken. If murders of 4 Americans occurred in Washington DC and were unsolved 2+ years later I'm betting that story would make the airwaves and front pages on a nearly daily basis.

I don't doubt you feel that way. I doubt Issa does. I still say this is all politics. However, this is one where we may actually find out who is right and who is wrong and be able to say, "I told you so". I doubt it but, maybe.

Having Trey Gowdy lead this investigation is a great start. Political advantage is in play, no doubt. But it was also politics that may gave led to the misinformation that protected the president. It also points to a derelict of duty, and that's my biggest issue with the entire situation. We did NOTHING to protect, or even attempt to rescue those men.

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Nixon lied and did the honorable thing. Too bad the current liar in chief has no honor...

Please outline Obama's impeachable offenses.

Tex, we have squabbled many times in the past. I consider you one of the guys i would truly like to have a beer with tho.

But seriously, what were Nixon's impeachable offenses? Pretty much the coverup and using the IRS to go after his political enemies.

Sound familiar?

The actual facts are no where near analogous.

Really? Why not? by comparison Nixon's misdeeds seem bland compared to Obama's. It was never proven that Nixon even knew about the break in until after it happened when he did try to cover it up. BTW, how many Americans were needlessly abandoned and subsequently died in the WaterGate scandal?

Assuming vague media talking points is a "cover up," what crime was being covered up?

A crime of public misinformation to protect an administration. Derelict of duty. It may not lead to prison, but it's important. If you don't think so then so be it.

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Assuming vague media talking points is a "cover up," what crime was being covered up?

Maybe no crime per se, but this coverup is happening because Hillary was Sec. of State and they caught her napping on this one. The coverup has one goal: Protect Hillary's White House 2016 run at all costs.

Exactly. And, the investigation is intended to bring that to light. This is all about politics. Few, if any are genuinely concerned about anything else.

4 deaths deserve closure. One of those the first time in decades (an American Ambassador). I guess they are just numbers?

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Nixon lied and did the honorable thing. Too bad the current liar in chief has no honor...

Please outline Obama's impeachable offenses.

Tex, we have squabbled many times in the past. I consider you one of the guys i would truly like to have a beer with tho.

But seriously, what were Nixon's impeachable offenses? Pretty much the coverup and using the IRS to go after his political enemies.

Sound familiar?

The actual facts are no where near analogous.

Really? Why not? by comparison Nixon's misdeeds seem bland compared to Obama's. It was never proven that Nixon even knew about the break in until after it happened when he did try to cover it up. BTW, how many Americans were needlessly abandoned and subsequently died in the WaterGate scandal?

Assuming vague media talking points is a "cover up," what crime was being covered up?

A crime of public misinformation to protect an administration. Derelict of duty. It may not lead to prison, but it's important. If you don't think so then so be it.

Well, the law gets real picky about such things. So maybe the term "impeachment" is a stretch.

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Thanks for your opinion, channonc. So are you saying that you don't think that there was a cover-up of what really happened?

I don't think it was about the video, but I don't think when they made that announcement that they knew anything, really. I think they threw something out just to have an answer to the obvious question of why. However, once other questions came out, I think instead of admitting they didn't know or were collecting intelligence and evidence, they stupidly continued pushing the video theory, all hoping to save face. It was a poor strategy, and one that clearly bit them in the you know what. But, I don't believe it's this mass conspiracy theory some on the right are making it out to be. I think this is about 2016, nothing more.

channonc i have to call you out on this one.

Was Watergate all partisan then? It was about a a coverup, (IE LIES) about a third rate burglary gone bad against a campaign that had ZERO chance of winning anything...AND NO ONE DIED THERE.

This is about brazen lies. They knew about the truth of what happened in Benghazi within hours...


"AN EMAIL ON Sept. 12, 2012, TO RICE from Payton Knopf, deputy spokesman at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, CONFIRMED THE ATTACKS WERE "PLANNED IN ADVANCE" and "complex," not spontaneous in reaction to a video."

1) Amb Rice KNEW the next day, 9-12-12, that the video story was a lie.

2) The People at the UN Mission KNEW the next day that the video story was a lie.

3) Gen Petraeus had his career and marriage ruined because he would not go along with the Administration and lie to the American Public and say that we had no information prior to the assault about a looming attack on the compound.

4) We destroyed our relationship, whatever that was, with the Libyan President because when he came out and said that it was a terrorist attack, the Administration walked out, called him a liar, and made him look like a fool.

5) We did the same to the Brits.

And the best you got is: "It 's just partisanship on the Republican side..."?

Sorry, i didnt know that the Libyan President was a Republican. BTW, you got a link for that?

Sorry, i didnt know calling service members and state dept career employees liars was simply because they were part of the "Right Wing Kabal."

Sorry, i didnt know there was a Right Winger in the WH making them tell the lies about the video story?

Sorry, i didnt know there was a Kabalist making the Administration not release the emails to Congress and the press....

BTW, I noticed you skipped right over where i asked specifically about the emails.

channonc, i have interacted with you long enough on this forum TO KNOW that you really do not blame some powerless bat-crap crazy conspiratorialists.

This was not and is not about 2016 my dear, it is about 2012 and the frantic stupidity of a campaign that was afraid of losing an election it really had zero chance of losing.

You want to know the really comparable parts of Nixon and Obama?

All the bat-crap crazy stuff happened during a campaign in which they were the heavy favorites against rivals that were disorganized and lead by weak candidates.

Sorry for the late response, I have been super busy and haven't had a chance to sit down and respond.

With regard to the emails, again, it proves only that they wanted to focus on the video. I see nothing in those emails that concludes that they KNEW all of the details. I am not defending their action to continue to push the video story. They shouldn't have done it, but quite honestly, it wouldn't have brought back the lives we lost.

Quite honestly, this whole thing is political posturing. If you can't see that, I am sorry. Unfortunately, you are playing right into their hands on that. Were there mistakes made here? Yep, that's obvious. Should the administration just answered with "we are conducting an investigation into this attack". Yes.

Because of how emotionally heated this has become, I won't comment further on this thread.

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It's only political posturing if you are on the wrong side of this argument. It's emotionally heated because some of us want accountability and responsibility and if a politically driven investigation gets to that, I'm all for it!

Politics is the reason this whole thing went down the way it did in the first place!

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The WH and MSM are scared itless over this , and the IRS story. That's why they're letting Joe make cute little comedy shorts w/ Julia and doubling down on the AGW lies. Even when NO ONE CARES about global warming.

Jobs ? What jobs ?

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The WH and MSM are scared itless over this , and the IRS story. That's why they're letting Joe make cute little comedy shorts w/ Julia and doubling down on the AGW lies. Even when NO ONE CARES about global warming.

Jobs ? What jobs ?

The MSM? That's particularly stupid.

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We obviously have a lot of Foxbots on this forum.

We obviously have a few demobots and republibots in here as well.

Well, speaking for myself, I am an independentbot

Not to sure about that but I'm not going to judge.

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We obviously have a lot of Foxbots on this forum.

We obviously have a few demobots and republibots in here as well.

Well, speaking for myself, I am an independentbot

Not to sure about that but I'm not going to judge.

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