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New evidence proves even further Obama et al lied about Benghazi


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Four Americans were killed in a terrorist attack and the facts were withheld from the American people while the administration told lies.

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Four Americans were killed in a terrorist attack and the facts were withheld from the American people while the administration told lies.

Emails, whether exculpatory or not, were illegally withheld from Congress in its due diligence to police and investigate normal everyday actions by the Executive Branch.
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How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

YES, it does. The Commander in Chief has a huge responsibility to those serving abroad that he is going to do everything in his power to protect and defend them. This guy did not do that and you interpreting my point of view as simply being argumentative underscores in my mind your lack of understanding of the gravity of this situation. I tell you what, you hide and watch - this thing is just getting started. We'll see who is being argumentative. Actually, I find it quite ironic, after reading your lame ass argumentative attempts to make excuses for the dereliction of duty and dishonesty displayed by this administration you'd accuse me of being argumentative for arguments sake.

I might take you seriously, if you even acknowledged the nearly 4,000 who died in Iraq based on two lies: weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Quaeda.

DO you have proof that Bush intentionally mislead the nation on the aforementioned instances? Just curious.

You mean other than all of the video and transcripts of Bush administration official's statements and the fact that both were proven false? Are you hanging your hat on the word intentionally? If so, I would credit that to Vice President Dick Cheney. If you don't believe that, check out what his friend and former GOP majority leader Dick Armey said about him after the fact. Did Cheney battle the CIA over the intel? Did Cheney throw Scooter Libby under the bus?

Stop weaseling. You sound like a sissy ass democat. Did he or did he not intentionally mislead the nation? And I did not ask anything about Dick freaking Cheney.

Yea, all them dimocrap libtards is sissy gays. They is pansy, commie, soscialist. I hate all of them.

You obviously weren't looking for a realistic answer, so I have provided the above comment. Feel better?

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Can anyone hear sum up this "scandal" in a single sentence, including any laws that the evidence supports were broken?

It's not always about "law" when someone is derelict, but I guess it is when it's convenient.

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I think it is a fascinating study of contrast of individual values. Those on the "right" are upset because the administration chose to lie again to the American electorate. As a side question...Is there anything that this crowd wont lie about? Rather than admit their "Bin Laden is dead and AQ has been decimated" was only half true meme. they pushed full speed ahead even when 4 Americans were needlessly murdered as a result of their failed "light footprint" policies.

People on the "left" act miffed that anyone would question their integrity, like losing 4 Americans is not dereliction of duty and nothing to get worked up over. Rarely does either party put the country ahead of politics and Obama's team certainly did not in this incident. From ignoring the pleas of Ambassador Stevens for more security, to sitting idly by watching a drone feed as the consulate is over taken in a planned act of terrorism, to continuing their false narrative that nothing could've been done since it was a spontaneous response to a video is so far beneath expectations for Presidential leadership it is mind blowing, to me, that this is just a partisan issue.

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I think it is a fascinating study of contrast of individual values. Those on the "right" are upset because the administration chose to lie again to the American electorate. As a side question...Is there anything that this crowd wont lie about? Rather than admit their "Bin Laden is dead and AQ has been decimated" was only half true meme. they pushed full speed ahead even when 4 Americans were needlessly murdered as a result of their failed "light footprint" policies.

People on the "left" act miffed that anyone would question their integrity, like losing 4 Americans is not dereliction of duty and nothing to get worked up over. Rarely does either party put the country ahead of politics and Obama's team certainly did not in this incident. From ignoring the pleas of Ambassador Stevens for more security, to sitting idly by watching a drone feed as the consulate is over taken in a planned act of terrorism, to continuing their false narrative that nothing could've been done since it was a spontaneous response to a video is so far beneath expectations for Presidential leadership it is mind blowing, to me, that this is just a partisan issue.

Reagan traded arms for hostages with Iran and lost 241 Marines in Lebanon through poor planning and yet you think he was greatest-- just trying to make sense of your "values."

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Nixon lied and did the honorable thing. Too bad the current liar in chief has no honor...

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Nixon lied and did the honorable thing. Too bad the current liar in chief has no honor...

Yes, President Nixon is he perfect benchmark for honor. :rolleyes: He would still be lying were it not for the tapes (and the fact that he is dead). I wonder if the Obama administration has considered fire-bombing the Brookings Institute.

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For the record, Nixon left after he had a meeting with Republican Leadership telling him he had no cover.

They were going to vote to impeach. Imagine anyone in this new version of the Democrat Party doing that?

And btw...


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Benghazi was an organized terrorist attack that has been swept under the carpet by Hilary Clinton and Obama. Unfortunately for them the stench of foul play by Clinton and Obama is coming out. This is a terribly corrupt administration.

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I think it is a fascinating study of contrast of individual values. Those on the "right" are upset because the administration chose to lie again to the American electorate. As a side question...Is there anything that this crowd wont lie about? Rather than admit their "Bin Laden is dead and AQ has been decimated" was only half true meme. they pushed full speed ahead even when 4 Americans were needlessly murdered as a result of their failed "light footprint" policies.

People on the "left" act miffed that anyone would question their integrity, like losing 4 Americans is not dereliction of duty and nothing to get worked up over. Rarely does either party put the country ahead of politics and Obama's team certainly did not in this incident. From ignoring the pleas of Ambassador Stevens for more security, to sitting idly by watching a drone feed as the consulate is over taken in a planned act of terrorism, to continuing their false narrative that nothing could've been done since it was a spontaneous response to a video is so far beneath expectations for Presidential leadership it is mind blowing, to me, that this is just a partisan issue.

Reagan traded arms for hostages with Iran and lost 241 Marines in Lebanon through poor planning and yet you think he was greatest-- just trying to make sense of your "values."

I think it is a fascinating study of contrast of individual values. Those on the "right" are upset because the administration chose to lie again to the American electorate. As a side question...Is there anything that this crowd wont lie about? Rather than admit their "Bin Laden is dead and AQ has been decimated" was only half true meme. they pushed full speed ahead even when 4 Americans were needlessly murdered as a result of their failed "light footprint" policies.

People on the "left" act miffed that anyone would question their integrity, like losing 4 Americans is not dereliction of duty and nothing to get worked up over. Rarely does either party put the country ahead of politics and Obama's team certainly did not in this incident. From ignoring the pleas of Ambassador Stevens for more security, to sitting idly by watching a drone feed as the consulate is over taken in a planned act of terrorism, to continuing their false narrative that nothing could've been done since it was a spontaneous response to a video is so far beneath expectations for Presidential leadership it is mind blowing, to me, that this is just a partisan issue.

Reagan traded arms for hostages with Iran and lost 241 Marines in Lebanon through poor planning and yet you think he was greatest-- just trying to make sense of your "values."

Do you ever tire of your exercises in moral equivalency? That was 30 years ago and basically the advent of terrorists bombings. They even called themselves islamic jihadists then, but tell me, how does one plan for truck bombings? Clearly you and yours will never see past the mistakes of the past, presumably, in your efforts to justify your horrendous shortfalls in the present. Also, when did you realize you had the gift of reading others' minds? All liberals are the same..just smarter then everyone else simply because the know exactly what goes on in everyone's mind.

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How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

YES, it does. The Commander in Chief has a huge responsibility to those serving abroad that he is going to do everything in his power to protect and defend them. This guy did not do that and you interpreting my point of view as simply being argumentative underscores in my mind your lack of understanding of the gravity of this situation. I tell you what, you hide and watch - this thing is just getting started. We'll see who is being argumentative. Actually, I find it quite ironic, after reading your lame ass argumentative attempts to make excuses for the dereliction of duty and dishonesty displayed by this administration you'd accuse me of being argumentative for arguments sake.

I might take you seriously, if you even acknowledged the nearly 4,000 who died in Iraq based on two lies: weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Quaeda.

DO you have proof that Bush intentionally mislead the nation on the aforementioned instances? Just curious.

You mean other than all of the video and transcripts of Bush administration official's statements and the fact that both were proven false? Are you hanging your hat on the word intentionally? If so, I would credit that to Vice President Dick Cheney. If you don't believe that, check out what his friend and former GOP majority leader Dick Armey said about him after the fact. Did Cheney battle the CIA over the intel? Did Cheney throw Scooter Libby under the bus?

Stop weaseling. You sound like a sissy ass democat. Did he or did he not intentionally mislead the nation? And I did not ask anything about Dick freaking Cheney.

"Weaseling" ? Where did you get that term?

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How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

YES, it does. The Commander in Chief has a huge responsibility to those serving abroad that he is going to do everything in his power to protect and defend them. This guy did not do that and you interpreting my point of view as simply being argumentative underscores in my mind your lack of understanding of the gravity of this situation. I tell you what, you hide and watch - this thing is just getting started. We'll see who is being argumentative. Actually, I find it quite ironic, after reading your lame ass argumentative attempts to make excuses for the dereliction of duty and dishonesty displayed by this administration you'd accuse me of being argumentative for arguments sake.

I might take you seriously, if you even acknowledged the nearly 4,000 who died in Iraq based on two lies: weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Quaeda.

DO you have proof that Bush intentionally mislead the nation on the aforementioned instances? Just curious.

You mean other than all of the video and transcripts of Bush administration official's statements and the fact that both were proven false? Are you hanging your hat on the word intentionally? If so, I would credit that to Vice President Dick Cheney. If you don't believe that, check out what his friend and former GOP majority leader Dick Armey said about him after the fact. Did Cheney battle the CIA over the intel? Did Cheney throw Scooter Libby under the bus?

Stop weaseling. You sound like a sissy ass democat. Did he or did he not intentionally mislead the nation? And I did not ask anything about Dick freaking Cheney.

Yea, all them dimocrap libtards is sissy gays. They is pansy, commie, soscialist. I hate all of them.

You obviously weren't looking for a realistic answer, so I have provided the above comment. Feel better?

Actually, I was looking for a real answer, but knew it would not come from you Mr. Deflection.
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How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

YES, it does. The Commander in Chief has a huge responsibility to those serving abroad that he is going to do everything in his power to protect and defend them. This guy did not do that and you interpreting my point of view as simply being argumentative underscores in my mind your lack of understanding of the gravity of this situation. I tell you what, you hide and watch - this thing is just getting started. We'll see who is being argumentative. Actually, I find it quite ironic, after reading your lame ass argumentative attempts to make excuses for the dereliction of duty and dishonesty displayed by this administration you'd accuse me of being argumentative for arguments sake.

I might take you seriously, if you even acknowledged the nearly 4,000 who died in Iraq based on two lies: weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Quaeda.

DO you have proof that Bush intentionally mislead the nation on the aforementioned instances? Just curious.

You mean other than all of the video and transcripts of Bush administration official's statements and the fact that both were proven false? Are you hanging your hat on the word intentionally? If so, I would credit that to Vice President Dick Cheney. If you don't believe that, check out what his friend and former GOP majority leader Dick Armey said about him after the fact. Did Cheney battle the CIA over the intel? Did Cheney throw Scooter Libby under the bus?

Stop weaseling. You sound like a sissy ass democat. Did he or did he not intentionally mislead the nation? And I did not ask anything about Dick freaking Cheney.

Yea, all them dimocrap libtards is sissy gays. They is pansy, commie, soscialist. I hate all of them.

You obviously weren't looking for a realistic answer, so I have provided the above comment. Feel better?

Actually, I was looking for a real answer, but knew it would not come from you Mr. Deflection.

Then why did you ask? No matter, thank you for your thoughtful responses.

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Reagan traded arms for hostages with Iran and lost 241 Marines in Lebanon through poor planning and yet you think he was greatest-- just trying to make sense of your "values."

Reagan didn't LOSE any Marines, dumb*** . They were murdered by ... guess who ? ISLAMIC NUTJOBS!

Blame them, not Reagan.

Conversely, Obama flat out lied about Benghazi. Hillary denied more protection for our ambassador ,even after repeated requests. Seems lawn care and new dinner ware was more of a priority than the lives of Americans in a hot spot on the globe.

It absolutely NEVER fails. When Obama screws up, it's always " But Bush.. " or " But Reagan... ".

Never about Obama, and what he's done, now is it ?

Frelling CHILDREN on the Left.

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I think it is a fascinating study of contrast of individual values. Those on the "right" are upset because the administration chose to lie again to the American electorate. As a side question...Is there anything that this crowd wont lie about? Rather than admit their "Bin Laden is dead and AQ has been decimated" was only half true meme. they pushed full speed ahead even when 4 Americans were needlessly murdered as a result of their failed "light footprint" policies.

People on the "left" act miffed that anyone would question their integrity, like losing 4 Americans is not dereliction of duty and nothing to get worked up over. Rarely does either party put the country ahead of politics and Obama's team certainly did not in this incident. From ignoring the pleas of Ambassador Stevens for more security, to sitting idly by watching a drone feed as the consulate is over taken in a planned act of terrorism, to continuing their false narrative that nothing could've been done since it was a spontaneous response to a video is so far beneath expectations for Presidential leadership it is mind blowing, to me, that this is just a partisan issue.

Reagan traded arms for hostages with Iran and lost 241 Marines in Lebanon through poor planning and yet you think he was greatest-- just trying to make sense of your "values."

I think it is a fascinating study of contrast of individual values. Those on the "right" are upset because the administration chose to lie again to the American electorate. As a side question...Is there anything that this crowd wont lie about? Rather than admit their "Bin Laden is dead and AQ has been decimated" was only half true meme. they pushed full speed ahead even when 4 Americans were needlessly murdered as a result of their failed "light footprint" policies.

People on the "left" act miffed that anyone would question their integrity, like losing 4 Americans is not dereliction of duty and nothing to get worked up over. Rarely does either party put the country ahead of politics and Obama's team certainly did not in this incident. From ignoring the pleas of Ambassador Stevens for more security, to sitting idly by watching a drone feed as the consulate is over taken in a planned act of terrorism, to continuing their false narrative that nothing could've been done since it was a spontaneous response to a video is so far beneath expectations for Presidential leadership it is mind blowing, to me, that this is just a partisan issue.

Reagan traded arms for hostages with Iran and lost 241 Marines in Lebanon through poor planning and yet you think he was greatest-- just trying to make sense of your "values."

Do you ever tire of your exercises in moral equivalency? That was 30 years ago and basically the advent of terrorists bombings. They even called themselves islamic jihadists then, but tell me, how does one plan for truck bombings? Clearly you and yours will never see past the mistakes of the past, presumably, in your efforts to justify your horrendous shortfalls in the present. Also, when did you realize you had the gift of reading others' minds? All liberals are the same..just smarter then everyone else simply because the know exactly what goes on in everyone's mind.

Do you ever tire from being grossly illogical and hypocritical?

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Nixon lied and did the honorable thing. Too bad the current liar in chief has no honor...

Please outline Obama's impeachable offenses.

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Nixon lied and did the honorable thing. Too bad the current liar in chief has no honor...

Please outline Obama's impeachable offenses.

I dont have the time nor even the passing inclination to work up a timeline for you but this administration is the most lawless on record. There have been arguments made that his abusive use of executive orders is impeachable. Don't try to tell me Geo Bush refused to enforce legislation passed by Congress by simply changing it on his whims. Bush issued a lot of executive orders, that is true, but its not the number its the substance. The POTUS simply does not have the Constitutional authority to do what Obama has done 39 times to Obama Care. Clearly, until someone stops him, he has the power and nobody is going to try to impeach him because the democrat controlled Senate led by Harry Reid would just scoff at it because they're the good little obedient politically loyal sheeple that are required to support this kind of abuse of power.

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Obama is NOT going to be impeached. It's not going to happen. Even if it were justifiable it wouldn't happen.

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Obama is NOT going to be impeached. It's not going to happen. Even if it were justifiable it wouldn't happen.

Yathink? LOL. The Senate would laugh and Harry Reid would just use the opportunity to get up and read another obsessive diatribe about the Koch brothers.

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Nixon lied and did the honorable thing. Too bad the current liar in chief has no honor...

Please outline Obama's impeachable offenses.

Tex, we have squabbled many times in the past. I consider you one of the guys i would truly like to have a beer with tho.

But seriously, what were Nixon's impeachable offenses? Pretty much the coverup and using the IRS to go after his political enemies.

Sound familiar?

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Obama is NOT going to be impeached. It's not going to happen. Even if it were justifiable it wouldn't happen.

Yathink? LOL. The Senate would laugh and Harry Reid would just use the opportunity to get up and read another obsessive diatribe about the Koch brothers.

The only chance that the truth will be revealed and those that deserve it are punished is if the Senate flips in November.

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Obama is NOT going to be impeached. It's not going to happen. Even if it were justifiable it wouldn't happen.

Yathink? LOL. The Senate would laugh and Harry Reid would just use the opportunity to get up and read another obsessive diatribe about the Koch brothers.

The only chance that the truth will be revealed and those that deserve it are punished is if the Senate flips in November.

It will.

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Nixon lied and did the honorable thing. Too bad the current liar in chief has no honor...

Please outline Obama's impeachable offenses.

Tex, we have squabbled many times in the past. I consider you one of the guys i would truly like to have a beer with tho.

But seriously, what were Nixon's impeachable offenses? Pretty much the coverup and using the IRS to go after his political enemies.

Sound familiar?

The actual facts are no where near analogous.

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