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New evidence proves even further Obama et al lied about Benghazi


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And THAT is crystal clear and very rational.

crystal clear, yes

rational, not so much

4 dead American souls serving the nation....yeah, I'd say it's very rational to get the TRUTH out.

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Thanks for your opinion, channonc. So are you saying that you don't think that there was a cover-up of what really happened?

I don't think it was about the video, but I don't think when they made that announcement that they knew anything, really. I think they threw something out just to have an answer to the obvious question of why. However, once other questions came out, I think instead of admitting they didn't know or were collecting intelligence and evidence, they stupidly continued pushing the video theory, all hoping to save face. It was a poor strategy, and one that clearly bit them in the you know what. But, I don't believe it's this mass conspiracy theory some on the right are making it out to be. I think this is about 2016, nothing more.

Actually I dont think the republicans are even suggesting this is a conspiracy. 4 Americans were abandoned and murdered because this administration turned a blind eye toward them. Republicans are simply pointing out that this administration covered up the truth. Everyone involved that has been interviewed has related that they KNEW this was NOT to a demonstration rooted in a video but rather an act of terrorism from the very beginning.

What they need to know is simple. Who gave the orders to spin the video story. Most rational people do not believe Ben Rhodes originated that story on his own but, then again, who did? Clearly, that allowed their "Bin Laden is dead and Al Qaeda is decimated" campaign meme which was obviously w/o merit to stand and not upset their momentum to reelection. And lastly, who gave the order for the military to stand down? That's it! If the administration had not been stonewalling the s*** out of this thing for 19 months it could've been over a long time ago. Which leads me to the last thing they need to know. WHY has the investigation meet with so much stonewalling and resistance if its all just an innocent mistake?

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No actually I do care. And I agree with you regarding accountability.

It's just not a key issue. Every administration - in either party - has stuff like this happen. There were 13 "Benghazis" during Bush's watch:

Oh get real. s*** happens. In every administration.

The diplomatic - and military - deaths that have occurred in previous administrations were no less needless than the deaths at Benghazi.

This obsession obviously has more to do with partisan politics than it does needless deaths. The Benghazi deaths were tragic and probably preventable, just like each of the similar deaths that have happened in the past in prior administrations.

The only thing different here is the anti-Obama propaganda reverb machine capitalizing on this tragedy for political purposes.

Thats right homer, every administration has had these events. But when the Marines were attacked, we werent told it was about a Martian landing and blowing up the building. There werent huge coverups about it. The Administration took responsibility and took action.

In Benghazi, we have yet to hear this Administration admit anything. They lied to us FROM DAY ONE and Vietor is finally telling us that the Obama-Love rumor was true. While these guys were attacked, President Blase' was off playing cards with Reggie Love and couldnt be concerned about sending the troops in.THE FACT IS THAT THIS MISSION SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN ALLOWED IN BENGHAZI WITHOUT ADEQUATE MILITARY COVER NEARBY.

Look, Nixon was ruined over his coverup of a third rate burglary of a dead campaign's headquarters. It took down THE administration that ended Vietnam.

I am not saying that Obama nor anyone is guilty of anything as yet. But why deny Congress those emails? Why? Why are we just now finding out about this? Why did the only person investigating this, Atkisson essentially get run off from CBS? Why wont NBC cover it at all? Lots of great questions here and great questions often lead to great personal discovery.

You really want to know where I think all this is leading? The Media in America is about to have a epiphanal "Barbara Walters moment."

I got the beer chilled and the popcorn ready to go. They are not going to be left behind as a story this size blows up.

Baghdad Bob Carney days of lying to the citizens and to the press with that dime store smirk on his face are over.

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Thanks for your opinion, channonc. So are you saying that you don't think that there was a cover-up of what really happened?

I don't think it was about the video, but I don't think when they made that announcement that they knew anything, really. I think they threw something out just to have an answer to the obvious question of why. However, once other questions came out, I think instead of admitting they didn't know or were collecting intelligence and evidence, they stupidly continued pushing the video theory, all hoping to save face. It was a poor strategy, and one that clearly bit them in the you know what. But, I don't believe it's this mass conspiracy theory some on the right are making it out to be. I think this is about 2016, nothing more.

channonc i have to call you out on this one.

Was Watergate all partisan then? It was about a a coverup, (IE LIES) about a third rate burglary gone bad against a campaign that had ZERO chance of winning anything...AND NO ONE DIED THERE.

This is about brazen lies. They knew about the truth of what happened in Benghazi within hours...


"AN EMAIL ON Sept. 12, 2012, TO RICE from Payton Knopf, deputy spokesman at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, CONFIRMED THE ATTACKS WERE "PLANNED IN ADVANCE" and "complex," not spontaneous in reaction to a video."

1) Amb Rice KNEW the next day, 9-12-12, that the video story was a lie.

2) The People at the UN Mission KNEW the next day that the video story was a lie.

3) Gen Petraeus had his career and marriage ruined because he would not go along with the Administration and lie to the American Public and say that we had no information prior to the assault about a looming attack on the compound.

4) We destroyed our relationship, whatever that was, with the Libyan President because when he came out and said that it was a terrorist attack, the Administration walked out, called him a liar, and made him look like a fool.

5) We did the same to the Brits.

And the best you got is: "It 's just partisanship on the Republican side..."?

Sorry, i didnt know that the Libyan President was a Republican. BTW, you got a link for that?

Sorry, i didnt know calling service members and state dept career employees liars was simply because they were part of the "Right Wing Kabal."

Sorry, i didnt know there was a Right Winger in the WH making them tell the lies about the video story?

Sorry, i didnt know there was a Kabalist making the Administration not release the emails to Congress and the press....

BTW, I noticed you skipped right over where i asked specifically about the emails.

channonc, i have interacted with you long enough on this forum TO KNOW that you really do not blame some powerless bat-crap crazy conspiratorialists.

This was not and is not about 2016 my dear, it is about 2012 and the frantic stupidity of a campaign that was afraid of losing an election it really had zero chance of losing.

You want to know the really comparable parts of Nixon and Obama?

All the bat-crap crazy stuff happened during a campaign in which they were the heavy favorites against rivals that were disorganized and lead by weak candidates.

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The brother of the CEO of CBS (who repressed stories by Sharyl Attkisson on Benghazi) directed the suppression of the truth on the attack. Who woulda thunk it?

Nothing here...pure coincidence...

Oh c'mon ! Now you're really reaching !

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"I am not saying that Obama nor anyone is guilty of anything as yet. But why deny Congress those emails? Why? Why are we just now finding out about this? Why did the only person investigating this, Atkisson essentially get run off from CBS? Why wont NBC cover it at all? Lots of great questions here and great questions often lead to great personal discovery."

This is a pivotal point. Why stonewall to the extent that an independent watchdog firm sues using FOIA to secure the documents but then they cannot even convince a federal judge that the documents should be classified? None of the administrations responses to requests for information signal innocent mistakes were made but rather that there is much more the admin would rather not become public.

As for the MSM, most have posted articles on their websites even if they're NOT giving the story much air time on their telecasts. Its a sad day when not only is it a rare thing for a politician to put the country above politics but when the media, in choosing sides, is obviously complicit in covering up the cover up for them as well. If this was a republican admin this would have been a media feeding frenzy of epic proportion. Hell look at Bridge Gate for crying out loud. How many Americans were abandoned and subsequently killed and then the handling of it lied about to cover it up?

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How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

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Sure is. If this country doesn't demand the truth on this we are beyond repair.

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How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

It's not even close. Obama et al lied. They covered it up and continue to try to cover it up by attempting jokes, blaming the Koch brothers, acting if it happened during the Lincoln Administration. Nixon was guilty of a cover up and was rightfully forced to resign. Most importantly, IMO, no on died in Watergate.

The clowns here that continue to defend the indefensible are a perfect example of a large group of people that have been dumbed down to the point that America is in big trouble.

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How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

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They are now trying to cover up the cover up. How can this administration tell the families of four dead Americans lie after lie. Why can't Oba do the right thing an come clean like a man. Couldn't hurt him much now anyhow since he is really dead duck.

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How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

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How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

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How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

YES, it does. The Commander in Chief has a huge responsibility to those serving abroad that he is going to do everything in his power to protect and defend them. This guy did not do that and you interpreting my point of view as simply being argumentative underscores in my mind your lack of understanding of the gravity of this situation. I tell you what, you hide and watch - this thing is just getting started. We'll see who is being argumentative. Actually, I find it quite ironic, after reading your lame ass argumentative attempts to make excuses for the dereliction of duty and dishonesty displayed by this administration you'd accuse me of being argumentative for arguments sake.

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How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

YES, it does. The Commander in Chief has a huge responsibility to those serving abroad that he is going to do everything in his power to protect and defend them. This guy did not do that and you interpreting my point of view as simply being argumentative underscores in my mind your lack of understanding of the gravity of this situation. I tell you what, you hide and watch - this thing is just getting started. We'll see who is being argumentative. Actually, I find it quite ironic, after reading your lame ass argumentative attempts to make excuses for the dereliction of duty and dishonesty displayed by this administration you'd accuse me of being argumentative for arguments sake.

I might take you seriously, if you even acknowledged the nearly 4,000 who died in Iraq based on two lies: weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Quaeda.

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How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

YES, it does. The Commander in Chief has a huge responsibility to those serving abroad that he is going to do everything in his power to protect and defend them. This guy did not do that and you interpreting my point of view as simply being argumentative underscores in my mind your lack of understanding of the gravity of this situation. I tell you what, you hide and watch - this thing is just getting started. We'll see who is being argumentative. Actually, I find it quite ironic, after reading your lame ass argumentative attempts to make excuses for the dereliction of duty and dishonesty displayed by this administration you'd accuse me of being argumentative for arguments sake.

I might take you seriously, if you even acknowledged the nearly 4,000 who died in Iraq based on two lies: weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Quaeda.

DO you have proof that Bush intentionally mislead the nation on the aforementioned instances? Just curious.
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How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

YES, it does. The Commander in Chief has a huge responsibility to those serving abroad that he is going to do everything in his power to protect and defend them. This guy did not do that and you interpreting my point of view as simply being argumentative underscores in my mind your lack of understanding of the gravity of this situation. I tell you what, you hide and watch - this thing is just getting started. We'll see who is being argumentative. Actually, I find it quite ironic, after reading your lame ass argumentative attempts to make excuses for the dereliction of duty and dishonesty displayed by this administration you'd accuse me of being argumentative for arguments sake.

I might take you seriously, if you even acknowledged the nearly 4,000 who died in Iraq based on two lies: weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Quaeda.

DO you have proof that Bush intentionally mislead the nation on the aforementioned instances? Just curious.

You mean other than all of the video and transcripts of Bush administration official's statements and the fact that both were proven false? Are you hanging your hat on the word intentionally? If so, I would credit that to Vice President Dick Cheney. If you don't believe that, check out what his friend and former GOP majority leader Dick Armey said about him after the fact. Did Cheney battle the CIA over the intel? Did Cheney throw Scooter Libby under the bus?

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WMD could have been in Iraq and transported to Syria before the invasion (video by satellites showed trucks moving across the Syrian border for weeks at a time prior to the campaign), but I wasn't for sending in troops to overthrow Saddam. I felt he was a deterrent to Iran and didn't give a darn about the "Holy War" against the infidels.

But it still doesn't give this administration a pass to be derelict of duty.

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WMD could have been in Iraq and transported to Syria before the invasion (video by satellites showed trucks moving across the Syrian border for weeks at a time prior to the campaign), but I wasn't for sending in troops to overthrow Saddam. I felt he was a deterrent to Iran and didn't give a darn about the "Holy War" against the infidels.

But it still doesn't give this administration a pass to be derelict of duty.

I have heard that about the trucks to Syria. I just find it hard to believe that someone like Saddam would take those weapons out of play knowing he was about to be attacked. I think he would have tried to hide them.

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WMD could have been in Iraq and transported to Syria before the invasion (video by satellites showed trucks moving across the Syrian border for weeks at a time prior to the campaign), but I wasn't for sending in troops to overthrow Saddam. I felt he was a deterrent to Iran and didn't give a darn about the "Holy War" against the infidels.

But it still doesn't give this administration a pass to be derelict of duty.

I have heard that about the trucks to Syria. I just find it hard to believe that someone like Saddam would take those weapons out of play knowing he was about to be attacked. I think he would have tried to hide them.

Syria was a great place to hide them. He still felt that the U.S. wouldn't invade....that is was just a show. The hope was that he still had more in country when the invasion occurred. Either way we shouldn't have invaded Iraq and focused on Afghanistan.

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I want to go back to talking about the video. Has anyone anywhere found ONE person that saw the video prior to it being used as the excuse for this scandal on 9/11?

Upon watching the video, I became very skeptical. That video could have been made by a middle school kid with a couple of actors and a green screen. It is a poorly conceived, poorly produced, low technology video that required no expertise to make. Almost like somebody had a scandal on their hands and they needed an excuse, so they created this video in a few hours and put it on YouTube. All they had to do was figure out a way to make it look like it had been up there for months and I'm sure the NSA can do that with no problem.

Also consider the fact that these people in Libya don't have YouTube. Does Libya even allow YouTube at all?? Most Libyans don't have electricity or running water. They use pack mules for transport. How in the hell are they supposed to see a YouTube video that incites them to riot at a consulate?

If, big IF, this video had indeed been up there for months, it would not have been seen by "the masses," but rather by a government organization or perhaps a religious leader or some other person of power. Does it really make sense that powerful people and/or government organizations were trolling page 9-10 of a YouTube search, if they hadn't already seen it?

With everything else equal, the simplest answer is usually the correct one. The simplest answer is an anniversary attack. There is nothing about the video excuse, Hillary falling on her head, showing up with x-ray vision goggles, etc. that is simpler than an anniversary attack.

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How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

YES, it does. The Commander in Chief has a huge responsibility to those serving abroad that he is going to do everything in his power to protect and defend them. This guy did not do that and you interpreting my point of view as simply being argumentative underscores in my mind your lack of understanding of the gravity of this situation. I tell you what, you hide and watch - this thing is just getting started. We'll see who is being argumentative. Actually, I find it quite ironic, after reading your lame ass argumentative attempts to make excuses for the dereliction of duty and dishonesty displayed by this administration you'd accuse me of being argumentative for arguments sake.

I might take you seriously, if you even acknowledged the nearly 4,000 who died in Iraq based on two lies: weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Quaeda.

DO you have proof that Bush intentionally mislead the nation on the aforementioned instances? Just curious.

You mean other than all of the video and transcripts of Bush administration official's statements and the fact that both were proven false? Are you hanging your hat on the word intentionally? If so, I would credit that to Vice President Dick Cheney. If you don't believe that, check out what his friend and former GOP majority leader Dick Armey said about him after the fact. Did Cheney battle the CIA over the intel? Did Cheney throw Scooter Libby under the bus?

Stop weaseling. You sound like a sissy ass democat. Did he or did he not intentionally mislead the nation? And I did not ask anything about Dick freaking Cheney.
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How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

How much more evidence is needed ?

This is the most corrupt admin in US history. At least since Nixon.

Is it possible there was only an attempt to paint the situation in a manner that would support the claim that Al Queda was on the run? There was a pending election. Is it possible that the election and covering up the bungled, uncoordinated effort between the State Dept., the CIA, and the military is the big conspiracy? Do you really see this as a deeper conspiracy and impeachable offense? Incompetence or criminal conduct?

How much evidence? You need much more than theories and supposition. Nixon would never have been impeached or resigned had it not been for the revelation of the tapes and the Supreme Court ruling that the President had to hand them over to the special prosecutor. Even if Felt, Dean, and Hunt had testified, it likely wouldn't have been enough without the tapes.

IMO, this is not a conspiracy but incompetence. I think that is primarily what Issa wants to reinforce. Just like the administration attempting to spin the facts to favor them in the 2012 election, the GOP is playing this to favor them in 2014 and 2016. If I were Issa, I would concentrate on Lerner. I would grant her immunity and force her to testify. There could be something there. It wouldn't be shocking. How many times has an administration used the IRS for political or punitive reasons. Nixon claimed Bobby Kennedy did it to him and even his mother.

All you questions implying nothing sinister has happened is trumped by 4 DEAD AMERICANS. Why is it so hard for you people to understand that the administration was at best incompetent but at worst not only derelict in their duty but dishonest to the electorate so as not to throw water on their campaign meme that Bin Laden was dead and AQ had been decimated, which, is blatantly false. They tried to cover it up then and have tried mightily to cover up the cover up since. Forcing a watchdog group to sue using FOIA laws to require the release of documents the oversight committee has been requesting for 19 months doesn't exactly send signals of honest mistakes having been made.

This has nothing to do with Watergate or the Kennedy's ... that was THEN, this is now and, frankly, much more serious because patriotic soldiers died serving their country because they were essentially abandoned by their Commander in Chief.

Who are "you people"?

Four dead Americans is a tragedy but, it does not in itself "trump" anything.

Raptor referenced the Nixon administration. I referenced Raptor's post.

Once again, you are not trying very hard. I'd like to see a better effort from you. Your desire to argue merely to be argumentative is tiresome.

YES, it does. The Commander in Chief has a huge responsibility to those serving abroad that he is going to do everything in his power to protect and defend them. This guy did not do that and you interpreting my point of view as simply being argumentative underscores in my mind your lack of understanding of the gravity of this situation. I tell you what, you hide and watch - this thing is just getting started. We'll see who is being argumentative. Actually, I find it quite ironic, after reading your lame ass argumentative attempts to make excuses for the dereliction of duty and dishonesty displayed by this administration you'd accuse me of being argumentative for arguments sake.

I might take you seriously, if you even acknowledged the nearly 4,000 who died in Iraq based on two lies: weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Quaeda.

DO you have proof that Bush intentionally mislead the nation on the aforementioned instances? Just curious.

You mean other than all of the video and transcripts of Bush administration official's statements and the fact that both were proven false? Are you hanging your hat on the word intentionally? If so, I would credit that to Vice President Dick Cheney. If you don't believe that, check out what his friend and former GOP majority leader Dick Armey said about him after the fact. Did Cheney battle the CIA over the intel? Did Cheney throw Scooter Libby under the bus?

Stop weaseling. You sound like a sissy ass democat. Did he or did he not intentionally mislead the nation? And I did not ask anything about Dick freaking Cheney.

"Weaseling" ? Where did you get that term?

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