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New evidence proves even further Obama et al lied about Benghazi


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I hope the Republicans make Benghazi the centerpiece of their election campaign. Focus on it. Please.

I hope justice is served and the people who lied, failed, and covered it up is served up on a legal platter. I doubt it, and you don't seem to truly care which is consistent with the rest of your party.

I want answers, dammit!

No actually I do care. And I agree with you regarding accountability.

It's just not a key issue. Every administration - in either party - has stuff like this happen. There were 13 "Benghazis" during Bush's watch:

13 Benghazis Happened Under President Bush and Fox News Said Nothing


Hell, Reagan lost almost 200 marines in Lebanon for no good reason other than posturing.

The simple fact is elections don't turn on such things. The only reason you folks are so hung up on Benghazi is because of the Fox propaganda machine pushing it.

This has nothing to do with Bush. Come on Homey, be bigger than that. This is about 4 Americans needlessly killed. I don't get how anyone can joke, laugh or play politics with American lives, but approximately half of this country is doing just that! Truly sad. I suspect if one of the four were related to a few of you clowns your tune would differ. Just wow!

Oh get real. s*** happens. In every administration.

The diplomatic - and military - deaths that have occurred in previous administrations were no less needless than the deaths at Benghazi.

This obsession obviously has more to do with partisan politics than it does needless deaths. The Benghazi deaths were tragic and probably preventable, just like each of the similar deaths that have happened in the past in prior administrations.

The only thing different here is the anti-Obama propaganda reverb machine capitalizing on this tragedy for political purposes.

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You can spin and kiss their ass all you want! They lied, they hid it, and they deserve to go down with it. 4 Americans died and they tried to protect their ass because they failed to prepare and do their job.


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I hope the Republicans make Benghazi the centerpiece of their election campaign. Focus on it. Please.

I hope justice is served and the people who lied, failed, and covered it up is served up on a legal platter. I doubt it, and you don't seem to truly care which is consistent with the rest of your party.

I want answers, dammit!

No actually I do care. And I agree with you regarding accountability.

It's just not a key issue. Every administration - in either party - has stuff like this happen. There were 13 "Benghazis" during Bush's watch:

13 Benghazis Happened Under President Bush and Fox News Said Nothing


Hell, Reagan lost almost 200 marines in Lebanon for no good reason other than posturing.

The simple fact is elections don't turn on such things. The only reason you folks are so hung up on Benghazi is because of the Fox propaganda machine pushing it.

This has nothing to do with Bush. Come on Homey, be bigger than that. This is about 4 Americans needlessly killed. I don't get how anyone can joke, laugh or play politics with American lives, but approximately half of this country is doing just that! Truly sad. I suspect if one of the four were related to a few of you clowns your tune would differ. Just wow!

Oh get real. s*** happens. In every administration.

The diplomatic - and military - deaths that have occurred in previous administrations were no less needless than the deaths at Benghazi.

This obsession obviously has more to do with partisan politics than it does needless deaths. The Benghazi deaths were tragic and probably preventable, just like each of the similar deaths that have happened in the past in prior administrations.

The only thing different here is the anti-Obama propaganda reverb machine capitalizing on this tragedy for political purposes.

That sounds much like a liberal cop out. Disappointing.
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Typical. He thinks his party is more important than the job it's supposed to do when elected to serve.

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Typical. He thinks his party is more important than the job it's supposed to do when elected to serve.

Like i said earlier these guys like Tommy Vietor and his ilk dont give 2 sh**s about 4 Americans being abandoned and subsequently killed 4 years ago. Dude! They had an election to win and made the decision to lie about what really happened. They covered up the truth because they had been spinning the narrative for weeks on the campaign trail that Bin Laden was dead and Al Qaeda had been decimated. Being honest about what really happened would have signaled a policy failure that flies in the face of what they had been peddling in their bid for reelection.. Since it happened they've been covering up the cover up and blaming Fox News in an effort to hold themselves blameless for their policy failures and lies.

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Typical. He thinks his party is more important than the job it's supposed to do when elected to serve.

Like i said earlier these guys like Tommy Vietor and his ilk dont give 2 sh**s about 4 Americans being abandoned and subsequently killed 4 years ago. Dude! They had an election to win and made the decision to lie about what really happened. They covered up the truth because they had been spinning the narrative for weeks on the campaign trail that Bin Laden was dead and Al Qaeda had been decimated. Being honest about what really happened would have signaled a policy failure that flies in the face of what they had been peddling in their bid for reelection.. Since it happened they've been covering up the cover up and blaming Fox News in an effort to hold themselves blameless for their policy failures and lies.

And they need to pay just like Nixon did after the watergate hearings.

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And now we find out what Gen. Petraeus was nuked over these "affair" allegations.

And no one in the press corps bothered to look into that at all, why half the country had their alarm bells going off.

He was "taken out" to discredit him for objecting to the removal of foreknowledge of an attack in these emails.

But to his credit, HE KNEW that this was going to comeout eventually and went away peacefully.

channon, whats your feelings on these new emails?

Sorry for the delayed response, I just now caught this.

Look, I think the Administration has not handled this situation well at all. However, this is clearly political posturing on the side of the Republicans. If they didn't think there was a chance in hell Hillary would run they would have let this story go. But since, they think three is a high likelihood she runs, and that she has enough momentum right now to at least be really competitive, if not win, then they are throwing everything they have at this story to ensure it doesn't die.

House Armed Services Chairman Buck McKeon released a statement today, where he said "the Armed Services Committee has interviewed more than a dozen witnesses in the operational chain of command that night, yielding thousands of pages of transcripts, e-mails, and other documents. We have no evidence that Department of State officials delayed the decision to deploy what few resources DoD had available to respond." I think that pretty much sums it up for me. Not sure there is really the grand conspiracy here.


I think this analysis by CNN sums it up pretty well.


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Thanks for your opinion, channonc. So are you saying that you don't think that there was a cover-up of what really happened?

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You can spin and kiss their ass all you want! They lied, they hid it, and they deserve to go down with it. 4 Americans died and they tried to protect their ass because they failed to prepare and do their job.


Let me translate:

Because I don't simply absorb all the political hyperbole regarding this and light my hair on fire as a result, I am "kissing their ass".

And please spare me the drama of "four lives being lost". Like I said s*** happens. How many lives did it take to determine there were no weapons of mass destruction?

Having a sense of perspective doesn't mean I am OK with what happened, much less kissing their ass.

There were obviously a lot of errors made. There have been several investigations. I don't recall much about their conclusions, but I am not surprised that in the lack of better information, officials put spin on it for whatever reason. This whole thing about the spin to minimize culpability is way overblown IMO. Like Hillary said, from a practical standpoint, what does it really matter who perpetuated the attack? The security errors were the same regardless.

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I hope the Republicans make Benghazi the centerpiece of their election campaign. Focus on it. Please.

I hope justice is served and the people who lied, failed, and covered it up is served up on a legal platter. I doubt it, and you don't seem to truly care which is consistent with the rest of your party.

I want answers, dammit!

No actually I do care. And I agree with you regarding accountability.

It's just not a key issue. Every administration - in either party - has stuff like this happen. There were 13 "Benghazis" during Bush's watch:

13 Benghazis Happened Under President Bush and Fox News Said Nothing


Hell, Reagan lost almost 200 marines in Lebanon for no good reason other than posturing.

The simple fact is elections don't turn on such things. The only reason you folks are so hung up on Benghazi is because of the Fox propaganda machine pushing it.

This has nothing to do with Bush. Come on Homey, be bigger than that. This is about 4 Americans needlessly killed. I don't get how anyone can joke, laugh or play politics with American lives, but approximately half of this country is doing just that! Truly sad. I suspect if one of the four were related to a few of you clowns your tune would differ. Just wow!

Oh get real. s*** happens. In every administration.

The diplomatic - and military - deaths that have occurred in previous administrations were no less needless than the deaths at Benghazi.

This obsession obviously has more to do with partisan politics than it does needless deaths. The Benghazi deaths were tragic and probably preventable, just like each of the similar deaths that have happened in the past in prior administrations.

The only thing different here is the anti-Obama propaganda reverb machine capitalizing on this tragedy for political purposes.

That sounds much like a liberal cop out. Disappointing.

The simple truth can be disappointing from time to time.

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You can spin and kiss their ass all you want! They lied, they hid it, and they deserve to go down with it. 4 Americans died and they tried to protect their ass because they failed to prepare and do their job.


Let me translate:

Because I don't simply absorb all the political hyperbole regarding this and light my hair on fire as a result, I am "kissing their ass".

And please spare me the drama of "four lives being lost". Like I said s*** happens. How many lives did it take to determine there were no weapons of mass destruction?

Having a sense of perspective doesn't mean I am OK with what happened, much less kissing their ass.

There were obviously a lot of errors made. There have been several investigations. I don't recall much about their conclusions, but I am not surprised that in the lack of better information, officials put spin on it for whatever reason. This whole thing about the spin to minimize culpability is way overblown IMO. Like Hillary said, from a practical standpoint, what does it really matter who perpetuated the attack? The security errors were the same regardless.

What a freaking partisan! Just like the rest of your progressive pals you just don't care if it doesn't advance your agenda. If it did you'd be pushing hard for reprisals. WMD is apples to the oranges this matter derives from, but all you care about is a relative story to protect your agenda. Obviously!!!

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Thanks for your opinion, channonc. So are you saying that you don't think that there was a cover-up of what really happened?

I don't think it was about the video, but I don't think when they made that announcement that they knew anything, really. I think they threw something out just to have an answer to the obvious question of why. However, once other questions came out, I think instead of admitting they didn't know or were collecting intelligence and evidence, they stupidly continued pushing the video theory, all hoping to save face. It was a poor strategy, and one that clearly bit them in the you know what. But, I don't believe it's this mass conspiracy theory some on the right are making it out to be. I think this is about 2016, nothing more.

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Thanks for your opinion, channonc. So are you saying that you don't think that there was a cover-up of what really happened?

I don't think it was about the video, but I don't think when they made that announcement that they knew anything, really. I think they threw something out just to have an answer to the obvious question of why. However, once other questions came out, I think instead of admitting they didn't know or were collecting intelligence and evidence, they stupidly continued pushing the video theory, all hoping to save face. It was a poor strategy, and one that clearly bit them in the you know what. But, I don't believe it's this mass conspiracy theory some on the right are making it out to be. I think this is about 2016, nothing more.

They knew within hours it wasn't about the video. This administration withheld this information and it took a court order through a suit to get them. Poor strategy? No, it was terrible, low rate leadership and a frantic move to cover up their failures so the President could protect his backside in an election year. Once it started to unravel they had to also protect Hillary...thus, the video talking points.

I'm sorry. I want their heads! As a man who served alongside the finest men and women who put their lives on the line...you NEVER leave a soldier behind. You go in there with the best you can and get them out....or at least attempt it.

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You can spin and kiss their ass all you want! They lied, they hid it, and they deserve to go down with it. 4 Americans died and they tried to protect their ass because they failed to prepare and do their job.


Let me translate:

Because I don't simply absorb all the political hyperbole regarding this and light my hair on fire as a result, I am "kissing their ass".

And please spare me the drama of "four lives being lost". Like I said s*** happens. How many lives did it take to determine there were no weapons of mass destruction?

Having a sense of perspective doesn't mean I am OK with what happened, much less kissing their ass.

There were obviously a lot of errors made. There have been several investigations. I don't recall much about their conclusions, but I am not surprised that in the lack of better information, officials put spin on it for whatever reason. This whole thing about the spin to minimize culpability is way overblown IMO. Like Hillary said, from a practical standpoint, what does it really matter who perpetuated the attack? The security errors were the same regardless.

What a freaking partisan! Just like the rest of your progressive pals you just don't care if it doesn't advance your agenda. If it did you'd be pushing hard for reprisals. WMD is apples to the oranges this matter derives from, but all you care about is a relative story to protect your agenda. Obviously!!!

Well, since you insist on making this about me, how about telling me what my agenda is. :-\

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You can spin and kiss their ass all you want! They lied, they hid it, and they deserve to go down with it. 4 Americans died and they tried to protect their ass because they failed to prepare and do their job.


Let me translate:

Because I don't simply absorb all the political hyperbole regarding this and light my hair on fire as a result, I am "kissing their ass".

And please spare me the drama of "four lives being lost". Like I said s*** happens. How many lives did it take to determine there were no weapons of mass destruction?

Having a sense of perspective doesn't mean I am OK with what happened, much less kissing their ass.

There were obviously a lot of errors made. There have been several investigations. I don't recall much about their conclusions, but I am not surprised that in the lack of better information, officials put spin on it for whatever reason. This whole thing about the spin to minimize culpability is way overblown IMO. Like Hillary said, from a practical standpoint, what does it really matter who perpetuated the attack? The security errors were the same regardless.

What a freaking partisan! Just like the rest of your progressive pals you just don't care if it doesn't advance your agenda. If it did you'd be pushing hard for reprisals. WMD is apples to the oranges this matter derives from, but all you care about is a relative story to protect your agenda. Obviously!!!

And what's my agenda again?

I've had it up to hear with people who defend Bushes failures or this jack leg who was elected because he made chills run up peoples leg. He's a total bust and this proves it to no end. You know your agenda. If you don't......go see a specialist for it.

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There's another President who should have paid a price for his failures. Blackhawk Down. I lost a close friend there. This is just another reminder of it.

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Thanks for your opinion, channonc. So are you saying that you don't think that there was a cover-up of what really happened?

I don't think it was about the video, but I don't think when they made that announcement that they knew anything, really. I think they threw something out just to have an answer to the obvious question of why. However, once other questions came out, I think instead of admitting they didn't know or were collecting intelligence and evidence, they stupidly continued pushing the video theory, all hoping to save face. It was a poor strategy, and one that clearly bit them in the you know what. But, I don't believe it's this mass conspiracy theory some on the right are making it out to be. I think this is about 2016, nothing more.

I think that is at least partly true, but as I recall there were riots being sparked by that video. I suspect there was a lot of resentment and anger toward the producer of that video that promoted wishful thinking, if not a propensity to blame it.

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Thanks for your opinion, channonc. So are you saying that you don't think that there was a cover-up of what really happened?

I don't think it was about the video, but I don't think when they made that announcement that they knew anything, really. I think they threw something out just to have an answer to the obvious question of why. However, once other questions came out, I think instead of admitting they didn't know or were collecting intelligence and evidence, they stupidly continued pushing the video theory, all hoping to save face. It was a poor strategy, and one that clearly bit them in the you know what. But, I don't believe it's this mass conspiracy theory some on the right are making it out to be. I think this is about 2016, nothing more.

I think that is at least partly true, but as I recall there were riots being sparked by that video. I suspect there was a lot of resentment and anger toward the producer of that video that promoted wishful thinking, if not a propensity to blame it.

Tell me why we made ZERO attempts to get our men out when the battle for their lives lasted for hours? What's your spin on that one? Tell me how, when AFCOM, within an hour, was able to determine the attack was highly coordinated, that nothing was done?

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You do realize that video had been on youtube for months prior to 9/11.

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You can spin and kiss their ass all you want! They lied, they hid it, and they deserve to go down with it. 4 Americans died and they tried to protect their ass because they failed to prepare and do their job.


Let me translate:

Because I don't simply absorb all the political hyperbole regarding this and light my hair on fire as a result, I am "kissing their ass".

And please spare me the drama of "four lives being lost". Like I said s*** happens. How many lives did it take to determine there were no weapons of mass destruction?

Having a sense of perspective doesn't mean I am OK with what happened, much less kissing their ass.

There were obviously a lot of errors made. There have been several investigations. I don't recall much about their conclusions, but I am not surprised that in the lack of better information, officials put spin on it for whatever reason. This whole thing about the spin to minimize culpability is way overblown IMO. Like Hillary said, from a practical standpoint, what does it really matter who perpetuated the attack? The security errors were the same regardless.

What a freaking partisan! Just like the rest of your progressive pals you just don't care if it doesn't advance your agenda. If it did you'd be pushing hard for reprisals. WMD is apples to the oranges this matter derives from, but all you care about is a relative story to protect your agenda. Obviously!!!

And what's my agenda again?

I've had it up to hear with people who defend Bushes failures or this jack leg who was elected because he made chills run up peoples leg. He's a total bust and this proves it to no end. You know your agenda. If you don't......go see a specialist for it.

So my agenda is defending Bush's failures? :dunno:

And let me give you a little advice: Nothing is ever as bad as it seems, or as good as it seems.

Obama has been a major disappointment to me. I think he talked a great game but as soon as he was elected, he tossed that rhetoric aside and basically became timid in his approach to the Presidency, especially regarding the corporate-fueled oligarchy that is gaming our economic system for personal gain. I am very concerned that he is about to fold on his campaign position regarding the so called internet neutrality issue that is now open for public comment.

The only reason I come across as an Obama supporter is because of the over-the-top irrational political rhetoric that is so relentlessly proffered on this forum. I don't think that's productive. If anything, it's a diversion from the real threat, which is our rapid drift toward oligarchy.

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Thanks for your opinion, channonc. So are you saying that you don't think that there was a cover-up of what really happened?

I don't think it was about the video, but I don't think when they made that announcement that they knew anything, really. I think they threw something out just to have an answer to the obvious question of why. However, once other questions came out, I think instead of admitting they didn't know or were collecting intelligence and evidence, they stupidly continued pushing the video theory, all hoping to save face. It was a poor strategy, and one that clearly bit them in the you know what. But, I don't believe it's this mass conspiracy theory some on the right are making it out to be. I think this is about 2016, nothing more.

I think that is at least partly true, but as I recall there were riots being sparked by that video. I suspect there was a lot of resentment and anger toward the producer of that video that promoted wishful thinking, if not a propensity to blame it.

Tell me why we made ZERO attempts to get our men out when the battle for their lives lasted for hours? What's your spin on that one? Tell me how, when AFCOM, within an hour, was able to determine the attack was highly coordinated, that nothing was done?

I don't know

Specious question

I don't know

Was this covered in any of the investigations?

And what does any of this have to do with my post?

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You realize how pissed I am about this? Of course you don't. You don't have skin in the game.

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You realize how pissed I am about this? Of course you don't. You don't have skin in the game.

Oh I certainly do. I can easily tell when people are reacting emotionally instead of rationally. It's not a prescription for clear thinking.

In fact, I think you need to give it a rest.

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You realize how pissed I am about this? Of course you don't. You don't have skin in the game.

Oh I certainly do. I can easily tell when people are reacting emotionally instead of rationally. It's not a prescription for clear thinking.

In fact, I think you need to give it a rest.

I'll give it a rest when the appropriate people pay for this total lack of leadership, responsibility, and honesty. Give that a rest.

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And THAT is crystal clear and very rational.

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