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New evidence proves even further Obama et al lied about Benghazi


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Yea, if you aint thinkin like the rest uf us, you is just stupid. Join the heard.

Yeah, you're always onto a line of thinking something far and away superior to everyone else. Tell me, how's that Iranian "deal" working out fer America..or, how's yaboy John Kerry handling that Ukrainian crisis. For someone who has been on the wrong side of every last argument, it is amazing how condescending you are.

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No foil. It's obvious as CO2 and O2. These 4 Americans deserve to get the justice. They could have been saved.

Just so we're clear, I was referring to the charge that the brother of the CEO of CBS is somehow quashing evidence on Benghazi.

Sharyl Attkisson begs to differ

Speaking about Benghazi, the former CBS reporter said she was stunned by “the stonewalling of basic information that should be publicly available, such as the commander in chief’s actions on a night when, basically, people were at war with Americans.” http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/04/30/sharyl-attkisson-on-the-one-thing-people-should-be-standing-up-on-buildings-and-screaming-about/

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Sharyl Attkisson begs to differ

Begs to differ on what? I haven't made any effort to refute your claim.

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Yea, if you aint thinkin like the rest uf us, you is just stupid. Join the heard.

Yeah, you're always onto a line of thinking something far and away superior to everyone else. Tell me, how's that Iranian "deal" working out fer America..or, how's yaboy John Kerry handling that Ukrainian crisis. For someone who has been on the wrong side of every last argument, it is amazing how condescending you are.

Wrong side? What side am I on? Is it possible that, I am just not blindly devoted to your side?

Sorry but, I will not be an idiot who lays all of the problems of this country at the feet of Obama. It is idiotic. You are idiotic for not understanding the difference between supporting Democrats and, simply not buying into the partisan rhetoric of the right wing. That is okay though. I don't fault you for being an idiot. I do have a problem with your casual regard for the truth and, your racism however.

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I'm going to set aside for a minute the notion that this could have been prevented. Even set aside that Susan Rice was the tool to perpetrate a broad and deliberate lie about the "spontaneous" nature of the well planned and highly accurate combined arms assault on the compound (apparently Benghazi University has the only artillery fire direction control school as part of it's undergrad curriculum). What really burns my ass on this was the deliberate face to face lie that Obama and Clinton perpetrated on the bereaved love ones of those 4 men. Hillary told this to Tyrone Smith's dad.

CHARLES WOODS: You know, this is the one thing. When I was approached by Hillary Clinton at the coming home ceremony of the bodies at Andrews Air Force base and she said we are going to go out and we are going to prosecute that person who made the video, I knew that she wasn’t telling the truth, and I think the whole world knows that now.

I don't even know what to call someone who is so eager to save their political ass, so bereft of honor, someone who has so little respect for the people that serve under them, someone who has so little respect to the very people she is suppose to console; someone with no respect for their oath....that they would lie to a father who lost his son in service to his country; lost his life while serving under the person telling the lie....and tell that lie over and over and over to every family member...tell that lie to the press and then when called to answer in front of the Peoples Body of government, then have the nerve to say "what difference does it make". I hope there is a special seat in hell for people like this.

Kind of the way I felt when I realized "weapons of mass destruction" was a lie.

Touche' actually...
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Another e-mail has surfaced ...........


http://chaffetz.hous...es emails_0.pdf

A newly-released government email indicates that within hours of the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks on Americans in Benghazi, Libya; the State Department had already concluded with certainty that the Islamic militia terrorist group Ansar al Sharia was to blame.

The private, internal communication directly contradicts the message that President Obama,

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice and White House

press secretary Jay Carney repeated publicly over the course of the next several weeks.

They often maintained that an anti-Islamic YouTube video inspired a spontaneous

demonstration that escalated into violence.

The email is entitled “Libya update from Beth Jones. ” Jones was then-Assistant Secretary

of State to Hillary Clinton. According to the email, Jones spoke to Libya’s Ambassador at

9:45am on Sept. 12, 2012 following the attacks.

“When [the Libyan Ambassador] said his government suspected that former Qaddafi regime

elements carried out the attacks, I told him the group that conducted the attacks—Ansar

Al Sharia—is affiliated with Islamic extremists,” Jones reports in the email.

There is no uncertainty assigned to the assessment, which does not mention a video or

a protest. The State Department provided the email to Congress in Aug. of 2013 under

special conditions that it not be publicly released at that time. Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah)

sought and received permission to release it Thursday.

“If the video was a cause, why did Beth Jones of the State Department tell the

Libyan Ambassador that Ansar Al Sharia was responsible for the attack?” said Chaffetz.

Among those copied on the emails: Deputy Secretary William Burns; Under Secretary for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman; Jake Sullivan, then-Deputy Chief of Staff (now promoted to national security advisor to Vice President Joe Biden); Under Secretary of State Patrick Kennedy; Cheryl Mills, then-Secretary Clinton’s Chief of Staff (now on the board of directors of the global investment firm BlackRock); and Victoria Nuland, then-State Dept. spokesperson (now promoted to Asst. Secretary of State).

Two days after the email, documents show that Nuland raised concerns about an early draft of talking points in which the C.I.A. disclosed that it had warned of possible impending attacks. Nuland wrote that the C.I.A.’s disclosure to the public "could be abused by members of Congress to beat the State Department for not paying attention to [C.I.A.] warnings so why would we want to seed the Hill."

The language about prior warnings was subsequently removed by then-Deputy C.I.A. Director Mike Morell over the objection of his then-boss, C.I.A. Director David Petraeus. That's according to testimony last month from Morell, who has since been hired by Beacon Global Strategies, a PR communications firm dominated by former Clinton and Obama officials, and also works as an analyst for CBS News (where I was employed until March). Petraeus retired just after President Obama’s re-election amid allegations of a sex scandal.

Another State Department email sent at 5:55pm on Tues. Sept. 11, 2012, while the attacks were underway, includes a report that “the extremist group Ansar Al Sharia has taken credit for the attack in Benghazi” and that U.S. officials asked the offices of the [Libyan] President and [Prime Minister] to pursue Ansar al Sharia.” Four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, were killed in the Benghazi attacks.

The following month, the State Department designated Ansar al Sharia as “an alias” for the terrorist group “Al-Qaeda” in the Arabian Peninsula. In Jan. of 2014, the State Department designated the Benghazi chapter of Ansar Al Sharia as a foreign terrorist organization.

Two days after the State Department told Libyan officials that Ansar al Sharia was at fault, Secretary of State Clinton instead evoked the YouTube video at the ceremonial return of the victims’ bodies.

“This has been a difficult week for the State Department and for our country. We’ve seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful Internet video that we had nothing to do with,” said Clinton.

Obama administration officials have not fully explained who was responsible for deciding to advance the incorrect video narrative eight weeks before the Presidential election. They have said that they were acting on “the best intelligence available at the time” and that they clarified the story as they got more information. However, the vast majority of government witnesses and documents released over the past year and a half indicate there was widespread belief from the start that the attacks were the work of terrorists, not protesters.

U.S. General: we should have done more?

​At a hearing before the House Oversight Committee on Thursday, now-retired Brig. Gen. Robert Lovell contradicted another widely-made Obama administration claim that nothing more could have been done to attempt a rescue while the attacks were underway.

Lovell, who was deputy director for intelligence at Africa Command in Stuttgart, Germany testified that the U.S. should have done more but, in some respects, didn’t even try.

“The point is we should have tried," said Lovell. As another saying goes, ‘Always move to the sound of the guns.’”

Lovell said that the State Department was calling the shots in the military during the attacks and that “there was a lot of waiting for State Department for what it was that they wanted” while the military operations centers was in “desperation…to be able to do something to save people’s lives.”

“Did they ever tell you to go to Benghazi?” Rep. Chaffetz asked.

“No sir.”

Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen and other military officials, as well as Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee Buck McKeon (R-Calif), have stated that they are satisfied that nothing more could have been done to mount a rescue.

Thursday, White House spokesman Carney again accused Republicans of waging a political battle without substance.

​"What we have seen since hours after the attack...beginning with a statement by the Republican nominee for president, is an attempt by Republicans to politicize a tragedy.”

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And now we find out what Gen. Petraeus was nuked over these "affair" allegations.

And no one in the press corps bothered to look into that at all, why half the country had their alarm bells going off.

He was "taken out" to discredit him for objecting to the removal of foreknowledge of an attack in these emails.

But to his credit, HE KNEW that this was going to comeout eventually and went away peacefully.

channon, whats your feelings on these new emails?

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"AN EMAIL ON Sept. 12, 2012, TO RICE from Payton Knopf, deputy spokesman at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, CONFIRMED THE ATTACKS WERE "PLANNED IN ADVANCE" and "complex," not spontaneous in reaction to a video.

"When reporters grilled Carney about the email from Rhodes, Carney disgraced himself by stating that the email was referring to the video's effect on all the protests in the Middle East, not just in Benghazi. Everyone knows that was a flat-out lie. The prepping of Rice concerned only Benghazi, and Rice's Sunday show lie-fest concerned only Benghazi because that was the only issue that might affect Obama's re-election."

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I'm going to set aside for a minute the notion that this could have been prevented. Even set aside that Susan Rice was the tool to perpetrate a broad and deliberate lie about the "spontaneous" nature of the well planned and highly accurate combined arms assault on the compound (apparently Benghazi University has the only artillery fire direction control school as part of it's undergrad curriculum). What really burns my ass on this was the deliberate face to face lie that Obama and Clinton perpetrated on the bereaved love ones of those 4 men. Hillary told this to Tyrone Smith's dad.

CHARLES WOODS: You know, this is the one thing. When I was approached by Hillary Clinton at the coming home ceremony of the bodies at Andrews Air Force base and she said we are going to go out and we are going to prosecute that person who made the video, I knew that she wasn’t telling the truth, and I think the whole world knows that now.

I don't even know what to call someone who is so eager to save their political ass, so bereft of honor, someone who has so little respect for the people that serve under them, someone who has so little respect to the very people she is suppose to console; someone with no respect for their oath....that they would lie to a father who lost his son in service to his country; lost his life while serving under the person telling the lie....and tell that lie over and over and over to every family member...tell that lie to the press and then when called to answer in front of the Peoples Body of government, then have the nerve to say "what difference does it make". I hope there is a special seat in hell for people like this.

Kind of the way I felt when I realized "weapons of mass destruction" was a lie.

The fact that the Brits intelligence said Sadaam had them and so did both Clintons and many other Democrats just flies right over the liberal/democrats head. Obviously the 'half-truth' fits the blame Bush narrative that so many small minds cling to.

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"The fact that the Brits intelligence said Sadaam had them and so did both Clintons and many other Democrats just flies right over the liberal/democrats head. Obviously the 'half-truth' fits the blame Bush narrative that so many small minds cling to."

Good luck making any head way with ichy. His mind is made up; to hell with the fact that it wasn't just British Intel or the UN or the 50+ Allies that were ALL in favor of removing Saddam Hussein.."it was all just lies for oil" in his world. Oh, and he's not a liberal either ..HAHAHAHAHA

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"The fact that the Brits intelligence said Sadaam had them and so did both Clintons and many other Democrats just flies right over the liberal/democrats head. Obviously the 'half-truth' fits the blame Bush narrative that so many small minds cling to."

Good luck making any head way with ichy. His mind is made up; to hell with the fact that it wasn't just British Intel or the UN or the 50+ Allies that were ALL in favor of removing Saddam Hussein.."it was all just lies for oil" in his world. Oh, and he's not a liberal either ..HAHAHAHAHA

I'll say it again, if it wasn't for lies, distortions and half truths, the Democrat party would not exist. Oh yea, and their simpleton and gullible followers are important too.

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I hope the Republicans make Benghazi the centerpiece of their election campaign. Focus on it. Please.


LOL and I hope the democrats make their center piece ObamaCare. I have a good feeling who would win using those respective issues.

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I hope the Republicans make Benghazi the centerpiece of their election campaign. Focus on it. Please.

I hope justice is served and the people who lied, failed, and covered it up is served up on a legal platter. I doubt it, and you don't seem to truly care which is consistent with the rest of your party.

I want answers, dammit!

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I hope the Republicans make Benghazi the centerpiece of their election campaign. Focus on it. Please.


LOL and I hope the democrats make their center piece ObamaCare. I have a good feeling who would win using those respective issues.

Me too.

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I hope the Republicans make Benghazi the centerpiece of their election campaign. Focus on it. Please.

I hope justice is served and the people who lied, failed, and covered it up is served up on a legal platter. I doubt it, and you don't seem to truly care which is consistent with the rest of your party.

I want answers, dammit!

They dont care because as usual political power is all that they understand. I find it ironic they continually shot.."you haven't found a thing and you've been obsessing over this for 2 years" Nevermind they have stonewalled the investigation on ever request requiring FOIA law suits to get the information the oversight committee has been requesting since day 1.

They dont give 2 sh**s that 4 Americans were needlessly abandoned and subsequently killed..they had an election to win!

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I hope the Republicans make Benghazi the centerpiece of their election campaign. Focus on it. Please.

I hope justice is served and the people who lied, failed, and covered it up is served up on a legal platter. I doubt it, and you don't seem to truly care which is consistent with the rest of your party.

I want answers, dammit!

No actually I do care. And I agree with you regarding accountability.

It's just not a key issue. Every administration - in either party - has stuff like this happen. There were 13 "Benghazis" during Bush's watch:

13 Benghazis Happened Under President Bush and Fox News Said Nothing


Hell, Reagan lost almost 200 marines in Lebanon for no good reason other than posturing.

The simple fact is elections don't turn on such things. The only reason you folks are so hung up on Benghazi is because of the Fox propaganda machine pushing it.

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But did they try cover up the cover up? You should know homie, its always the cover up that gets you in trouble and covering up the cover up has been a pesky ordeal for you folks.

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But did they try cover up the cover up? You should know homie, its always the cover up that gets you in trouble and covering up the cover up has been a pesky ordeal for you folks.

That sounds like a great campaign strategy. Run with it.

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But did they try cover up the cover up? You should know homie, its always the cover up that gets you in trouble and covering up the cover up has been a pesky ordeal for you folks.

That sounds like a great campaign strategy. Run with it.

Just a legitimate question. I dont think anyone is planning on using this administrations foreign policy ineptitude as a campaign centerpiece because everyone already knows democrats have always been foreign policy bunglars

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Liberals LIE. They must because THAT is all they have. They are simply following the lead of the liar's in the WH.

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But did they try cover up the cover up? You should know homie, its always the cover up that gets you in trouble and covering up the cover up has been a pesky ordeal for you folks.

That sounds like a great campaign strategy. Run with it.

Just a legitimate question. I dont think anyone is planning on using this administrations foreign policy ineptitude as a campaign centerpiece because everyone already knows democrats have always been foreign policy bunglars

Wouldn't that make it the perfect centerpiece? :dunno:

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I hope the Republicans make Benghazi the centerpiece of their election campaign. Focus on it. Please.

I hope justice is served and the people who lied, failed, and covered it up is served up on a legal platter. I doubt it, and you don't seem to truly care which is consistent with the rest of your party.

I want answers, dammit!

No actually I do care. And I agree with you regarding accountability.

It's just not a key issue. Every administration - in either party - has stuff like this happen. There were 13 "Benghazis" during Bush's watch:

13 Benghazis Happened Under President Bush and Fox News Said Nothing


Hell, Reagan lost almost 200 marines in Lebanon for no good reason other than posturing.

The simple fact is elections don't turn on such things. The only reason you folks are so hung up on Benghazi is because of the Fox propaganda machine pushing it.

This has nothing to do with Bush. Come on Homey, be bigger than that. This is about 4 Americans needlessly killed. I don't get how anyone can joke, laugh or play politics with American lives, but approximately half of this country is doing just that! Truly sad. I suspect if one of the four were related to a few of you clowns your tune would differ. Just wow!
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