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Tea Party Ramps up their organizational skills.....


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Homer quoted one of the biggest liberal LIARS of ALL TIME. hehehehe


Take a pill Homey.
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Honestly, there are no words to accurately portray the height of irony in homer's statement..."You are awfully loose with your use of the term "liar. But its what I would expect from you and a few other wackos on this forum."

He's the guy that calls anyone and everyone liars when they post something he disagrees with. His dependence on Huff-Po, KOS and Think Progress to refute most everything is down right funny. He use of racism as a battering ram personifies the way the wackos on the left roll in their efforts to shut down opposition to their failed arguments. Wackos and liars constitute the majority of the left because the truth is not their ally in successfully implementing their agenda which is impossible without huge sacrifices of individual freedoms.

Now that's a good example of a lie.

Bet you can't produce a single example. Just one will do.

I could produce many if I cared enough. Surprise surprise you deny the accusation. Listen, you've called me a liar for no reason on several occasions. I dont care enough to go back and find them. If my memory serves correctly, you even called Charles Krauthammer a liar and a crank. Nevermind, he's an award winning journalist who was once a liberal, himself, but now thinks all you are simply wrong.

Yeah, I bet you could. If you only cared enough. :laugh:

I accept what you are. You prove it everyday. I don't need to do anything.

Well, I don't throw out terms like "liar" without evidence to prove it.

Neither do I. You are a liar but that is accepted in the liberal world. But not mine.
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I couldn't care less about homers posts.

Your acknowledgement of them says otherwise.

At the end of a string of I don't cares, You people are dense.

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I couldn't care less about homers posts.

Your acknowledgement of them says otherwise.

At the end of a string of I don't cares, You people are dense.


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