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To follow up the tin hat pic, I wish I had one from the Time Machine with the caption "hurry Marty, there's no time to waste, we have to go back in time and give Obama's Father a condom."

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You guys need to go cycle a few hundred rounds from your ARs (or whatever firearm you think you'll need for the revolution :-\ ).

Seriously. Look at your posts. It does sound crazy. Want proof? Try restating your points in a more formal way.

Or just keep on with the same ole same ole. Don't forget Obama's SNA. ;)

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Crap...I sure did. Honestly, I envy Bigbens. To be able to live in such a corrupt, agenda driven society, and see nothing but sunshine and rainbows must be incredible. I need some of those blinders.


I like a warped narrative every bit as much as the next man. Here's the next in our line of tinfoil hats for the conspiracy theorist on the go:


Great frontal coverage!. But it looks suspiciously weak in covering the rear.

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Sunshine and rainbows. I do envy you guys.

Paranoia and confirmation bias. I'm fine, thanks. Outlandish theories are not my cup of tea.

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Sunshine and rainbows. I do envy you guys.

You should. I would hate to be filled with so much fear and paranoia.

I guess I am just lucky to be successful. I feel grateful for this country, not fearful of it.

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I dont know anything about an alleged conspiracy but .I do know that almost every dept of the govt has a SWAT team of paramilitary forces which obviously includes the BLM. I find it immensely interesting that people are defending the use of para-miltary forces against American citizens over civil dusputes. The BLM should have simply used their court order to have the Bundys served by the local sheriff with a lien on his cows and his property. Problem solved!

I have no problem with the govt wanting their fees, penalties and interest paid I have a BIG problem with robbing the guys cows at gun point, which is no conspiracy theory..that happened. There are many citizens who owe even more back taxes and interest than Bundy but, if the govt is going to evenly distribute their force in their collection efforts against the citizenry, they're going to have to go after a significant percentage of the population.

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You never answered my question Ben.

Sorry. Skimmed right over it.

I believe most of the people in our government believe they are acting in our best interests, however misguided their attempts may be. The big difference between you and me is that, in this case, where you see a needlessly complex, nefarious scheme, I merely see incompetence. Click that little smiley in my sig.

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