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The BLM wants 90,000 acres from Texas rancher. At first read this doesn't sound right. What am I missing? There are probably other maybe even better articles on this situation, if you hsve them provide them.

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The United States of SWAT. It is alarming how many government agencies have their own dedicated SWAT teams. I wont be surprised even a little bit if they send in 200 plus armed agents and steal this family's property. Never mind they have been paying taxes on it for over 100 years and have a deed to the land. If the current US government wants to run all over your rights, they do it without the least bit of hesitation or remorse. Oppression seems to be the most outwardly noticeable trait of this administration.

It would be nice if they acted with the same heavy handed resolve with our real enemies as they do with American citizens


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Par for the course. We are headed for civil discourse in places like this if the government continues to move in on the citizenry.

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autigrement.....but this time the civil discourse won't be praised like it was in the MLK era.

And why do you suppose that would be the case?

What an idiotic statement. :no:

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So, we are talking about added land here. What is the functioning reason for all this. Is the owner paying taxes on the expanding land? Is that it?

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Ruby Ridge. Branch Dividians. Elian Gonzalez.

and now the BLM.

Why does it seem that the Federal Govt threaten more of its citizenry with guns, in a formal and open manner, under Democratic Presidents ?

I know the bureaucracies are intact, regardless of who is in the WH, but it seems we have more of these sorts of actions taken by the Federal govt when 1 party is in power.

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Ruby Ridge. Branch Dividians. Elian Gonzalez.

and now the BLM.

Why does it seem that the Federal Govt threaten more of its citizenry with guns, in a formal and open manner, under Democratic Presidents ?

I know the bureaucracies are intact, regardless of who is in the WH, but it seems we have more of these sorts of actions taken by the Federal govt when 1 party is in power.

Wasn't Ruby Ridge Bush I?

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Yes but that doesn't make it right. Just shows the feds can be off base no matter who is Pres. The DOJ is always scary.

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It's Agenda 21, that I was ostracized were for mentioning in 2002. And that was outlawed in the state of Alabama about two years ago. Absent hanging the thugs from the end of a rope, it will not stop. See: ICELAND.

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Wasn't Ruby Ridge Bush I?

August 21 – August 31, 1992


Which is why I said most, not all. Like I said, the bureaucracies are still in tact. I just think they feel they have more of a friend in the WH when there's a Democrat in there than not. Not saying that Republicans are the be all, end all either.

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This is not a Dem or Repub issue. This is a "government completely out of control" issue. Put this many guns in the hands of this many federal bureaucrats and you will get people killed and overreach..

This is not a Dem or Repub issue. This is a "government completely out of control" issue. Put this many guns in the hands of this many federal bureaucrats and you will get people killed and overreach..

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This is not a Dem or Repub issue. This is a "government completely out of control" issue.

Yep. Same goes w/ the IRS targeting scandal, and Eric Holder's radical agenda.

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It's all about gun control.

Yep, the feds have them, we don't. That's he idea.


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Here you go Ben. This is for your fantasy world that you live in, in your mind:


Weegs, you left out the butterflies....... :dunno:
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Crap...I sure did. Honestly, I envy Bigbens. To be able to live in such a corrupt, agenda driven society, and see nothing but sunshine and rainbows must be incredible. I need some of those blinders.

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Crap...I sure did. Honestly, I envy Bigbens. To be able to live in such a corrupt, agenda driven society, and see nothing but sunshine and rainbows must be incredible. I need some of those blinders.


I like a warped narrative every bit as much as the next man. Here's the next in our line of tinfoil hats for the conspiracy theorist on the go:


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